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<!-- WSUG Chapter Advanced -->
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<chapter id="ChapterAdvanced">
<title>Advanced Topics</title>
<section id="ChAdvIntroduction"><title>Introduction</title>
In this chapter some of the advanced features of Wireshark will be described.
<section id="ChAdvFollowTCPSection"><title>Following TCP streams</title>
If you are working with TCP based protocols it can be very helpful
to see the data from a TCP stream in the way that the application
layer sees it.
Perhaps you are looking for passwords in a Telnet stream, or you
are trying to make sense of a data stream.
Maybe you just need a display filter to show only the packets of that
TCP stream.
If so, Wireshark's ability to follow a TCP stream will be useful to you.
Simply select a TCP packet in the packet list of the stream/connection
you are interested in and then select the Follow TCP Stream menu item
from the Wireshark Tools menu (or use the context menu in the packet
Wireshark will set an appropriate display filter and pop up a dialog
box with all the data from the TCP stream laid out in order,
as shown in <xref linkend="ChAdvFollowStream"/>.
It is worthwhile noting that Follow TCP Stream installs a display filter
to select all the packets in the TCP stream you have selected.
<section><title>The "Follow TCP Stream" dialog box </title>
<figure id="ChAdvFollowStream">
<title>The "Follow TCP Stream" dialog box</title>
<graphic entityref="WiresharkFollowStream" format="PNG"/>
The stream content is displayed in the same sequence as it appeared on
the network.
Traffic from A to B is marked in red, while traffic from B to A is
marked in blue.
If you like, you can change these colors in the Edit/Preferences
"Colors" page.
Non-printable characters will be replaced by dots.
XXX - What about line wrapping (maximum line length) and CRNL conversions?
The stream content won't be updated while doing a live capture.
To get the latest content you'll have to reopen the dialog.
You can choose from the following actions:
<command>Save As</command> Save the stream data in the currently
selected format.
<command>Print</command> Print the stream data in the currently
selected format.
<command>Direction</command> Choose the stream direction to be
displayed ("Entire conversation", "data from A to B only" or "data
from B to A only").
<command>Filter out this stream</command> Apply a display filter
removing the current TCP stream data from the display.
<command>Close</command> Close this dialog box, leaving the current
display filter in effect.
You can choose to view the data in one of the following formats:
<command>ASCII</command>. In this view you see the data from
each direction in ASCII. Obviously best for ASCII based protocols,
e.g. HTTP.
<command>EBCDIC</command>. For the big-iron freaks out there.
<command>HEX Dump</command>. This allows you to see all the
This will require a lot of screen space and is best used with
binary protocols.
<command>C Arrays</command>. This allows you to import the stream data
into your own C program.
<command>Raw</command>. This allows you to load the unaltered stream
data into a different program for further examination.
The display will look the same as the ASCII setting, but "Save As"
will result in a binary file.
<section id="ChAdvTimestamps"><title>Time Stamps</title>
Time stamps, their precisions and all that can be quite
confusing. This section will provide you with information about what's going
on while Wireshark processes time stamps.
While packets are captured, each packet is time stamped as it comes in.
These time stamps will be saved to the capture file, so they also will be
available for (later) analysis.
So where do these time stamps come from?
While capturing, Wireshark gets the time stamps from the libpcap (WinPcap)
library, which in turn gets them from the operating system kernel.
If the capture data is loaded from a capture file, Wireshark obviously gets
the data from that file.
<section><title>Wireshark internals</title>
The internal format that Wireshark uses to keep a packet time stamp consists
of the date (in days since 1.1.1970) and the time of day (in nanoseconds
since midnight). You can adjust the way Wireshark displays the time stamp data
in the packet list, see the "Time Display Format" item in the
<xref linkend="ChUseViewMenuSection"/> for details.
While reading or writing capture files, Wireshark converts the time stamp
data between the capture file format and the internal format as required.
