#!/bin/sh VERSION=$1 REL=$2 if [ "z$REL" = "z" ]; then echo "usage: make REL=patch|minor|major release" echo echo "optional environment variables:" echo " DRY_RUN=1 run checks but make no modifications" echo " ALLOW_NO_LIBVERSION_CHANGE=1 skip LIBVERSION in Makefile.am fchecks" echo " ALLOW_NO_LIBVERSION_DEB_MATCH=1 skip LIBVERSION in debian packaging checks" echo " ALLOW_NO_LIBVERSION_RPM_MATCH=1 skip LIBVERSION in rpm packaging checks" echo echo "See also:" echo "https://osmocom.org/projects/cellular-infrastructure/wiki/Make_a_new_release" exit 1 fi ALLOW_NO_LIBVERSION_CHANGE="${ALLOW_NO_LIBVERSION_CHANGE:-0}" ALLOW_NO_LIBVERSION_DEB_MATCH="${ALLOW_NO_LIBVERSION_DEB_MATCH:-0}" ALLOW_NO_LIBVERSION_RPM_MATCH="${ALLOW_NO_LIBVERSION_RPM_MATCH:-0}" # Test stuff but don't modify stuff: DRY_RUN="${DRY_RUN:-0}" RESET="\033[1;0m" RED="\033[1;31m" GREEN="\033[1;32m" YELLOW="\033[1;33m" ok() { echo "${GREEN}OK:${RESET} $@" } warn() { echo "${YELLOW}WARN:${RESET} $@" } error() { echo "${RED}ERROR:${RESET} $@" } libversion_to_lib_major() { libversion="$1" current="$(echo "$libversion" | cut -d ":" -f 1)" #revision="$(echo "$libversion" | cut -d ":" -f 2)" age="$(echo "$libversion" | cut -d ":" -f 3)" major="$(expr "$current" - "$age")" echo "$major" } get_configureac_pkg_check_modules_list() { if [ -f "${GIT_TOPDIR}/openbsc/configure.ac" ]; then configureac_file="openbsc/configure.ac" else configureac_file="configure.ac" fi grep -e "PKG_CHECK_MODULES(" "${GIT_TOPDIR}/${configureac_file}" | cut -d "," -f 2 | tr -d ")" | tr -d "[" | tr -d "]" | tr -d " " | sed "s/>=/ /g" } # Make sure that depedency requirement versions match in configure.ac vs debian/control. #eg: "PKG_CHECK_MODULES(LIBOSMOCORE, libosmocore >= 1.1.0)" vs "libosmocore-dev (>= 1.0.0)," check_configureac_debctrl_deps_match() { get_configureac_pkg_check_modules_list | \ { return_error=0 while read -r dep ver; do debctrl_match="$(grep -e "${dep}-dev" ${GIT_TOPDIR}/debian/control | grep ">=")" debctrl_match_count="$(echo "$debctrl_match" | grep -c ">=")" if [ "z$debctrl_match_count" != "z0" ]; then #echo "Dependency <$dep, $ver> from configure.ac matched in debian/control! ($debctrl_match_count)" if [ "z$debctrl_match_count" != "z1" ]; then warn "configure.ac <$dep, $ver> matches debian/control $debctrl_match_count times, manual check required!" else # 1 match: parsed_match=$(echo "$debctrl_match" | tr -d "(" | tr -d ")" | tr -d "," | tr -d " " | tr -d "\t" | sed "s/>=/ /g") debctrl_dep=$(echo "$parsed_match" | cut -d " " -f 1 | sed "s/-dev//g") debctrl_ver=$(echo "$parsed_match" | cut -d " " -f 2) if [ "z$dep" != "z$debctrl_dep" ] || [ "z$ver" != "z$debctrl_ver" ]; then error "configure.ac <$dep, $ver> does NOT match debian/control <$debctrl_dep, $debctrl_ver>!" return_error=1 #else # ok "configure.ac <$dep, $ver> matches debian/control <$debctrl_dep, $debctrl_ver>" fi fi fi done if [ $return_error -ne 0 ]; then exit 1 fi } # catch and forward exit from pipe subshell "while read": if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then error "exiting due to previous errors" exit 1 fi ok "dependency specific versions in configure.ac and debian/control match" } # Make sure that depedency requirement versions match in configure.ac vs contrib/*.spec.in. #eg: "PKG_CHECK_MODULES(LIBOSMOCORE, libosmocore >= 1.1.0)" vs "pkgconfig(libosmocore-dev) >= 1.0.0," check_configureac_rpmspecin_deps_match() { # Some projects don't have rpm spec files: if [ "z$(find "${GIT_TOPDIR}/contrib" -name "*.spec.in" | wc -l)" = "z0" ]; then echo "INFO: Project has no 'contrib/*.spec.in' files, skipping RPM specific configure.ac dependency version checks" return fi get_configureac_pkg_check_modules_list | \ { return_error=0 while read -r dep ver; do rpmspecin_match="$(grep -e "pkgconfig(${dep})" ${GIT_TOPDIR}/contrib/*.spec.in | grep BuildRequires | grep pkgconfig | grep ">=")" rpmspecin_match_count="$(echo "$rpmspecin_match" | grep -c ">=")" if [ "z$rpmspecin_match_count" != "z0" ]; then #echo "Dependency <$dep, $ver> from configure.ac matched in contrib/*.spec.in! ($rpmspecin_match_count)" if [ "z$rpmspecin_match_count" != "z1" ]; then