ifdef REL NEW_VERSION := $(shell bumpversion --list --current-version $(VERSION) $(REL) --allow-dirty | awk -F '=' '{ print $$2 }') LIBVERS := $(shell git grep -n LIBVERSION | grep '=' | grep am | grep -v LDFLAGS) ISODATE := $(shell date -I) endif release: ifeq ($(NEW_VERSION),) @$(error Failed to determine NEW_VERSION - please fix versioning (current is $(VERSION)) before proceeding with the release) endif @echo "Releasing" $(VERSION) "->" $(NEW_VERSION)"..." ifeq ($(LIBVERS),) @gbp dch --debian-tag='%(version)s' --auto --meta --git-author --multimaint-merge --ignore-branch else @echo "You should NOT be doing this unless you've read and understood following article:" @echo "https://www.gnu.org/software/libtool/manual/html_node/Updating-version-info.html#Updating-version-info" @grep -v '#' TODO-RELEASE | sed 's/\t\+/:/g' | xargs -d'\n' -I entry dch -m -v $(NEW_VERSION) "entry" @dch -r -m --distribution "unstable" "" @grep '#' TODO-RELEASE > TODO-RELEASE.clean @mv TODO-RELEASE.clean TODO-RELEASE @echo "Do NOT push the release commit if you have not adjusted LIBVERSION in preceeding commit!!!" @echo "Are you sure the following versions are correct?" @echo $(LIBVERS) endif @git add -u @bumpversion --current-version $(VERSION) $(REL) --tag --commit --tag-name $(NEW_VERSION) --allow-dirty @git tag -s $(NEW_VERSION) -f -m "Release v$(NEW_VERSION) on $(ISODATE)." @echo "Release" $(NEW_VERSION) "prepared, tagged and signed."