Falco bridge: Add container I/O stats

This commit is contained in:
Gerald Combs 2024-02-08 15:58:01 -08:00
parent 57a1be8873
commit 5e10272450
2 changed files with 248 additions and 182 deletions

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@ -33,15 +33,17 @@
#include <wiretap/wtap.h>
#include <epan/exceptions.h>
#include <epan/follow.h>
#include <epan/packet.h>
#include <epan/prefs.h>
#include <epan/proto.h>
#include <epan/proto_data.h>
#include <epan/conversation.h>
#include <epan/conversation_filter.h>
#include <epan/tap.h>
#include <epan/stats_tree.h>
#include <epan/stats_tree_priv.h>
#include <epan/stat_tap_ui.h>
#include <epan/follow.h>
#include <epan/tap.h>
#include <epan/dissectors/packet-sysdig-event.h>
@ -94,11 +96,19 @@ typedef struct falco_conv_filter_fields {
const char* fd_containername;
} falco_conv_filter_fields;
typedef struct falco_tap_info {
typedef struct fd_follow_tap_info {
const char* data;
int32_t datalen;
bool is_write;
} fd_follow_tap_info;
typedef struct container_io_tap_info {
const char* container_id;
const char* proc_name;
const char* fd_name;
int32_t io_bytes;
bool is_write;
} container_io_tap_info;
static int proto_falco_bridge;
static int proto_syscalls[NUM_SINSP_SYSCALL_CATEGORIES];
@ -111,13 +121,16 @@ static int ett_sinsp_enriched;
static int ett_sinsp_span;
static int ett_address;
static int container_io_tap;
static const gchar* st_str_container_io = "Container, process, and FD IO";
static int st_node_container_io = -1;
static gboolean pref_show_internal = false;
static dissector_table_t ptype_dissector_table;
static int fd_follow_tap;
static int dissect_falco_bridge(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, void *epd_p);
static int dissect_sinsp_enriched(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, void *bi_ptr, sysdig_event_param_data *event_param_data);
static int dissect_sinsp_plugin(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, void *bi_ptr);
static bridge_info* get_bridge_info(guint32 source_id);
@ -617,7 +630,7 @@ fd_tap_listener(void *tapdata, packet_info *pinfo,
follow_record_t *follow_record;
follow_info_t *follow_info = (follow_info_t *)tapdata;
falco_tap_info *tap_info = (falco_tap_info *)data;
fd_follow_tap_info *tap_info = (fd_follow_tap_info *)data;
gboolean is_server;
is_server = tap_info->is_write;
@ -642,168 +655,7 @@ guint32 get_fd_stream_count(void)
return 1;
// Opening requires a file path, so we do that in dissect_sinsp_enriched.
proto_falco_bridge = proto_register_protocol("Falco Bridge", "Falco Bridge", "falcobridge");
register_dissector("falcobridge", dissect_falco_bridge, proto_falco_bridge);
// Register the syscall conversation filters.
// These show up in the "Conversation Filter" and "Colorize Conversation" context menus.
// The first match is also used for "Go" menu navigation.
register_log_conversation_filter("falcobridge", "Thread", sysdig_syscall_filter_valid, sysdig_thread_build_filter, NULL);
register_log_conversation_filter("falcobridge", "Process", sysdig_syscall_filter_valid, sysdig_proc_build_filter, NULL);
register_log_conversation_filter("falcobridge", "Container", sysdig_syscall_container_filter_valid, sysdig_container_build_filter, NULL);
register_log_conversation_filter("falcobridge", "Process and Descendants", sysdig_syscall_filter_valid, sysdig_procdescendants_build_filter, NULL);
register_log_conversation_filter("falcobridge", "File Descriptor", sysdig_syscall_fd_filter_valid, sysdig_fd_build_filter, NULL);
// Register the "follow" handlers
fd_follow_tap = register_tap("fd_follow");
register_follow_stream(proto_falco_bridge, "fd_follow", fd_follow_conv_filter, fd_follow_index_filter, fd_follow_address_filter,
fd_port_to_display, fd_tap_listener, get_fd_stream_count, NULL);
// Try to have a 1:1 mapping for as many Sysdig / Falco fields as possible.
