# # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Wireshark tests # By Gerald Combs # # Copyright (c) 2018 Peter Wu # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later # '''sharkd tests''' import json import subprocess import unittest import subprocesstest import fixtures from matchers import * @fixtures.fixture(scope='session') def cmd_sharkd(program): return program('sharkd') @fixtures.fixture def run_sharkd_session(cmd_sharkd, request): self = request.instance def run_sharkd_session_real(sharkd_commands): sharkd_proc = self.startProcess( (cmd_sharkd, '-'), stdin=subprocess.PIPE) sharkd_proc.stdin.write('\n'.join(sharkd_commands).encode('utf8')) self.waitProcess(sharkd_proc) self.assertIn('Hello in child.', sharkd_proc.stderr_str) outputs = [] for line in sharkd_proc.stdout_str.splitlines(): line = line.strip() if not line: continue try: jdata = json.loads(line) except json.JSONDecodeError: self.fail('Invalid JSON: %r' % line) outputs.append(jdata) return tuple(outputs) return run_sharkd_session_real @fixtures.fixture def check_sharkd_session(run_sharkd_session, request): self = request.instance def check_sharkd_session_real(sharkd_commands, expected_outputs): sharkd_commands = [json.dumps(x) for x in sharkd_commands] actual_outputs = run_sharkd_session(sharkd_commands) self.assertEqual(expected_outputs, actual_outputs) return check_sharkd_session_real @fixtures.mark_usefixtures('base_env') @fixtures.uses_fixtures class case_sharkd(subprocesstest.SubprocessTestCase): def test_sharkd_req_load_bad_pcap(self, check_sharkd_session, capture_file): check_sharkd_session(( {"req": "load", "file": capture_file('non-existant.pcap')}, ), ( {"err": 2}, )) def test_sharkd_req_status_no_pcap(self, check_sharkd_session): check_sharkd_session(( {"req": "status"}, ), ( {"frames": 0, "duration": 0.0}, )) def test_sharkd_req_status(self, check_sharkd_session, capture_file): check_sharkd_session(( {"req": "load", "file": capture_file('dhcp.pcap')}, {"req": "status"}, ), ( {"err": 0}, {"frames": 4, "duration": 0.070345000, "filename": "dhcp.pcap", "filesize": 1400}, )) def test_sharkd_req_analyse(self, check_sharkd_session, capture_file): check_sharkd_session(( {"req": "load", "file": capture_file('dhcp.pcap')}, {"req": "analyse"}, ), ( {"err": 0}, {"frames": 4, "protocols": ["frame", "eth", "ethertype", "ip", "udp", "dhcp"], "first": 1102274184.317452908, "last": 1102274184.387798071}, )) def test_sharkd_req_info(self, check_sharkd_session): matchTapNameList = MatchList( {"tap": MatchAny(str), "name": MatchAny(str)}) check_sharkd_session(( {"req": "info"}, ), ( { "version": MatchAny(str), "columns": MatchList({"format": MatchAny(str), "name": MatchAny(str)}), "stats": matchTapNameList, "convs": matchTapNameList, "eo": matchTapNameList, "srt": matchTapNameList, "rtd": matchTapNameList, "seqa": matchTapNameList, "taps": matchTapNameList, "follow": matchTapNameList, "ftypes": MatchList(MatchAny(str)), "nstat": matchTapNameList, }, )) def test_sharkd_req_check(self, check_sharkd_session, capture_file): check_sharkd_session(( {"req": "load", "file": capture_file('dhcp.pcap')}, {"req": "check"}, {"req": "check", "filter": "garbage filter"}, {"req": "check", "field": "garbage field"}, {"req": "check", "filter": "ip", "field": "ip"}, ), ( {"err": 0}, {"err": 0}, {"err": 0, "filter": '"filter" was unexpected in this context.'