#!/bin/sh if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then echo echo "usage: ttcn3-docker-run SUBDIR SUITE" echo "arguments:" echo " SUBDIR: directory in osmo-ttcn3-hacks, e.g. 'msc'" echo " SUITE: name of the testsuite, e.g. 'MSC_Tests'" echo exit 1 fi set -x SUBDIR=$1 SUITE=$2 if [ -n "$WAIT_FOR_NETDEV" ]; then echo "Waiting for ${WAIT_FOR_NETDEV} to appear" pipework --wait -i "$WAIT_FOR_NETDEV" while true; do if [ ! -f /sys/class/net/${WAIT_FOR_NETDEV}/operstate ]; then exit 23 fi OPSTATE=$(cat /sys/class/net/${WAIT_FOR_NETDEV}/operstate) if [ "$OPSTATE" = "up" ]; then break fi echo "Waiting for ${WAIT_FOR_NETDEV} to become operational" sleep 1 done fi cd /data /osmo-ttcn3-hacks/start-testsuite.sh "/osmo-ttcn3-hacks/$SUBDIR/$SUITE" exit_code=$? /osmo-ttcn3-hacks/log_merge.sh "$SUITE" --rm exit $exit_code