[dissector] add dissector for OPUS packet support

*packet-opus.c: dissector for OPUS packet.
This commit is contained in:
Lin Sun 2021-02-28 06:52:33 +08:00 committed by AndersBroman
parent a3be7e898c
commit 26b602a7ae
3 changed files with 274 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -48,6 +48,8 @@ They previously shipped with Npcap 1.00.
* "Follow DCCP stream" feature to filter for and extract the contents of DCCP streams.
* Wireshark now supports dissecting the rtp packet with OPUS payload.
// === Removed Features and Support
//=== Removed Dissectors

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@ -1547,6 +1547,7 @@ set(DISSECTOR_SRC

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@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
/* packet-opus.c
* Routines for OPUS dissection
* Copyright 2014, Owen Williams williams.owen@gmail.com
* Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer
* By Gerald Combs <gerald@wireshark.org>
* Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#include "config.h"
#include "tvbuff.h"
#include <epan/packet.h>
#include <epan/prefs.h>
#include <epan/expert.h>
#include <glibconfig.h>
#include <stdint.h>
void proto_reg_handoff_opus(void);
void proto_register_opus(void);
static range_t *g_dynamic_payload_type_range = NULL;
static dissector_handle_t opus_handle;
/* Initialize the protocol and registered fields */
static int proto_opus = -1;
static int hf_opus_toc_config = -1;
static int hf_opus_toc_s = -1;
static int hf_opus_toc_c = -1;
static int hf_opus_payload = -1;
/* Initialize the subtree pointers */
static int ett_opus = -1;
static int ett_opus_table_of_contents = -1;
static expert_field ei_opus_err_r1 = EI_INIT;
static expert_field ei_opus_err_r2 = EI_INIT;
static expert_field ei_opus_err_r3 = EI_INIT;
static expert_field ei_opus_err_r4 = EI_INIT;
static expert_field ei_opus_err_r5 = EI_INIT;
static expert_field ei_opus_err_r6 = EI_INIT;
static expert_field ei_opus_err_r7 = EI_INIT;
static gint *ett[] = {
/* From RFC6716 chapter 3.1
* The top five bits of the TOC byte, labeled "config", encode one of 32
* possible configurations of operating mode, audio bandwidth, and frame size.
static const value_string opus_codec_toc_config_request_vals[] = {
{0, "NB, SILK-only ptime=10"},
{1, "NB, SILK-only ptime=20"},
{2, "NB, SILK-only ptime=30"},
{3, "NB, SILK-only ptime=40"},
{4, "MB, SILK-only ptime=10"},
{5, "MB, SILK-only ptime=20"},
{6, "MB, SILK-only ptime=30"},
{7, "MB, SILK-only ptime=40"},
{8, "WB, SILK-only ptime=10"},
{9, "WB, SILK-only ptime=20"},
{10, "WB, SILK-only ptime=30"},
{11, "WB, SILK-only ptime=40"},
{12, "SWB, Hybrid ptime=10"},
{13, "SWB, Hybrid ptime=20"},
{14, "FB, Hybrid ptime=10"},
{15, "FB, Hybrid ptime=20"},
{16, "NB, CELT-only ptime=2.5"},
{17, "NB, CELT-only ptime=5"},
{18, "NB, CELT-only ptime=10"},
{19, "NB, CELT-only ptime=20"},
{20, "WB, CELT-only ptime=2.5"},
{21, "WB, CELT-only ptime=5"},
{22, "WB, CELT-only ptime=10"},
{23, "WB, CELT-only ptime=20"},
{24, "SWB, CELT-only ptime=2.5"},
{25, "SWB, CELT-only ptime=5"},
{26, "SWB, CELT-only ptime=10"},
{27, "SWB, CELT-only ptime=20"},
{28, "FB, CELT-only ptime=2.5"},
{29, "FB, CELT-only ptime=5"},
{30, "FB, CELT-only ptime=10"},
{31, "FB, CELT-only ptime=20"},
{0, NULL}};
static value_string_ext opus_codec_toc_config_request_vals_ext
= VALUE_STRING_EXT_INIT(opus_codec_toc_config_request_vals);
static const true_false_string toc_s_bit_vals = {"stereo", "mono"};
static const value_string opus_codec_toc_c_request_vals[]
= {{0, "1 frame in the packet"},
{1, "2 frames in the packet, each with equal compressed size"},
{2, "2 frames in the packet, with different compressed sizes"},
{3, "an arbitrary number of frames in the packet"},
{0, NULL}};
static value_string_ext opus_codec_toc_c_request_vals_ext
= VALUE_STRING_EXT_INIT(opus_codec_toc_c_request_vals);
static int
dissect_opus(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, void* data _U_)
tvbuff_t *newtvb;
proto_item *item;
proto_tree *opus_tree;
proto_item *item_toc;
proto_tree *opus_toc_tree;
gint offset = 0;
guint cap_len, pkt_total;
col_set_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_PROTOCOL, "OPUS");
item = proto_tree_add_item(tree, proto_opus, tvb, 0, -1, ENC_NA);
opus_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(item, ett_opus);
* A ToC entry takes the following format, details defined in section-3.1:
* 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
* +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
* | config |s| c |
* +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
= proto_tree_add_subtree(opus_tree, tvb, offset, -1,
ett_opus_table_of_contents, &item_toc,
"Payload Table of Contents");
proto_tree_add_item(opus_toc_tree, hf_opus_toc_config, tvb, offset, 1, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN);
proto_tree_add_item(opus_toc_tree, hf_opus_toc_s, tvb, offset, 1, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN);
proto_tree_add_item(opus_toc_tree, hf_opus_toc_c, tvb, offset, 1, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN);
cap_len = tvb_captured_length(tvb);
pkt_total = tvb_captured_length_remaining(tvb, offset);
if (pkt_total <= 0) {
expert_add_info(pinfo, opus_tree, &ei_opus_err_r1);
return cap_len;
offset++; /* skip the TOC */
newtvb = tvb_new_subset_length_caplen(tvb, offset, pkt_total - offset, pkt_total - offset);
proto_tree_add_item(opus_tree, hf_opus_payload, newtvb, 0, -1, ENC_NA);
return cap_len;
module_t *opus_module;
expert_module_t* expert_opus;
static hf_register_info hf[] = {
{"config", "opus.TOC.config", FT_UINT8, BASE_DEC | BASE_EXT_STRING,
&opus_codec_toc_config_request_vals_ext, 0xF8, "Opus TOC config",
{"S bit", "opus.TOC.s", FT_BOOLEAN, SEP_DOT, TFS(&toc_s_bit_vals),
0x04, NULL, HFILL}},
{"C bits", "opus.TOC.c", FT_UINT8, BASE_DEC | BASE_EXT_STRING,
&opus_codec_toc_c_request_vals_ext, 0x03, "Opus TOC code", HFILL}},
{"Payload", "opus.payload", FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0, NULL,
static ei_register_info ei[] = {
{"opus.violate_r1", PI_PROTOCOL, PI_ERROR,
"Error:[R1] Packets are at least one byte.", EXPFILL}},
{"opus.violate_r2", PI_MALFORMED, PI_ERROR,
"Error:[R2] No implicit frame length is larger than 1275 bytes.",
{"opus.violate_r3", PI_MALFORMED, PI_ERROR,
"Error:[R3] Code 1 packets have an odd total length, N, so that "
"(N-1)/2 is an integer.",
{"opus.violate_r4", PI_MALFORMED, PI_ERROR,
"Error:[R4] Code 2 packets have enough bytes after the TOC for a "
"valid frame length, and that length is no larger than the number of"
"bytes remaining in the packet.",
{"opus.violate_r5", PI_PROTOCOL, PI_ERROR,
"Error:[R5] Code 3 packets contain at least one frame, but no more "
"than 120 ms of audio total.",
{"opus.violate_r6", PI_PROTOCOL, PI_ERROR,
"Error:[R6] The length of a CBR code 3 packet, N, is at least two "
"bytes, the number of bytes added to indicate the padding size plus "
"the trailing padding bytes themselves, P, is no more than N-2, and "
"the frame count, M, satisfies the constraint that (N-2-P) is a "
"non-negative integer multiple of M.",
{"opus.violate_r7", PI_PROTOCOL, PI_ERROR,
"Error:[R7] VBR code 3 packets are large enough to contain all the "
"header bytes (TOC byte, frame count byte, any padding length bytes, "
"and any frame length bytes), plus the length of the first M-1 "
"frames, plus any trailing padding bytes.",
= proto_register_protocol("Opus Interactive Audio Codec", /* name */
"OPUS", /* short name */
"opus" /* abbrev */
proto_register_field_array(proto_opus, hf, array_length(hf));
proto_register_subtree_array(ett, array_length(ett));
opus_module = prefs_register_protocol(proto_opus, proto_reg_handoff_opus);
expert_opus = expert_register_protocol(proto_opus);
expert_register_field_array(expert_opus, ei, array_length(ei));
prefs_register_range_preference(opus_module, "dynamic.payload.type",
"OPUS dynamic payload types",
"Dynamic payload types which will be "
"interpreted as OPUS; Values must be in "
"the range 1 - 127",
&g_dynamic_payload_type_range, 127);
opus_handle = register_dissector("opus", dissect_opus, proto_opus);
static range_t *dynamic_payload_type_range = NULL;
static gboolean opus_prefs_initialized = FALSE;
if (!opus_prefs_initialized) {
dissector_add_string("rtp_dyn_payload_type" , "OPUS", opus_handle);
opus_prefs_initialized = TRUE;
} else {
dissector_delete_uint_range("rtp.pt", dynamic_payload_type_range, opus_handle);
wmem_free(wmem_epan_scope(), dynamic_payload_type_range);
dynamic_payload_type_range = range_copy(wmem_epan_scope(), g_dynamic_payload_type_range);
range_remove_value(wmem_epan_scope(), &dynamic_payload_type_range, 0);
dissector_add_uint_range("rtp.pt", dynamic_payload_type_range, opus_handle);
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