}, {"err": 0, "field": "notfound"}, {"err": 0, "filter": "ok", "field": "ok"}, )) def test_sharkd_req_complete_field(self, check_sharkd_session): check_sharkd_session(( {"req": "complete"}, {"req": "complete", "field": "frame.le"}, {"req": "complete", "field": "garbage.nothing.matches"}, ), ( {"err": 0}, {"err": 0, "field": MatchList( {"f": "frame.len", "t": 7, "n": "Frame length on the wire"}, match_element=any)}, {"err": 0, "field": []}, )) def test_sharkd_req_complete_pref(self, check_sharkd_session): check_sharkd_session(( {"req": "complete", "pref": "tcp."}, {"req": "complete", "pref": "garbage.nothing.matches"}, ), ( {"err": 0, "pref": MatchList( {"f": "tcp.check_checksum", "d": "Validate the TCP checksum if possible"}, match_element=any)}, {"err": 0, "pref": []}, )) def test_sharkd_req_frames(self, check_sharkd_session, capture_file): # XXX need test for optional input parameters, ignored/marked/commented check_sharkd_session(( {"req": "load", "file": capture_file('dhcp.pcap')}, {"req": "frames"}, ), ( {"err": 0}, MatchList({ "c": MatchList(MatchAny(str)), "num": MatchAny(int), "bg": MatchAny(str), "fg": MatchAny(str), }), )) def test_sharkd_req_tap_invalid(self, check_sharkd_session, capture_file): # XXX Unrecognized taps result in an empty line, modify # run_sharkd_session such that checking for it is possible. check_sharkd_session(( {"req": "load", "file": capture_file('dhcp.pcap')}, {"req": "tap"}, {"req": "tap", "tap0": "garbage tap"}, ), ( {"err": 0}, )) def test_sharkd_req_tap(self, check_sharkd_session, capture_file): check_sharkd_session(( {"req": "load", "file": capture_file('dhcp.pcap')}, {"req": "tap"}, {"req": "tap", "tap0": "conv:Ethernet", "tap1": "endpt:TCP"}, ), ( {"err": 0}, { "err": 0, "taps": [ { "tap": "endpt:TCP", "type": "host", "proto": "TCP", "geoip": MatchAny(bool), "hosts": [], }, { "tap": "conv:Ethernet", "type": "conv", "proto": "Ethernet", "geoip": MatchAny(bool), "convs": [ { "saddr": MatchAny(str), "daddr": "Broadcast", "txf": 2, "txb": 628, "rxf": 0, "rxb": 0, "start": 0, "stop": 0.070031, "filter": "eth.addr==00:0b:82:01:fc:42 && eth.addr==ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff", }, { "saddr": MatchAny(str), "daddr": MatchAny(str), "rxf": 0, "rxb": 0, "txf": 2, "txb": 684, "start": 0.000295, "stop": 0.070345, "filter": "eth.addr==00:08:74:ad:f1:9b && eth.addr==00:0b:82:01:fc:42", } ], }, ] }, )) def test_sharkd_req_follow_bad(self, check_sharkd_session, capture_file): # Unrecognized taps currently produce no output (not even err). check_sharkd_session(( {"req": "load", "file": capture_file('dhcp.pcap')}, {"req": "follow"}, {"req": "follow", "follow": "garbage follow", "filter": "ip"}, {"req": "follow", "follow": "HTTP", "filter": "garbage filter"}, ), ( {"err": 0}, )) def test_sharkd_req_follow_no_match(self, check_sharkd_session, capture_file): check_sharkd_session(( {"req": "load", "file": capture_file('dhcp.pcap')}, {"req": "follow", "follow": "HTTP", "filter": "ip"}, ), ( {"err": 0}, {"err": 0, "shost": "NONE", "sport": "0", "sbytes": 0, "chost": "NONE", "cport": "0", "cbytes": 0}, )) def