While capturing, Wireshark uses the libpcap (WinPcap) capture library which
supports microsecond resolution. Unless you are working with specialized
capturing hardware, this resolution should be adequate.
<section><title>Capture file formats</title>
Every capture file format that Wireshark knows support time stamps.
The time stamp precision
supported by a specific capture file format differs widely and varies
from one second "0" to one nanosecond "0.123456789".
Most file formats store the time stamps with a fixed precision
(e.g. microseconds), while some file formats are even capable to store the
time stamp precision itself (whatever the benefit may be).
The common libpcap capture file format that is used by Wireshark (and a
lot of other tools) supports a fixed microsecond resolution "0.123456"
Writing data into a capture file format that doesn't provide
the capability to store the actual precision will lead to loss of information.
Example: If you load a capture file with nanosecond resolution and
store the capture data to a libpcap file (with microsecond resolution)
Wireshark obviously must reduce the precision from nanosecond to microsecond.
It's often asked: "Which time stamp accuracy is provided by Wireshark?".
Well, Wireshark doesn't create any time stamps itself but simply gets them
from "somewhere else" and displays them. So accuracy will depend on the
capture system (operating system, performance, ...) that you use.
Because of this, the above question is difficult to answer in a
general way.
USB connected network adapters often provide a very bad time stamp
accuracy. The incoming packets have to take "a long and winding
road" to travel through the USB cable until they actually reach the
kernel. As the incoming packets are time stamped when they are processed
by the kernel, this time stamping mechanism becomes very inaccurate.
Conclusion: don't use USB connected NIC's when you need precise
time stamp accuracy! (XXX - are there any such NIC's that stamps already
on the USB hardware?)
<section id="ChAdvTimezones"><title>Time Zones</title>
If you travel across the planet, time zones can be confusing. If you get a
capture file from somewhere around the world time zones can even be a lot
more confusing ;-)
First of all, there are two reasons why you may not need to think about
time zones at all:
You are only interested in the time differences between the packet
time stamps and don't need to know the exact date and time of the
captured packets (which is often the case).
You don't get capture files from different time zones than your own,
so there are simply no time zone problems. For example: everyone in
your team is working in the same time zone than yourself.
<sidebar><title>What are time zones?</title>
People expect that the time reflects the sunset. Dawn should be in the
morning maybe around 06:00 and dusk in the evening maybe at 20:00.
These times will obviously vary depending on the season.
It would be very confusing if everyone on earth would use the same
global time as this would correspond to the sunset only at a small part
of the world.
For that reason, the earth is split into several different time zones,
each zone with a local time that corresponds to the local sunset.
The time zone's base time is UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) or Zulu
Time (military and aviation). The older term GMT (Greenwich Mean Time)
shouldn't be used as it is slightly incorrect (up to 0.9 seconds
difference to UTC).
The UTC base time equals to 0 (based at Greenwich, England) and all
time zones have an offset to UTC between -12 to +14 hours!
For example: If you live in
Berlin you are in a time zone one hour earlier than UTC, so you are in
time zone "+1" (time difference in hours compared to UTC). If it's
3 o'clock in Berlin it's 2 o'clock in UTC "at the same moment".
Be aware that at a few places on earth don't use time zones with even
hour offsets (e.g. New Delhi uses UTC+05:30)!
Further information can be found at:
<ulink url="&WikipediaTimezone;">&WikipediaTimezone;</ulink> and
<ulink url="&WikipediaUTC;">&WikipediaUTC;</ulink>.
<sidebar><title>What is daylight saving time (DST)?</title>
Daylight Saving Time (DST), also known as Summer Time, is intended to
"save" some daylight during the summer months.
To do this, a lot of countries (but not all!) add an DST hour to the
already existing UTC offset.
So you may need to take another hour (or in very rare cases even two
hours!) difference into your "time zone calculations".
Unfortunately, the date at which DST actually takes effect is different
throughout the world. You may also note, that the northern and southern
hemispheres have opposite DST's (e.g. while it's summer in Europe it's
winter in Australia).
