/* * libtelnet - TELNET protocol handling library * * Sean Middleditch * sean@sourcemud.org * * The author or authors of this code dedicate any and all copyright interest * in this code to the public domain. We make this dedication for the benefit * of the public at large and to the detriment of our heirs and successors. We * intend this dedication to be an overt act of relinquishment in perpetuity of * all present and future rights to this code under copyright law. */ #if !defined(LIBTELNET_INCLUDE) #define LIBTELNET_INCLUDE 1 /* printf type checking feature in GCC and some other compilers */ #if __GNUC__ # define TELNET_GNU_PRINTF(f,a) __attribute__((format(printf, f, a))) # define TELNET_GNU_SENTINEL __attribute__((sentinel)) #else # define TELNET_GNU_PRINTF(f,a) # define TELNET_GNU_SENTINEL #endif /* forward declarations */ typedef struct telnet_t telnet_t; typedef struct telnet_event_t telnet_event_t; typedef struct telnet_telopt_t telnet_telopt_t; /* telnet special values */ #define TELNET_IAC 255 #define TELNET_DONT 254 #define TELNET_DO 253 #define TELNET_WONT 252 #define TELNET_WILL 251 #define TELNET_SB 250 #define TELNET_GA 249 #define TELNET_EL 248 #define TELNET_EC 247 #define TELNET_AYT 246 #define TELNET_AO 245 #define TELNET_IP 244 #define TELNET_BREAK 243 #define TELNET_DM 242 #define TELNET_NOP 241 #define TELNET_SE 240 #define TELNET_EOR 239 #define TELNET_ABORT 238 #define TELNET_SUSP 237 #define TELNET_EOF 236 /* telnet options */ #define TELNET_TELOPT_BINARY 0 #define TELNET_TELOPT_ECHO 1 #define TELNET_TELOPT_RCP 2 #define TELNET_TELOPT_SGA 3 #define TELNET_TELOPT_NAMS 4 #define TELNET_TELOPT_STATUS 5 #define TELNET_TELOPT_TM 6 #define TELNET_TELOPT_RCTE 7 #define TELNET_TELOPT_NAOL 8 #define TELNET_TELOPT_NAOP 9 #define TELNET_TELOPT_NAOCRD 10 #define TELNET_TELOPT_NAOHTS 11 #define TELNET_TELOPT_NAOHTD 12 #define TELNET_TELOPT_NAOFFD 13 #define TELNET_TELOPT_NAOVTS 14 #define TELNET_TELOPT_NAOVTD 15 #define TELNET_TELOPT_NAOLFD 16 #define TELNET_TELOPT_XASCII 17 #define TELNET_TELOPT_LOGOUT 18 #define TELNET_TELOPT_BM 19 #define TELNET_TELOPT_DET 20 #define TELNET_TELOPT_SUPDUP 21 #define TELNET_TELOPT_SUPDUPOUTPUT 22 #define TELNET_TELOPT_SNDLOC 23 #define TELNET_TELOPT_TTYPE 24 #define TELNET_TELOPT_EOR 25 #define TELNET_TELOPT_TUID 26 #define TELNET_TELOPT_OUTMRK 27 #define TELNET_TELOPT_TTYLOC 28 #define TELNET_TELOPT_3270REGIME 29 #define TELNET_TELOPT_X3PAD 30 #define TELNET_TELOPT_NAWS 31 #define TELNET_TELOPT_TSPEED 32 #define TELNET_TELOPT_LFLOW 33 #define TELNET_TELOPT_LINEMODE 34 #define TELNET_TELOPT_XDISPLOC 35 #define TELNET_TELOPT_ENVIRON 36 #define TELNET_TELOPT_AUTHENTICATION 37 #define TELNET_TELOPT_ENCRYPT 38 #define TELNET_TELOPT_NEW_ENVIRON 39 #define TELNET_TELOPT_MSSP 70 #define TELNET_TELOPT_COMPRESS2 86 #define TELNET_TELOPT_ZMP 93 #define TELNET_TELOPT_EXOPL 255 #define TELNET_TELOPT_MCCP2 86 /* special codes for the subnegotiation commands for certain telopts */ #define TELNET_TTYPE_IS 0 #define TELNET_TTYPE_SEND 1 #define TELNET_ENVIRON_IS 0 #define TELNET_ENVIRON_SEND 1 #define TELNET_ENVIRON_INFO 2 #define TELNET_ENVIRON_VAR 0 #define TELNET_ENVIRON_VALUE 1 #define TELNET_ENVIRON_ESC 2 #define TELNET_ENVIRON_USERVAR 3 #define TELNET_MSSP_VAR 1 #define TELNET_MSSP_VAL 2 /* libtelnet feature flags */ #define TELNET_FLAG_PROXY (1<<0) #define TELNET_PFLAG_DEFLATE (1<<7) /* error codes */ enum telnet_error_t { TELNET_EOK = 0, TELNET_EBADVAL, /* invalid