#include #include #include #include #include #include "sim_int.h" /* TS 11.11 / Chapter 9.4 */ static const struct osim_card_sw ts11_11_sw[] = { { 0x9000, 0xffff, SW_TYPE_STR, SW_CLS_OK, .u.str = "Normal ending of the command", }, { 0x9100, 0xff00, SW_TYPE_STR, SW_CLS_OK, .u.str = "Normal ending of the command - proactive command from SIM pending", }, { 0x9e00, 0xff00, SW_TYPE_STR, SW_CLS_OK, .u.str = "Normal ending of the command - response data for SIM data download", }, { 0x9f00, 0xff00, SW_TYPE_STR, SW_CLS_OK, .u.str = "Normal ending of the command - response data available", }, { 0x9300, 0xffff, SW_TYPE_STR, SW_CLS_POSTP, .u.str = "SIM Application Toolkit is busy, command cannot be executed at present", }, { 0x9200, 0xfff0, SW_TYPE_STR, SW_CLS_WARN, .u.str = "Memory management - Command successful but after using an internal updat retry X times", }, { 0x9240, 0xffff, SW_TYPE_STR, SW_CLS_ERROR, .u.str = "Memory management - Memory problem", }, { 0x9400, 0xffff, SW_TYPE_STR, SW_CLS_ERROR, .u.str = "Referencing management - no EF selected", }, { 0x9402, 0xffff, SW_TYPE_STR, SW_CLS_ERROR, .u.str = "Referencing management - out of range (invalid address)", }, { 0x9404, 0xffff, SW_TYPE_STR, SW_CLS_ERROR, .u.str = "Referencing management - file ID not found / pattern not found", }, { 0x9802, 0xffff, SW_TYPE_STR, SW_CLS_ERROR, .u.str = "Security management - no CHV initialized", }, { 0x9804, 0xffff, SW_TYPE_STR, SW_CLS_ERROR, .u.str = "Security management - access condition not fulfilled", }, { 0x9808, 0xffff, SW_TYPE_STR, SW_CLS_ERROR, .u.str = "Security management - in contradiction with CHV status", }, { 0x9810, 0xffff, SW_TYPE_STR, SW_CLS_ERROR, .u.str = "Security management - in contradiction with invalidation status", }, { 0x9840, 0xffff, SW_TYPE_STR, SW_CLS_ERROR, .u.str = "Security management - unsuccessful CHV verification, no attempt left", }, { 0x9850, 0xffff, SW_TYPE_STR, SW_CLS_ERROR, .u.str = "Security management - increase cannot be performed, max value reached", }, { 0x6700, 0xff00, SW_TYPE_STR, SW_CLS_ERROR, .u.str = "Application independent - incorrect parameter P3", }, { 0x6b00, 0xff00, SW_TYPE_STR, SW_CLS_ERROR, .u.str = "Application independent - incorrect parameter P1 or P2", }, { 0x6d00, 0xff00, SW_TYPE_STR, SW_CLS_ERROR, .u.str = "Application independent - unknown instruction code", }, { 0x6e00, 0xff00, SW_TYPE_STR, SW_CLS_ERROR, .u.str = "Application independent - wrong instruction class", }, { 0x6f00, 0xff00, SW_TYPE_STR, SW_CLS_ERROR, .u.str = "Application independent - technical problem with no diagnostic given", }, OSIM_CARD_SW_LAST }; static const struct osim_card_sw *sim_card_sws[] = { ts11_11_sw, NULL }; static int iccid_decode(struct osim_decoded_data *dd, const struct osim_file_desc *desc, int len, uint8_t *data) { struct osim_decoded_element *elem; elem = element_alloc(dd, "ICCID", ELEM_T_BCD, ELEM_REPR_DEC); elem->length = len; elem->u.buf = talloc_memdup(elem, data, len); return 0; } static int elp_decode(struct osim_decoded_data *dd, const struct osim_file_desc *desc, int len, uint8_t *data) { int i, num_lp = len / 