Keep in mind: UTC remains the same all year around, regardless of DST!
Further information can be found at:
<ulink url="&WikipediaDaylightSaving;">&WikipediaDaylightSaving;</ulink>.
Further time zone and DST information can be found at:
<ulink url="&TimezoneGMTSite;">&TimezoneGMTSite;</ulink> and
<ulink url="&TimezoneWorldClockSite;">&TimezoneWorldClockSite;</ulink>.
<section><title>Set your computer's time correct!</title>
If you work with people around the world, it's very helpful to set your
computer's time and time zone right.
You should set your computers time and time zone in the correct sequence:
Set your time zone to your current location
Set your computer's clock to the local time
This way you will tell your computer both the local time and also the time
offset to UTC.
If you travel around the world, it's an often made mistake to adjust the
hours of your computer clock to the local time. Don't adjust the
hours but your time zone setting instead! For your computer, the time is
essentially the same as before, you are simply in a different time zone
with a different local time!
You can use the Network Time Protocol (NTP) to automatically adjust your
computer to the correct time, by synchronizing it to Internet NTP clock
servers. NTP clients are available for all operating systems that
Wireshark supports (and for a lot more), for examples see:
<ulink url="&NTPSite;">&NTPSite;</ulink>.
<section><title>Wireshark and Time Zones</title>
So what's the relationship between Wireshark and time zones anyway?
Wireshark's native capture file format (libpcap format), and some
other capture file formats, such as the Windows Sniffer,
EtherPeek, AiroPeek, and Sun snoop formats, save the arrival
time of packets as UTC values.
UN*X systems, and "Windows NT based" systems (Windows NT 4.0,
Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista)
represent time internally as UTC.
When Wireshark is capturing, no conversion is necessary.
However, if the system time zone is not set
correctly, the system's UTC time might not be correctly set even
if the system clock appears to display correct local time.
"Windows 9x based" systems (Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me)
represent time internally as local time.
When capturing, WinPcap has to convert the time to UTC before
supplying it to Wireshark.
If the system's time zone is not set correctly, that conversion will
not be done correctly.
Other capture file formats, such as the Microsoft Network
Monitor, DOS-based Sniffer, and Network Instruments Observer
formats, save the arrival time of packets as local time values.
Internally to Wireshark, time stamps are represented in UTC; this
means that, when reading capture files that save the arrival
time of packets as local time values, Wireshark must convert
those local time values to UTC values.
Wireshark in turn will display the time stamps always in local
time. The displaying computer will convert them from UTC to
local time and displays this (local) time. For capture files
saving the arrival time of packets as UTC values, this means
that the arrival time will be displayed as the local time in
your time zone, which might not be the same as the arrival time
in the time zone in which the packet was captured. For capture
files saving the arrival time of packets as local time values,
the conversion to UTC will be done using your time zone's offset
from UTC and DST rules, which means the conversion will not be
done correctly; the conversion back to local time for display
might undo this correctly, in which case the arrival time will
be displayed as the arrival time in which the packet was
<table id="ChAdvTabTimezones" frame="none">
<title>Time zone examples for UTC arrival times (without DST)</title>
<tgroup cols="7">
<!-- <colspec colnum="1" colwidth="72pt"/>
<colspec colnum="2" colwidth="80pt"/>
<colspec colnum="3" colwidth="80pt"/>-->
<entry>Los Angeles</entry>
<entry>New York</entry>
<entry><command>Capture File (UTC)</command></entry>
<entry><command>Local Offset to UTC</command></entry>
<entry><command>Displayed Time (Local Time)</command></entry>
An example:
Let's assume that someone in Los Angeles captured a packet with
Wireshark at exactly 2 o'clock local time and sends you this
capture file. The capture file's time stamp will be represented
in UTC as 10 o'clock. You are located in Berlin and will see 11
o'clock on your Wireshark display.
