
158 lines
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/** @file
* String utility definitions
* Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer
* By Gerald Combs <gerald@wireshark.org>
* Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#ifndef __STR_UTIL_H__
#define __STR_UTIL_H__
#include <wireshark.h>
#include <wsutil/wmem/wmem.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif /* __cplusplus */
/** Convert all upper-case ASCII letters to their ASCII lower-case
* equivalents, in place, with a simple non-locale-dependent
* ASCII mapping (A-Z -> a-z).
* All other characters are left unchanged, as the mapping to
* lower case may be locale-dependent.
* The string is assumed to be in a character encoding, such as
* an ISO 8859 or other EUC encoding, or UTF-8, in which all
* bytes in the range 0x00 through 0x7F are ASCII characters and
* non-ASCII characters are constructed from one or more bytes in
* the range 0x80 through 0xFF.
* @param str The string to be lower-cased.
* @return ptr to the string
gchar *ascii_strdown_inplace(gchar *str);
/** Convert all lower-case ASCII letters to their ASCII upper-case
* equivalents, in place, with a simple non-locale-dependent
* ASCII mapping (a-z -> A-Z).
* All other characters are left unchanged, as the mapping to
* lower case may be locale-dependent.
* The string is assumed to be in a character encoding, such as
* an ISO 8859 or other EUC encoding, or UTF-8, in which all
* bytes in the range 0x00 through 0x7F are ASCII characters and
* non-ASCII characters are constructed from one or more bytes in
* the range 0x80 through 0xFF.
* @param str The string to be upper-cased.
* @return ptr to the string
gchar *ascii_strup_inplace(gchar *str);
/** Check if an entire string consists of printable characters
* @param str The string to be checked
* @return TRUE if the entire string is printable, otherwise FALSE
gboolean isprint_string(const gchar *str);
/** Check if an entire UTF-8 string consists of printable characters
* @param str The string to be checked
* @param length The number of bytes to validate
* @return TRUE if the entire string is printable, otherwise FALSE
gboolean isprint_utf8_string(const gchar *str, guint length);
/** Check if an entire string consists of digits
* @param str The string to be checked
* @return TRUE if the entire string is digits, otherwise FALSE
gboolean isdigit_string(const guchar *str);
* Return the first occurrence of needle in haystack.
* @param haystack The data to search
* @param haystack_len The length of the search data
* @param needle The string to look for
* @param needle_len The length of the search string
* @return A pointer to the first occurrence of "needle" in
* "haystack". If "needle" isn't found or is NULL, or if
* "needle_len" is 0, NULL is returned.
const guint8 *ws_memmem(const void *haystack, size_t haystack_len,
const void *needle, size_t needle_len);
/** Finds the first occurrence of string 'needle' in string 'haystack'.
* The matching is done in a case insensitive manner.
* @param haystack The string possibly containing the substring
* @param needle The substring to be searched
* @return A pointer into 'haystack' where 'needle' is first found.
* Otherwise it returns NULL.
const char *ws_strcasestr(const char *haystack, const char *needle);
char *ws_escape_string(wmem_allocator_t *alloc, const char *string, bool add_quotes);
int ws_xton(char ch);
typedef enum {
FORMAT_SIZE_UNIT_NONE, /**< No unit will be appended. You must supply your own. */
FORMAT_SIZE_UNIT_BYTES, /**< "bytes" for un-prefixed sizes, "B" otherwise. */
FORMAT_SIZE_UNIT_BITS, /**< "bits" for un-prefixed sizes, "b" otherwise. */
FORMAT_SIZE_UNIT_BITS_S, /**< "bits/s" for un-prefixed sizes, "bps" otherwise. */
FORMAT_SIZE_UNIT_BYTES_S, /**< "bytes/s" for un-prefixed sizes, "Bps" otherwise. */
FORMAT_SIZE_UNIT_PACKETS, /**< "packets" */
FORMAT_SIZE_UNIT_PACKETS_S, /**< "packets/s" */
} format_size_units_e;
#define FORMAT_SIZE_PREFIX_SI (1 << 0) /**< SI (power of 1000) prefixes will be used. */
#define FORMAT_SIZE_PREFIX_IEC (1 << 1) /**< IEC (power of 1024) prefixes will be used. */
/** Given a size, return its value in a human-readable format
* Prefixes up to "T/Ti" (tera, tebi) are currently supported.
* @param size The size value
* @param flags Flags to control the output (unit of measurement,
* SI vs IEC, etc). Unit and prefix flags may be ORed together.
* @return A newly-allocated string representing the value.
char *format_size_wmem(wmem_allocator_t *allocator, int64_t size,
format_size_units_e unit, uint16_t flags);
#define format_size(size, unit, flags) \
format_size_wmem(NULL, size, unit, flags)
gchar printable_char_or_period(gchar c);
/* To pass one of two strings, singular or plural */
#define plurality(d,s,p) ((d) == 1 ? (s) : (p))
#define true_or_false(val) ((val) ? "TRUE" : "FALSE")
#define string_or_null(val) ((val) ? (val) : "[NULL]")
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __cplusplus */
#endif /* __STR_UTIL_H__ */