
702 lines
23 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2020, Martin Kacer <kacer.martin[AT]gmail.com> and contributors
# Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer
# By Gerald Combs <gerald@wireshark.org>
# Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
import sys
import ijson
import operator
import copy
import os
import binascii
import array
import argparse
import subprocess
import string
import random
import math
import hashlib
import re
from collections import OrderedDict
from scapy import all as scapy
# Python 2 forward compatibility
range = xrange
except NameError:
# Field anonymization class
class AnonymizedField:
The Anonymization field object specifying anonymization
:filed arg: field name
:type arg: anonymization type [0 masking 0xff, 1 anonymization shake_256]
:start arg: If specified, the anonymization starts at given byte number
:end arg: If specified, the anonymization ends at given byte number
def __init__(self, field, type):
self.field = field
self.type = type
self.start = None
self.end = None
match = re.search(r'(\S+)\[(-?\d+)?:(-?\d+)?\]', field)
if match:
self.field = match.group(1)
self.start = match.group(2)
if self.start is not None:
self.start = int(self.start)
self.end = match.group(3)
if self.end is not None:
self.end = int(self.end)
# Returns the new field value after anonymization
def anonymize_field_shake256(self, field, type, salt):
shake = hashlib.shake_256(str(field + ':' + salt).encode('utf-8'))
# String type, output should be ASCII
if type in [26, 27, 28]:
length = math.ceil(len(field)/4)
shake_hash = shake.hexdigest(length)
ret_string = array.array('B', str.encode(shake_hash))
ret_string = ''.join('{:02x}'.format(x) for x in ret_string)
# Other types, output could be HEX
length = math.ceil(len(field)/2)
shake_hash = shake.hexdigest(length)
ret_string = shake_hash
# Correct the string length
if (len(ret_string) < len(field)):
ret_string = ret_string.ljust(len(field))
if (len(ret_string) > len(field)):
ret_string = ret_string[:len(field)]
return ret_string
def anonymize_field(self, _h, _t, salt):
s = 0
e = None
if self.start:
s = self.start
if self.end:
e = self.end
if e < 0:
e = len(_h) + e
e = len(_h)
h = _h[s:e]
if self.type == 0:
h = 'f' * len(h)
elif self.type == 1:
h = self.anonymize_field_shake256(h, _t, salt)
h_mask = '0' * len(_h[0:s]) + 'f' * len(h) + '0' * len(_h[e:])
h = _h[0:s] + h + _h[e:]
return [h, h_mask]
def make_unique(key, dct):
counter = 0
unique_key = key
while unique_key in dct:
counter += 1
unique_key = '{}_{}'.format(key, counter)
return unique_key
def parse_object_pairs(pairs):
dct = OrderedDict()
for key, value in pairs:
if key in dct:
key = make_unique(key, dct)
dct[key] = value
return dct
# ********* PY TEMPLATES *********
def read_py_function(name):
s = ''
record = False
indent = 0
file = open(__file__)
for line in file:
ind = len(line) - len(line.lstrip())
if (line.find("def " + name) != -1):
record = True
indent = ind
elif (record == True and indent == ind and len(line) > 1):
record = False
if (record == True):
s = s + line
return s
py_header = """#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# File generated by json2pcap.py
# json2pcap.py created by Martin Kacer, 2020
import os
import binascii
import array
import sys
import subprocess
from collections import OrderedDict
from scapy import all as scapy
# Python 2 forward compatibility
range = xrange
except NameError:
# *****************************************************
# * Modify this function to edit the packet *
# *****************************************************
def main():
