/* display_filter_edit.cpp * * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer * By Gerald Combs * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include "display_filter_edit.h" #include "filter_dialog.h" #include "stock_icon_tool_button.h" #include "syntax_line_edit.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // To do: // - Get rid of shortcuts and replace them with "n most recently applied filters"? // - We need simplified (button- and dropdown-free) versions for use in dialogs and field-only checking. // - Add a separator or otherwise distinguish between recent items and fields // in the completion dropdown. #if defined(Q_OS_MAC) && 0 // http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/Cocoa/Reference/ApplicationKit/Classes/NSImage_Class/Reference/Reference.html // http://www.virtualbox.org/svn/vbox/trunk/src/VBox/Frontends/VirtualBox/src/platform/darwin/UICocoaSpecialControls.mm class UIMiniCancelButton: public QAbstractButton { Q_OBJECT; public: UIMiniCancelButton(QWidget *pParent = 0); void setText(const QString &strText) { m_pButton->setText(strText); } void setToolTip(const QString &strTip) { m_pButton->setToolTip(strTip); } void removeBorder() {} protected: void paintEvent(QPaintEvent * /* pEvent */) {} void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *pEvent); private: UICocoaButton *m_pButton; }; UIMiniCancelButton::UIMiniCancelButton(QWidget *pParent /* = 0 */) : QAbstractButton(pParent) { setShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::Key_Escape)); m_pButton = new UICocoaButton(UICocoaButton::CancelButton, this); connect(m_pButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SIGNAL(clicked())); setFixedSize(m_pButton->size()); } #endif #ifdef __APPLE__ #define DEFAULT_MODIFIER UTF8_PLACE_OF_INTEREST_SIGN #else #define DEFAULT_MODIFIER "Ctrl-" #endif // proto.c:fld_abbrev_chars static const QString fld_abbrev_chars_ = "-.0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; DisplayFilterEdit::DisplayFilterEdit(QWidget *parent, DisplayFilterEditType type) : SyntaxLineEdit(parent), type_(type), save_action_(NULL), remove_action_(NULL), bookmark_button_(NULL), clear_button_(NULL), apply_button_(NULL) { setAccessibleName(tr("Display filter entry")); completion_model_ = new QStringListModel(this); setCompleter(new QCompleter(completion_model_, this)); setCompletionTokenChars(fld_abbrev_chars_); setDefaultPlaceholderText(); // DFCombo // Bookmark // DisplayFilterEdit // Clear button // Apply (right arrow) // Combo drop-down if (type_ == DisplayFilterToApply) { bookmark_button_ = new StockIconToolButton(this, "x-display-filter-bookmark"); bookmark_button_->setCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor); bookmark_button_->setMenu(new QMenu()); bookmark_button_->setPopupMode(QToolButton::InstantPopup); bookmark_button_->setToolTip(tr("Manage saved bookmarks.")); bookmark_button_->setIconSize(QSize(14, 14)); bookmark_button_->setStyleSheet( "QToolButton {" " border: none;" " background: transparent;" // Disables platform style on Windows. " padding: 0 0 0 0;" "}" "QToolButton::menu-indicator { image: none; }" ); } if (type_ == DisplayFilterToApply) { clear_button_ = new StockIconToolButton(this, "x-filter-clear"); clear_button_->setCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor); clear_button_->setToolTip(QString()); clear_button_->setIconSize(QSize(14, 14)); clear_button_->setStyleSheet( "QToolButton {" " border: none;" " background: transparent;" // Disables platform style on Windows. " padding: 0 0 0 0;" " margin-left: 1px;" "}" ); connect(clear_button_, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(clearFilter())); } connect(this, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)), this, SLOT(checkFilter(const QString&))); if (type_ == DisplayFilterToApply) { apply_button_ = new StockIconToolButton(this, "x-filter-apply"); apply_button_->setCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor); apply_button_->setEnabled(false); apply_button_->setToolTip(tr("Apply this filter string to the display.")); apply_button_->setIconSize(QSize(24, 14)); apply_button_->setStyleSheet( "QToolButton {" " border: none;" " background: transparent;" // Disables platform style on Windows. " padding: 0 0 0 0;" "}" ); connect(apply_button_, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(applyDisplayFilter())); connect(this, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, SLOT(applyDisplayFilter())); } int frameWidth = style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_DefaultFrameWidth); QSize bksz; if (bookmark_button_) { bksz = bookmark_button_->sizeHint(); } QSize cbsz; if (clear_button_) { cbsz = clear_button_->sizeHint(); } QSize apsz; if (apply_button_) { apsz = apply_button_->sizeHint(); } setStyleSheet(QString( "DisplayFilterEdit {" " padding-left: %1px;" " margin-left: %2px;" " margin-right: %3px;" "}" ) .arg(frameWidth + 1) .arg(bksz.width()) .arg(cbsz.width() + apsz.width() + frameWidth + 1) ); connect(wsApp, SIGNAL(appInitialized()), this, SLOT(updateBookmarkMenu())); connect(wsApp, SIGNAL(displayFilterListChanged()), this, SLOT(updateBookmarkMenu())); } void DisplayFilterEdit::setDefaultPlaceholderText() { switch (type_) { case DisplayFilterToApply: placeholder_text_ = QString(tr("Apply a display filter %1 <%2/>")).arg(UTF8_HORIZONTAL_ELLIPSIS) .arg(DEFAULT_MODIFIER); break; case DisplayFilterToEnter: placeholder_text_ = QString(tr("Enter a display filter %1")).arg(UTF8_HORIZONTAL_ELLIPSIS); break; case ReadFilterToApply: placeholder_text_ = QString(tr("Apply a read filter %1")).arg(UTF8_HORIZONTAL_ELLIPSIS); break; } #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(4, 7, 0) setPlaceholderText(placeholder_text_); #endif } void DisplayFilterEdit::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *evt) { SyntaxLineEdit::paintEvent(evt); if (bookmark_button_) { // Draw the right border by hand. We could try to do this in the // style sheet but it's a pain. #ifdef Q_OS_MAC QColor divider_color = Qt::gray; #else QColor divider_color = palette().shadow().color(); #endif QPainter painter(this); painter.setPen(divider_color); QRect cr = contentsRect(); QSize bksz = bookmark_button_->size(); painter.drawLine(bksz.width(), cr.top(), bksz.width(), cr.bottom()); } #if QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(4, 7, 0) // http://wiki.forum.nokia.com/index.php/Custom_QLineEdit if (text().isEmpty() && ! this->hasFocus()) { QPainter p(this); QFont f = font(); f.setItalic(true); p.setFont(f); QColor color(palette().color(foregroundRole())); color.setAlphaF(0.5); p.setPen(color); QStyleOptionFrame opt; initStyleOption(&opt); QRect cr = style()->subElementRect(QStyle::SE_LineEditContents, &opt, this); cr.setLeft(cr.left() + 2); cr.setRight(cr.right() - 2); p.drawText(cr, Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignVCenter, placeholder_text_); } // else check filter syntax and set the background accordingly // XXX - Should we add little warning/error icons as well? #endif // QT < 4.7 } void DisplayFilterEdit::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *) { QSize cbsz; if (clear_button_) { cbsz = clear_button_->sizeHint(); } QSize apsz; if (apply_button_) { apsz = apply_button_->sizeHint(); } else { apsz.setHeight(0); apsz.setWidth(0); } int frameWidth = style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_DefaultFrameWidth); if (clear_button_) { clear_button_->move(contentsRect().right() - frameWidth - cbsz.width() - apsz.width(), contentsRect().top()); clear_button_->setMinimumHeight(contentsRect().height()); clear_button_->setMaximumHeight(contentsRect().height()); } if (apply_button_) { apply_button_->move(contentsRect().right() - frameWidth - apsz.width(), contentsRect().top()); apply_button_->setMinimumHeight(contentsRect().height()); apply_button_->setMaximumHeight(contentsRect().height()); } if (bookmark_button_) { bookmark_button_->setMinimumHeight(contentsRect().height()); bookmark_button_->setMaximumHeight(contentsRect().height()); } } void DisplayFilterEdit::focusOutEvent(QFocusEvent *event) { if (syntaxState() == Valid) emit popFilterSyntaxStatus(); SyntaxLineEdit::focusOutEvent(event); } bool DisplayFilterEdit::checkFilter() { checkFilter(text()); return syntaxState() != Invalid; } void DisplayFilterEdit::checkFilter(const QString& filter_text) { if (clear_button_) { clear_button_->setVisible(!filter_text.isEmpty()); } popFilterSyntaxStatus(); checkDisplayFilter(filter_text); switch (syntaxState()) { case Deprecated: { emit pushFilterSyntaxWarning(syntaxErrorMessage()); break; } case Invalid: { QString invalidMsg(tr("Invalid filter: ")); invalidMsg.append(syntaxErrorMessage()); emit pushFilterSyntaxStatus(invalidMsg); break; } default: break; } if (bookmark_button_) { bool enable_save_action = false; bool match = false; for (GList *df_item = get_filter_list_first(DFILTER_LIST); df_item; df_item = g_list_next(df_item)) { if (!df_item->data) continue; filter_def *df_def = (filter_def *) df_item->data; if (!df_def->name || !df_def->strval) continue; if (filter_text.compare(df_def->strval) == 0) { match = true; } } if (match) { bookmark_button_->setStockIcon("x-filter-matching-bookmark"); if (remove_action_) { remove_action_->setData(text()); remove_action_->setVisible(true); } } else { bookmark_button_->setStockIcon("x-display-filter-bookmark"); if (remove_action_) { remove_action_->setVisible(false); } } if (!match && (syntaxState() == Valid || syntaxState() == Deprecated) && !filter_text.isEmpty()) { enable_save_action = true; } if (save_action_) { save_action_->setEnabled(enable_save_action); } } if (apply_button_) { apply_button_->setEnabled(syntaxState() != Invalid); } } void DisplayFilterEdit::updateBookmarkMenu() { if (!bookmark_button_) return; QMenu *bb_menu = bookmark_button_->menu(); bb_menu->clear(); save_action_ = bb_menu->addAction(tr("Save this filter")); connect(save_action_, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(saveFilter())); remove_action_ = bb_menu->addAction(tr("Remove this filter")); connect(remove_action_, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(removeFilter())); QAction *manage_action = bb_menu->addAction(tr("Manage Display Filters")); connect(manage_action, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(showFilters())); QAction *expr_action = bb_menu->addAction(tr("Manage Filter Expressions")); connect(expr_action, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(showExpressionPrefs())); bb_menu->addSeparator(); for (GList *df_item = get_filter_list_first(DFILTER_LIST); df_item; df_item = g_list_next(df_item)) { if (!df_item->data) continue; filter_def *df_def = (filter_def *) df_item->data; if (!df_def->name || !df_def->strval) continue; int one_em = bb_menu->fontMetrics().height(); QString prep_text = QString("%1: %2").arg(df_def->name).arg(df_def->strval); prep_text = bb_menu->fontMetrics().elidedText(prep_text, Qt::ElideRight, one_em * 40); QAction *prep_action = bb_menu->addAction(prep_text); prep_action->setData(df_def->strval); connect(prep_action, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(prepareFilter())); } checkFilter(); } // GTK+ behavior: // - Operates on words (proto.c:fld_abbrev_chars). // - Popup appears when you enter or remove text. // Our behavior: // - Operates on words (fld_abbrev_chars_). // - Popup appears when you enter or remove text. // - Popup appears when you move the cursor. // - Popup does not appear when text is selected. // - Recent and saved display filters in popup when editing first word. // ui/gtk/filter_autocomplete.c:build_autocompletion_list void DisplayFilterEdit::buildCompletionList(const QString &field_word) { // Push a hint about the current field. if (syntaxState() == Valid) { emit popFilterSyntaxStatus(); header_field_info *hfinfo = proto_registrar_get_byname(field_word.toUtf8().constData()); if (hfinfo) { QString cursor_field_msg = QString("%1: %2") .arg(hfinfo->name) .arg(ftype_pretty_name(hfinfo->type)); emit pushFilterSyntaxStatus(cursor_field_msg); } } if (field_word.length() < 1) { completion_model_->setStringList(QStringList()); return; } // Grab matching display filters from our parent combo and from the // saved display filters file. Skip ones that look like single fields // and assume they will be added below. QStringList complex_list; QComboBox *df_combo = qobject_cast(parent()); if (df_combo) { for (int i = 0; i < df_combo->count() ; i++) { QString recent_filter = df_combo->itemText(i); if (isComplexFilter(recent_filter)) { complex_list << recent_filter; } } } for (const GList *df_item = get_filter_list_first(DFILTER_LIST); df_item; df_item = g_list_next(df_item)) { const filter_def *df_def = (filter_def *) df_item->data; if (!df_def || !df_def->strval) continue; QString saved_filter = df_def->strval; if (isComplexFilter(saved_filter) && !complex_list.contains(saved_filter)) { complex_list << saved_filter; } } completion_model_->setStringList(complex_list); completer()->setCompletionPrefix(field_word); void *proto_cookie; QStringList field_list; int field_dots = field_word.count('.'); // Some protocol names (_ws.expert) contain periods. for (int proto_id = proto_get_first_protocol(&proto_cookie); proto_id != -1; proto_id = proto_get_next_protocol(&proto_cookie)) { protocol_t *protocol = find_protocol_by_id(proto_id); if (!proto_is_protocol_enabled(protocol)) continue; // Don't complete the current word. const QString pfname = proto_get_protocol_filter_name(proto_id); if (field_word.compare(pfname)) field_list << pfname; // Add fields only if we're past the protocol name and only for the // current protocol. if (field_dots > pfname.count('.')) { void *field_cookie; const QByteArray fw_ba = field_word.toUtf8(); // or toLatin1 or toStdString? const char *fw_utf8 = fw_ba.constData(); gsize fw_len = (gsize) strlen(fw_utf8); for (header_field_info *hfinfo = proto_get_first_protocol_field(proto_id, &field_cookie); hfinfo; hfinfo = proto_get_next_protocol_field(proto_id, &field_cookie)) { if (hfinfo->same_name_prev_id != -1) continue; // Ignore duplicate names. if (!g_ascii_strncasecmp(fw_utf8, hfinfo->abbrev, fw_len)) { if ((gsize) strlen(hfinfo->abbrev) != fw_len) field_list << hfinfo->abbrev; } } } } field_list.sort(); completion_model_->setStringList(complex_list + field_list); completer()->setCompletionPrefix(field_word); } void DisplayFilterEdit::clearFilter() { clear(); QString new_filter; emit filterPackets(new_filter, true); } void DisplayFilterEdit::applyDisplayFilter() { if (syntaxState() == Invalid) { return; } QString new_filter = text(); emit filterPackets(new_filter, true); } void DisplayFilterEdit::displayFilterSuccess(bool success) { apply_button_->setEnabled(!success); } void DisplayFilterEdit::changeEvent(QEvent* event) { if (0 != event) { switch (event->type()) { case QEvent::LanguageChange: setDefaultPlaceholderText(); break; default: break; } } SyntaxLineEdit::changeEvent(event); } void DisplayFilterEdit::saveFilter() { FilterDialog display_filter_dlg(window(), FilterDialog::DisplayFilter, text()); display_filter_dlg.exec(); } void DisplayFilterEdit::removeFilter() { QAction *ra = qobject_cast(sender()); if (!ra || ra->data().toString().isEmpty()) return; QString remove_filter = ra->data().toString(); for (GList *df_item = get_filter_list_first(DFILTER_LIST); df_item; df_item = g_list_next(df_item)) { if (!df_item->data) continue; filter_def *df_def = (filter_def *) df_item->data; if (!df_def->name || !df_def->strval) continue; if (remove_filter.compare(df_def->strval) == 0) { remove_from_filter_list(DFILTER_LIST, df_item); } } char *f_path; int f_save_errno; save_filter_list(DFILTER_LIST, &f_path, &f_save_errno); if (f_path != NULL) { // We had an error saving the filter. QString warning_title = tr("Unable to save display filter settings."); QString warning_msg = tr("Could not save to your display filter file\n\"%1\": %2.").arg(f_path).arg(g_strerror(f_save_errno)); QMessageBox::warning(this, warning_title, warning_msg, QMessageBox::Ok); g_free(f_path); } updateBookmarkMenu(); } void DisplayFilterEdit::showFilters() { FilterDialog display_filter_dlg(window(), FilterDialog::DisplayFilter); display_filter_dlg.exec(); } void DisplayFilterEdit::showExpressionPrefs() { emit showPreferencesDialog(PreferencesDialog::ppFilterExpressions); } void DisplayFilterEdit::prepareFilter() { QAction *pa = qobject_cast(sender()); if (!pa || pa->data().toString().isEmpty()) return; setText(pa->data().toString()); } /* * Editor modelines * * Local Variables: * c-basic-offset: 4 * tab-width: 8 * indent-tabs-mode: nil * End: * * ex: set shiftwidth=4 tabstop=8 expandtab: * :indentSize=4:tabSize=8:noTabs=true: */