#!/usr/bin/env python # # Looks for registration routines in the protocol dissectors, # and assembles C code to call all the routines. # # This is a Python version of the make-reg-dotc shell script. # Running the shell script on Win32 is very very slow because of # all the process-launching that goes on --- multiple greps and # seds for each input file. I wrote this python version so that # less processes would have to be started. # # $Id$ import os import sys import re # # The first argument is the directory in which the source files live. # srcdir = sys.argv[1] # # The second argument is either "plugin" or "dissectors"; if it's # "plugin", we build a plugin.c for a plugin, and if it's # "dissectors", we build a register.c for libethereal. # registertype = sys.argv[2] if registertype == "plugin": tmp_filename = "plugin.c-tmp" final_filename = "plugin.c" elif registertype == "dissectors": tmp_filename = "register.c-tmp" final_filename = "register.c" else: print "Unknown output type '%s'" % registertype sys.exit(1) # # All subsequent arguments are the files to scan. # files = sys.argv[3:] # Create the proper list of filenames filenames = [] for file in files: if os.path.isfile(file): filenames.append(file) else: filenames.append("%s/%s" % (srcdir, file)) # Look through all files, applying the regex to each line. # If the pattern matches, save the "symbol" section to the # appropriate array. proto_reg = [] handoff_reg = [] # For those that don't know Python, r"" indicates a raw string, # devoid of Python escapes. proto_regex0 = r"^(?Pproto_register_[_A-Za-z0-9]+)\s*\([^;]+$" proto_regex1 = r"void\s+(?Pproto_register_[_A-Za-z0-9]+)\s*\([^;]+$" handoff_regex0 = r"^(?Pproto_reg_handoff_[_A-Za-z0-9]+)\s*\([^;]+$" handoff_regex1 = r"void\s+(?Pproto_reg_handoff_[_A-Za-z0-9]+)\s*\([^;]+$" # This table drives the pattern-matching and symbol-harvesting patterns = [ ( proto_reg, re.compile(proto_regex0) ), ( proto_reg, re.compile(proto_regex1) ), ( handoff_reg, re.compile(handoff_regex0) ), ( handoff_reg, re.compile(handoff_regex1) ), ] # Grep for filename in filenames: file = open(filename) # print "Searching %s" % (filename) for line in file.readlines(): for action in patterns: regex = action[1] match = regex.search(line) if match: symbol = match.group("symbol") list = action[0] list.append(symbol) file.close() # Sort the lists to make them pretty proto_reg.sort() handoff_reg.sort() reg_code = open(tmp_filename, "w") reg_code.write("/* Do not modify this file. */\n") reg_code.write("/* It is created automatically by the Makefile. */\n") # Make the routine to register all protocols if registertype == "plugin": reg_code.write(""" #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include #include "moduleinfo.h" #ifndef ENABLE_STATIC G_MODULE_EXPORT const gchar version[] = VERSION; /* Start the functions we need for the plugin stuff */ G_MODULE_EXPORT void plugin_register (void) { """); else: reg_code.write(""" #include "register.h" void register_all_protocols(void) { """); for symbol in proto_reg: line = " {extern void %s (void); %s ();}\n" % (symbol, symbol) reg_code.write(line) reg_code.write("}\n") # Make the routine to register all protocol handoffs if registertype == "plugin": reg_code.write(""" G_MODULE_EXPORT void plugin_reg_handoff(void) { """); else: reg_code.write(""" void register_all_protocol_handoffs(void) { """); for symbol in handoff_reg: line = " {extern void %s (void); %s ();}\n" % (symbol, symbol) reg_code.write(line) reg_code.write("}\n") if registertype == "plugin": reg_code.write("#endif\n"); # Close the file reg_code.close() # Remove the old final_file if it exists. try: os.stat(final_filename) os.remove(final_filename) except OSError: pass # Move from tmp file to final file os.rename(tmp_filename, final_filename)