Ethereal Release Notes"> %SvnVersionFile; Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU General Public License, Version 2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation.All logos and trademarks in this document are property of their respective owner."> ]>
Ethereal &EtherealCurrentVersion; Release Notes
What is Ethereal? Ethereal is the world's most popular network protocol analyzer. It is used for troubleshooting, analysis, development, and education.
What's New Here are just a few things that this version of Ethereal has to offer: Many security vulnerabilities have been elimited. In related news, all protocols are now disabled by default.
Getting Ethereal
Microsoft Windows Download ethereal-setup-&EtherealCurrentVersion;.exe from the Windows download area on the main web site. Double-click the installer executable.
Sun Solaris Download the appropriate package from the Solaris download area on the main web site. Uncompress the package using bzip2, and install it using pkgadd.
Source Code Download ethereal-&EtherealCurrentVersion;.tar.gz from the main download area on the web site. Extract the package using tar and gzip. Run "configure ; make ; make install".
Vendor-supplied Packages Most Linux and Unix vendors supply their own Ethereal packages. You can install or upgrade Ethereal using the package management system specific to that platform.
Removing Ethereal
File Locations
Known Problems
Getting Help
Frequently Asked Questions