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In order to make memory management easier and to reduce the probability of memory leaks ethereal provides its own memory management API.
This API is implemented inside epan/emem.c and provides memory allocation functions where the allocated memory is automatically freed at certain points.
If you use these functions you will no longer need to keep track of when and
where to free any dynamically allocated memory, the memory will automatically be freed at the appropriate time.
Using these functions will greatly elevate the probability that your code will not leak memory so do use them where appropriate.
There are two sets of fucntions with different allocation/free scope:
ep_... which allocates memory that will be automatically freed once the
current packet dissection completes. These functions are useful
for situations where you just want a temporary buffer that should stay
around for a short while.
Do not use these functions if you need persistent allocations where
the data is to still be available in some later packet.
se_... which allocates memory that will stay around a lot longer but will be
automatically freed once the current capture is closed and ethereal
opens a new capture (either by reading a new capture file or by starting
a new capture on some interface).
These functions are useful for allocations with longer scope for example
if you need some buffers or data to keep statemanagement between packets.
These two allocation scopes provide several useful functions :
.._alloc() : allocate a chunk of memory with ep/se scope.
.._alloc0() : allocate a chunk of memory and fill it with 0.
.._strdup() : equivalent to strdup()
.._strndup(s,n) : allocate a chunk of size n+1 and copy s into it
.._memdup(s,n) : allocate n chunk and copy into it n bytes starting at s
.._strdup_printf() : will calculate the size of the formated string allocate a chunk for it and format the string
.._alloc_array(t,n): will allocate an array of n elements of type t
ep_strsplit(): will split a string based on a certain separator returning an array of strings
Stack management:
ep_stack_new() : creates a stack
ep_stack_push() : pushes an element into the stack
ep_stack_pop() : pops an element from the stack
ep_stack_peek() : returns the top element of the stack without popping it