2; for (i = 0; i < num_lp; i++) { uint8_t *cur = data + i*2; struct osim_decoded_element *elem; elem = element_alloc(dd, "Language Code", ELEM_T_STRING, ELEM_REPR_NONE); elem->u.buf = (uint8_t *) talloc_strndup(elem, (const char *) cur, 2); } return 0; } static int default_decode(struct osim_decoded_data *dd, const struct osim_file_desc *desc, int len, uint8_t *data) { struct osim_decoded_element *elem; elem = element_alloc(dd, "Unknown Payload", ELEM_T_BYTES, ELEM_REPR_HEX); elem->u.buf = talloc_memdup(elem, data, len); return 0; } /* 10.3.1 */ int gsm_lp_decode(struct osim_decoded_data *dd, const struct osim_file_desc *desc, int len, uint8_t *data) { int i; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { struct osim_decoded_element *elem; elem = element_alloc(dd, "Language Code", ELEM_T_UINT8, ELEM_REPR_DEC); elem->u.u8 = data[i]; } return 0; } /* 10.3.2 */ int gsm_imsi_decode(struct osim_decoded_data *dd, const struct osim_file_desc *desc, int len, uint8_t *data) { struct osim_decoded_element *elem; if (len < 2) return -EINVAL; elem = element_alloc(dd, "IMSI", ELEM_T_BCD, ELEM_REPR_DEC); elem->length = data[0]; elem->u.buf = talloc_memdup(elem, data+1, len-1); return 0; } /* 10.3.3 */ static int gsm_kc_decode(struct osim_decoded_data *dd, const struct osim_file_desc *desc, int len, uint8_t *data) { struct osim_decoded_element *kc, *cksn; if (len < 9) return -EINVAL; kc = element_alloc(dd, "Kc", ELEM_T_BYTES, ELEM_REPR_HEX); kc->u.buf = talloc_memdup(kc, data, 8); cksn = element_alloc(dd, "CKSN", ELEM_T_UINT8, ELEM_REPR_DEC); cksn->u.u8 = data[8]; return 0; } /* 10.3.4 */ static int gsm_plmnsel_decode(struct osim_decoded_data *dd, const struct osim_file_desc *desc, int len, uint8_t *data) { int i, n_plmn = len / 3; if (n_plmn < 1) return -EINVAL; for (i = 0; i < n_plmn; i++) { uint8_t *cur = data + 3*i; struct osim_decoded_element *elem, *mcc, *mnc; uint8_t ra_buf[6]; struct gprs_ra_id ra_id; memset(ra_buf, 0, sizeof(ra_buf)); memcpy(ra_buf, cur, 3); gsm48_parse_ra(&ra_id, ra_buf); elem = element_alloc(dd, "PLMN", ELEM_T_GROUP, ELEM_REPR_NONE); mcc = element_alloc_sub(elem, "MCC", ELEM_T_UINT16, ELEM_REPR_DEC); mcc->u.u16 = ra_id.mcc; mnc = element_alloc_sub(elem, "MNC", ELEM_T_UINT16, ELEM_REPR_DEC); mnc->u.u16 = ra_id.mnc; } return 0; } /* 10.3.5 */ int gsm_hpplmn_decode(struct osim_decoded_data *dd, const struct osim_file_desc *desc, int len, uint8_t *data) { struct osim_decoded_element *elem; elem = element_alloc(dd, "Time interval", ELEM_T_UINT8, ELEM_REPR_DEC); elem->u.u8 = *data; return 0; } /* Chapter 10.2.x */ static const struct osim_file_desc sim_ef_in_mf[] = { EF_TRANSP(0x2FE2, "EF.ICCID", 0, "ICC Identification", &iccid_decode, NULL), EF_TRANSP(0x2F05, "EF.ELP", F_OPTIONAL, "Extended language preference", &elp_decode, NULL), }; /* Chapter 10.3.x */ static const struct osim_file_desc sim_ef_in_gsm[] = { EF_TRANSP(0x6F05, "EF.LP", 0, "Language preference", &gsm_lp_decode, NULL), EF_TRANSP(0x6F07, "EF.IMSI", 0, "IMSI", &gsm_imsi_decode, NULL), EF_TRANSP(0x6F20, "EF.Kc", 0, "Ciphering key Kc", &gsm_kc_decode, NULL), EF_TRANSP(0x6F30, "EF.PLMNsel", F_OPTIONAL, "PLMN