test_sharkd_req_follow_udp(self, check_sharkd_session, capture_file): check_sharkd_session(( {"req": "load", "file": capture_file('dhcp.pcap')}, {"req": "follow", "follow": "UDP", "filter": "frame.number==1"}, ), ( {"err": 0}, {"err": 0, "shost": "", "sport": "67", "sbytes": 272, "chost": "", "cport": "68", "cbytes": 0, "payloads": [ {"n": 1, "d": MatchRegExp(r'AQEGAAAAPR0A[a-zA-Z0-9]{330}AANwQBAwYq/wAAAAAAAAA=')}]}, )) def test_sharkd_req_iograph_bad(self, check_sharkd_session, capture_file): check_sharkd_session(( {"req": "load", "file": capture_file('dhcp.pcap')}, {"req": "iograph"}, {"req": "iograph", "graph0": "garbage graph name"}, ), ( {"err": 0}, {"iograph": []}, {"iograph": []}, )) def test_sharkd_req_iograph_basic(self, check_sharkd_session, capture_file): check_sharkd_session(( {"req": "load", "file": capture_file('dhcp.pcap')}, {"req": "iograph", "graph0": "max:udp.length", "filter0": "udp.length"}, {"req": "iograph", "graph0": "packets", "graph1": "bytes"}, {"req": "iograph", "graph0": "packets", "filter0": "garbage filter"}, ), ( {"err": 0}, {"iograph": [{"items": [308.000000]}]}, {"iograph": [{"items": [4.000000]}, {"items": [1312.000000]}]}, {"iograph": [ {"errmsg": 'Filter "garbage filter" is invalid - "filter" was unexpected in this context.'}]}, )) def test_sharkd_req_intervals_bad(self, check_sharkd_session, capture_file): check_sharkd_session(( {"req": "load", "file": capture_file('dhcp.pcap')}, {"req": "intervals", "filter": "garbage filter"}, ), ( {"err": 0}, )) def test_sharkd_req_intervals_basic(self, check_sharkd_session, capture_file): check_sharkd_session(( {"req": "load", "file": capture_file('dhcp.pcap')}, {"req": "intervals"}, {"req": "intervals", "interval": 1}, {"req": "intervals", "filter": "frame.number <= 2"}, ), ( {"err": 0}, {"intervals": [[0, 4, 1312]], "last": 0, "frames": 4, "bytes": 1312}, {"intervals": [[0, 2, 656], [70, 2, 656]], "last": 70, "frames": 4, "bytes": 1312}, {"intervals": [[0, 2, 656]], "last": 0, "frames": 2, "bytes": 656}, )) def test_sharkd_req_frame_basic(self, check_sharkd_session, capture_file): # XXX add more tests for other options (ref_frame, prev_frame, columns, color, bytes, hidden) check_sharkd_session(( {"req": "load", "file": capture_file('dhcp.pcap')}, {"req": "frame", "frame": 2}, ), ( {"err": 0}, {"err": 0, "fol": [["UDP", "udp.stream eq 1"]]}, )) def test_sharkd_req_frame_proto(self, check_sharkd_session, capture_file): # Check proto tree output (including an UTF-8 value). check_sharkd_session(( {"req": "load", "file": capture_file('dhcp.pcap')}, {"req": "frame", "frame": 2, "proto": True}, ), ( {"err": 0}, MatchObject({ "tree": MatchList({ "l": "Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (Offer)", "t": "proto", "f": "dhcp", "e": MatchAny(int), "n": MatchList({ "l": "Padding: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "h": [316, 26], "f": "dhcp.option.padding == 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00" }, match_element=any), # match one element from 'n' "h": [42, 300], }, match_element=any), # match one element from 'tree' }), )) def test_sharkd_req_setcomment(self, check_sharkd_session, capture_file): check_sharkd_session(( {"req": "load", "file": capture_file('dhcp.pcap')}, # invalid frame number returns early. {"req": "setcomment", "frame": 