Zoran Bošnjak 7547e7993c asterix: asterix-specs converter fix
Some new asterix editions contain nested 'Group' item inside 'Extended'.
In such case, a 'Group' item is processed like regular 'Element'.

Fixes #18238
2022-08-03 17:10:36 +00:00
README.md asterix: update script adjusted 2021-11-03 19:01:34 +00:00
packet-asterix-template.c asterix: Sync with asterix-specs #4df694c69c 2022-02-25 08:30:46 +00:00
update-specs.py asterix: asterix-specs converter fix 2022-08-03 17:10:36 +00:00


Asterix parser generator

Asterix is a set of standards, where each standard is defined as so called asterix category. In addition, each asterix category is potentially released in number of editions. There is no guarantie about backward compatibility between the editions.

The structured version of asterix specifications is maintained in a separate project: https://zoranbosnjak.github.io/asterix-specs/specs.html

The purpose of this directory is to convert from structured specifications (json format) to the epan/dissectors/packet-asterix.c file, which is the actual asterix parser for this project.

It is important NOT to edit epan/dissectors/packet-asterix.c file manually, since this file is automatically generated.

Manual update procedure

To sync with the upstream asterix specifications, run:

# show current upstream git revision (for reference)
export ASTERIX_SPECS_REV=$(./tools/asterix/update-specs.py --reference)

# update asterix decoder
./tools/asterix/update-specs.py > epan/dissectors/packet-asterix.c
git add epan/dissectors/packet-asterix.c

# inspect change, rebuild project, test...

# commit change, with reference to upstream version
git commit -m "asterix: Sync with asterix-specs #$ASTERIX_SPECS_REV"

Automatic update procedure

To integrate asterix updates to a periodic (GitLab CI) job, use --update option. For example:

# Asterix categories.
- ./tools/asterix/update-specs.py --update || echo "asterix failed." >> commit-message.txt
- COMMIT_FILES+=("epan/dissectors/packet-asterix.c")