/* extcap_parser.c * * Routines for extcap external capture * Copyright 2013, Mike Ryan * * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer * By Gerald Combs * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include "extcap_parser.h" void extcap_printf_complex(extcap_complex *comp) { gchar *ret = extcap_get_complex_as_string(comp); printf("%s", ret); g_free(ret); } gchar *extcap_get_complex_as_string(extcap_complex *comp) { /* Pick an arbitrary size that should be big enough */ gchar *ret = g_new(gchar, 32); if (comp == NULL) { g_snprintf(ret, 32, "(null)"); return ret; } switch (comp->complex_type) { case EXTCAP_ARG_INTEGER: g_snprintf(ret, 32, "%d", comp->complex_value.int_value); break; case EXTCAP_ARG_UNSIGNED: g_snprintf(ret, 32, "%u", comp->complex_value.uint_value); break; case EXTCAP_ARG_LONG: g_snprintf(ret, 32, "%ld", comp->complex_value.long_value); break; case EXTCAP_ARG_DOUBLE: g_snprintf(ret, 32, "%f", comp->complex_value.double_value); break; case EXTCAP_ARG_BOOLEAN: g_snprintf(ret, 32, "%s", comp->complex_value.bool_value ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); break; case EXTCAP_ARG_STRING: case EXTCAP_ARG_FILESELECT: g_free(ret); ret = g_strdup(comp->complex_value.string_value); break; default: /* Nulling out the return string */ g_snprintf(ret, 32, " "); break; } return ret; } extcap_complex *extcap_parse_complex(extcap_arg_type complex_type, const gchar *data) { extcap_complex *rc = g_new(extcap_complex, 1); gboolean success = FALSE; long double exp_f; switch (complex_type) { case EXTCAP_ARG_INTEGER: if (sscanf(data, "%Lf", &exp_f) == 1) { rc->complex_value.int_value = (int) exp_f; success = TRUE; break; } break; case EXTCAP_ARG_UNSIGNED: if (sscanf(data, "%Lf", &exp_f) == 1) { rc->complex_value.uint_value = (unsigned int) exp_f; success = TRUE; break; } break; case EXTCAP_ARG_LONG: if (sscanf(data, "%Lf", &exp_f) == 1) { rc->complex_value.long_value = (long) exp_f; success = TRUE; break; } break; case EXTCAP_ARG_DOUBLE: if (sscanf(data, "%Lf", &exp_f) == 1) { rc->complex_value.double_value = (double) exp_f; success = TRUE; break; } break; case EXTCAP_ARG_BOOLEAN: case EXTCAP_ARG_BOOLFLAG: if (data[0] == 't' || data[0] == 'T' || data[0] == '1') { rc->complex_value.bool_value = 1; } else { rc->complex_value.bool_value = 0; } success = TRUE; break; case EXTCAP_ARG_STRING: case EXTCAP_ARG_FILESELECT: rc->complex_value.string_value = g_strdup(data); success = TRUE; break; default: break; } if (!success) { g_free(rc); return NULL ; } rc->complex_type = complex_type; rc->value_filled = TRUE; return rc; } gboolean extcap_compare_is_default(extcap_arg *element, extcap_complex *test) { gboolean result = FALSE; if (element->default_complex == NULL) return result; switch (element->arg_type) { case EXTCAP_ARG_INTEGER: if (extcap_complex_get_int(test) == extcap_complex_get_int(element->default_complex)) result = TRUE; break; case EXTCAP_ARG_UNSIGNED: if (extcap_complex_get_uint(test) == extcap_complex_get_uint(element->default_complex)) result = TRUE; break; case EXTCAP_ARG_LONG: if (extcap_complex_get_long(test) == extcap_complex_get_long(element->default_complex)) result = TRUE; break; case EXTCAP_ARG_DOUBLE: if (extcap_complex_get_double(test) == extcap_complex_get_double(element->default_complex)) result = TRUE; break; case