#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "asn1print.h" static abuf all_output_; typedef enum { PRINT_STDOUT, GLOBAL_BUFFER, } print_method_e; static print_method_e print_method_; #define INDENT(fmt, args...) do { \ if(!(flags & APF_NOINDENT)) { \ int tmp_i = level; \ while(tmp_i--) safe_printf(" "); \ } \ safe_printf(fmt, ##args); \ } while(0) static int asn1print_module(asn1p_t *asn, asn1p_module_t *mod, enum asn1print_flags flags); static int asn1print_oid(int prior_len, asn1p_oid_t *oid, enum asn1print_flags flags); static int asn1print_ref(const asn1p_ref_t *ref, enum asn1print_flags flags); static int asn1print_tag(const asn1p_expr_t *tc, enum asn1print_flags flags); static int asn1print_params(const asn1p_paramlist_t *pl,enum asn1print_flags flags); static int asn1print_with_syntax(const asn1p_wsyntx_t *wx, enum asn1print_flags flags); static int asn1print_constraint(const asn1p_constraint_t *, enum asn1print_flags); static int asn1print_value(const asn1p_value_t *val, enum asn1print_flags flags); static int asn1print_expr(asn1p_t *asn, asn1p_module_t *mod, asn1p_expr_t *tc, enum asn1print_flags flags, int level); static int asn1print_expr_dtd(asn1p_t *asn, asn1p_module_t *mod, asn1p_expr_t *tc, enum asn1print_flags flags, int level); /* Check printf's error code, to be pedantic. */ static int safe_printf(const char *fmt, ...) { int ret = 0; va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); switch(print_method_) { case PRINT_STDOUT: ret = vprintf(fmt, ap); break; case GLOBAL_BUFFER: ret = abuf_vprintf(&all_output_, fmt, ap); break; } assert(ret >= 0); va_end(ap); return ret; } /* Pedantically check fwrite's return value. */ static size_t safe_fwrite(const void *ptr, size_t size) { size_t ret; switch(print_method_) { case PRINT_STDOUT: ret = fwrite(ptr, 1, size, stdout); assert(ret == size); break; case GLOBAL_BUFFER: abuf_add_bytes(&all_output_, ptr, size); ret = size; break; } return ret; } /* * Print the contents of the parsed ASN tree. */ int asn1print(asn1p_t *asn, enum asn1print_flags flags) { asn1p_module_t *mod; int modno = 0; if(asn == NULL) { errno = EINVAL; return -1; } if(flags & APF_PRINT_XML_DTD) safe_printf("\n\n"); TQ_FOR(mod, &(asn->modules), mod_next) { if(mod->_tags & MT_STANDARD_MODULE) return 0; /* Ignore modules imported from skeletons */ if(modno++) safe_printf("\n"); asn1print_module(asn, mod, flags); } if(flags & APF_PRINT_XML_DTD) { /* Values for BOOLEAN */ safe_printf("\n"); safe_printf("\n"); } return 0; } static int asn1print_module(asn1p_t *asn, asn1p_module_t *mod, enum asn1print_flags flags) { asn1p_expr_t *tc; if(flags & APF_PRINT_XML_DTD) safe_printf("\n\n"); TQ_FOR(tc, &(mod->members), next) { asn1print_expr_dtd(asn, mod, tc, flags, 0); } return 0; } safe_printf("DEFINITIONS"); if(mod->module_flags & MSF_TAG_INSTRUCTIONS) safe_printf(" TAG INSTRUCTIONS"); if(mod->module_flags & MSF_XER_INSTRUCTIONS) safe_printf(" XER INSTRUCTIONS"); if(mod->module_flags & MSF_EXPLICIT_TAGS) safe_printf(" EXPLICIT TAGS"); if(mod->module_flags & MSF_IMPLICIT_TAGS) safe_printf(" IMPLICIT TAGS"); if(mod->module_flags & MSF_AUTOMATIC_TAGS) safe_printf(" AUTOMATIC TAGS"); if(mod->module_flags & MSF_EXTENSIBILITY_IMPLIED) safe_printf(" EXTENSIBILITY IMPLIED"); safe_printf(" ::=\n"); safe_printf("BEGIN\n\n"); TQ_FOR(tc, &(mod->members), next) { asn1print_expr(asn, mod, tc, flags, 