---------------------------------------- -- script-name: protofield.lua -- This is based on the dissector.lua example script, which is also used for testing. -- Unlike that one, this one is purely for testing even more things, notably -- the ProtoField API. ---------------------------------------- ------------- general test helper funcs ------------ local OTHER = "other" local total_tests = 0 local function getTotal() return total_tests end local passed = {} local function setPassed(name) if not passed[name] then passed[name] = 1 else passed[name] = passed[name] + 1 end total_tests = total_tests + 1 end local fail_count = 0 local function setFailed(name) fail_count = fail_count + 1 total_tests = total_tests + 1 end -- expected number of runs local taptests = { [OTHER]=28 } local function getResults() print("\n-----------------------------\n") for k,v in pairs(taptests) do if v ~= 0 and passed[k] ~= v then print("Something didn't run or ran too much... tests failed!") print("Dissector type "..k.." expected: "..v..", but got: "..tostring(passed[k])) return false end end print("All tests passed!\n\n") return true end local function test(type,name, ...) io.stdout:write("test "..type.."-->"..name.."-"..getTotal().."...") if (...) == true then setPassed(type) io.stdout:write("passed\n") return true else setFailed(type) io.stdout:write("failed!\n") error(name.." test failed!") end end ------------- test script ------------ ---------------------------------- -- modify original test function for now, kinda sorta local orig_test = test test = function (...) return orig_test(OTHER,...) end ---------------------------------------- local test_proto = Proto.new("test", "Test Proto") test_proto.fields.time_field = ProtoField.uint16("test.time", "Time", base.UNIT_STRING, {" sec", " secs"}) test_proto.fields.dist_field = ProtoField.uint16("test.dist", "Distance", base.UNIT_STRING, {" km"}) -- Field name: empty, illegal, incompatible success = pcall(ProtoField.int8, nil, "empty field name 1") test("ProtoField-empty-field-name-1", not success) success = pcall(ProtoField.int8, "", "empty field name 2") test("ProtoField-empty-field-name-2", not success) success = pcall(ProtoField.int8, "test.$", "illegal field name") test("ProtoField-illegal-field-name", not success) success = pcall(ProtoField.int8, "frame.time", "incompatible field name") test("ProtoField-incompatible-field-name", not success) -- Actual name: empty success = pcall(ProtoField.int8, "test.empty_name_1") test("ProtoField-empty-name-1", success) -- will use abbrev success = pcall(ProtoField.int8, "test.empty_name_2", "") test("ProtoField-empty-name-2", not success) -- Signed integer base values, only base.DEC should work success = pcall(ProtoField.int8, "test.int.base_none", "int base NONE", base.NONE) test("ProtoField-int-base-none", not success) success = pcall(ProtoField.int8, "test.int.base_dec", "int base DEC", base.DEC) test("ProtoField-int-base-dec", success) success = pcall(ProtoField.int8, "test.int.base_hex", "int base HEX", base.HEX) test("ProtoField-int-base-hex", not success) success = pcall(ProtoField.int8, "test.int.base_oct", "int base OCT", base.OCT) test("ProtoField-int-base-oct", not success) success = pcall(ProtoField.int8, "test.int.base_dec_hex", "int base DEC_HEX", base.DEC_HEX) test("ProtoField-int-base-dec-hex", not success) success = pcall(ProtoField.int8, "test.int.base_hex_dec", "int base HEX_DEC", base.HEX_DEC) test("ProtoField-int-base-hex-dec", not success) -- Passing no table should not work success = pcall(ProtoField.uint16, "test.bad0", "Bad0", base.UNIT_STRING) test("ProtoField-unitstring-no-table", not success) -- Passing an empty table should not work success = pcall(ProtoField.uint16, "test.bad1", "Bad1", base.UNIT_STRING, {}) test("ProtoField-unitstring-empty-table", not success) -- Passing userdata should not work success = pcall(ProtoField.uint16, "test.bad2", "Bad2", base.UNIT_STRING, {test_proto}) test("ProtoField-unitstring-userdata", not success) -- Too many items are not supported success = pcall(ProtoField.uint16, "test.bad3", "Bad3", base.UNIT_STRING, {"too", "many", "items"}) test("ProtoField-unitstring-too-many-items", not success) local numinits = 0 function test_proto.init() numinits = numinits + 1 if numinits == 2 then getResults() end end -- Test expected text with singular and plural forms function test_proto.dissector(tvb, pinfo, tree) local ti local tvb1 = ByteArray.new("00 00"):tvb("Tvb1") ti = tree:add(test_proto.fields.time_field, tvb1()) test("Time: 0 secs", ti.text == "Time: 0 secs") ti = tree:add(test_proto.fields.dist_field, tvb1()) test("Distance: 0 km", ti.text == "Distance: 0 km") local tvb2 = ByteArray.new("00 01"):tvb("Tvb2") ti = tree:add(test_proto.fields.time_field, tvb2()) test("Time: 1 sec", ti.text == "Time: 1 sec") ti = tree:add(test_proto.fields.dist_field, tvb2()) test("Distance: 1 km", ti.text == "Distance: 1 km") local tvb3 = ByteArray.new("ff ff"):tvb("Tvb3") ti = tree:add(test_proto.fields.time_field, tvb3()) test("Time: 65535 secs", ti.text == "Time: 65535 secs") ti = tree:add(test_proto.fields.dist_field, tvb3()) test("Distance: 65535 km", ti.text == "Distance: 65535 km") end DissectorTable.get("udp.port"):add(65333, test_proto)