d = OrderedDict()
py_footer = """ generate_pcap(d)
# *****************************************************
# * Do not edit these functions if not required *
# *****************************************************
py_footer = py_footer + read_py_function("to_bytes")
py_footer = py_footer + read_py_function("lsb")
py_footer = py_footer + read_py_function("multiply_strings")
py_footer = py_footer + read_py_function("rewrite_frame")
py_footer = py_footer + read_py_function("assemble_frame")
py_footer = py_footer + read_py_function("generate_pcap")
py_footer = py_footer + """
if __name__ == '__main__':
# ***** End of PY TEMPLATES ******
# ********** FUNCTIONS ***********
def raw_flat_collector(dict):
if hasattr(dict, 'items'):
for k, v in dict.items():
if k.endswith("_raw"):
yield k, v
for val in raw_flat_collector(v):
yield val
# d - input dictionary, parsed from json
# r - result dictionary
# frame_name - parent protocol name
# frame_position - parent protocol position
def py_generator(d, r, frame_name='frame_raw', frame_position=0):
if (d is None or d is None):
if hasattr(d, 'items'):
for k, v in d.items():
# no recursion
if ( k.endswith("_raw") or ("_raw_" in k) ):
if (isinstance(v[1], (list, tuple)) or isinstance(v[2], (list, tuple)) ):
#i = 1;
for _v in v:
h = _v[0]
p = _v[1]
l = _v[2] * 2
b = _v[3]
t = _v[4]
if (len(h) != l):
l = len(h)
p = p - frame_position
# Add into result dictionary
key = str(k).replace('.', '_')
key = make_unique(key, r)
fn = frame_name.replace('.', '_')
if (fn == key):
fn = None
value = [fn , h, p, l, b, t]
r[key] = value
h = v[0]
p = v[1]
l = v[2] * 2
b = v[3]
t = v[4]
if (len(h) != l):
l = len(h)
p = p - frame_position
# Add into result dictionary
key = str(k).replace('.', '_')
key = make_unique(key, r)
fn = frame_name.replace('.', '_')
if (fn == key):
fn = None
value = [fn , h, p, l, b, t]
r[key] = value
# recursion
if isinstance(v, dict):
fn = frame_name
fp = frame_position
# if there is also preceding raw protocol frame use it
# remove tree suffix
key = k
if (key.endswith("_tree") or ("_tree_" in key)):
key = key.replace('_tree', '')
raw_key = key + "_raw"
if (raw_key in d):
# f = d[raw_key][0]
fn = raw_key
fp = d[raw_key][1]
py_generator(v, r, fn, fp)
elif isinstance(v, (list, tuple)):
fn = frame_name
fp = frame_position
# if there is also preceding raw protocol frame use it
# remove tree suffix
key = k
if (key.endswith("_tree") or ("_tree_" in key)):
key = key.replace('_tree', '')
raw_key = key + "_raw"
if (raw_key in d):
fn = raw_key
fp = d[raw_key][1]
for _v in v:
py_generator(_v, r, frame_name, frame_position)
# To emulate Python 3.2
def to_bytes(n, length, endianess='big'):
h = '%x' % n
s = bytearray.fromhex(('0' * (len(h) % 2) + h).zfill(length * 2))
return s if endianess == 'big' else s[::-1]
# Returns the index, counting from 0, of the least significant set bit in x
def lsb(x):
return (x & -x).bit_length() - 1
# Replace parts of original_string by new_string, only if mask in the byte is not ff
def multiply_strings(original_string, new_string, mask):
ret_string = new_string
if mask == None:
return ret_string
for i in range(0, min(len(original_string), len(new_string), len(mask)), 2):
if mask[i:i + 2] == 'ff':
ret_string = ret_string[:i] + original_string[i:i + 2] + ret_string[i + 2:]
return ret_string
# Rewrite frame
# h - hex bytes
# p - position
# l - length
# b - bitmask
# t - type
# frame_amask - optional, anonymization mask (00 - not anonymized byte, ff - anonymized byte)
def rewrite_frame(frame_raw, h, p, l, b, t, frame_amask = None):