0); if(flags & APF_PRINT_CONSTRAINTS) safe_printf("\n"); else safe_printf("\n\n"); } safe_printf("END\n"); return 0; } static int asn1print_oid(int prior_len, asn1p_oid_t *oid, enum asn1print_flags flags) { size_t accum = prior_len; int ac; (void)flags; /* Unused argument */ safe_printf("{"); for(ac = 0; ac < oid->arcs_count; ac++) { const char *arcname = oid->arcs[ac].name; if(accum + strlen(arcname ? arcname : "") > 72) { safe_printf("\n\t"); accum = 8; } else { accum += safe_printf(" "); } if(arcname) { accum += safe_printf("%s", arcname); if(oid->arcs[ac].number >= 0) { accum += safe_printf("(%s)", asn1p_itoa(oid->arcs[ac].number)); } } else { accum += safe_printf("%s", asn1p_itoa(oid->arcs[ac].number)); } } safe_printf(" }"); return 0; } static int asn1print_ref(const asn1p_ref_t *ref, enum asn1print_flags flags) { (void)flags; /* Unused argument */ for(size_t cc = 0; cc < ref->comp_count; cc++) { if(cc) safe_printf("."); safe_printf("%s", ref->components[cc].name); } return 0; } static int asn1print_tag(const asn1p_expr_t *tc, enum asn1print_flags flags) { const struct asn1p_type_tag_s *tag = &tc->tag; (void)flags; /* Unused argument */ safe_printf("%s", asn1p_tag2string(tag, 0)); return 0; } static int asn1print_value(const asn1p_value_t *val, enum asn1print_flags flags) { if(val == NULL) return 0; switch(val->type) { case ATV_NOVALUE: break; case ATV_NULL: safe_printf("NULL"); return 0; case ATV_REAL: safe_printf("%f", val->value.v_double); return 0; case ATV_TYPE: asn1print_expr(val->value.v_type->module->asn1p, val->value.v_type->module, val->value.v_type, flags, 0); return 0; case ATV_INTEGER: safe_printf("%s", asn1p_itoa(val->value.v_integer)); return 0; case ATV_MIN: safe_printf("MIN"); return 0; case ATV_MAX: safe_printf("MAX"); return 0; case ATV_FALSE: safe_printf("FALSE"); return 0; case ATV_TRUE: safe_printf("TRUE"); return 0; case ATV_TUPLE: safe_printf("{%d, %d}", (int)(val->value.v_integer >> 4), (int)(val->value.v_integer & 0x0f)); return 0; case ATV_QUADRUPLE: safe_printf("{%d, %d, %d, %d}", (int)((val->value.v_integer >> 24) & 0xff), (int)((val->value.v_integer >> 16) & 0xff), (int)((val->value.v_integer >> 8) & 0xff), (int)((val->value.v_integer >> 0) & 0xff) ); return 0; case ATV_STRING: { char *p = (char *)val->value.string.buf; safe_printf("\""); if(strchr(p, '"')) { /* Mask quotes */ for(; *p; p++) { if(*p == '"') safe_printf("%c", *p); safe_printf("%c", *p); } } else { safe_printf("%s", p); } safe_printf("\""); } return 0; case ATV_UNPARSED: safe_printf("%s", (char *)val->value.string.buf); return 0; case ATV_BITVECTOR: { uint8_t *bitvector; int bits; int i; bitvector = val->value.binary_vector.bits; bits = val->value.binary_vector.size_in_bits; safe_printf("'"); if(bits%8) { for(i = 0; i < bits; i++) { uint8_t uc; uc = bitvector[i>>3]; safe_printf("%c", ((uc >> (7-(i%8)))&1)?'1':'0'); } safe_printf("'B"); } else { char hextable[16] = "0123456789ABCDEF"; for(i = 0; i < (bits>>3); i++) { safe_printf("%c", hextable[bitvector[i] >> 4]); safe_printf("%c", hextable[bitvector[i] & 0x0f]); } safe_printf("'H"); } return 0; } case ATV_REFERENCED: return asn1print_ref(val->value.reference, flags); case ATV_VALUESET: return asn1print_constraint(val->value.constraint, flags); case ATV_CHOICE_IDENTIFIER: safe_printf("%s: ", val->value.choice_identifier.identifier); return