// The exceptions are SSC_EVTARGS and SSC_PROCLINEAGE, which exposes the event arguments in a way that is convenient for the user.
proto_syscalls[SSC_EVENT] = proto_register_protocol("Event Information", "Falco Event", "evt");
proto_syscalls[SSC_EVTARGS] = proto_register_protocol("Event Arguments", "Falco Event Info", "evt.arg");
proto_syscalls[SSC_PROCESS] = proto_register_protocol("Process Information", "Falco Process", "process");
proto_syscalls[SSC_PROCLINEAGE] = proto_register_protocol("Process Ancestors", "Falco Process Lineage", "proc.aname");
proto_syscalls[SSC_USER] = proto_register_protocol("User Information", "Falco User", "user");
proto_syscalls[SSC_GROUP] = proto_register_protocol("Group Information", "Falco Group", "group");
proto_syscalls[SSC_CONTAINER] = proto_register_protocol("Container Information", "Falco Container", "container");
proto_syscalls[SSC_FD] = proto_register_protocol("File Descriptor Information", "Falco FD", "fd");
proto_syscalls[SSC_FS] = proto_register_protocol("Filesystem Information", "Falco FS", "fs");
// syslog.facility collides with the Syslog dissector, so let syslog fall through to "falco".
proto_syscalls[SSC_FDLIST] = proto_register_protocol("File Descriptor List", "Falco FD List", "fdlist");
proto_syscalls[SSC_OTHER] = proto_register_protocol("Unknown or Miscellaneous Falco", "Falco Misc", "falco");
// Preferences
module_t *falco_bridge_module = prefs_register_protocol(proto_falco_bridge, NULL);
prefs_register_bool_preference(falco_bridge_module, "show_internal_events",
"Show internal events",
"Show internal libsinsp events in the event list.",
* Create the dissector table that we will use to route the dissection to
* the appropriate Falco plugin.
ptype_dissector_table = register_dissector_table("falcobridge.id",
"Falco Bridge Plugin ID", proto_falco_bridge, FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC);
* Load the plugins
WS_DIR *dir;
WS_DIRENT *file;
char *filename;
char *spdname = g_build_filename(get_plugins_dir(), "falco", NULL);
char *ppdname = g_build_filename(get_plugins_pers_dir(), "falco", NULL);
* We scan the plugins directory twice. The first time we count how many
* plugins we have, which we need to know in order to allocate the right
* amount of memory. The second time we actually load and configure
* each plugin.
if ((dir = ws_dir_open(spdname, 0, NULL)) != NULL) {
while ((ws_dir_read_name(dir)) != NULL) {
if ((dir = ws_dir_open(ppdname, 0, NULL)) != NULL) {
while ((ws_dir_read_name(dir)) != NULL) {
sinsp_span = create_sinsp_span();
bridges = g_new0(bridge_info, nbridges + 1);
create_sinsp_syscall_source(sinsp_span, &bridges[0].ssi);
nbridges = 1;
if ((dir = ws_dir_open(spdname, 0, NULL)) != NULL) {
while ((file = ws_dir_read_name(dir)) != NULL) {
filename = g_build_filename(spdname, ws_dir_get_name(file), NULL);
if ((dir = ws_dir_open(ppdname, 0, NULL)) != NULL) {
while ((file = ws_dir_read_name(dir)) != NULL) {
filename = g_build_filename(ppdname, ws_dir_get_name(file), NULL);
* Setup protocol subtree array
static int *ett[] = {
* Setup process lineage subtree array
static int *ett_lin[] = {
proto_register_field_array(proto_falco_bridge, hf, array_length(hf));
proto_register_subtree_array(ett, array_length(ett));
proto_register_subtree_array(ett_lin, array_length(ett_lin));
static bridge_info*
get_bridge_info(guint32 source_id)
@ -893,7 +745,6 @@ const char* get_str_value(sinsp_field_extract_t *sinsp_fields, uint32_t sf_idx)
return res_str;
static int
dissect_sinsp_enriched(tvbuff_t* tvb, packet_info* pinfo, proto_tree* tree, void* bi_ptr, sysdig_event_param_data *event_param_data)
@ -931,6 +782,10 @@ dissect_sinsp_enriched(tvbuff_t* tvb, packet_info* pinfo, proto_tree* tree, void
const char* io_buffer = NULL;
uint32_t io_buffer_len = 0;
const char *container_id = "<host>";
const char *proc_name = NULL;
const char *fd_name = NULL;
// Conversation discoverable through conversation_filter_from_pinfo.
// Used for related event indicators in the packet list.
// Fields should match sysdig_proc_build_filter.