selector", &gsm_plmnsel_decode, NULL), EF_TRANSP(0x6F31, "EF.HPPLMN", 0, "Higher Priority PLMN search period", &gsm_hpplmn_decode, NULL), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6F37, "EF.ACMmax", F_OPTIONAL, "ACM maximum value"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6F38, "EF.SST", 0, "SIM service table"), EF_CYCLIC_N(0x6F39, "EF.ACM", F_OPTIONAL, "Accumulated call meter"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6F3E, "EF.GID1", F_OPTIONAL, "Group Identifier Level 1"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6F3F, "EF.GID2", F_OPTIONAL, "Group Identifier Level 2"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6F46, "EF.SPN", F_OPTIONAL, "Service Provider Name"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6F41, "EF.PUCT", F_OPTIONAL, "Price per unit and currency table"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6F45, "EF.CBMI", F_OPTIONAL, "Cell broadcast massage identifier selection"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6F74, "EF.BCCH", 0, "Broadcast control channels"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6F78, "EF.ACC", 0, "Access control class"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6F7B, "EF.FPLMN", 0, "Forbidden PLMNs"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6F7E, "EF.LOCI", 0, "Location information"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6FAD, "EF.AD", 0, "Administrative data"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6FAE, "EF.Phase", 0, "Phase identification"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6FB1, "EF.VGCS", F_OPTIONAL, "Voice Group Call Service"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6FB2, "EF.VGCSS", F_OPTIONAL, "Voice Group Call Service Status"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6FB3, "EF.VBS", F_OPTIONAL, "Voice Broadcast Service"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6FB4, "EF.VBSS", F_OPTIONAL, "Voice Broadcast Service Status"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6FB5, "EF.eMLPP", F_OPTIONAL, "enhanced Mult Level Pre-emption and Priority"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6FB6, "EF.AAeM", F_OPTIONAL, "Automatic Answer for eMLPP Service"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6F48, "EF.CBMID", F_OPTIONAL, "Cell Broadcast Message Identifier for Data Download"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6FB7, "EF.ECC", F_OPTIONAL, "Emergency Call Code"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6F50, "EF.CBMIR", F_OPTIONAL, "Cell broadcast message identifier range selection"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6F2C, "EF.DCK", F_OPTIONAL, "De-personalization Control Keys"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6F32, "EF.CNL", F_OPTIONAL, "Co-operative Network List"), EF_LIN_FIX_N(0x6F51, "EF.NIA", F_OPTIONAL, "Network's Indication of Alerting"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6F52, "EF.KcGPRS", F_OPTIONAL, "GPRS Ciphering key KcGPRS"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6F53, "EF.LOCIGPRS", F_OPTIONAL, "GPRS