initial with config

This commit is contained in:
Neels Hofmeyr 2017-08-13 03:22:42 +02:00
parent ef7400b2c5
commit 0a1bdfff8f
4 changed files with 258 additions and 0 deletions

3G+2G.deps Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
# project build these first
libosmo-abis libosmocore
libosmo-netif libosmo-abis
libosmo-sccp libosmo-netif
openggsn libosmocore
osmo-iuh libosmo-sccp libasn1c
osmo-hlr libosmo-abis
osmo-mgw libosmo-netif
osmo-msc osmo-iuh osmo-mgw
osmo-bsc libosmo-sccp osmo-mgw
osmo-sgsn osmo-iuh

README Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
This provides a set of top-level makefiles to build variants of the Osmocom
source trees. It is inteded for the core network components and related
projects, but works generically.
The idea is to have all your Osmocom git clones in ./src, while keeping one or
more separate build trees in ./make-*.
Run ./ with a choice of projects (2G only or also 3G?)
and a choice of configure options, for example:
./ 3G+2G.deps all_enabled.opts
This generates a new dir containing a Makefile. When you run make in it, this
will clone the source trees (if not present yet) and build all of them in the
right order:
cd make-3G+2G.deps-all_enabled.opts/
If you make modifications in one of the source trees, this Makefile will pick
it up, rebuild the project and also rebuild all dependencies (according to the
*.deps file the Makefile was generated from).
If you modify the *.deps or *.opts file, you can easily run 'make regen' in a
make-* subdir to regenerate the Makefile from the same files.
In your make-* subdir there are empty status files that are touched for every
completed make target. From these, 'make' can detect what needs to be rebuilt.
You can manually remove them to force a rebuild of a specific target.
For example, if you 'rm .make.libosmocore.autoconf', libosmocore and all
projects depending on libosmocore will be rebuilt from scratch.
For more details on the *.opts and *.deps syntax, read the docs at the top of
It is also easily possible to keep sources and build trees in various
configurations, see the command line options of ./

all_enabled.opts Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
osmo-mgw --enable-mgcp-transcoding
osmo-msc --enable-smpp --enable-iu --enable-mgcp-transcoding --enable-external-tests
osmo-bsc --enable-osmo-bsc --enable-nat --enable-mgcp-transcoding --enable-external-tests
osmo-sgsn --enable-iu --enable-external-tests