@ -1050,9 +905,15 @@ dissect_sinsp_enriched(tvbuff_t* tvb, packet_info* pinfo, proto_tree* tree, void
if (strcmp(hfinfo->abbrev, "container.id") == 0 && pinfo_conv_els) {
if (strcmp(hfinfo->abbrev, "proc.name") == 0) {
proc_name = res_str;
} else if (strcmp(hfinfo->abbrev, "fd.name") == 0) {
fd_name = res_str;
} else if (strcmp(hfinfo->abbrev, "container.id") == 0) {
container_id = res_str;
if (pinfo_conv_els) {
pinfo_conv_els[2].int_val = hfinfo->id;
pinfo_conv_els[3].str_val = res_str;
@ -1099,22 +960,31 @@ dissect_sinsp_enriched(tvbuff_t* tvb, packet_info* pinfo, proto_tree* tree, void
if (pinfo_conv_els) {
if (!pinfo_conv_els[3].str_val) { // No container ID
pinfo_conv_els[3].str_val = "<none>";
pinfo_conv_els[3].str_val = container_id;
pinfo_conv_els[4].type = CE_CONVERSATION_TYPE;
pinfo_conv_els[4].conversation_type_val = CONVERSATION_LOG;
pinfo->conv_elements = pinfo_conv_els;
if (have_tap_listener(fd_follow_tap) && io_buffer_len > 0) {
falco_tap_info *tap_info = wmem_new(pinfo->pool, falco_tap_info);
if (io_buffer_len > 0) {
if (have_tap_listener(fd_follow_tap)) {
fd_follow_tap_info *tap_info = wmem_new(pinfo->pool, fd_follow_tap_info);
tap_info->data = io_buffer;
tap_info->datalen = io_buffer_len;
tap_info->is_write = is_io_write;
tap_queue_packet(fd_follow_tap, pinfo, tap_info);
if (have_tap_listener(container_io_tap) && proc_name && fd_name) {
container_io_tap_info *tap_info = wmem_new(pinfo->pool, container_io_tap_info);
tap_info->proc_name = proc_name;
tap_info->fd_name = fd_name;
tap_info->container_id = container_id;
tap_info->io_bytes = io_buffer_len;
tap_info->is_write = is_io_write;
tap_queue_packet(container_io_tap, pinfo, tap_info);
return tvb_captured_length(tvb);
@ -1268,3 +1138,200 @@ dissect_sinsp_plugin(tvbuff_t* tvb, packet_info* pinfo, proto_tree* tree, void*
return payload_len;
static void container_io_stats_tree_init(stats_tree* st)
st_node_container_io = stats_tree_create_node(st, st_str_container_io, 0, STAT_DT_INT, TRUE);
static tap_packet_status container_io_stats_tree_event(stats_tree* st, packet_info* pinfo _U_, epan_dissect_t* edt _U_, const void* tap_info_p, tap_flags_t flags _U_)
const container_io_tap_info* tap_info = (const container_io_tap_info*) tap_info_p;
increase_stat_node(st, st_str_container_io, 0, FALSE, tap_info->io_bytes);
int container_id_node = increase_stat_node(st, tap_info->container_id, st_node_container_io, TRUE, tap_info->io_bytes);
int proc_name_node = increase_stat_node(st, tap_info->proc_name, container_id_node, TRUE, tap_info->io_bytes);
int fd_name_node = increase_stat_node(st, tap_info->fd_name, proc_name_node, TRUE, tap_info->io_bytes);
if (tap_info->is_write) {
increase_stat_node(st, "write", fd_name_node, TRUE, tap_info->io_bytes);
} else {
increase_stat_node(st, "read", fd_name_node, TRUE, tap_info->io_bytes);
// Register statistics trees
stats_tree_register_with_group("container_io", "container_io", "Container IO", 0, container_io_stats_tree_event, container_io_stats_tree_init, NULL, REGISTER_LOG_STAT_GROUP_UNSORTED);
stats_tree_cfg *cfg = stats_tree_get_cfg_by_abbr("container_io");
cfg->plugin = TRUE;
// Opening requires a file path, so we do that in dissect_sinsp_enriched.
proto_falco_bridge = proto_register_protocol("Falco Bridge", "Falco Bridge", "falcobridge");
register_dissector("falcobridge", dissect_falco_bridge, proto_falco_bridge);
// Register the syscall conversation filters.
// These show up in the "Conversation Filter" and "Colorize Conversation" context menus.
// The first match is also used for "Go" menu navigation.
register_log_conversation_filter("falcobridge", "Thread", sysdig_syscall_filter_valid, sysdig_thread_build_filter, NULL);
register_log_conversation_filter("falcobridge", "Process", sysdig_syscall_filter_valid, sysdig_proc_build_filter, NULL);
register_log_conversation_filter("falcobridge", "Container", sysdig_syscall_container_filter_valid, sysdig_container_build_filter, NULL);
register_log_conversation_filter("falcobridge", "Process and Descendants", sysdig_syscall_filter_valid, sysdig_procdescendants_build_filter, NULL);
register_log_conversation_filter("falcobridge", "File Descriptor", sysdig_syscall_fd_filter_valid, sysdig_fd_build_filter, NULL);
// Register statistics taps
container_io_tap = register_tap("container_io");
// Register the "follow" handlers
fd_follow_tap = register_tap("fd_follow");
register_follow_stream(proto_falco_bridge, "fd_follow", fd_follow_conv_filter, fd_follow_index_filter, fd_follow_address_filter,
fd_port_to_display, fd_tap_listener, get_fd_stream_count, NULL);
// Try to have a 1:1 mapping for as many Sysdig / Falco fields as possible.
