ARG ARG UPSTREAM_DISTRO=debian:bullseye FROM ${REGISTRY}/${UPSTREAM_DISTRO} # Arguments used after FROM must be specified again ARG OSMOCOM_REPO_TESTSUITE_MIRROR="" ARG OSMOCOM_REPO="$OSMOCOM_REPO_TESTSUITE_MIRROR/packages/osmocom:/latest/Debian_11/" RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \ ca-certificates \ gnupg COPY .common/Release.key /usr/share/keyrings/osmocom-latest.asc RUN echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/osmocom-latest.asc] $OSMOCOM_REPO ./" \ > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/osmocom-latest.list RUN apt-get update && \ apt-get upgrade -y && \ DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends --no-install-suggests \ build-essential \ git \ inetutils-ping \ netcat-openbsd \ procps \ python3-pip \ python3-setuptools \ tcpdump \ vim \ wireshark-common \ && \ apt-get clean #Install titan.core dependencies listed in debian/control: RUN apt-get update && \ apt-get upgrade -y && \ DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends --no-install-suggests \ bison \ debhelper \ default-jdk \ expect \ flex \ libedit-dev \ libncurses5-dev \ libssl-dev \ libxml2-dev \ expect \ libedit-dev \ libpcap-dev \ libpcre3-dev \ libsctp-dev \ libssl-dev \ libxml2-dev \ make \ perl \ python3 \ gcc \ && \ apt-get clean # Remember to adapt the URL fetching /root/titan.core-ver.json if TITAN_REPO_URL is changed! ARG TITAN_REPO_URL= ARG TITAN_BRANCH=master ARG TITAN_REPO_DIR=titan.core # clone titan.core.git RUN git clone $TITAN_REPO_URL ADD$TITAN_BRANCH /root/titan.core-ver.json # update the source code (if needed) RUN cd $TITAN_REPO_DIR && \ git fetch && git checkout -f -B $TITAN_BRANCH origin/$TITAN_BRANCH # build + install titan.core onto /titan.core/Install RUN cd $TITAN_REPO_DIR && \ make -j$(nproc) prefix=/usr install # Install files in proper places: RUN cd /$TITAN_REPO_DIR/Install && \ cp -r bin/* /usr/bin/ && \ mkdir -p /usr/share/titan/etc/ && cp -r etc/* /usr/share/titan/etc/ && \ mkdir -p /usr/share/titan/help/ && cp -r help/* /usr/share/titan/help/ && \ mkdir -p /usr/include/titan/ && cp -r include/* /usr/include/titan/ && \ mkdir -p /usr/lib/titan/ && cp -r lib/* /usr/lib/titan/ # This is required for obtaining talloc reports from the SUT RUN pip3 install git+ # binary-only transcoding library for RANAP/RUA/HNBAP to work around TITAN only implementing BER RUN apt-get update && \ apt-get -y install wget RUN DPKG_ARCH="$(dpkg --print-architecture)" && export $DPKG_ARCH && \ wget${DPKG_ARCH}.deb && \ wget${DPKG_ARCH}.deb && \ dpkg -i ./libfftranscode0_0.5_${DPKG_ARCH}.deb ./libfftranscode-dev_0.5_${DPKG_ARCH}.deb && \ apt install --fix-broken && \ rm libfftranscode*.deb RUN git config --global && \ git config --global "Dock Er" # clone osmo-ttcn3-hacks and deps, invalidate cache if deps change (OS#5017) RUN git clone && \ make -j$(nproc) -C /osmo-ttcn3-hacks deps ADD /tmp/deps-Makefile RUN if ! diff -q /tmp/deps-Makefile /osmo-ttcn3-hacks/deps/Makefile; then \ cd /osmo-ttcn3-hacks && \ git pull && \ make -j$(nproc) deps; \ fi ADD .common/ /usr/local/bin/ttcn3-docker-prepare ADD .common/ /usr/local/bin/ttcn3-docker-run ADD .common/pipework /usr/local/bin/pipework