#!/bin/sh . ../jenkins-common.sh network_create # start container with nitb in background docker volume rm nitb-vol docker run --rm \ --sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=0 \ --network $NET_NAME --ip \ -v nitb-vol:/data \ --name ${BUILD_TAG}-nitb -d \ $REPO_USER/osmo-nitb-master # start container with bts in background docker volume rm bts-vol docker run --rm \ --sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=0 \ --network $NET_NAME --ip \ -v bts-vol:/data \ --name ${BUILD_TAG}-bts -d \ $REPO_USER/osmo-bts-master # start docker container with testsuite in foreground docker volume rm ttcn3-nitb-sysinfo-vol docker run --rm \ --sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=0 \ --network $NET_NAME --ip \ -v ttcn3-nitb-sysinfo-vol:/data \ --name ${BUILD_TAG}-ttcn3-nitb-sysinfo \ $REPO_USER/ttcn3-nitb-sysinfo # stop bts + nitb after test has completed docker container stop ${BUILD_TAG}-bts docker container stop ${BUILD_TAG}-nitb # start some stupid helper container so we can access the volume docker run --rm \ -v ttcn3-nitb-sysinfo-vol:/ttcn3-nitb-sysinfo \ -v nitb-vol:/nitb \ -v bts-vol:/bts \ --name ${BUILD_TAG}-sysinfo-helper -d \ busybox /bin/sh -c 'sleep 1000 & wait' docker cp ${BUILD_TAG}-sysinfo-helper:/ttcn3-nitb-sysinfo $VOL_BASE_DIR docker cp ${BUILD_TAG}-sysinfo-helper:/nitb $VOL_BASE_DIR docker cp ${BUILD_TAG}-sysinfo-helper:/bts $VOL_BASE_DIR docker container stop -t 0 ${BUILD_TAG}-sysinfo-helper network_remove collect_logs