ARG FROM ${REGISTRY}/debian:bullseye # Arguments used after FROM must be specified again ARG OSMOCOM_REPO_MIRROR="" ARG OSMOCOM_REPO_PATH="packages/osmocom:" ARG OSMOCOM_REPO="${OSMOCOM_REPO_MIRROR}/${OSMOCOM_REPO_PATH}/latest/Debian_11/" # install the erlang vm and rebar (2) RUN apt-get update && \ apt-get upgrade -y && \ apt-get -y install \ erlang \ rebar # add rebar3 ARG REBAR3_VERSION="3.18.0" ADD${REBAR3_VERSION}.tar.gz /tmp/rebar3.tar.gz RUN tar -zxf /tmp/rebar3.tar.gz && \ cd rebar3-${REBAR3_VERSION} && \ ./bootstrap && \ install -Dm0755 "rebar3" "/usr/bin/rebar3" # install ninimal build utilities as well as system utilities RUN apt-get update && \ apt-get -y install \ build-essential \ git \ procps \ tcpdump \ vim \ netcat-openbsd \ wget \ && \ apt-get clean # install additional C-language / system dependencies of our Erlang projects RUN apt-get update && \ apt-get -y install \ libpcap-dev \ && \ apt-get clean # add osmocom latest repo, should we ever require packages from there RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \ ca-certificates \ gnupg COPY .common/Release.key /tmp/Release.key RUN apt-key add /tmp/Release.key && \ rm /tmp/Release.key && \ echo "deb " $OSMOCOM_REPO " ./" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/osmocom-latest.list ADD $OSMOCOM_REPO/Release /tmp/Release # add a non-root user under which we will normaly execute build tests RUN useradd -m build WORKDIR /home/build USER build