# # - Find gcrypt # Find the native GCRYPT includes and library # # GCRYPT_INCLUDE_DIRS - where to find gcrypt.h, etc. # GCRYPT_LIBRARIES - List of libraries when using gcrypt. # GCRYPT_FOUND - True if gcrypt found. # GCRYPT_DLL_DIR - (Windows) Path to the Libgcrypt DLLs. # GCRYPT_DLLS - (Windows) List of required Libgcrypt DLLs. if(GCRYPT_INCLUDE_DIRS) # Already in cache, be silent set(GCRYPT_FIND_QUIETLY TRUE) endif() include(FindWSWinLibs) FindWSWinLibs("libgcrypt-.*" "GCRYPT_HINTS") find_path(GCRYPT_INCLUDE_DIR gcrypt.h HINTS "${GCRYPT_HINTS}/include" ) # libgcrypt-20 is used in libgcrypt-1.8.3-win??ws (from Debian). # libgcrypt is used in libgcrypt-1.10.1-2-win??ws (from Debian). find_library(GCRYPT_LIBRARY NAMES gcrypt libgcrypt libgcrypt-20 HINTS "${GCRYPT_HINTS}/lib") # libgpg-error6-0 is used in libgcrypt-1.7.6-win??ws (built from source). # libgpg-error-0 is used in libgcrypt-1.8.3-win??ws (from Debian). # libgpg-error is used in libgcrypt-1.10.1-2-win??ws (from Debian). find_library(GCRYPT_ERROR_LIBRARY NAMES gpg-error libgpg-error libgpg-error-0 libgpg-error6-0 HINTS "${GCRYPT_HINTS}/lib") # Try to retrieve version from header if found (available since libgcrypt 1.3.0) if(GCRYPT_INCLUDE_DIR) set(_version_regex "^#define[ \t]+GCRYPT_VERSION[ \t]+\"([0-9\.]+\.[0-9]+).*") file(STRINGS "${GCRYPT_INCLUDE_DIR}/gcrypt.h" GCRYPT_VERSION REGEX "${_version_regex}") string(REGEX REPLACE "${_version_regex}" "\\1" GCRYPT_VERSION "${GCRYPT_VERSION}") unset(_version_regex) endif() include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) find_package_handle_standard_args(GCRYPT REQUIRED_VARS GCRYPT_LIBRARY GCRYPT_INCLUDE_DIR VERSION_VAR GCRYPT_VERSION) if(GCRYPT_FOUND) set(GCRYPT_LIBRARIES ${GCRYPT_LIBRARY} ${GCRYPT_ERROR_LIBRARY}) set(GCRYPT_INCLUDE_DIRS ${GCRYPT_INCLUDE_DIR}) if(WIN32) set(GCRYPT_DLL_DIR "${GCRYPT_HINTS}/bin" CACHE PATH "Path to the Libgcrypt DLLs" ) file(GLOB _gcrypt_dlls RELATIVE "${GCRYPT_DLL_DIR}" "${GCRYPT_DLL_DIR}/libgcrypt-*.dll" "${GCRYPT_DLL_DIR}/libgpg-error*.dll" ) set(GCRYPT_DLLS ${_gcrypt_dlls} # We're storing filenames only. Should we use STRING instead? CACHE FILEPATH "Libgcrypt DLL list" ) mark_as_advanced(GCRYPT_DLL_DIR GCRYPT_DLLS) endif() else() set(GCRYPT_LIBRARIES) set(GCRYPT_INCLUDE_DIRS) set(GCRYPT_DLL_DIR) set(GCRYPT_DLLS) endif() mark_as_advanced(GCRYPT_LIBRARIES GCRYPT_INCLUDE_DIRS)