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/* ws_log_defs.h
* log domain definitions
* Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer
* By Gerald Combs <gerald@wireshark.org>
* Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#ifndef __WS_LOG_DOMAINS_H__
#define __WS_LOG_DOMAINS_H__
* Which log domain to use is a matter of policy. Any string is valid.
* There are no hard rules but using a pre-defined log domain is a good
* rule of thumb (there is no pre-defined domain below for dissectors
* though).
/* Main execution domain (wireshark, tshark, etc) */
#define LOG_DOMAIN_MAIN "Main"
/* Capture domain (except for capture child, see below) */
#define LOG_DOMAIN_CAPTURE "Capture"
/* Capture child domain (the capture child might also contain
* file domain messages!) */
#define LOG_DOMAIN_CAPCHILD "Capchild"
#define LOG_DOMAIN_WIRETAP "Wiretap"
#define LOG_DOMAIN_EPAN "Epan"
#define LOG_DOMAIN_DFILTER "DFilter"
#define LOG_DOMAIN_EXTCAP "Extcap"
* Ascending order by priority needs to be maintained. Higher priorities have
* higher values.
enum ws_log_level {
LOG_LEVEL_NONE, /* not user facing */
LOG_LEVEL_NOISY, /* extra verbose debugging */
LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, /* normal debugging level */
LOG_LEVEL_INFO, /* chatty status but not debug */
LOG_LEVEL_MESSAGE, /* default level, doesn't show file/function name */
LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, /* can be set to fatal */
LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL, /* always enabled, can be set to fatal */
LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, /* "error" is always fatal (aborts) */
#endif /* __WS_LOG_DOMAINS_H__ */
* Editor modelines - https://www.wireshark.org/tools/modelines.html
* Local variables:
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