packet bytes: do a simpler test for "is this ASCII?"

Just test whether the octet has the 0x80 bit set.
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Guy Harris 2022-10-21 00:42:42 -07:00
parent de50666ec0
commit 1070328597
1 changed files with 8 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -470,10 +470,15 @@ void ShowPacketBytesDialog::sanitizeBuffer(QByteArray &ba, bool keep_CR)
void ShowPacketBytesDialog::symbolizeBuffer(QByteArray &ba)
// Replace all characters that aren't printable ASCII or ASCII
// control characters with MIDDLE DOT.
// Replace all octets that don't correspond to an ASCII
// character with MIDDLE DOT. An octet corresponds to an
// ASCII character iff the 0x80 bit isn't set in its
// value; if char is signed (which it is *not* guaranteed
// to be; it is, for example, unsigned on non-Apple ARM
// platforms), sign-extension won't affect that bit, so
// simply testing the 0x80 bit suffices on all platforms.
for (int i = 0; i < ba.length(); i++) {
if (!g_ascii_isprint(ba[i]) && !g_ascii_iscntrl(ba[i])) {
if (ba[i] & 0x80) {
ba.replace(i, 1, UTF8_MIDDLE_DOT);
i += sizeof(UTF8_MIDDLE_DOT) - 2;