# # - Find Kerberos # Find the native Kerberos includes and library # # KERBEROS_INCLUDE_DIRS - where to find krb5.h, etc. # KERBEROS_DEFINITIONS - -D and other compiler flags to use with krb5. # KERBEROS_LIBRARIES - List of libraries when using krb5. # KERBEROS_LINK_FLAGS - other linker flags to use with krb5. # KERBEROS_FOUND - True if krb5 found. # KERBEROS_DLL_DIR - (Windows) Path to the Kerberos DLLs. # KERBEROS_DLLS - (Windows) List of required Kerberos DLLs. # HAVE_HEIMDAL_KERBEROS - set if the Kerberos vendor is Heimdal # HAVE_MIT_KERBEROS - set if the Kerberos vendor is MIT if(KERBEROS_INCLUDE_DIRS) # Already in cache, be silent set(KERBEROS_FIND_QUIETLY TRUE) endif() include(FindWSWinLibs) FindWSWinLibs("krb5-.*" "KERBEROS_HINTS") if(NOT WIN32) find_package(PkgConfig) pkg_search_module(KERBEROS krb5 mit-krb5 heimdal-krb5) endif() if(KERBEROS_FOUND) # # Turn KERBEROS_CFLAGS_OTHER into KERBEROS_DEFINITIONS; # _DEFINITIONS really means "flags other than -I, # including both -D and other flags". # set(KERBEROS_DEFINITIONS "${KERBEROS_CFLAGS_OTHER}") # # KERBEROS_LIBRARIES is a list of library names, not library # paths, and KERBEROS_LIBRARY_DIRS is a list of -L flag # arguments. Turn KERBEROS_LIBRARIES into a list of absolute # paths for libraries, by searching for the libraries in # directories including KERBEROS_LIBRARY_DIRS. # set(_kerberos_libraries "${KERBEROS_LIBRARIES}") set(KERBEROS_LIBRARIES "") foreach(_library ${_kerberos_libraries}) # # Search for the library, using the library directories from # pkg_search_module as hints. # find_library(_abspath_${_library} NAMES ${_library} HINTS ${KERBEROS_LIBDIR} ${KERBEROS_LIBRARY_DIRS}) list(APPEND KERBEROS_LIBRARIES ${_abspath_${_library}}) endforeach() else() # Fallback detection if pkg-config files are not installed. # Note, this fallback will not add k5crypto and com_err libraries on Linux, # ensure that pkg-config files are installed for full support. find_path(KERBEROS_INCLUDE_DIR krb5.h HINTS "${KERBEROS_HINTS}/include" ) set(KERBEROS_NAMES krb5 krb5_32 krb5_64) find_library(KERBEROS_LIBRARY NAMES ${KERBEROS_NAMES} HINTS "${KERBEROS_HINTS}/lib" ) # handle the QUIETLY and REQUIRED arguments and set KERBEROS_FOUND to TRUE if # all listed variables are TRUE include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) find_package_handle_standard_args(KERBEROS DEFAULT_MSG KERBEROS_LIBRARY KERBEROS_INCLUDE_DIR) if(KERBEROS_FOUND) set(KERBEROS_LIBRARIES ${KERBEROS_LIBRARY}) set(KERBEROS_INCLUDE_DIRS ${KERBEROS_INCLUDE_DIR}) else() set(KERBEROS_LIBRARIES) set(KERBEROS_INCLUDE_DIRS) endif() endif() # Try to detect the installed Kerberos vendor, assume MIT if it was not Heimdal. if(KERBEROS_FOUND) include(CheckSymbolExists) set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES ${KERBEROS_INCLUDE_DIRS}) set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES ${KERBEROS_LIBRARIES}) #see also HAVE_HEIMDAL_KERBEROS in cmakeconfig.h.in check_symbol_exists("heimdal_version" "krb5.h" HAVE_HEIMDAL_KERBEROS) # see also HAVE_KRB5_PAC_VERIFY cmakeconfig.h.in check_symbol_exists("krb5_pac_verify" "krb5.h" HAVE_KRB5_PAC_VERIFY) # see also HAVE_KRB5_C_FX_CF2_SIMPLE in cmakeconfig.h.in check_symbol_exists("krb5_c_fx_cf2_simple" "krb5.h" HAVE_KRB5_C_FX_CF2_SIMPLE) check_function_exists(decode_krb5_enc_tkt_part HAVE_DECODE_KRB5_ENC_TKT_PART) check_function_exists(encode_krb5_enc_tkt_part HAVE_ENCODE_KRB5_ENC_TKT_PART) set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES) set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES) if(NOT HAVE_HEIMDAL_KERBEROS) set(HAVE_MIT_KERBEROS 1) endif() endif() if(WIN32) if(KERBEROS_FOUND) set(KERBEROS_DLL_DIR "${KERBEROS_HINTS}/bin" CACHE PATH "Path to the Kerberos DLLs" ) file(GLOB _kerberos_dlls RELATIVE "${KERBEROS_DLL_DIR}" "${KERBEROS_DLL_DIR}/comerr??.dll" "${KERBEROS_DLL_DIR}/krb5_??.dll" "${KERBEROS_DLL_DIR}/k5sprt??.dll" ) set(KERBEROS_DLLS ${_kerberos_dlls} # We're storing filenames only. Should we use STRING instead? CACHE FILEPATH "Kerberos DLL list" ) mark_as_advanced(KERBEROS_DLL_DIR KERBEROS_DLLS) else() set(KERBEROS_DLL_DIR) set(KERBEROS_DLLS) endif() endif() mark_as_advanced(KERBEROS_LIBRARIES KERBEROS_INCLUDE_DIRS KERBEROS_DEFINITIONS)