asn1print_value(val->value.choice_identifier.value, flags); } assert(val->type || !"Unknown"); return 0; } const char * asn1p_constraint_string(const asn1p_constraint_t *ct) { size_t old_len = all_output_.length; print_method_e old_method = print_method_; print_method_ = GLOBAL_BUFFER; asn1print_constraint(ct, APF_NOINDENT); print_method_ = old_method; return &all_output_.buffer[old_len]; } static int asn1print_constraint(const asn1p_constraint_t *ct, enum asn1print_flags flags) { int symno = 0; int perhaps_subconstraints = 0; if(ct == 0) return 0; switch(ct->type) { case ACT_EL_TYPE: asn1print_value(ct->containedSubtype, flags); perhaps_subconstraints = 1; break; case ACT_EL_VALUE: asn1print_value(ct->value, flags); perhaps_subconstraints = 1; break; case ACT_EL_RANGE: case ACT_EL_LLRANGE: case ACT_EL_RLRANGE: case ACT_EL_ULRANGE: asn1print_value(ct->range_start, flags); switch(ct->type) { case ACT_EL_RANGE: safe_printf(".."); break; case ACT_EL_LLRANGE: safe_printf("<.."); break; case ACT_EL_RLRANGE: safe_printf("..<"); break; case ACT_EL_ULRANGE: safe_printf("<..<"); break; default: safe_printf("?..?"); break; } asn1print_value(ct->range_stop, flags); break; case ACT_EL_EXT: safe_printf("..."); break; case ACT_CT_SIZE: case ACT_CT_FROM: switch(ct->type) { case ACT_CT_SIZE: safe_printf("SIZE"); break; case ACT_CT_FROM: safe_printf("FROM"); break; default: safe_printf("??? "); break; } assert(ct->el_count != 0); assert(ct->el_count == 1); asn1print_constraint(ct->elements[0], flags); break; case ACT_CT_WCOMP: assert(ct->el_count != 0); assert(ct->el_count == 1); safe_printf("WITH COMPONENT"); perhaps_subconstraints = 1; break; case ACT_CT_WCOMPS: { unsigned int i; safe_printf("WITH COMPONENTS { "); for(i = 0; i < ct->el_count; i++) { asn1p_constraint_t *cel = ct->elements[i]; if(i) safe_printf(", "); asn1print_constraint(cel, flags); switch(cel->presence) { case ACPRES_DEFAULT: break; case ACPRES_PRESENT: safe_printf(" PRESENT"); break; case ACPRES_ABSENT: safe_printf(" ABSENT"); break; case ACPRES_OPTIONAL: safe_printf(" OPTIONAL");break; } } safe_printf(" }"); } break; case ACT_CT_CTDBY: safe_printf("CONSTRAINED BY "); assert(ct->value->type == ATV_UNPARSED); safe_fwrite(ct->value->value.string.buf, ct->value->value.string.size); break; case ACT_CT_CTNG: safe_printf("CONTAINING "); asn1print_expr(ct->value->value.v_type->module->asn1p, ct->value->value.v_type->module, ct->value->value.v_type, flags, 1); break; case ACT_CT_PATTERN: safe_printf("PATTERN "); asn1print_value(ct->value, flags); break; case ACT_CA_SET: symno++; /* Fall through */ case ACT_CA_CRC: symno++; /* Fall through */ case ACT_CA_CSV: symno++; /* Fall through */ case ACT_CA_UNI: symno++; /* Fall through */ case ACT_CA_INT: symno++; /* Fall through */ case ACT_CA_EXC: { char *symtable[] = { " EXCEPT ", " ^ ", " | ", ",", "", "(" }; unsigned int i; if(ct->type == ACT_CA_SET) safe_printf("("); for(i = 0; i < ct->el_count; i++) { if(i) safe_printf("%s", symtable[symno]); if(ct->type == ACT_CA_CRC) safe_printf("{"); asn1print_constraint(ct->elements[i], flags); if(ct->type == ACT_CA_CRC) safe_printf("}"); if(ct->type == ACT_CA_SET && i+1 < ct->el_count) safe_printf(") "); } if(ct->type == ACT_CA_SET) safe_printf(")"); } break; case ACT_CA_AEX: assert(ct->el_count == 1); safe_printf("ALL EXCEPT"); perhaps_subconstraints = 1; break; case ACT_INVALID: assert(ct->type != ACT_INVALID); break; } if(perhaps_subconstraints && ct->el_count) { safe_printf(" "); assert(ct->el_count == 1); asn1print_constraint(ct->elements[0], flags); } return 0; } static int asn1print_params(const asn1p_paramlist_t *pl, enum asn1print_flags flags) { if(pl) { int i; safe_printf("{"); for(i = 0; i < pl->params_count; i++) { if(i) safe_printf(", "); if(pl->params[i].governor) { asn1print_ref(pl->params[i].governor, flags); safe_printf(":"); } safe_printf("%s", pl->params[i].argument); } safe_printf("}"); } return 0; } static int asn1print_with_syntax(const asn1p_wsyntx_t *wx, enum asn1print_flags flags) { if(wx) { const asn1p_wsyntx_chunk_t *wc; TQ_FOR(wc, &(wx->chunks), next) { switch(wc->type) { case WC_LITERAL: case WC_WHITESPACE: case WC_FIELD: safe_printf("%s", wc->content.token); break; case WC_OPTIONALGROUP: safe_printf("["); asn1print_with_syntax(wc->content.syntax,flags); safe_printf("]"); break; } } } return 0; } static int asn1print_crange_value(const asn1cnst_edge_t *edge, int as_char) { switch(edge->type) { case ARE_MIN: safe_printf("MIN"); break; case ARE_MAX: safe_printf("MAX"); break; case ARE_VALUE: if(as_char) { safe_printf("\"%c\"", (unsigned char)edge->value); } else { safe_printf("%s", asn1p_itoa(edge->value)); } } return 0; } static int asn1print_constraint_explain_type(const char *dbg_name, asn1p_expr_type_e expr_type, asn1p_constraint_t *ct, enum asn1p_constraint_type_e type, enum cpr_flags cpr) { asn1cnst_range_t *range; int as_char = (type==ACT_CT_FROM); int i; range = asn1constraint_compute_constraint_range(dbg_name, expr_type, ct, type, 0, 0, cpr); if(!range) return -1; if(range->incompatible) return 0; if((cpr & CPR_strict_OER_visibility) && range->not_OER_visible) { asn1constraint_range_free(range); return 0; } if((cpr & CPR_strict_PER_visibility) && range->not_PER_visible) { asn1constraint_range_free(range); return 0; } switch(type) { case ACT_CT_FROM: safe_printf("(FROM("); break; case ACT_CT_SIZE: safe_printf("(SIZE("); break; default: safe_printf("("); break; } for(i = -1; i < range->el_count; i++) { asn1cnst_range_t *r; if(i == -1) { if(range->el_count) continue; r = range; } else { r = range->elements[i]; } if(i > 0) { safe_printf(" | "); } asn1print_crange_value(&r->left, as_char); if(r->left.type != r->right.type || r->left.value != r->right.value) { safe_printf(".."); asn1print_crange_value(&r->right, as_char); } } if(range->extensible) safe_printf(",..."); safe_printf(type==ACT_EL_RANGE?")":"))"); if(range->empty_constraint) safe_printf(":Empty!"); asn1constraint_range_free(range); return 0; } static int asn1print_constraint_explain(const char *dbg_name, asn1p_expr_type_e expr_type, asn1p_constraint_t *ct, enum cpr_flags cpr) { asn1print_constraint_explain_type(dbg_name, expr_type, ct, ACT_EL_RANGE, cpr); safe_printf(" "); asn1print_constraint_explain_type(dbg_name, expr_type, ct, ACT_CT_SIZE, cpr); safe_printf(" "); asn1print_constraint_explain_type(dbg_name, expr_type, ct, ACT_CT_FROM, cpr); return 0; } static int asn1print_expr(asn1p_t *asn, asn1p_module_t *mod, asn1p_expr_t *tc, enum asn1print_flags flags, int level) { int SEQ_OF = 0; int has_space = 0; #define HAS_SPACE() \ do { \ has_space = 1; \ } while(0) #define ENSURE_SPACE() \ do { \ if(!has_space) { \ has_space = 1; \ safe_printf(" "); \ } \ } while(0) #define WANT_SPACE() \ do { \ has_space = 0; \ } while(0) if(flags & APF_LINE_COMMENTS && !