warn "configure.ac <$dep, $ver> matches contrib/*.spec.in $rpmspecin_match_count times, manual check required!" else # 1 match: parsed_match=$(echo "$rpmspecin_match" | tr -d "(" | tr -d ")" | tr -d ":" | tr -d " " | tr -d "\t" | sed "s/BuildRequires//g" | sed "s/pkgconfig//g" |sed "s/>=/ /g") rpmspecin_dep=$(echo "$parsed_match" | cut -d " " -f 1) rpmspecin_ver=$(echo "$parsed_match" | cut -d " " -f 2) if [ "z$dep" != "z$rpmspecin_dep" ] || [ "z$ver" != "z$rpmspecin_ver" ]; then error "configure.ac <$dep, $ver> does NOT match contrib/*.spec.in <$rpmspecin_dep, $rpmspecin_ver>!" return_error=1 #else # ok "configure.ac <$dep, $ver> matches contrib/*.spec.in <$debctrl_dep, $debctrl_ver>" fi fi fi done if [ $return_error -ne 0 ]; then exit 1 fi } # catch and forward exit from pipe subshell "while read": if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then error "exiting due to previous errors" exit 1 fi ok "dependency specific versions in configure.ac and contrib/*.spec.in match" } # Make sure that patches under debian/patches/ apply: check_debian_patch_apply() { if [ ! -d "${GIT_TOPDIR}/debian/patches" ]; then return fi for patch in ${GIT_TOPDIR}/debian/patches/*.patch; do git apply --check $patch if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then error "patch no longer applies! $patch" exit 1 else ok "patch applies: $patch" fi done } libversion_deb_match() { echo "$LIBVERS" | while read -r line; do libversion=$(echo "$line" | cut -d "=" -f 2 | tr -d "[:space:]") major="$(libversion_to_lib_major "$libversion")" file_matches="$(find "${GIT_TOPDIR}/debian" -name "lib*${major}.install" | wc -l)" if [ "z$file_matches" = "z0" ]; then error "Found no matching debian/lib*$major.install file for LIBVERSION=$libversion" exit 1 elif [ "z$file_matches" = "z1" ]; then ok "Found matching debian/lib*$major.install for LIBVERSION=$libversion" else warn "Found $file_matches files matching debian/lib*$major.install for LIBVERSION=$libversion, manual check required!" fi control_matches="$(grep -e "Package" "${GIT_TOPDIR}/debian/control" | grep "lib" | grep "$major$" | wc -l)" if [ "z$control_matches" = "z0" ]; then error "Found no matching Package lib*$major in debian/control for LIBVERSION=$libversion" exit 1 elif [ "z$control_matches" = "z1" ]; then ok "Found 'Package: lib*$major' in debian/control for LIBVERSION=$libversion" else warn "Found $file_matches files matching 'Package: lib*$major' in debian/control for LIBVERSION=$libversion, manual check required!" fi dhstrip_lib_total="$(grep -e "dh_strip" "${GIT_TOPDIR}/debian/rules" | grep "\-plib" | wc -l)" dhstrip_lib_matches="$(grep -e "dh_strip" "${GIT_TOPDIR}/debian/rules" | grep "\-plib" | grep "$major" | wc -l)" if [ "z$dhstrip_lib_total" != "z0" ]; then if [ "z$dhstrip_lib_matches" = "z0" ] ; then error "Found no matching 'dh_strip -plib*$major' line in debian/rules for LIBVERSION=$libversion" exit 1 elif [ "z$dhstrip_lib_total" = "z1" ]; then ok "Found 'dh_strip -plib*$major' in debian/rules for LIBVERSION=$libversion" else warn "Found $dhstrip_lib_matches/$dhstrip_lib_total dh_strip matches 'dh_strip -plib*$major' in debian/rules for LIBVERSION=$libversion, manual check required!" fi fi done # catch and forward exit from pipe subshell "while read": if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit 1 fi } libversion_rpmspecin_match() { # Some projects don't have rpm spec files: if [ "z$(find "${GIT_TOPDIR}/contrib" -name "*.spec.in" | wc -l)" = "z0" ]; then echo "INFO: Project has no 'contrib/*.spec.in' files, skipping RPM specific LIBVERSION checks" return fi echo "$LIBVERS" | while read -r line; do libversion=$(echo "$line" | cut -d "=" -f 2 | tr -d "[:space:]") major="$(libversion_to_lib_major "$libversion")" control_matches="$(grep -e "%files" "${GIT_TOPDIR}/contrib/"*.spec.in | grep "lib" | grep "$major$" | wc -l)" if [ "z$control_matches" = "z0" ]; then error "Found no matching '%files -n lib*$major' in contrib/*.spec.in for LIBVERSION=$libversion" exit 1 elif [ "z$control_matches" = "z1" ]; then ok "Found '%files -n lib*$major' in contrib/*.spec.in for LIBVERSION=$libversion" else warn "Found $file_matches files matching '%files -n lib*$major' in contrib/*.spec.in for LIBVERSION=$libversion, manual check required!" fi control_matches="$(grep -e "_libdir" "${GIT_TOPDIR}/contrib/"*.spec.in | grep "/lib" | grep "so.