Now you have a phone call, video conference or Internet meeting with that
one to talk about that capture file.
As you are both looking at the displayed time on your local computers,
the one in Los Angeles still sees 2 o'clock but you in Berlin will see
11 o'clock. The time displays are different as both Wireshark displays
will show the (different) local times at the same point in time.
<command>Conclusion</command>: You may not bother about the date/time
of the time stamp you currently look at, unless you must make sure that
the date/time is as expected.
So, if you get a capture file from a different time zone and/or DST, you'll
have to find out the time zone/DST difference between the two local times
and "mentally adjust" the time stamps accordingly.
In any case, make sure that every computer in question has the correct
time and time zone setting.
<section id="ChAdvReassemblySection"><title>Packet Reassembling</title>
<section><title>What is it?</title>
Network protocols often need to transport large chunks of data, which are
complete in itself, e.g. when transferring a file. The underlying
protocol might not be able to handle that chunk size (e.g. limitation of
the network packet size), or is stream-based like TCP, which doesn't know
data chunks at all.
In that case the network protocol has to handle that chunk boundaries
itself and (if required) spreading the data over multiple packets.
It obviously also needs a mechanism to find back the chunk boundaries on
the receiving side.
Wireshark calls this mechanism reassembling, although a specific protocol
specification might use a different term for this (e.g. desegmentation,
defragmentation, ...).
<section><title>How Wireshark handles it</title>
For some of the network protocols Wireshark knows of, a mechanism is
implemented to find, decode and display these chunks of data.
Wireshark will try to find the corresponding packets of this chunk,
and will show the combined data as additional pages in the
"Packet Bytes" pane
(for information about this pane, see <xref
<figure id="ChAdvWiresharkBytesPaneTabs">
<title>The "Packet Bytes" pane with a reassembled tab</title>
<graphic entityref="WiresharkBytesPaneTabs" format="PNG"/>
Reassembling might take place at several protocol layers, so it's possible
that multiple tabs in the "Packet Bytes" pane appear.
You will find the reassembled data in the last packet of the chunk.
An example:
In a <command>HTTP</command> GET response, the requested data (e.g. a
HTML page) is returned. Wireshark will show the hex dump of the data in
a new tab "Uncompressed entity body" in the "Packet Bytes" pane.
Reassembling is enabled in the preferences by default. The defaults
were changed from disabled to enabled in September 2005. If you created
your preference settings before this date, you might look if reassembling
is actually enabled, as it can be extremely helpful while analyzing
network packets.
The enabling or disabling of the reassemble settings of a protocol typically
requires two things:
the lower level protocol (e.g., TCP) must support
reassembly. Often this reassembly can be enabled or disabled
via the protocol preferences.
the higher level protocol (e.g., HTTP) must use the
reassembly mechanism to reassemble fragmented protocol data. This too
can often be enabled or disabled via the protocol preferences.
The tooltip of the higher level protocol setting will notify you if and
which lower level protocol setting has to be considered too.
<section id="ChAdvNameResolutionSection"><title>Name Resolution</title>
Name resolution tries to resolve some of the numerical address values into
a human readable format. There are two possible ways to do these
conversations, depending on the resolution to be done: calling
system/network services (like the gethostname function) and/or evaluate
from Wireshark specific configuration files.
For details about the configuration files Wireshark uses for name
resolution and alike, see <xref linkend="AppFiles"/>.
The name resolution feature can be en-/disabled separately for the
protocol layers of the following sections.
<section><title>Name Resolution drawbacks</title>
Name resolution can be invaluable while working with Wireshark and may
even save you hours of work. Unfortunately, it also has it's drawbacks.
<command>Name resolution will often fail.</command> The name to be
resolved might simply be unknown by the name servers asked or the servers
are just not available and the name is also not found in Wireshark's
configuration files.
<command>The resolved names are not stored in the capture file or
somewhere else.</command>
So the resolved names might not be available if you open the capture file
later or on a different machine.
