/* netmon.c * * $Id: netmon.c,v 1.9 1999/08/18 04:17:38 guy Exp $ * * Wiretap Library * Copyright (c) 1998 by Gilbert Ramirez * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include "wtap.h" #include "buffer.h" #include "netmon.h" /* The file at * * ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/developr/drg/cifs/cifs/Bhfile.zip * * contains "STRUCT.H", which declares the typedef CAPTUREFILE_HEADER * for the header of a Microsoft Network Monitor capture file. */ /* Capture file header, *including* magic number, is padded to 128 bytes. */ #define CAPTUREFILE_HEADER_SIZE 128 /* Magic number in Network Monitor 1.x files. */ static const char netmon_1_x_magic[] = { 'R', 'T', 'S', 'S' }; /* Magic number in Network Monitor 2.x files. */ static const char netmon_2_x_magic[] = { 'G', 'M', 'B', 'U' }; /* Network Monitor file header (minus magic number). */ struct netmon_hdr { guint8 ver_minor; /* minor version number */ guint8 ver_major; /* major version number */ guint16 network; /* network type */ guint16 ts_year; /* year of capture start */ guint16 ts_month; /* month of capture start (January = 1) */ guint16 ts_dow; /* day of week of capture start (Sun = 0) */ guint16 ts_day; /* day of month of capture start */ guint16 ts_hour; /* hour of capture start */ guint16 ts_min; /* minute of capture start */ guint16 ts_sec; /* second of capture start */ guint16 ts_msec; /* millisecond of capture start */ guint32 frametableoffset; /* frame index table offset */ guint32 frametablelength; /* frame index table size */ guint32 userdataoffset; /* user data offset */ guint32 userdatalength; /* user data size */ guint32 commentdataoffset; /* comment data offset */ guint32 commentdatalength; /* comment data size */ guint32 statisticsoffset; /* offset to statistics structure */ guint32 statisticslength; /* length of statistics structure */ guint32 networkinfooffset; /* offset to network info structure */ guint32 networkinfolength; /* length of network info structure */ }; /* Network Monitor record header; not defined in STRUCT.H, but deduced by * looking at capture files. */ struct netmonrec_1_x_hdr { guint32 ts_delta; /* time stamp - msecs since start of capture */ guint16 orig_len; /* actual length of packet */ guint16 incl_len; /* number of octets captured in file */ }; struct netmonrec_2_x_hdr { guint32 ts_delta_lo; /* time stamp - usecs since start of capture */ guint32 ts_delta_hi; /* time stamp - usecs since start of capture */ guint32 orig_len; /* actual length of packet */ guint32 incl_len; /* number of octets captured in file */ }; /* Returns WTAP_FILE_NETMON on success, WTAP_FILE_UNKNOWN on failure */ int netmon_open(wtap *wth) { int bytes_read; char magic[sizeof netmon_1_x_magic]; struct netmon_hdr hdr; int file_type; static const int netmon_encap[] = { WTAP_ENCAP_NONE, WTAP_ENCAP_ETHERNET, WTAP_ENCAP_TR, WTAP_ENCAP_FDDI, WTAP_ENCAP_NONE, /* WAN */ WTAP_ENCAP_NONE, /* LocalTalk */ WTAP_ENCAP_NONE, /* "DIX" - should not occur */ WTAP_ENCAP_NONE, /* ARCNET raw */ WTAP_ENCAP_NONE, /* ARCNET 878.2 */ WTAP_ENCAP_NONE, /* ATM */ WTAP_ENCAP_NONE, /* Wireless WAN */ WTAP_ENCAP_NONE /* IrDA */ }; #define NUM_NETMON_ENCAPS (sizeof netmon_encap / sizeof netmon_encap[0]) struct tm tm; /* Read in the string that should be at the start of a Network * Monitor file */ fseek(wth->fh, 0, SEEK_SET); bytes_read = fread(magic, 1, sizeof magic, wth->fh); if (bytes_read != sizeof magic) { return WTAP_FILE_UNKNOWN; } if (memcmp(magic, netmon_1_x_magic, sizeof netmon_1_x_magic) != 0 && memcmp(magic, netmon_2_x_magic, sizeof netmon_1_x_magic) != 0) { return WTAP_FILE_UNKNOWN; } /* Read the rest of the header. */ bytes_read = fread(&hdr, 1, sizeof hdr, wth->fh); if (bytes_read != sizeof hdr) { return WTAP_FILE_UNKNOWN; } switch (hdr.ver_major) { case 1: file_type = WTAP_FILE_NETMON_1_x; break; case 2: file_type = WTAP_FILE_NETMON_2_x; break; default: return WTAP_FILE_UNKNOWN; } hdr.network = pletohs(&hdr.network); if (hdr.network >= NUM_NETMON_ENCAPS) { g_error("netmon: network type %d unknown", hdr.network); return WTAP_FILE_UNKNOWN; } /* This is a netmon file */ wth->capture.netmon = g_malloc(sizeof(netmon_t)); wth->subtype_read = netmon_read; wth->file_encap = netmon_encap[hdr.network]; wth->snapshot_length = 16384; /* XXX - not available in header */ /* * Convert the time stamp to a "time_t" and a number of * milliseconds. */ tm.tm_year = pletohs(&hdr.ts_year) - 1900; tm.tm_mon = pletohs(&hdr.ts_month) - 1; tm.tm_mday = pletohs(&hdr.ts_day); tm.tm_hour = pletohs(&hdr.ts_hour); tm.tm_min = pletohs(&hdr.ts_min); tm.tm_sec = pletohs(&hdr.ts_sec); tm.tm_isdst = -1; wth->capture.netmon->start_secs = mktime(&tm); /* * XXX - what if "secs" is -1? Unlikely, but if the capture was * done in a time zone that switches between standard and summer * time sometime other than when we do, and thus the time was one * that doesn't exist here because a switch from standard to summer * time zips over it, it could happen. * * On the other hand, if the capture was done in a different time * zone, this won't work right anyway; unfortunately, the time * zone isn't stored in the capture file (why the hell didn't * they stuff a FILETIME, which is the number of 100-nanosecond * intervals since 1601-01-01 00:00:00 "UTC", there, instead * of stuffing a SYSTEMTIME, which is time-zone-dependent, there?). */ wth->capture.netmon->start_usecs = pletohs(&hdr.ts_msec)*1000; wth->capture.netmon->version_major = hdr.ver_major; /* * The "frame index table" appears to come after the last * packet; remember its offset, so we know when we have no * more packets to read. */ wth->capture.netmon->end_offset = pletohl(&hdr.frametableoffset); /* Seek to the beginning of the data records. */ fseek(wth->fh, CAPTUREFILE_HEADER_SIZE, SEEK_SET); return file_type; } /* Read the next packet */ int netmon_read(wtap *wth) { int packet_size = 0; int bytes_read; union { struct netmonrec_1_x_hdr hdr_1_x; struct netmonrec_2_x_hdr hdr_2_x; } hdr; int hdr_size = 0; int data_offset; time_t secs; guint32 usecs; double t; /* Have we reached the end of the packet data? */ data_offset = ftell(wth->fh); if (data_offset >= wth->capture.netmon->end_offset) { /* Yes. */ return 0; } /* Read record header. */ /* Read record header. */ switch (wth->capture.netmon->version_major) { case 1: hdr_size = sizeof (struct netmonrec_1_x_hdr); break; case 2: hdr_size = sizeof (struct netmonrec_2_x_hdr); break; } bytes_read = fread(&hdr, 1, hdr_size, wth->fh); if (bytes_read != hdr_size) { if (bytes_read != 0) { g_error("netmon_read: not enough packet header data (%d bytes)", bytes_read); return -1; } return 0; } data_offset += hdr_size; switch (wth->capture.netmon->version_major) { case 1: packet_size = pletohs(&hdr.hdr_1_x.incl_len); break; case 2: packet_size = pletohl(&hdr.hdr_2_x.incl_len); break; } buffer_assure_space(wth->frame_buffer, packet_size); bytes_read = fread(buffer_start_ptr(wth->frame_buffer), 1, packet_size, wth->fh); if (bytes_read != packet_size) { if (ferror(wth->fh)) { g_error("netmon_read: fread for data: read error\n"); } else { g_error("netmon_read: fread for data: %d bytes out of %d", bytes_read, packet_size); } return -1; } t = (double)wth->capture.netmon->start_usecs; switch (wth->capture.netmon->version_major) { case 1: t += ((double)pletohl(&hdr.hdr_1_x.ts_delta))*1000; break; case 2: t += (double)pletohl(&hdr.hdr_2_x.ts_delta_lo) + (double)pletohl(&hdr.hdr_2_x.ts_delta_hi)*4294967296.0; break; } secs = (time_t)(t/1000000); usecs = (guint32)(t - secs*1000000); wth->phdr.ts.tv_sec = wth->capture.netmon->start_secs + secs; wth->phdr.ts.tv_usec = usecs; wth->phdr.caplen = packet_size; switch (wth->capture.netmon->version_major) { case 1: wth->phdr.len = pletohs(&hdr.hdr_1_x.orig_len); break; case 2: wth->phdr.len = pletohl(&hdr.hdr_2_x.orig_len); break; } wth->phdr.pkt_encap = wth->file_encap; return data_offset; }