$major" | wc -l)" if [ "z$control_matches" = "z0" ]; then error "Found no matching '%_libdir/lib*.so.$major*' in contrib/*.spec.in for LIBVERSION=$libversion" exit 1 elif [ "z$control_matches" = "z1" ]; then ok "Found '%_libdir/lib*.so.$major*' in contrib/*.spec.in for LIBVERSION=$libversion" else warn "Found $file_matches files matching '%_libdir/lib*.so.$major*' in contrib/*.spec.in for LIBVERSION=$libversion, manual check required!" fi done # catch and forward exit from pipe subshell "while read": if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit 1 fi } clean_todo_release() { rm -f TODO-RELEASE echo "# When cleaning up this file: bump API version in corresponding Makefile.am and rename corresponding debian/lib*.install" >> TODO-RELEASE echo "# according to https://osmocom.org/projects/cellular-infrastructure/wiki/Make_a_new_release" >> TODO-RELEASE echo "# In short: https://www.gnu.org/software/libtool/manual/html_node/Updating-version-info.html#Updating-version-info" >> TODO-RELEASE echo "# LIBVERSION=c:r:a" >> TODO-RELEASE echo "# If the library source code has changed at all since the last update, then increment revision: c:r + 1:a." >> TODO-RELEASE echo "# If any interfaces have been added, removed, or changed since the last update: c + 1:0:a." >> TODO-RELEASE echo "# If any interfaces have been added since the last public release: c:r:a + 1." >> TODO-RELEASE echo "# If any interfaces have been removed or changed since the last public release: c:r:0." >> TODO-RELEASE echo "#library what description / commit summary line" >> TODO-RELEASE git add TODO-RELEASE } BUMPVER=`command -v bumpversion` if [ "z$BUMPVER" = "z" ]; then echo Unable to find 'bumpversion' command. exit 1 fi NEW_VER=`$BUMPVER --list --current-version $VERSION $REL --allow-dirty | awk -F '=' '{ print $2 }'` if [ "z$NEW_VER" = "z" ]; then echo "Please fix versioning to match http://semver.org/ spec (current is $VERSION) before proceeding." exit 1 fi GIT_TOPDIR="$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" LIBVERS=`git grep -n LIBVERSION | grep '=' | grep am | grep -v LDFLAGS | grep -v osmo-release.sh` MAKEMOD=`git diff --cached -GLIBVERSION --stat | grep Makefile.am` ISODATE=`date -I` echo "Releasing $VERSION -> $NEW_VER..." check_configureac_debctrl_deps_match check_configureac_rpmspecin_deps_match check_debian_patch_apply if [ "z$LIBVERS" != "z" ]; then if [ "z$MAKEMOD" = "z" ] && [ "z$ALLOW_NO_LIBVERSION_CHANGE" = "z0" ]; then error "Before releasing, please modify some of the libversions:" for l in $LIBVERS; do echo " $l"; done echo "After making changes, add modified file(s) to the index using git-add." echo "You should NOT be doing this unless you've read and understood following article:" echo "https://www.gnu.org/software/libtool/manual/html_node/Updating-version-info.html#Updating-version-info" exit 1 fi if [ "z$ALLOW_NO_LIBVERSION_DEB_MATCH" = "z0" ]; then libversion_deb_match fi if [ "z$ALLOW_NO_LIBVERSION_RPM_MATCH" = "z0" ]; then libversion_rpmspecin_match fi fi if [ "z$DRY_RUN" != "z0" ]; then exit 0 fi set -e if [ -f "TODO-RELEASE" ]; then clean_todo_release fi # Add missing epoch (OS#5046) DEB_VER=$(head -1 debian/changelog | cut -d ' ' -f 2 | sed 's,(,,' | sed 's,),,') NEW_VER_WITH_EPOCH="$NEW_VER" case "$DEB_VER" in *:*) epoch="$(echo "$DEB_VER" | cut -d: -f1)" NEW_VER_WITH_EPOCH="$epoch:$NEW_VER" ;; esac gbp dch \ --debian-tag='%(version)s' \ --auto \ --meta \ --git-author \ --multimaint-merge \ --ignore-branch \ --new-version="$NEW_VER_WITH_EPOCH" dch -r -m --distribution "unstable" "" git add ${GIT_TOPDIR}/debian/changelog $BUMPVER --current-version $VERSION $REL --tag --commit --tag-name $NEW_VER --allow-dirty git commit --amend # let the user add extra information to the release commit. git tag -s $NEW_VER -f -m "Release v$NEW_VER on $ISODATE." echo "Release $NEW_VER prepared, tagged and signed."