(flags & APF_NOINDENT)) INDENT("-- #line %d\n", tc->_lineno); /* Reconstruct compiler directive information */ if((tc->marker.flags & EM_INDIRECT) && (tc->marker.flags & EM_OMITABLE) != EM_OMITABLE) { if((flags & APF_NOINDENT)) safe_printf(" ---- "); else INDENT("----\n"); } if(tc->Identifier && (!(tc->meta_type == AMT_VALUE && tc->expr_type == A1TC_REFERENCE) || level == 0)) { INDENT("%s", tc->Identifier); WANT_SPACE(); } if(tc->lhs_params) { asn1print_params(tc->lhs_params, flags); } if(tc->meta_type != AMT_VALUE && tc->meta_type != AMT_VALUESET && tc->expr_type != A1TC_EXTENSIBLE) { if(level) { if(tc->Identifier && !(flags & APF_NOINDENT)) safe_printf("\t"); } else if(tc->Identifier) { ENSURE_SPACE(); safe_printf("::="); WANT_SPACE(); } } if(tc->tag.tag_class) { ENSURE_SPACE(); asn1print_tag(tc, flags); WANT_SPACE(); } switch(tc->expr_type) { case A1TC_EXTENSIBLE: if(tc->value) { safe_printf("!"); asn1print_value(tc->value, flags); } break; case A1TC_COMPONENTS_OF: SEQ_OF = 1; /* Equivalent to SET OF for printint purposes */ safe_printf(" COMPONENTS OF"); WANT_SPACE(); break; case A1TC_REFERENCE: case A1TC_UNIVERVAL: break; case A1TC_CLASSDEF: safe_printf(" CLASS"); WANT_SPACE(); break; case A1TC_CLASSFIELD_TFS ... A1TC_CLASSFIELD_OSFS: /* Nothing to print here */ break; case ASN_CONSTR_SET_OF: case ASN_CONSTR_SEQUENCE_OF: SEQ_OF = 1; ENSURE_SPACE(); if(tc->expr_type == ASN_CONSTR_SET_OF) safe_printf("SET"); else safe_printf("SEQUENCE"); if(tc->constraints) { safe_printf(" "); asn1print_constraint(tc->constraints, flags); } safe_printf(" OF"); WANT_SPACE(); break; case A1TC_VALUESET: break; default: { char *p = ASN_EXPR_TYPE2STR(tc->expr_type); ENSURE_SPACE(); safe_printf("%s", p?p:""); WANT_SPACE(); } break; } /* * Put the name of the referred type. */ if(tc->reference) { ENSURE_SPACE(); asn1print_ref(tc->reference, flags); WANT_SPACE(); } if(tc->meta_type == AMT_VALUESET && level == 0) { ENSURE_SPACE(); safe_printf("::="); WANT_SPACE(); } /* * Display the descendants (children) of the current type. */ if(TQ_FIRST(&(tc->members)) || (tc->expr_type & ASN_CONSTR_MASK) || tc->meta_type == AMT_OBJECT || tc->meta_type == AMT_OBJECTCLASS || tc->meta_type == AMT_OBJECTFIELD ) { asn1p_expr_t *se; /* SubExpression */ int put_braces = (!SEQ_OF) /* Don't need 'em, if SET OF... */ && (tc->meta_type != AMT_OBJECTFIELD); if(put_braces) { if(flags & APF_NOINDENT) { safe_printf("{"); if(!TQ_FIRST(&tc->members)) safe_printf("}"); } else { safe_printf(" {"); if(TQ_FIRST(&tc->members)) safe_printf("\n"); else safe_printf(" }"); } } TQ_FOR(se, &(tc->members), next) { /* * Print the expression as it were a stand-alone type. */ asn1print_expr(asn, mod, se, flags, level + 1); if((se->marker.flags & EM_DEFAULT) == EM_DEFAULT) { safe_printf(" DEFAULT "); asn1print_value(se->marker.default_value, flags); } else if((se->marker.flags & EM_OPTIONAL) == EM_OPTIONAL) { safe_printf(" OPTIONAL"); } if(TQ_NEXT(se, next)) { safe_printf(","); if(!(flags & APF_NOINDENT)) INDENT("\n"); } } if(put_braces && TQ_FIRST(&tc->members)) { if(!