parameter, or API misuse */ TELNET_ENOMEM, /* memory allocation failure */ TELNET_EOVERFLOW, /* data exceeds buffer size */ TELNET_EPROTOCOL, /* invalid sequence of special bytes */ TELNET_ECOMPRESS /* error handling compressed streams */ }; typedef enum telnet_error_t telnet_error_t; /* event codes */ enum telnet_event_type_t { TELNET_EV_DATA = 0, TELNET_EV_SEND, TELNET_EV_IAC, TELNET_EV_WILL, TELNET_EV_WONT, TELNET_EV_DO, TELNET_EV_DONT, TELNET_EV_SUBNEGOTIATION, TELNET_EV_COMPRESS, TELNET_EV_WARNING, TELNET_EV_ERROR }; typedef enum telnet_event_type_t telnet_event_type_t; /* event information */ struct telnet_event_t { /* ZMP argument list */ const char **argv; size_t argc; /* data buffer: for DATA, SEND, SUBNEGOTIATION, and ERROR events */ const char *buffer; size_t size; /* type of event */ enum telnet_event_type_t type; /* IAC command */ unsigned char command; /* telopt info: for negotiation events SUBNEGOTIATION */ unsigned char telopt; }; /* event handler declaration */ typedef void (*telnet_event_handler_t)(telnet_t *telnet, telnet_event_t *event, void *user_data); /* telopt support table element; use telopt of -1 for end marker */ struct telnet_telopt_t { short telopt; /* one of the TELOPT codes or -1 */ unsigned char us; /* TELNET_WILL or TELNET_WONT */ unsigned char him; /* TELNET_DO or TELNET_DONT */ }; /* state tracker -- private data structure */ struct telnet_t; /* initialize a telnet state tracker */ extern telnet_t* telnet_init(const telnet_telopt_t *telopts, telnet_event_handler_t eh, unsigned char flags, void *user_data); /* free up any memory allocated by a state tracker */ extern void telnet_free(telnet_t *telnet); /* push a byte buffer into the state tracker */ extern void telnet_recv(telnet_t *telnet, const char *buffer, size_t size); /* send an iac command */ extern void telnet_iac(telnet_t *telnet, unsigned char cmd); /* send negotiation, with RFC1143 checking. * will not actually send unless necessary, but will update internal * negotiation queue. */ extern void telnet_negotiate(telnet_t *telnet, unsigned char cmd, unsigned char opt); /* send non-command data (escapes IAC bytes) */ extern void telnet_send(telnet_t *telnet, const char *buffer, size_t size); /* send IAC SB followed by the telopt code */ extern void telnet_begin_sb(telnet_t *telnet, unsigned char telopt); /* send IAC SE */ #define telnet_finish_sb(telnet) telnet_iac((telnet), TELNET_SE) /* shortcut for sending a complete subnegotiation buffer. * equivalent to: * telnet_begin_sb(telnet, telopt); * telnet_send(telnet, buffer, size); * telnet_finish_sb(telnet); */ extern void telnet_subnegotiation(telnet_t *telnet, unsigned char telopt, const char *buffer, size_t size); /* begin sending compressed data (server only) */ extern void telnet_begin_compress2(telnet_t *telnet); /* send formatted data with \r and \n translated, and IAC escaped */ extern int telnet_printf(telnet_t *telnet, const char *fmt, ...) TELNET_GNU_PRINTF(2, 3); /* send formatted data with just IAC escaped */ extern int telnet_raw_printf(telnet_t *telnet, const char *fmt, ...) TELNET_GNU_PRINTF(2, 3); /* send TTYPE/ENVIRON/NEW-ENVIRON/MSSP data */ extern void telnet_format_sb(telnet_t *telnet, unsigned char telopt, size_t count, ...); /* send ZMP commands */ extern void telnet_send_zmp(telnet_t *telnet, size_t argc, const char **argv); extern void telnet_send_zmpv(telnet_t *telnet, ...) TELNET_GNU_SENTINEL; #endif /* !defined(LIBTELNET_INCLUDE) */