
111 lines
3.4 KiB

# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
# Copyright 2022 sysmocom - s.f.m.c. GmbH <info@sysmocom.de>
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import lib
import lib.config
def get_image_name(distro, image_type):
ret = f"{distro}-osmocom-obs-{image_type}"
ret = ret.replace(":","-").replace("_","-")
return ret
def get_distro_from(distro, image_type):
# Manuals: depend on regular image (data/build_binpkg_manuals.Dockerfile)
if image_type.endswith("_manuals"):
return get_image_name(distro, image_type.replace("_manuals", ""))
return distro
def build_image(distro, image_type):
image_name = get_image_name(distro, image_type)
distro_from = get_distro_from(distro, image_type)
print(f"docker: building image {image_name}")
lib.run_cmd(["docker", "build",
"--build-arg", f"DISTRO={distro}",
"--build-arg", f"DISTRO_FROM={distro_from}",
"--build-arg", f"UID={os.getuid()}",
"-t", image_name,
"-f", f"{lib.config.path_top}/data/{image_type}.Dockerfile",
def get_oscrc():
ret = os.path.expanduser("~/.oscrc")
if "OSCRC" in os.environ:
ret = os.environ["OSCRC"]
if os.path.exists(ret):
return os.path.realpath(ret)
print("ERROR: couldn't find ~/.oscrc. Put it there or set OSCRC.")
def run_in_docker_and_exit(script_path, add_oscrc=False,
image_type="build_srcpkg", distro=None,
pass_argv=True, env={}, docker_args=[]):
:param script_path: what to run inside docker, relative to scripts/obs/
:param add_oscrc: put user's oscrc in docker (contains obs credentials!)
:param image_type: which Dockerfile to use (data/{image_type}.Dockerfile)
:param distro: which Linux distribution to use, e.g. "debian:11"
:param pass_argv: pass arguments from sys.argv to the script
:param env: dict of environment variables
:param docker_args: extra arguments to pass to docker
if "INSIDE_DOCKER" in os.environ:
if not shutil.which("docker"):
print("ERROR: docker is not installed")
if not distro:
distro = lib.config.docker_distro_default
image_name = get_image_name(distro, image_type)
oscrc = None
if add_oscrc:
oscrc = get_oscrc()
# Unless the docker image is up-to-date, building will take a few
# minutes or so, therefore print the output. No need to restore
# set_cmds_verbose, as we use subprocess.run() below and exit afterwards.
# Manuals: build regular image first (data/build_binpkg_manuals.Dockerfile)
if image_type.endswith("_manuals"):
build_image(distro, image_type.replace("_manuals",""))
build_image(distro, image_type)
cmd = ["docker", "run",
"-e", "INSIDE_DOCKER=1",
"-v", f"{lib.config.path_top}:/obs"]
for env_key, env_val in env.items():
cmd += ["-e", f"{env_key}={env_val}"]
if oscrc:
cmd += ["-v", f"{oscrc}:/home/user/.oscrc"]
cmd += docker_args
cmd += [image_name, f"/obs/{script_path}"]
if pass_argv:
cmd += sys.argv[1:]
print(f"docker: running: {script_path} inside docker")
ret = subprocess.run(cmd)