99999, "comment": "meh\nbaz"}, {"req": "setcomment", "frame": 3, "comment": "foo\nbar"}, {"req": "frame", "frame": 3}, ), ( {"err": 0}, {"err": 0}, {"err": 0, "comment": "foo\nbar", "fol": MatchAny(list)}, )) def test_sharkd_req_setconf_bad(self, check_sharkd_session): check_sharkd_session(( {"req": "setconf", "name": "uat:garbage-pref", "value": "\"\""}, ), ( {"err": 1, "errmsg": "Unknown preference"}, )) def test_sharkd_req_dumpconf_bad(self, check_sharkd_session): check_sharkd_session(( {"req": "dumpconf", "pref": "invalid-garbage-preference"}, {"req": "dumpconf", "pref": "uat:custom_http_header_fields"}, ), ()) def test_sharkd_req_dumpconf_all(self, check_sharkd_session): check_sharkd_session(( {"req": "dumpconf"}, ), ( {"prefs": MatchObject({"tcp.check_checksum": {"b": 0}})}, )) def test_sharkd_req_download_tls_secrets(self, check_sharkd_session, capture_file): # XXX test download for eo: and rtp: too check_sharkd_session(( {"req": "load", "file": capture_file('tls12-dsb.pcapng')}, {"req": "download", "token": "ssl-secrets"}, ), ( {"err": 0}, # TODO remove "RSA Session-ID:" support and support "CLIENT_RANDOM "... only {"file": "keylog.txt", "mime": "text/plain", "data": MatchRegExp(r'UlNBIFNlc3Npb24tSUQ6.+')}, )) def test_sharkd_req_bye(self, check_sharkd_session): check_sharkd_session(( {"req": "bye"}, ), ( )) def test_sharkd_bad_request(self, check_sharkd_session): check_sharkd_session(( {"req": 1337}, ), ( )) def test_sharkd_config(self, check_sharkd_session): check_sharkd_session(( {"req": "setconf", "name": "uat:custom_http_header_fields", "value": "\"X-Header-Name\", \"Description\""}, {"req": "setconf", "name": "tcp.check_checksum", "value": "TRUE"}, {"req": "dumpconf", "pref": "tcp.check_checksum"}, {"req": "setconf", "name": "tcp.check_checksum", "value": "FALSE"}, {"req": "dumpconf", "pref": "tcp.check_checksum"}, ), ( # Check that the UAT preference is set. There is no way to query it # (other than testing for side-effects in dissection). {"err": 0}, {"err": 0}, {"prefs": {"tcp.check_checksum": {"b": 1}}}, {"err": 0}, {"prefs": {"tcp.check_checksum": {"b": 0}}}, )) def test_sharkd_config_enum(self, check_sharkd_session): '''Dump default enum preference value, change it and restore it.''' check_sharkd_session(( {"req": "dumpconf", "pref": "wlan.ignore_wep"}, {"req": "setconf", "name": "wlan.ignore_wep", "value": "Yes - with IV"}, {"req": "dumpconf", "pref": "wlan.ignore_wep"}, {"req": "setconf", "name": "wlan.ignore_wep", "value": "No"}, {"req": "dumpconf", "pref": "wlan.ignore_wep"}, ), ( {"prefs": {"wlan.ignore_wep": {"e": [ {"v": 0, "s": 1, "d": "No"}, {"v": 1, "d": "Yes - without IV"}, {"v": 2, "d": "Yes - with IV"} ]}}}, {"err": 0}, {"prefs": {"wlan.ignore_wep": {"e": [ {"v": 0, "d": "No"}, {"v": 1, "d": "Yes - without IV"}, {"v": 2, "s": 1, "d": "Yes - with IV"} ]}}}, {"err": 0}, {"prefs": {"wlan.ignore_wep": {"e": [ {"v": 0, "s": 1, "d": "No"}, {"v": 1, "d": "Yes - without IV"}, {"v": 2, "d": "Yes - with IV"} ]}}}, )) def test_sharkd_nested_file(self, check_sharkd_session, capture_file): '''Request a frame from a file with a deep level of nesting.''' check_sharkd_session(( {"req": "load", "file": capture_file("http2-data-reassembly.pcap")}, {"req": "frame", "frame": "4", "proto": "yes"}, ), ( {"err": 0}, MatchAny(), ))