location information"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6F54, "EF.SUME", F_OPTIONAL, "SetUpMenu Elements"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6F60, "EF.PLMNwAcT", F_OPTIONAL, "User controlled PLMN Selector with Access Technology"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6F61, "EF.OPLMNwAcT", F_OPTIONAL, "Operator controlled PLMN Selector with Access Technology"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6F62, "EF.HPLMNwAcT", F_OPTIONAL, "HPLMN Selector with Access Technology"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6F63, "EF.CPBCCH", F_OPTIONAL, "CPBCCH Information"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6F64, "EF.InvScan", F_OPTIONAL, "Investigation Scan"), }; /* 10.5. */ static const struct osim_file_desc sim_ef_in_telecom[] = { EF_LIN_FIX_N(0x6F3A, "EF.ADN", F_OPTIONAL, "Abbreviated dialling numbers"), EF_LIN_FIX_N(0x6F3B, "EF.FDN", F_OPTIONAL, "Fixed dialling numbers"), EF_LIN_FIX_N(0x6F3C, "EF.SMS", F_OPTIONAL, "Short messages"), EF_LIN_FIX_N(0x6F3D, "EF.CCP", F_OPTIONAL, "Capability configuration parameters"), EF_LIN_FIX_N(0x6F4F, "EF.ECCP", F_OPTIONAL, "Extended Capability configuration parameters"), EF_LIN_FIX_N(0x6F40, "EF.MSISDN", F_OPTIONAL, "MSISDN"), EF_LIN_FIX_N(0x6F42, "EF.SMSP", F_OPTIONAL, "Short message service parameters"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6F43, "EF.SMSS", F_OPTIONAL, "SMS Status"), EF_CYCLIC_N(0x6F44, "EF.LND", F_OPTIONAL, "Last number dialled"), EF_LIN_FIX_N(0x6F4A, "EF.EXT1", F_OPTIONAL, "Extension 1"), EF_LIN_FIX_N(0x6F4B, "EF.EXT2", F_OPTIONAL, "Extension 2"), EF_LIN_FIX_N(0x6F4C, "EF.EXT3", F_OPTIONAL, "Extension 3"), EF_LIN_FIX_N(0x6F4D, "EF.BDN", F_OPTIONAL, "Barred dialling numbers"), EF_LIN_FIX_N(0x6F4E, "EF.EXT4", F_OPTIONAL, "Extension 4"), EF_LIN_FIX_N(0x6F47, "EF.SMSR", F_OPTIONAL, "Short message status reports"), EF_LIN_FIX_N(0x6F58, "EF.CMI", F_OPTIONAL, "Comparison Method Information"), }; /* 10.6. */ static const struct osim_file_desc sim_ef_in_graphics[] = { EF_LIN_FIX_N(0x4F20, "EF.IMG", F_OPTIONAL, "Image"), }; struct osim_card_profile *osim_cprof_sim(void *ctx) { struct osim_card_profile *cprof; struct osim_file_desc *mf, *gsm, *tc; cprof = talloc_zero(ctx, struct osim_card_profile); cprof->name = "GSM SIM"; cprof->sws = sim_card_sws; mf = alloc_df(cprof, 0x3f00, "MF"); cprof->mf = mf; add_filedesc(mf, sim_ef_in_mf, ARRAY_SIZE(sim_ef_in_mf)); gsm = add_df_with_ef(mf, 0x7F20, "DF.GSM", sim_ef_in_gsm, ARRAY_SIZE(sim_ef_in_gsm)); add_df_with_ef(gsm, 0x5F30, "DF.IRIDIUM", NULL, 0); add_df_with_ef(gsm, 0x5F31, "DF.GLOBST", NULL, 0); add_df_with_ef(gsm, 0x5F32, "DF.ICO", NULL, 0); add_df_with_ef(gsm, 0x5F33, "DF.ACeS", NULL, 0); add_df_with_ef(gsm, 0x5F40, "DF.ACeS", NULL, 0); add_df_with_ef(gsm, 0x5F60, "DF.CTS", NULL, 0); add_df_with_ef(gsm, 0x5F70, "DF.SoLSA", NULL, 0); tc = add_df_with_ef(mf, 0x7F10, "DF.TELECOM", sim_ef_in_telecom, ARRAY_SIZE(sim_ef_in_telecom)); add_df_with_ef(tc, 0x5F50, "DF.GRAPHICS", sim_ef_in_graphics, ARRAY_SIZE(sim_ef_in_graphics)); return cprof; }