if p < 0 or l < 0 or h is None:
return frame_raw
# no bitmask
if(b == 0):
if (len(h) != l):
l = len(h)
frame_raw_new = frame_raw[:p] + h + frame_raw[p + l:]
return multiply_strings(frame_raw, frame_raw_new, frame_amask)
# bitmask
# get hex string from frame which will be replaced
_h = frame_raw[p:p + l]
# add 0 padding to have correct length
if (len(_h) % 2 == 1):
_h = '0' + _h
if (len(h) % 2 == 1):
h = '0' + h
# Only replace bits defined by mask
# new_hex = (old_hex & !mask) | (new_hex & mask)
_H = bytearray.fromhex(_h)
_H = array.array('B', _H)
M = to_bytes(b, len(_H))
M = array.array('B', M)
# shift mask aligned to position
for i in range(len(M)):
if (i + p / 2) < len(M):
M[i] = M[i + int(p / 2)]
M[i] = 0x00
H = bytearray.fromhex(h)
H = array.array('B', H)
# for i in range(len(_H)):
# print "{0:08b}".format(_H[i]),
# print
# for i in range(len(M)):
# print "{0:08b}".format(M[i]),
# print
j = 0;
for i in range(len(_H)):
if (M[i] != 0):
v = H[j] << lsb(M[i])
# print "Debug: {0:08b}".format(v),
_H[i] = (_H[i] & ~M[i]) | (v & M[i])
# print "Debug: " + str(_H[i]),
j = j + 1;
# for i in range(len(_H)):
# print "{0:08b}".format(_H[i]),
# print
masked_h = binascii.hexlify(_H)
masked_h = masked_h.decode('ascii')
frame_raw_new = frame_raw[:p] + str(masked_h) + frame_raw[p + l:]
return multiply_strings(frame_raw, frame_raw_new, frame_amask)
def assemble_frame(d, frame_time):
input = d['frame_raw'][1]
isFlat = False
linux_cooked_header = False;
while(isFlat == False):
isFlat = True
_d = d.copy()
for key, val in _d.items():
h = str(val[1]) # hex
p = val[2] * 2 # position
l = val[3] * 2 # length
b = val[4] # bitmask
t = val[5] # type
if (key == "sll_raw"):
linux_cooked_header = True;
# only if the node is not parent
isParent = False
for k, v in d.items():
if (v[0] == key):
isParent = True
isFlat = False
if (isParent == False and val[0] is not None):
d[val[0]][1] = rewrite_frame(d[val[0]][1], h, p, l, b, t)
del d[key]
output = d['frame_raw'][1]
# for Linux cooked header replace dest MAC and remove two bytes to reconstruct normal frame
if (linux_cooked_header):
output = "000000000000" + output[6*2:] # replce dest MAC
output = output[:12*2] + "" + output[14*2:] # remove two bytes before Protocol
return output
def generate_pcap(d):
# 1. Assemble frame
input = d['frame_raw'][1]
output = assemble_frame(d, None)
# 2. Testing: compare input and output for not modified json
if (input != output):
print("Modified frames: ")
s1 = input
s2 = output
if (len(s1) == len(s2)):
d = [i for i in range(len(s1)) if s1[i] != s2[i]]
# 3. Generate pcap
outfile = sys.argv[0] + ".pcap"
pcap_out = scapy.PcapWriter(outfile, append=False, sync=False)
new_packet = scapy.Packet(bytearray.fromhex(output))
print("Generated " + outfile)
# ************ MAIN **************
VERSION = "1.1"
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="""
json2pcap {version}
Utility to generate pcap from json format.
Packet modification:
In input json it is possible to modify the raw values of decoded fields.
The output pcap will include the modified values. The algorithm of
generating the output pcap is to get all raw hex fields from input json and
then assembling them by layering from longest (less decoded fields) to
shortest (more decoded fields). It means if the modified raw field is
shorter field (more decoded field) it takes precedence against modification
in longer field (less decoded field). If the json includes duplicated raw
fields with same position and length, the behavior is not deterministic.