EXTCAP_ARG_BOOLEAN: case EXTCAP_ARG_BOOLFLAG: if (extcap_complex_get_bool(test) == extcap_complex_get_bool(element->default_complex)) result = TRUE; break; case EXTCAP_ARG_STRING: if (strcmp(extcap_complex_get_string(test), extcap_complex_get_string(element->default_complex)) == 0) result = TRUE; break; default: break; } return result; } void extcap_free_complex(extcap_complex *comp) { if (comp->complex_type == EXTCAP_ARG_STRING || comp->complex_type == EXTCAP_ARG_FILESELECT) g_free(comp->complex_value.string_value); g_free(comp); } int extcap_complex_get_int(extcap_complex *comp) { if ( comp == NULL ) return (int)0; return comp->complex_value.int_value; } unsigned int extcap_complex_get_uint(extcap_complex *comp) { if ( comp == NULL ) return (unsigned int)0; return comp->complex_value.uint_value; } long extcap_complex_get_long(extcap_complex *comp) { if ( comp == NULL ) return (long)0; return comp->complex_value.long_value; } double extcap_complex_get_double(extcap_complex *comp) { if ( comp == NULL ) return (double)0; return comp->complex_value.double_value; } gboolean extcap_complex_get_bool(extcap_complex *comp) { if ( comp == NULL ) return FALSE; return comp->complex_value.bool_value; } gchar *extcap_complex_get_string(extcap_complex *comp) { return comp->complex_value.string_value; } void extcap_free_tokenized_param(extcap_token_param *v) { if (v == NULL) return; if (v->arg != NULL) g_free(v->arg); if (v->value != NULL) g_free(v->value); g_free(v); } void extcap_free_tokenized_sentence(extcap_token_sentence *s) { extcap_token_param *tv; if (s == NULL) return; if (s->sentence != NULL) g_free(s->sentence); while (s->param_list != NULL ) { tv = s->param_list; s->param_list = tv->next_token; extcap_free_tokenized_param(tv); } } void extcap_free_tokenized_sentence_list(extcap_token_sentence *f) { extcap_token_sentence *t; while (f != NULL ) { t = f->next_sentence; extcap_free_tokenized_sentence(f); f = t; } } extcap_token_sentence *extcap_tokenize_sentence(const gchar *s) { gchar *b, *e, *eq; extcap_token_param *tv = NULL; extcap_token_sentence *rs = g_new(extcap_token_sentence, 1); rs->sentence = NULL; rs->next_sentence = NULL; rs->param_list = NULL; if ((b = g_strstr_len(s, -1, " ")) == NULL) { extcap_free_tokenized_sentence(rs); return NULL ; } rs->sentence = g_strndup(s, b - s); if ((b = g_strstr_len(s, -1, "{")) == NULL) { /* printf("debug - tokenizer - sentence with no values\n"); */ extcap_free_tokenized_sentence(rs); return NULL ; } while (b != NULL ) { if ((e = g_strstr_len(b, -1, "}")) == NULL) { /* printf("debug - tokenizer - invalid, missing }\n"); */ extcap_free_tokenized_sentence(rs); return NULL ; } if ((eq = g_strstr_len(b, -1, "=")) == NULL) { /* printf("debug - tokenizer - invalid, missing =\n"); */ extcap_free_tokenized_sentence(rs); return NULL ; } b++; e--; if (b >= eq || e <= eq) { /* printf("debug - tokenizer - invalid, missing arg or value in {}\n"); */ extcap_free_tokenized_sentence(rs); return NULL ; } tv = g_new(extcap_token_param, 1); tv->arg = g_strndup(b, eq - b); tv->value = g_strndup(eq + 1, e - eq); if (g_ascii_strcasecmp(tv->arg, "number") == 0) { tv->param_type = EXTCAP_PARAM_ARGNUM; } else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp(tv->arg, "call") == 0) { tv->param_type = EXTCAP_PARAM_CALL; } else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp(tv->arg, "display") == 0) { tv->param_type = EXTCAP_PARAM_DISPLAY; } else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp(tv->arg, "type") == 0) { tv->param_type = EXTCAP_PARAM_TYPE; } else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp(tv->arg, "arg") == 0) { tv->param_type = EXTCAP_PARAM_ARG; } else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp(tv->arg, "default") == 0) { tv->param_type = EXTCAP_PARAM_DEFAULT; } else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp(tv->arg, "value") == 0) { tv->param_type = EXTCAP_PARAM_VALUE; } else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp(tv->arg, "range") == 0) { tv->param_type = EXTCAP_PARAM_RANGE; } else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp(tv->arg, "tooltip") == 0) { tv->param_type = EXTCAP_PARAM_TOOLTIP; } else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp(tv->arg, "mustexist") == 0) { tv->param_type = EXTCAP_PARAM_FILE_MUSTEXIST; } else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp(tv->arg, "name") == 0) { tv->param_type = EXTCAP_PARAM_NAME; } else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp(tv->arg, "enabled") == 0) { tv->param_type = EXTCAP_PARAM_ENABLED; } else { tv->param_type = EXTCAP_PARAM_UNKNOWN; } tv->next_token = rs->param_list; rs->param_list = tv; /* printf("debug - tokenizer - got '%s' = '%s'\n", tv->arg, tv->value); */ b = e + 1; if ((size_t) (b - s) > strlen(s)) break; b = g_strstr_len(b, -1, "{"); } return rs; } extcap_token_sentence *extcap_tokenize_sentences(const gchar *s) { extcap_token_sentence *first = NULL, *cur = NULL, *last = NULL; gchar **list, **list_iter; list_iter = list = g_strsplit(s, "\n", 0); while (*list_iter != NULL ) { cur = extcap_tokenize_sentence(*list_iter); if (cur != NULL) { if (first == NULL) { first = cur; last = cur; } else { last->next_sentence = cur; last = cur; } } list_iter++; } g_strfreev(list); return first; } extcap_token_param *extcap_find_param_by_type(extcap_token_param *first, extcap_param_type t) { while (first != NULL ) { if (first->param_type == t) { return first; } first = first->next_token; } return NULL ; } void extcap_free_value(extcap_value *v) { if (v == NULL) return; if (v->call != NULL) g_free(v->call); if (v->display != NULL) g_free(v->display); g_free(v); } extcap_interface *extcap_new_interface(void) { extcap_interface *r = g_new(extcap_interface, 1); r->call = r->display = NULL; r->next_interface = NULL; return r; } void extcap_free_interface(extcap_interface *i) { if (i == NULL) return; if (i->call != NULL) g_free(i->call); if (i->display != NULL) g_free(i->display); } extcap_dlt *extcap_new_dlt(void) { extcap_dlt *r = g_new(extcap_dlt, 1); r->number = -1; r->name = r->display = NULL; r->next_dlt = NULL; return r; } void extcap_free_dlt(extcap_dlt *d) { if (d == NULL) return; if (d->name != NULL) g_free(d->name); if (d->display != NULL) g_free(d->display); } extcap_arg *extcap_new_arg(void) { extcap_arg *r = g_new(extcap_arg, 1); r->call = NULL; r->display = NULL; r->tooltip = NULL; r->arg_type = EXTCAP_ARG_UNKNOWN; r->range_start = NULL; r->range_end = NULL; r->default_complex = NULL; r->fileexists = FALSE; r->values = NULL; /*r->next_arg = NULL; */ return r; } static void extcap_free_valuelist(gpointer data, gpointer