- job: concurrent: false description: This job builds the doxygen API documentation for latest libosmo* and uploads it to https://downloads.osmocom.org/api/latest/ properties: - build-discarder: days-to-keep: 30 num-to-keep: 30 name: Osmocom_API node: osmocom-master project-type: freestyle publishers: - email: notify-every-unstable-build: true recipients: jenkins-notifications@lists.osmocom.org triggers: - timed: "H H * * *" wrappers: - ssh-agent-credentials: users: - api_ftp.osmocom.org parameters: - string: name: BRANCH description: osmo-ci.git branch default: 'master' scm: - git: branches: - '$BRANCH' url: https://gerrit.osmocom.org/osmo-ci git-config-name: 'Jenkins Builder' git-config-email: 'jenkins@osmocom.org' wipe-workspace: true builders: - shell: | docker run \ --rm=true \ -e SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/ssh-agent \ -u build \ -v "$PWD:/build" \ -v $(readlink -f $SSH_AUTH_SOCK):/ssh-agent \ -w /build \ "$USER/debian-bookworm-build" \ scripts/osmocom-api-doxygen.sh