
65 lines
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* Singly linked tail queue support.
#define TQ_HEAD(type) \
struct { \
type *tq_head; \
type**tq_tail; \
#define TQ_MOVE(to, from) do { \
if(&(TQ_FIRST(from)) == (from)->tq_tail) { \
TQ_INIT(to); \
} else { \
(to)->tq_head = (from)->tq_head; \
(to)->tq_tail = (from)->tq_tail; \
} \
TQ_INIT(from); \
} while(0)
#define TQ_ENTRY(type) \
struct { \
type *tq_next; \
#define TQ_FIRST(headp) ((headp)->tq_head)
#define TQ_NEXT(el, field) ((el)->field.tq_next)
#define TQ_INIT(head) do { \
TQ_FIRST((head)) = 0; \
(head)->tq_tail = &TQ_FIRST((head)); \
} while(0)
#define TQ_FOR(var, head, field) \
for((var) = TQ_FIRST((head)); \
(var); (var) = TQ_NEXT((var), field))
/* MSVC does not have typeof(), cannot prevent side effects! */
#define TQ_ADD(head, xel, field) do { \
typeof(xel) __el = (xel); \
assert(TQ_NEXT((__el), field) == 0); \
*(head)->tq_tail = (__el); \
(head)->tq_tail = &TQ_NEXT((__el), field); \
} while(0)
* Remove the first element and return it.
#define TQ_REMOVE(head, field) ({ \
typeof(TQ_FIRST((head))) __fel; \
__fel = TQ_FIRST((head)); \
if(__fel == 0 \
|| (TQ_FIRST((head)) = TQ_NEXT(__fel, field)) \
== 0) { \
(head)->tq_tail = &TQ_FIRST((head)); \
} else { \
TQ_NEXT(__fel, field) = 0; \
} \
__fel; })
#endif /* ASN1_PARSER_LIST_H */