For manual packet editing it is always possible to remove any not required
raw fields from json, only frame_raw is field mandatory for reconstruction.
Packet modification with -p switch:
The python script is generated instead of pcap. This python script when
executed will generate the pcap of 1st packet from input json. The
generated code includes the decoded fields and the function to assembly the
packet. This enables to modify the script and programmatically edit or
encode the packet variables. The assembling algorithm is different, because
the decoded packet fields are relative and points to parent node with their
position (compared to input json which has absolute positions).
Pcap masking and anonymization with -m and -a switch:
The script allows to mask or anonymize the selected json raw fields. If the
The fields are selected and located on lower protocol layers, they are not
The overwritten by upper fields which are not marked by these switches.
The pcap masking and anonymization can be performed in the following way:
tshark -r orig.pcap -T json -x | \ python json2pcap.py -m "ip.src_raw"
-a "ip.dst_raw" -o anonymized.pcap
In this example the ip.src_raw field is masked with ffffffff by byte values
and ip.dst_raw is hashed by randomly generated salt.
Additionally the following syntax is valid to anonymize portion of field
tshark -r orig.pcap -T json -x | \ python json2pcap.py -m "ip.src_raw[2:]"
-a "ip.dst_raw[:-2]" -o anonymized.pcap
Where the src_ip first byte is preserved and dst_ip last byte is preserved.
And the same can be achieved by
tshark -r orig.pcap -T json -x | \ python json2pcap.py -m "ip.src_raw[2:8]"
-a "ip.dst_raw[0:6]" -o anonymized.pcap
Masking and anonymization limitations are mainly the following:
- In case the tshark is performing reassembling from multiple frames, the
backward pcap reconstruction is not properly performed and can result in
malformed frames.
- The new values in the fields could violate the field format, as the
json2pcap is no performing correct protocol encoding with respect to
allowed values of the target field and field encoding.
""".format(version=VERSION), formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter)
parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s ' + VERSION)
parser.add_argument('-i', '--infile', nargs='?', help='json generated by tshark -T json -x\nor by tshark -T jsonraw (not preserving frame timestamps).\nIf no inpout file is specified script reads from stdin.')
parser.add_argument('-o', '--outfile', required=True, help='output pcap filename')
parser.add_argument('-p', '--python', help='generate python payload instead of pcap (only 1st packet)', default=False, action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('-m', '--mask', help='mask the specific raw field (e.g. -m "ip.src_raw" -m "ip.dst_raw[2:6]")', action='append', metavar='MASKED_FIELD')
parser.add_argument('-a', '--anonymize', help='anonymize the specific raw field (e.g. -a "ip.src_raw[2:]" -a "ip.dst_raw[:-2]")', action='append', metavar='ANONYMIZED_FIELD')
parser.add_argument('-s', '--salt', help='salt use for anonymization. If no value is provided it is randomized.', default=None)
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', help='verbose output', default=False, action='store_true')
args = parser.parse_args()
# read JSON
infile = args.infile
outfile = args.outfile
# Read from input file
if infile:
data_file = open(infile)
# Read from pipe
data_file = sys.stdin
# Parse anonymization fields
anonymize = {}
if args.mask:
for m in args.mask:
if not '_raw' in m:
print("Error: The specified fields by -m switch should be raw fields. " + m + " does not have _raw suffix")
af = AnonymizedField(m, 0)
anonymize[af.field] = af
if args.anonymize:
for a in args.anonymize:
if not '_raw' in a:
print("Error: The specified fields by -a switch should be raw fields. " + a + " does not have _raw suffix")
af = AnonymizedField(a, 1)
anonymize[af.field] = af
input_frame_raw = ''
frame_raw = ''
frame_time = None
salt = args.salt
if salt is None:
# generate random salt if no salt was provided
salt = ''.join(random.SystemRandom().choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for _ in range(10))
# Generate pcap
if args.python == False:
pcap_out = scapy.PcapWriter(outfile, append=False, sync=False)
# Iterate over packets in JSON
for packet in ijson.items(data_file, "item", buf_size=200000):
_list = []
linux_cooked_header = False;
# get flat raw fields into _list
for raw in raw_flat_collector(packet['_source']['layers']):
if len(raw) >= 2:
if (raw[0] == "frame_raw"):
frame_raw = raw[1][0]
frame_amask = "0"*len(frame_raw) # initialize anonymization mask
input_frame_raw = copy.copy(frame_raw)
frame_time = None
if 'frame.time_epoch' in packet['_source']['layers']['frame']:
frame_time = packet['_source']['layers']['frame']['frame.time_epoch']
# add into value list into raw[5] the field name
if isinstance(raw[1], list):
if (raw[0] == "sll_raw"):
linux_cooked_header = True
# sort _list
sorted_list = sorted(_list, key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=False)
sorted_list = sorted(sorted_list, key=operator.itemgetter(2), reverse=True)
# print("Debug: " + str(sorted_list))
# rewrite frame
for raw in sorted_list:
if len(raw) >= 6:
h = str(raw[0]) # hex
p = raw[1] * 2 # position
l = raw[2] * 2 # length
b = raw[3] # bitmask
t = raw[4] # type
# raw[5] # field_name (added by script)
h_mask = h # hex for anonymization mask
# anonymize fields
if (raw[5] in anonymize):
[h, h_mask] = anonymize[raw[5]].anonymize_field(h, t, salt)
if (isinstance(p, (list, tuple)) or isinstance(l, (list, tuple))):
for r in raw:
_h = str(r[0]) # hex
_p = r[1] * 2 # position
_l = r[2] * 2 # length
_b = r[3] # bitmask
_t = r[4] # type
# raw[5] # field_name (added by script)
_h_mask = _h # hex for anonymization mask
# anonymize fields
if (raw[5] in anonymize):
[_h, _h_mask] = anonymize[raw[5]].anonymize_field(_h, _t, salt)
# print("Debug: " + str(raw))
frame_raw = rewrite_frame(frame_raw, _h, _p, _l, _b, _t, frame_amask)
# update anonymization mask
if (raw[5] in anonymize):
frame_amask = rewrite_frame(frame_amask, _h_mask, _p, _l, _b, _t)
# print("Debug: " + str(raw))
frame_raw = rewrite_frame(frame_raw, h, p, l, b, t, frame_amask)
# update anonymization mask
if (raw[5] in anonymize):
frame_amask = rewrite_frame(frame_amask, h_mask, p, l, b, t)
# for Linux cooked header replace dest MAC and remove two bytes to reconstruct normal frame using text2pcap
if (linux_cooked_header):
frame_raw = "000000000000" + frame_raw[6 * 2:] # replce dest MAC
frame_raw = frame_raw[:12 * 2] + "" + frame_raw[14 * 2:] # remove two bytes before Protocol
# Testing: remove comment to compare input and output for not modified json
if (args.verbose and input_frame_raw != frame_raw):
print("Modified frames: ")
s1 = input_frame_raw
s2 = frame_raw
if (len(s1) == len(s2)):
d = [i for i in range(len(s1)) if s1[i] != s2[i]]
new_packet = scapy.Packet(bytearray.fromhex(frame_raw))
if frame_time:
new_packet.time = float(frame_time)
# Generate python payload only for first packet
py_outfile = outfile + '.py'
f = open(py_outfile, 'w')
#for packet in json:
for packet in ijson.items(data_file, "item", buf_size=200000):
r = OrderedDict({})
#print "packet = " + str(packet['_source']['layers'])
py_generator(packet['_source']['layers'], r)
for key, value in r.items() :
f.write(" d['" + key + "'] =",)
f.write(" " + str(value) + "\n")
# Currently only first packet is used from pcap
print("Generated " + py_outfile)