202 Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Generate a top-level makefile that builds the Osmocom 2G + 3G network components.
./ projects.deps [configuration.opts] [-o Makefile.output]
Configured by text files:
*.deps: whitespace-separated listing of
project_name depends_on_project_1 depends_on_project_2 ...
*.opts: whitespace-separated listing of
project_name --config-opt-1 --config-opt-2 ...
Thus it is possible to choose between e.g.
- 2G+3G or 2G-only by picking a different projects_and_deps.conf,
- and between building each of those with or without mgcp transcoding support
by picking a different configure_opts.conf.
From the Makefile nature, the dependencies extend, no need to repeat common deps.
When this script is done, a Makefile has been generated that allows you to
build all projects at once by issuing 'make', but also to refresh only parts of
it when some bits in the middle have changed. The makefile keeps local progress
marker files like .make.libosmocore.configure; if such progress marker is
removed or becomes outdated, that step and all dependent ones are re-run.
This is helpful in daily hacking across several repositories.
import sys
import os
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(epilog=__doc__, formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter)
help='''Config file containing projects to build and
dependencies between those''')
help='''Config file containing project name and
./configure options''',
default=None, nargs='?')
parser.add_argument('-m', '--make-dir', dest='make_dir',
help='''Place Makefile in this dir (default: create
a new dir named after deps and opts files).''')
parser.add_argument('-s', '--src-dir', dest='src_dir', default='./src',
help='Parent dir for all git clones.')
parser.add_argument('-b', '--build-dir', dest='build_dir',
help='''Parent dir for all build trees (default:
directly in the make-dir).''')
parser.add_argument('-u', '--url', dest='url', default='ssh://go',
help='''git clone base URL. Default is 'ssh://go',
e.g. add this to your ~/.ssh/config:
host go
port 29418
Alternatively pass '-u git://'.''')
parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', dest='output', default='Makefile',
help='''Makefile filename (default: 'Makefile').''')
parser.add_argument('-j', '--jobs', dest='jobs', default='9',
help='''-j option to pass to 'make'.''')
args = parser.parse_args()
def read_projects_deps(path):
'Read deps config and return tuples of (project_name, which-other-to-build-first).'
l = []
for line in open(path):
line = line.strip()
if not line or line.startswith('#'):
tokens = line.split()
l.append((tokens[0], tokens[1:]))
return l
def read_configure_opts(path):
'Read config opts file and return tuples of (project_name, config-opts).'
if not path:
return {}
return dict(read_projects_deps(path))
def gen_make(proj, deps, configure_opts, jobs, make_dir, src_dir, build_dir, url):
src_proj = os.path.join(src_dir, proj)
build_proj = os.path.join(build_dir, proj)
make_to_src = os.path.relpath(src_dir, make_dir)
make_to_src_proj = os.path.relpath(src_proj, make_dir)
make_to_build_proj = os.path.relpath(build_proj, make_dir)
build_to_src = os.path.relpath(src_proj, build_proj)
if configure_opts:
configure_opts_str = ' '.join(configure_opts)
configure_opts_str = ''
# special hack for libsmpp34: cannot build in parallel
if proj == 'libsmpp34':
jobs = 1
return r'''
### {proj} ###
@echo "\n\n\n===== $@\n"
test -d {src} || mkdir -p {src}
test -d {src_proj} || git -C {src} clone {url}/{proj}
touch $@
.make.{proj}.autoconf: .make.{proj}.clone {src_proj}/
@echo "\n\n\n===== $@\n"
cd {src_proj}; autoreconf -fi
touch $@
.make.{proj}.configure: .make.{proj}.autoconf {deps_installed}
@echo "\n\n\n===== $@\n"
-chmod -R ug+w {build_proj}
-rm -rf {build_proj}
mkdir -p {build_proj}
cd {build_proj}; {build_to_src}/configure {configure_opts}
touch $@
touch $@
.PHONY: .make.{proj}.detect_edits
@test -z "$(shell find {src_proj} -newer .make.{proj}.last_edited -name "*.[hc]")" || (touch .make.{proj}.last_edited; echo {proj} edited)
.make.{proj}.build: .make.{proj}.configure .make.{proj}.last_edited
@echo "\n\n\n===== $@\n"
$(MAKE) -C {build_proj} -j {jobs} check
touch $@
.make.{proj}.install: .make.{proj}.build
@echo "\n\n\n===== $@\n"
$(MAKE) -C {build_proj} install
touch $@
deps_installed=' '.join(['.make.%s.install' % d for d in deps]),
projects_deps = read_projects_deps(args.projects_and_deps_file)
configure_opts = read_configure_opts(args.configure_opts_file)
make_dir = args.make_dir
if not make_dir:
make_dir = 'make-%s-%s' % (args.projects_and_deps_file, args.configure_opts_file)
if not os.path.isdir(make_dir):
build_dir = args.build_dir
if not build_dir:
build_dir = make_dir
output = os.path.join(make_dir, args.output)
print('Writing to %r' % output)
with open(output, 'w') as out:
out.write('# This Makefile was generated by %s\n' % os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]))
# convenience: add a regen target that updates the generated makefile itself
default: all
# regenerate this Makefile, in case the deps or opts changed
.PHONY: regen
{script} {projects_and_deps} {configure_opts} -m {make_dir} -o {makefile} -s {src_dir} -b {build_dir}
script=os.path.relpath(sys.argv[0], make_dir),
projects_and_deps=os.path.relpath(args.projects_and_deps_file, make_dir),
configure_opts=os.path.relpath(args.configure_opts_file, make_dir),
src_dir=os.path.relpath(args.src_dir, make_dir),
build_dir=os.path.relpath(build_dir, make_dir),
# now the actual useful build rules
out.write('all: \\\n\t' + ' \\\n\t'.join([ '.make.%s.detect_edits .make.%s.install' % (p,p) for p, d in projects_deps ]) + '\n\n')
for proj, deps in projects_deps:
out.write(gen_make(proj, deps, configure_opts.get(proj),,
make_dir, args.src_dir, build_dir, args.url))