#!/usr/bin/env python3 # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later # Copyright 2022 sysmocom - s.f.m.c. GmbH import glob import os import pathlib import lib.config import lib.debian import lib.rpm_spec def checkout_for_feed(project, feed, branch=None): """ checkout a commit, either latest tag or master or 20YY branch """ if branch: lib.git.checkout(project, f"origin/{branch}") elif feed == "latest": lib.git.checkout_latest_tag(project) elif feed in ["master", "nightly"]: lib.git.checkout_default_branch(project) else: # 2022q1 etc lib.git.checkout(project, f"origin/{feed}") def get_git_version_gen_path(project): # Use git-version-gen in the project's repository if available repo_path = lib.git.get_repo_path(project) ret = f"{repo_path}/git-version-gen" if os.path.exists(ret): return ret # Use git-version-gen script from libosmocore.git as fallback print(f"{project}: has no git-version-gen, using the one from libosmocore") repo_path = lib.git.get_repo_path("libosmocore") ret = f"{repo_path}/git-version-gen" if not os.path.exists(ret): lib.git.clone("libosmocore") if os.path.exists(ret): return ret print(f"ERROR: {project}.git doesn't have a git-version-gen script and" " couldn't find libosmocore.git's copy of the script here either: " + ret) exit(1) def get_git_version(project): """ :returns: the string from git-version-gen, e.g. '' """ repo_path = lib.git.get_repo_path(project) script_path = get_git_version_gen_path(project) ret = lib.run_cmd([script_path, "."], cwd=repo_path) if not ret.output: lib.exit_error_cmd(ret, "empty output from git-version-gen") return ret.output def get_version_for_feed(project, feed, conflict_version): if feed == "latest": # There's always a tag if we are here. If there was none, the build # would have been skipped for latest. ret = lib.git.get_latest_tag(project) return ret[1:] if ret.startswith("v") else ret ret = get_git_version(project) # Try to get the last version from the debian/changelog if we can't get # it with git-version-gen, like it was done in the previous OBS scripts if ret == "UNKNOWN": ret = lib.debian.get_last_version_from_changelog(project) # cut off epoch, we retrieve it separately in get_epoch() below if ":" in ret: ret = ret.split(":")[1] # Append the conflict_version to increase the version even if the commit # did not change (OS#5135) if conflict_version: ret = f"{ret}.{conflict_version}" return ret def get_epoch(project): """ The osmo-gbproxy used to have the same package version as osmo-sgsn until 2021 where it was split into its own git repository. From then on, osmo-gbproxy has a 0.*.* package version, which is smaller than the previous 1.*.* from osmo-sgsn. We had to set the epoch to 1 for osmo-gbproxy so package managers know these 0.*.* versions are higher than the previous 1.*.* ones that are still found in e.g. debian 11. The epoch is set in debian/changelog, retrieve it from there. :returns: the epoch number if set, e.g. "1" or an empty string """ version_epoch = lib.debian.get_last_version_from_changelog(project) if ":" in version_epoch: return version_epoch.split(":")[0] return "" def prepare_project_osmo_dia2gsup(): """ Run erlang/osmo_dia2gsup's generate_build_dep.sh script to download sources for dependencies. """ lib.run_cmd("contrib/generate_build_dep.sh", cwd=lib.git.get_repo_path("erlang/osmo_dia2gsup")) def prepare_project_open5gs(): """ Build fails without downloading freeDiameter sources. Also we can't just update all subprojects because it would fail with 'Subproject exists but has no meson.build file' for promethous-client-c. """ lib.run_cmd(["meson", "subprojects", "download", "freeDiameter"], cwd=lib.git.get_repo_path("open5gs")) def write_tarball_version(project, version): repo_path = lib.git.get_repo_path(project) with open(f"{repo_path}/.tarball-version", "w") as f: f.write(f"{version}\n") def write_commit_txt(project): """ Write the current git commit to commit_$commit.txt file, so it gets uploaded to OBS along with the rest of the source package. This allows figuring out if the source package is still up-to-date or not for the master feed. """ output_path = lib.get_output_path(project) commit = lib.git.get_head(project) print(f"{project}: adding commit_{commit}.txt") pathlib.Path(f"{output_path}/commit_{commit}.txt").touch() def build(project, feed, branch, conflict_version, fetch, gerrit_id=0): lib.git.clone(project, fetch) lib.git.clean(project) if gerrit_id > 0: lib.git.checkout_from_review(project, gerrit_id) else: checkout_for_feed(project, feed, branch) version = get_version_for_feed(project, feed, conflict_version) epoch = get_epoch(project) version_epoch = f"{epoch}:{version}" if epoch else version has_rpm_spec = lib.rpm_spec.get_spec_in_path(project) is not None print(f"{project}: building source package {version_epoch}") write_tarball_version(project, version_epoch) if project in lib.config.projects_osmocom: metapkg = f"osmocom-{feed}" lib.debian.control_add_depend(project, metapkg, conflict_version) if has_rpm_spec: lib.rpm_spec.add_depend(project, metapkg, conflict_version) lib.debian.changelog_add_entry_if_needed(project, feed, version_epoch) os.makedirs(lib.get_output_path(project)) lib.remove_cache_extra_files() project_specific_func = f"prepare_project_{os.path.basename(project)}" if project_specific_func in globals(): print(f"{project}: running {project_specific_func}") globals()[project_specific_func]() lib.debian.build_source_package(project) lib.debian.move_files_to_output(project) if has_rpm_spec: lib.rpm_spec.generate(project, version, epoch) lib.rpm_spec.copy_to_output(project) if feed == "master": write_commit_txt(project) lib.remove_cache_extra_files() return version_epoch def requires_osmo_gsm_manuals_dev(project): """ Check if an already built source package has osmo-gsm-manuals-dev in Build-Depends of the .dsc file """ path_dsc = glob.glob(f"{lib.get_output_path(project)}/*.dsc") assert len(path_dsc) == 1, f"failed to get dsc path for {project}" with open(path_dsc[0], "r") as handle: for line in handle.readlines(): if line.startswith("Build-Depends:") \ and "osmo-gsm-manuals-dev" in line: return True return False