Each time you open a capture file it may look "slightly different",
maybe simply because you can't connect to a name server (which you could
connect before).
<command>DNS may add additional packets to your capture file.</command>
You may see packets to/from your machine in your capture file, which are
caused by name resolution network services of the machine Wireshark
captures from.
XXX - are there any other such packets than DNS ones?
<command>Resolved DNS names are cached by Wireshark.</command>
This is required for acceptable performance.
However, if the name resolution information
should change while Wireshark is running,
Wireshark won't notice a change to the name resolution information once
it's get cached. If this information changes while Wireshark is running,
e.g. a new DHCP lease takes effect, Wireshark won't notice it.
XXX - is this true for all or only for DNS info?
The name resolution in the packet list is done while the list is filled.
If a name could be resolved after a packet was added to the list, that
former entry won't be changed. As the name resolution results are cached,
you can use "View/Reload" to rebuild the packet list, this time with the
correctly resolved names. However, this isn't possible while a capture is
in progress.
<section><title>Ethernet name resolution (MAC layer)</title>
Try to resolve an Ethernet MAC address (e.g. 00:09:5b:01:02:03) to
something more "human readable".
<para><command>ARP name resolution (system service)</command>
Wireshark will ask the operating system to convert an Ethernet address
to the corresponding IP address (e.g. 00:09:5b:01:02:03 ->
<para><command>Ethernet codes (ethers file)</command>
If the ARP name resolution failed, Wireshark tries to convert the Ethernet
address to a known device name, which has been assigned by the user using
an ethers file (e.g. 00:09:5b:01:02:03 -> homerouter).
<para><command>Ethernet manufacturer codes (manuf file)</command>
If both ARP and ethers didn't returned a result, Wireshark tries to convert
the first 3 bytes of an ethernet address to an abbreviated manufacturer name,
which has been assigned by the IEEE
(e.g. 00:09:5b:01:02:03 -> Netgear_01:02:03).
<section><title>IP name resolution (network layer)</title>
Try to resolve an IP address (e.g. to
something more "human readable".
<para><command>DNS/ADNS name resolution (system/library service)</command>
Wireshark will ask the operating system (or the ADNS library),
to convert an IP address to the hostname associated with it
(e.g. -> www.1.google.com). The DNS service is using
synchronous calls to the DNS server. So Wireshark will stop responding
until a response to a DNS request is returned. If possible, you might
consider using the ADNS library (which won't wait for a network response).
Enabling network name resolution when your name server is
unavailable may significantly slow down Wireshark while it waits
for all of the name server requests to time out. Use ADNS in that
<command>DNS vs. ADNS</command>
here's a short comparison: Both mechanisms are
used to convert an IP address to some human readable (domain) name. The
usual DNS call gethostname() will try to convert the address to a name.
To do this, it will first ask the systems hosts file (e.g. /etc/hosts)
if it finds a matching entry. If that fails, it will ask the configured
DNS server(s) about the name.
So the real difference between DNS and ADNS comes when the system has
to wait for the DNS server about a name resolution.
The system call gethostname() will wait until a name is resolved or an
error occurs.
If the DNS server is unavailable, this might take quite
a while (several seconds).
The ADNS service will work a bit differently.
It will also ask the DNS server, but it won't wait for the answer.
It will just return to Wireshark in a very short amount of time.
The actual (and the following) address fields won't show the resolved
name until the ADNS call returned. As mentioned above, the values get
cached, so you can use View/Reload to "update" these fields to show the
resolved values.
<para><command>hosts name resolution (hosts file)</command>
If DNS name resolution failed, Wireshark will try to convert an IP address
to the hostname associated with it, using a hosts file provided by the
user (e.g. -> www.google.com).
<section><title>IPX name resolution (network layer)</title>
<para><command>ipxnet name resolution (ipxnets file)</command>
XXX - add ipxnets name resolution explanation.