(flags & APF_NOINDENT)) safe_printf("\n"); INDENT("}"); } } if(tc->with_syntax) { safe_printf(" WITH SYNTAX {"); asn1print_with_syntax(tc->with_syntax, flags); safe_printf("}\n"); } /* Right hand specialization */ if(tc->rhs_pspecs) { asn1p_expr_t *se; safe_printf("{"); TQ_FOR(se, &(tc->rhs_pspecs->members), next) { asn1print_expr(asn, mod, se, flags, level + 1); if(TQ_NEXT(se, next)) safe_printf(", "); } safe_printf("}"); } if(!SEQ_OF && tc->constraints) { safe_printf(" "); if(tc->meta_type == AMT_VALUESET) safe_printf("{"); asn1print_constraint(tc->constraints, flags); if(tc->meta_type == AMT_VALUESET) safe_printf("}"); } if(tc->unique) { safe_printf(" UNIQUE"); } if(tc->meta_type == AMT_VALUE && tc->expr_type != A1TC_EXTENSIBLE) { if(tc->expr_type == A1TC_UNIVERVAL) { if(tc->value) { safe_printf("("); asn1print_value(tc->value, flags); safe_printf(")"); } } else { if(level == 0 && tc->Identifier) safe_printf(" ::= "); asn1print_value(tc->value, flags); } } /* * The following section exists entirely for debugging. */ if(flags & APF_PRINT_CONSTRAINTS && tc->expr_type != A1TC_EXTENSIBLE) { asn1p_expr_t *top_parent; if(tc->combined_constraints) { safe_printf("\n-- Combined constraints: "); asn1print_constraint(tc->combined_constraints, flags); } top_parent = WITH_MODULE_NAMESPACE( tc->module, tc_ns, asn1f_find_terminal_type_ex(asn, tc_ns, tc)); if(top_parent) { safe_printf("\n-- Practical constraints (%s): ", top_parent->Identifier); asn1print_constraint_explain(top_parent->Identifier, top_parent->expr_type, tc->combined_constraints, 0); safe_printf("\n-- OER-visible constraints (%s): ", top_parent->Identifier); asn1print_constraint_explain(top_parent->Identifier, top_parent->expr_type, tc->combined_constraints, CPR_strict_OER_visibility); safe_printf("\n-- PER-visible constraints (%s): ", top_parent->Identifier); asn1print_constraint_explain(top_parent->Identifier, top_parent->expr_type, tc->combined_constraints, CPR_strict_PER_visibility); } safe_printf("\n"); } if(flags & APF_PRINT_CLASS_MATRIX) do { size_t col, maxidlen; if(tc->ioc_table == NULL) { if(tc->expr_type == A1TC_CLASSDEF) { safe_printf("\n-- Information Object Class table is empty"); } break; } safe_printf("\n-- Information Object Set has %d entr%s:\n", tc->ioc_table->rows, tc->ioc_table->rows==1 ? "y" : "ies"); maxidlen = asn1p_ioc_table_max_identifier_length(tc->ioc_table); for(ssize_t r = -1; r < (ssize_t)tc->ioc_table->rows; r++) { asn1p_ioc_row_t *row; row = tc->ioc_table->row[r<0?0:r]; if(r < 0) safe_printf("-- %s", r > 9 ? " " : ""); else safe_printf("-- [%*d]", (tc->ioc_table->rows > 9) + 1, r + 1); for(col = 0; col < row->columns; col++) { struct asn1p_ioc_cell_s *cell; cell = &row->column[col]; if(r < 0) { safe_printf("[%*s]", maxidlen, cell->field->Identifier); continue; } if(!cell->value) { safe_printf(" %*s ", maxidlen, ""); continue; } safe_printf(" %*s ", maxidlen, cell->value->Identifier); } safe_printf("\n"); } if(tc->ioc_table->extensible) { safe_printf("-- [%*s] ...\n", (tc->ioc_table->rows>9)+1, ""); } } while(0); if(flags & APF_PRINT_CLASS_MATRIX && tc->lhs_params) do { int i; if(tc->specializations.pspecs_count == 0) { safe_printf("\n-- No specializations found\n"); break; } safe_printf("\n-- Specializations list has %d entr%s:\n", tc->specializations.pspecs_count, tc->specializations.pspecs_count == 1 ? "y" : "ies"); for(i = 0; i < tc->specializations.pspecs_count; i++) { asn1p_expr_t *se; struct asn1p_pspec_s *pspec; pspec = &tc->specializations.pspec[i]; safe_printf("-- "); TQ_FOR(se, &(pspec->rhs_pspecs->members), next) { asn1print_expr(asn, mod, se, flags, level+1); } safe_printf("\n"); } } while(0); return 