#!/usr/bin/env python3 # (C) Harald Welte # This is a python script intended to be used as a commit-filter of # cgit. It recognizes certain patterns (such as a gerrit Change-Id, or # Related/Closed redmine issues. GERRIT_URL = 'https://gerrit.osmocom.org/q/%s' REDMINE_OS_URL = 'https://osmocom.org/issues/%s' REDMINE_SYS_URL = 'https://projects.sysmocom.de/redmine/issues/%s' RT_URL = 'https://rt.sysmocom.de/TicketDisplay.html?id=%s' import re import sys import html def hyperlink(txt, url): return '%s' % (url, html.escape(txt)) def chgid_repl(matchobj): chg_id = matchobj.group(1) url = GERRIT_URL % html.escape(chg_id) return hyperlink(chg_id, url) def relates_repl(matchobj): def process_item(x): def repl_os(m): url = REDMINE_OS_URL % html.escape(m.group(1)) return hyperlink(m.group(0), url) def repl_sys(m): url = REDMINE_SYS_URL % html.escape(m.group(1)) return hyperlink(m.group(0), url) def repl_rt(m): url = RT_URL % html.escape(m.group(1)) return hyperlink(m.group(0), url) x = re.sub(r"OS#(\d+)", repl_os, x) x = re.sub(r"SYS#(\d+)", repl_sys, x) x = re.sub(r"RT#(\d+)", repl_rt, x) return x line = matchobj.group(3) related_ids = [x.strip() for x in line.split(',')] extd_ids = [process_item(x) for x in related_ids] return '%s: %s' % (matchobj.group(1), ', '.join(extd_ids)) for line in sys.stdin: line = re.sub(r"(I\w{40})", chgid_repl, line) line = re.sub(r"^((Relate|Close|Fixe)[ds]): (.*)$", relates_repl, line) sys.stdout.write(line)