#!/usr/bin/env python3 '''Take values from a config file and fill them into a set of templates. Write the result to the current directory.''' import os, sys, re, shutil import argparse def file_newer(path_a, than_path_b): return os.path.getmtime(path_a) > os.path.getmtime(than_path_b) LAST_LOCAL_CONFIG_FILE = '.last_config' LAST_TMPL_DIR = '.last_templates' parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('sources', metavar='SRC', nargs='*', help='Pass both a template directory and a config file.') parser.add_argument('-s', '--check-stale', dest='check_stale', action='store_true', help='only verify age of generated files vs. config and templates.' ' Exit nonzero when any source file is newer. Do not write anything.') args = parser.parse_args() local_config_file = None tmpl_dir = None for src in args.sources: if os.path.isdir(src): if tmpl_dir is not None: print('Error: only one template dir permitted. (%r vs. %r)' % (tmpl_dir, src)) tmpl_dir = src elif os.path.isfile(src): if local_config_file is not None: print('Error: only one config file permitted. (%r vs. %r)' % (local_config_file, src)) local_config_file = src if local_config_file is None and os.path.isfile(LAST_LOCAL_CONFIG_FILE): local_config_file = open(LAST_LOCAL_CONFIG_FILE).read().strip() if tmpl_dir is None and os.path.isfile(LAST_TMPL_DIR): tmpl_dir = open(LAST_TMPL_DIR).read().strip() if not tmpl_dir or not os.path.isdir(tmpl_dir): print("Template dir does not exist: %r" % tmpl_dir) exit(1) if not local_config_file or not os.path.isfile(local_config_file): print("No such config file: %r" % local_config_file) exit(1) local_config_file = os.path.realpath(local_config_file) tmpl_dir = os.path.realpath(tmpl_dir) net_dir = os.path.realpath(".") print('using config file %r\non templates %r\nwith NET_DIR %r' % (local_config_file, tmpl_dir, net_dir)) with open(LAST_LOCAL_CONFIG_FILE, 'w') as last_file: last_file.write(local_config_file) with open(LAST_TMPL_DIR, 'w') as last_file: last_file.write(tmpl_dir) # read in variable values from config file # NET_DIR is the folder where fill_config.py was started local_config = {"NET_DIR": net_dir} line_nr = 0 for line in open(local_config_file): line_nr += 1 line = line.strip('\n') if line.startswith('#'): continue if not '=' in line: if line: print("Error: %r line %d: %r" % (local_config_file, line_nr, line)) exit(1) continue split_pos = line.find('=') name = line[:split_pos] val = line[split_pos + 1:] if val.startswith('"') and val.endswith('"'): val = val[1:-1] if name in local_config: print("Error: duplicate identifier in %r line %d: %r" % (local_config_file, line_nr, line)) local_config[name] = val # replace variable names with above values recursively replace_re = re.compile('\$\{([A-Za-z0-9_]*)\}') command_re = re.compile('\$\{([A-Za-z0-9_]*)\(([^)]*)\)\}') idx = 0 def check_stale(src_path, target_path): if file_newer(src_path, target_path): print('Stale: %r is newer than %r' % (src_path, target_path)) exit(1) def replace_vars(tmpl, tmpl_dir, tmpl_src, local_config, strict=True): used_vars = set() for m in replace_re.finditer(tmpl): name = m.group(1) if not name in local_config: if strict: print('Error: undefined var %r in %r' % (name, tmpl_src)) exit(1) else: continue used_vars.add(name) for var in used_vars: tmpl = tmpl.replace('${%s}' % var, local_config.get(var)) return tmpl def insert_includes(tmpl, tmpl_dir, tmpl_src, local_config, arg): include_path = os.path.join(tmpl_dir, arg) if not os.path.isfile(include_path): print('Error: included file does not exist: %r in %r' % (include_path, tmpl_src)) exit(1) try: incl = open(include_path).read() except: print('Cannot read %r for %r' % (include_path, tmpl_src)) raise if args.check_stale: check_stale(include_path, dst) # recurse, to follow the paths that the included bits come from incl = handle_commands(incl, os.path.dirname(include_path), include_path, local_config) return tmpl.replace('${include(%s)}' % arg, incl) def insert_foreach(tmpl, tmpl_dir, tmpl_src, match, local_config, arg): # figure out section to handle start_span = match.span() if tmpl[start_span[1]] == '\n': start_span = (start_span[0], start_span[1] + 1) end_str = '${foreach_end}\n' end_at = tmpl.find(end_str, start_span[1]) if end_at < 0: end_str = end_str[:-1] end_at = tmpl.find(end_str, start_span[1]) if end_at < 0: raise Exception('%r: unmatched %r' % (tmpl_src, match.string)) end_span = (end_at, end_at + len(end_str)) before_block = tmpl[:start_span[0]] foreach_block = tmpl[start_span[1]:end_span[0]] after_block = tmpl[end_span[1]:] # figure out what items matching the foreach(FOO) there are item_re = re.compile('(^%s([0-9]+))_.*' % arg) items = set() for item in local_config.keys(): item_m = item_re.match(item) if not item_m: continue items.add((item_m.group(1), item_m.group(2))) items = sorted(list(items)) expanded = [before_block] for item, nr in items: expanded_block = foreach_block while True: expanded_block_was = expanded_block expanded_block = expanded_block.replace('${%sn_' % arg, '${%s_' % item) expanded_block = expanded_block.replace('${%sn}' % arg, nr) expanded_block = replace_vars(expanded_block, tmpl_dir, tmpl_src, local_config) if expanded_block_was == expanded_block: break expanded.append(expanded_block) expanded.extend(after_block) return ''.join(expanded) def handle_commands(tmpl, tmpl_dir, tmpl_src, local_config): handled = 0 for m in command_re.finditer(tmpl): handled += 1 cmd = m.group(1) arg = m.group(2) if cmd == 'include': tmpl = insert_includes(tmpl, tmpl_dir, tmpl_src, local_config, arg) elif cmd == 'foreach': tmpl = insert_foreach(tmpl, tmpl_dir, tmpl_src, m, local_config, arg) else: print('Error: unknown command: %r in %r' % (cmd, tmpl_src)) exit(1) return tmpl for tmpl_name in sorted(os.listdir(tmpl_dir)): # omit "hidden" files if tmpl_name.startswith('.'): continue # omit files to be included by other files if tmpl_name.startswith('common_'): continue tmpl_src = os.path.join(tmpl_dir, tmpl_name) dst = tmpl_name if args.check_stale: check_stale(local_config_file, dst) check_stale(tmpl_src, dst) local_config['_fname'] = tmpl_name local_config['_name'] = os.path.splitext(tmpl_name)[0] local_config['_idx0'] = str(idx) idx += 1 local_config['_idx1'] = str(idx) try: result = open(tmpl_src).read() except: print('Error in %r' % tmpl_src) raise while True: result_was = result result = handle_commands(result, tmpl_dir, tmpl_src, local_config) result = replace_vars(result, tmpl_dir, tmpl_src, local_config) if result_was == result: break if not args.check_stale: with open(dst, 'w') as dst_file: dst_file.write(result) shutil.copymode(tmpl_src, dst) # vim: ts=2 sw=2 expandtab