<section><title>TCP/UDP port name resolution (transport layer)</title>
Try to resolve a TCP/UDP port (e.g. 80) to
something more "human readable".
<para><command>TCP/UDP port conversion (system service)</command>
Wireshark will ask the operating system to convert a TCP or UDP port to
its well known name (e.g. 80 -> http).
XXX - mention the role of the /etc/services file
(but don't forget the files and folders section)!
<section id="ChAdvChecksums"><title>Checksums</title>
Several network protocols use checksums to ensure data integrity.
Applying checksums as described here is also known as
<command>redundancy check</command>.
<sidebar><title>What are checksums for?</title>
Checksums are used to ensure the integrity of data portions for data
transmission or storage.
A checksum is basically a calculated summary of such a data portion.
Network data transmissions often produce errors, such as toggled, missing
or duplicated bits.
As a result, the data received might not be identical to the data
transmitted, which is obviously a bad thing.
Because of these transmission errors, network protocols very often use
checksums to detect such errors.
The transmitter will calculate a checksum of the data and transmits the
data together with the checksum.
The receiver will calculate the checksum of the received data with the same
algorithm as the transmitter.
If the received and calculated checksums don't match a transmission error
has occurred.
Some checksum algorithms are able to recover (simple) errors by
calculating where the expected error must be and repairing it.
If there are errors that cannot be recovered, the receiving side throws
away the packet. Depending on the network protocol, this data loss is
simply ignored or the sending side needs to detect this loss somehow and
retransmits the required packet(s).
Using a checksum drastically reduces the number of undetected transmission
errors. However, the usual checksum algorithms cannot guarantee an error
detection of 100%, so a very small number of transmission errors may
remain undetected.
There are several different kinds of checksum algorithms, an example of
an often used checksum algorithm is CRC32.
The checksum algorithm actually chosen for a specific network protocol
will depend on the expected error rate of the network medium, the
importance of error detection, the processor load to perform the
calculation, the performance needed and many other things.
Further information about checksums can be found at:
<ulink url="&WikipediaWebsite;/wiki/Checksum"/>.
<section><title>Wireshark checksum validation</title>
Wireshark will validate the checksums of several protocols,
e.g.: IP, TCP, UDP, ...
It will do the same calculation as a "normal receiver" would do,
and shows the checksum fields in the packet details with a comment, e.g.:
[correct], [invalid, must be 0x12345678] or alike.
Checksum validation can be switched off for various protocols in the
Wireshark protocol preferences, e.g. to (very slightly) increase
If the checksum validation is enabled and it detected an invalid checksum,
features like packet reassembling won't be processed.
This is avoided as incorrect connection data could "confuse" the internal
<section><title>Checksum offloading</title>
The checksum calculation might be done by the network driver, protocol
driver or even in hardware.
For example: The Ethernet transmitting hardware calculates the
Ethernet CRC32 checksum and the receiving hardware validates this
If the received checksum is wrong Wireshark won't even see the packet,
as the Ethernet hardware internally throws away the packet.
Higher level checksums are "traditionally" calculated by the protocol
implementation and the completed packet is then handed over to the
Recent network hardware can perform advanced features such as IP checksum
calculation, also known as checksum offloading.
The network driver won't calculate the checksum itself but simply hand
over an empty (zero or garbage filled) checksum field to the hardware.
Checksum offloading often causes confusion as the network packets to be
transmitted are handed over to Wireshark before the checksums are actually
Wireshark gets these "empty" checksums and displays them as
invalid, even though the packets will contain valid checksums when they
leave the network hardware later.
Checksum offloading can be confusing and having a lot of [invalid]
messages on the screen can be quite annoying.
As mentioned above, invalid checksums may lead to unreassembled packets,
making the analysis of the packet data much harder.
You can do two things to avoid this checksum offloading problem:
Turn off the checksum offloading in the network driver, if this option is
Turn off checksum validation of the specific protocol in the Wireshark
<!-- End of WSUG Chapter Advanced -->