// The exceptions are SSC_EVTARGS and SSC_PROCLINEAGE, which exposes the event arguments in a way that is convenient for the user.
proto_syscalls[SSC_EVENT] = proto_register_protocol("Event Information", "Falco Event", "evt");
proto_syscalls[SSC_EVTARGS] = proto_register_protocol("Event Arguments", "Falco Event Info", "evt.arg");
proto_syscalls[SSC_PROCESS] = proto_register_protocol("Process Information", "Falco Process", "process");
proto_syscalls[SSC_PROCLINEAGE] = proto_register_protocol("Process Ancestors", "Falco Process Lineage", "proc.aname");
proto_syscalls[SSC_USER] = proto_register_protocol("User Information", "Falco User", "user");
proto_syscalls[SSC_GROUP] = proto_register_protocol("Group Information", "Falco Group", "group");
proto_syscalls[SSC_CONTAINER] = proto_register_protocol("Container Information", "Falco Container", "container");
proto_syscalls[SSC_FD] = proto_register_protocol("File Descriptor Information", "Falco FD", "fd");
proto_syscalls[SSC_FS] = proto_register_protocol("Filesystem Information", "Falco FS", "fs");
// syslog.facility collides with the Syslog dissector, so let syslog fall through to "falco".
proto_syscalls[SSC_FDLIST] = proto_register_protocol("File Descriptor List", "Falco FD List", "fdlist");
proto_syscalls[SSC_OTHER] = proto_register_protocol("Unknown or Miscellaneous Falco", "Falco Misc", "falco");
// Preferences
module_t *falco_bridge_module = prefs_register_protocol(proto_falco_bridge, NULL);
prefs_register_bool_preference(falco_bridge_module, "show_internal_events",
"Show internal events",
"Show internal libsinsp events in the event list.",
* Create the dissector table that we will use to route the dissection to
* the appropriate Falco plugin.
ptype_dissector_table = register_dissector_table("falcobridge.id",
"Falco Bridge Plugin ID", proto_falco_bridge, FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC);
* Load the plugins
WS_DIR *dir;
WS_DIRENT *file;
char *filename;
char *spdname = g_build_filename(get_plugins_dir(), "falco", NULL);
char *ppdname = g_build_filename(get_plugins_pers_dir(), "falco", NULL);
* We scan the plugins directory twice. The first time we count how many
* plugins we have, which we need to know in order to allocate the right
* amount of memory. The second time we actually load and configure
* each plugin.
if ((dir = ws_dir_open(spdname, 0, NULL)) != NULL) {
while ((ws_dir_read_name(dir)) != NULL) {
if ((dir = ws_dir_open(ppdname, 0, NULL)) != NULL) {
while ((ws_dir_read_name(dir)) != NULL) {
sinsp_span = create_sinsp_span();
bridges = g_new0(bridge_info, nbridges + 1);
create_sinsp_syscall_source(sinsp_span, &bridges[0].ssi);
nbridges = 1;
if ((dir = ws_dir_open(spdname, 0, NULL)) != NULL) {
while ((file = ws_dir_read_name(dir)) != NULL) {
filename = g_build_filename(spdname, ws_dir_get_name(file), NULL);
if ((dir = ws_dir_open(ppdname, 0, NULL)) != NULL) {
while ((file = ws_dir_read_name(dir)) != NULL) {
filename = g_build_filename(ppdname, ws_dir_get_name(file), NULL);
* Setup protocol subtree array
static int *ett[] = {
* Setup process lineage subtree array
static int *ett_lin[] = {
proto_register_field_array(proto_falco_bridge, hf, array_length(hf));
proto_register_subtree_array(ett, array_length(ett));
proto_register_subtree_array(ett_lin, array_length(ett_lin));

View File

@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ DIAG_ON(frame-larger-than=)
#include <wsutil/ws_assert.h>
#include <wsutil/version_info.h>
#include <epan/prefs.h>
#include <epan/stats_tree_priv.h>
#include <epan/plugin_if.h>
#include <frame_tvbuff.h>