0; } static int asn1print_expr_dtd(asn1p_t *asn, asn1p_module_t *mod, asn1p_expr_t *expr, enum asn1print_flags flags, int level) { asn1p_expr_t *se; int expr_unordered = 0; int dont_involve_children = 0; switch(expr->meta_type) { case AMT_TYPE: case AMT_TYPEREF: break; default: if(expr->expr_type == A1TC_UNIVERVAL) break; return 0; } if(!expr->Identifier) return 0; if(flags & APF_LINE_COMMENTS) INDENT("\n", expr->_lineno); INDENT("Identifier); if(expr->expr_type == A1TC_REFERENCE) { se = WITH_MODULE_NAMESPACE(expr->module, expr_ns, asn1f_find_terminal_type_ex(asn, expr_ns, expr)); if(!se) { safe_printf(" (ANY)"); return 0; } expr = se; dont_involve_children = 1; } if(expr->expr_type == ASN_CONSTR_CHOICE || expr->expr_type == ASN_CONSTR_SEQUENCE_OF || expr->expr_type == ASN_CONSTR_SET_OF || expr->expr_type == ASN_CONSTR_SET || expr->expr_type == ASN_BASIC_INTEGER || expr->expr_type == ASN_BASIC_ENUMERATED) { expr_unordered = 1; } if(TQ_FIRST(&expr->members)) { int extensible = 0; if(expr->expr_type == ASN_BASIC_BIT_STRING) dont_involve_children = 1; safe_printf(" ("); TQ_FOR(se, &(expr->members), next) { if(se->expr_type == A1TC_EXTENSIBLE) { extensible = 1; continue; } else if(!se->Identifier && se->expr_type == A1TC_REFERENCE) { asn1print_ref(se->reference, flags); } else if(se->Identifier) { safe_printf("%s", se->Identifier); } else { safe_printf("ANY"); } if(expr->expr_type != ASN_CONSTR_SET && expr->expr_type != ASN_CONSTR_CHOICE && expr->expr_type != ASN_BASIC_INTEGER && expr->expr_type != ASN_BASIC_ENUMERATED) { if(expr_unordered) safe_printf("*"); else if(se->marker.flags) safe_printf("?"); else if(expr->expr_type == ASN_BASIC_BIT_STRING) safe_printf("?"); } if(TQ_NEXT(se, next) && TQ_NEXT(se, next)->expr_type != A1TC_EXTENSIBLE) { safe_printf(expr_unordered?"|":", "); } } if(extensible) { safe_printf(expr_unordered?"|":", "); safe_printf("ANY"); if(expr->expr_type != ASN_CONSTR_SET && expr->expr_type != ASN_CONSTR_CHOICE && expr->expr_type != ASN_BASIC_INTEGER && expr->expr_type != ASN_BASIC_ENUMERATED) safe_printf("*"); } safe_printf(")"); if(expr->expr_type == ASN_CONSTR_SET) safe_printf("*"); } else switch(expr->expr_type) { case ASN_BASIC_BOOLEAN: safe_printf(" (true|false)"); break; case ASN_CONSTR_CHOICE: case ASN_CONSTR_SET: case ASN_CONSTR_SET_OF: case ASN_CONSTR_SEQUENCE: case ASN_CONSTR_SEQUENCE_OF: case ASN_BASIC_NULL: case A1TC_UNIVERVAL: safe_printf(" EMPTY"); break; case ASN_TYPE_ANY: safe_printf(" ANY"); break; case ASN_BASIC_BIT_STRING: case ASN_BASIC_OCTET_STRING: case ASN_BASIC_OBJECT_IDENTIFIER: case ASN_BASIC_RELATIVE_OID: case ASN_BASIC_INTEGER: case ASN_BASIC_UTCTime: case ASN_BASIC_GeneralizedTime: case ASN_STRING_NumericString: case ASN_STRING_PrintableString: safe_printf(" (#PCDATA)"); break; case ASN_STRING_VisibleString: case ASN_STRING_ISO646String: /* Entity references, but not XML elements may be present */ safe_printf(" (#PCDATA)"); break; case ASN_BASIC_REAL: /* e.g. */ case ASN_BASIC_ENUMERATED: /* e.g. */ default: /* * XML elements are allowed. * For example, a UTF8String may contain "". */ safe_printf(" ANY"); } safe_printf(">\n"); /* * Display the descendants (children) of the current type. */ if(!dont_involve_children) { TQ_FOR(se, &(expr->members), next) { if(se->expr_type == A1TC_EXTENSIBLE) continue; asn1print_expr_dtd(asn, mod, se, flags, level + 1); } } return 0; }