user_data _U_) { extcap_free_value((extcap_value *) data); } void extcap_free_arg(extcap_arg *a) { if (a == NULL) return; if (a->call != NULL) g_free(a->call); if (a->display != NULL) g_free(a->display); if (a->tooltip != NULL) g_free(a->tooltip); if (a->range_start != NULL) extcap_free_complex(a->range_start); if (a->range_end != NULL) extcap_free_complex(a->range_end); if (a->default_complex != NULL) extcap_free_complex(a->default_complex); g_list_foreach(a->values, (GFunc) extcap_free_valuelist, NULL); } static void extcap_free_arg_list_cb(gpointer listentry) { if (listentry != NULL) extcap_free_arg((extcap_arg *) listentry); } void extcap_free_arg_list(GList *a) { g_list_free_full(a, extcap_free_arg_list_cb); } static gint glist_find_numbered_arg(gconstpointer listelem, gconstpointer needle) { if (((const extcap_arg *) listelem)->arg_num == *((const int*) needle)) return 0; return 1; } extcap_arg *extcap_parse_arg_sentence(GList * args, extcap_token_sentence *s) { extcap_token_param *v = NULL; extcap_arg *target_arg = NULL; extcap_value *value = NULL; GList * entry = NULL; int tint; extcap_sentence_type sent = EXTCAP_SENTENCE_UNKNOWN; if (s == NULL) return target_arg; if (g_ascii_strcasecmp(s->sentence, "arg") == 0) { sent = EXTCAP_SENTENCE_ARG; /* printf("ARG sentence\n"); */ } else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp(s->sentence, "value") == 0) { sent = EXTCAP_SENTENCE_VALUE; /* printf("VALUE sentence\n"); */ } if (sent == EXTCAP_SENTENCE_ARG) { target_arg = extcap_new_arg(); if ((v = extcap_find_param_by_type(s->param_list, EXTCAP_PARAM_ARGNUM)) == NULL) { extcap_free_arg(target_arg); return NULL ; } if (sscanf(v->value, "%d", &(target_arg->arg_num)) != 1) { extcap_free_arg(target_arg); return NULL ; } if ((v = extcap_find_param_by_type(s->param_list, EXTCAP_PARAM_CALL)) == NULL) { extcap_free_arg(target_arg); return NULL ; } target_arg->call = g_strdup(v->value); /* No value only parameters allowed */ if (strlen(target_arg->call) == 0) { extcap_free_arg(target_arg); return NULL ; } if ((v = extcap_find_param_by_type(s->param_list, EXTCAP_PARAM_DISPLAY)) == NULL) { extcap_free_arg(target_arg); return NULL ; } target_arg->display = g_strdup(v->value); if ((v = extcap_find_param_by_type(s->param_list, EXTCAP_PARAM_TOOLTIP)) != NULL) { target_arg->tooltip = g_strdup(v->value); } if ((v = extcap_find_param_by_type(s->param_list, EXTCAP_PARAM_FILE_MUSTEXIST)) != NULL) { target_arg->fileexists = (v->value[0] == 't' || v->value[0] == 'T'); } if ((v = extcap_find_param_by_type(s->param_list, EXTCAP_PARAM_TYPE)) == NULL) { /* printf("no type in ARG sentence\n"); */ extcap_free_arg(target_arg); return NULL ; } if (g_ascii_strcasecmp(v->value, "integer") == 0) { target_arg->arg_type = EXTCAP_ARG_INTEGER; } else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp(v->value, "unsigned") == 0) { target_arg->arg_type = EXTCAP_ARG_UNSIGNED; } else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp(v->value, "long") == 0) { target_arg->arg_type = EXTCAP_ARG_LONG; } else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp(v->value, "double") == 0) { target_arg->arg_type = EXTCAP_ARG_DOUBLE; } else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp(v->value, "boolean") == 0) { target_arg->arg_type = EXTCAP_ARG_BOOLEAN; } else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp(v->value, "boolflag") == 0) { target_arg->arg_type = EXTCAP_ARG_BOOLFLAG; } else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp(v->value, "menu") == 0) { target_arg->arg_type = EXTCAP_ARG_MENU; } else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp(v->value, "selector") == 0) { target_arg->arg_type = EXTCAP_ARG_SELECTOR; } else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp(v->value, "radio") == 0) { target_arg->arg_type = EXTCAP_ARG_RADIO; } else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp(v->value, "string") == 0) { target_arg->arg_type = EXTCAP_ARG_STRING; } else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp(v->value, "fileselect") == 0) { target_arg->arg_type = EXTCAP_ARG_FILESELECT; } else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp(v->value, "multicheck") == 0) { target_arg->arg_type = EXTCAP_ARG_MULTICHECK; } else { printf("invalid type %s in ARG sentence\n", v->value); extcap_free_arg(target_arg); return NULL ; } if ((v = extcap_find_param_by_type(s->param_list, EXTCAP_PARAM_RANGE)) != NULL) { gchar *cp = g_strstr_len(v->value, -1, ","); if (cp == NULL) { printf("invalid range, expected value,value got %s\n", v->value); extcap_free_arg(target_arg); return NULL ; } if ((target_arg->range_start = extcap_parse_complex( target_arg->arg_type, v->value)) == NULL) { printf("invalid range, expected value,value got %s\n", v->value); extcap_free_arg(target_arg); return NULL ; } if ((target_arg->range_end = extcap_parse_complex( target_arg->arg_type, cp + 1)) == NULL) { printf("invalid range, expected value,value got %s\n", v->value); extcap_free_arg(target_arg); return NULL ; } } if ((v = extcap_find_param_by_type(s->param_list, EXTCAP_PARAM_DEFAULT)) != NULL) { if ((target_arg->default_complex = extcap_parse_complex( target_arg->arg_type, v->value)) == NULL) { printf("invalid default, couldn't parse %s\n", v->value); } } } else if (sent == EXTCAP_SENTENCE_VALUE) { if ((v = extcap_find_param_by_type(s->param_list, EXTCAP_PARAM_ARG)) == NULL) { printf("no arg in VALUE sentence\n"); return NULL ; } if (sscanf(v->value, "%d", &tint) != 1) { printf("invalid arg in VALUE sentence\n"); return NULL ; } ; if ((entry = g_list_find_custom(args, &tint, glist_find_numbered_arg)) == NULL) { printf("couldn't find arg %d in list for VALUE sentence\n", tint); return NULL ; } value = g_new(extcap_value, 1); value->display = NULL; value->call = NULL; value->enabled = FALSE; value->is_default = FALSE; value->arg_num = tint; if ((v = extcap_find_param_by_type(s->param_list, EXTCAP_PARAM_VALUE)) == NULL) { /* printf("no value in VALUE sentence\n"); */ extcap_free_value(value); return NULL ; } value->call = g_strdup(v->value); if ((v = extcap_find_param_by_type(s->param_list, EXTCAP_PARAM_DISPLAY)) == NULL) { /* printf("no display in VALUE sentence\n"); */ extcap_free_value(value); return NULL ; } value->display = g_strdup(v->value); if ((v = extcap_find_param_by_type(s->param_list, EXTCAP_PARAM_DEFAULT)) != NULL) { /* printf("found default value\n"); */ value->is_default = (v->value[0] == 't' || v->value[0] == 'T'); } if ((v = extcap_find_param_by_type(s->param_list, EXTCAP_PARAM_ENABLED)) != NULL) { value->enabled = (v->value[0] == 't' || v->value[0] == 'T'); } ((extcap_arg*) entry->data)->values = g_list_append( ((extcap_arg*) entry->data)->values, value); return NULL ; } return target_arg; } GList * extcap_parse_args(extcap_token_sentence *first_s) { GList * args = NULL; while (first_s) { extcap_arg *ra = NULL; if ((ra = extcap_parse_arg_sentence(args, first_s)) != NULL) args = g_list_append(args, (gpointer) ra); first_s = first_s->next_sentence; } return args; } int extcap_parse_interface_sentence(extcap_token_sentence *s, extcap_interface **ri) { extcap_token_param *v = NULL; extcap_sentence_type sent = EXTCAP_SENTENCE_UNKNOWN; *ri = NULL; if (s == NULL) return -1; if (g_ascii_strcasecmp(s->sentence, "interface") == 0) { sent = EXTCAP_SENTENCE_INTERFACE; /* printf("INTERFACE sentence\n"); */ } if (sent == EXTCAP_SENTENCE_UNKNOWN) return -1; *ri = extcap_new_interface(); if ((v = extcap_find_param_by_type(s->param_list, EXTCAP_PARAM_VALUE)) == NULL) { printf("No value in INTERFACE sentence\n"); extcap_free_interface(*ri); return -1; } (*ri)->call = g_strdup(v->value); if ((v = extcap_find_param_by_type(s->param_list, EXTCAP_PARAM_DISPLAY)) == NULL) { printf("No display in INTERFACE sentence\n"); extcap_free_interface(*ri); return -1; } (*ri)->display = g_strdup(v->value); return 1; } int extcap_parse_interfaces(extcap_token_sentence *first_s, extcap_interface **first_int) { extcap_interface *first_i = NULL, *last_i = NULL; while (first_s) { extcap_interface *ri; if (extcap_parse_interface_sentence(first_s, &ri) >= 0 && ri != NULL) { if (first_i == NULL) { first_i = last_i = ri; } else { last_i->next_interface = ri; last_i = ri; } } first_s = first_s->next_sentence; } *first_int = first_i; return 1; } int extcap_parse_dlt_sentence(extcap_token_sentence *s, extcap_dlt **rd) { extcap_token_param *v = NULL; extcap_sentence_type sent = EXTCAP_SENTENCE_UNKNOWN; *rd = NULL; if (s == NULL) return -1; if (g_ascii_strcasecmp(s->sentence, "dlt") == 0) { sent = EXTCAP_SENTENCE_DLT; } if (sent == EXTCAP_SENTENCE_UNKNOWN) return -1; *rd = extcap_new_dlt(); if ((v = extcap_find_param_by_type(s->param_list, EXTCAP_PARAM_ARGNUM)) == NULL) { printf("No number in DLT sentence\n"); extcap_free_dlt(*rd); return -1; } if (sscanf(v->value, "%d", &((*rd)->number)) != 1) { printf("Invalid number in DLT sentence\n"); extcap_free_dlt(*rd); return -1; } if ((v = extcap_find_param_by_type(s->param_list, EXTCAP_PARAM_NAME)) == NULL) { printf("No name in DLT sentence\n"); extcap_free_dlt(*rd); return -1; } (*rd)->name = g_strdup(v->value); if ((v = extcap_find_param_by_type(s->param_list, EXTCAP_PARAM_DISPLAY)) == NULL) { printf("No display in DLT sentence\n"); extcap_free_dlt(*rd); return -1; } (*rd)->display = g_strdup(v->value); return 1; } int extcap_parse_dlts(extcap_token_sentence *first_s, extcap_dlt **first_dlt) { extcap_dlt *first_d = NULL, *last_d = NULL; while (first_s) { extcap_dlt *rd; if (extcap_parse_dlt_sentence(first_s, &rd) >= 0 && rd != NULL) { if (first_d == NULL) { first_d = last_d = rd; } else { last_d->next_dlt = rd; last_d = rd; } } first_s = first_s->next_sentence; } *first_dlt = first_d; return 1; } /* * Editor modelines - http://www.wireshark.org/tools/modelines.html * * Local variables: * c-basic-offset: 4 * tab-width: 4 * indent-tabs-mode: t * End: * * vi: set shiftwidth=4 tabstop=4 noexpandtab: * :indentSize=4:tabSize=4:noTabs=false: */