#!/bin/bash # # USAGE # notarize-dmg -u "/path/to/Wireshark x.y.z arch.dmg" # https://developer.apple.com/documentation/security/notarizing_your_app_before_distribution # https://developer.apple.com/documentation/security/notarizing_your_app_before_distribution/customizing_the_notarization_workflow bundle_id="org.wireshark.dmg.$( printf "%04x" $RANDOM )" # Parse command line arguments while getopts u: OPTCHAR do case $OPTCHAR in u) username="$OPTARG" shift 2 ;; *) echo "Invalid command line option" exit 2 ;; esac done dmg_file="$1" if [[ "$username" != *?@*? ]] ; then echo "Username doesn't appear to be a valid Apple developer ID." exit 1 fi if [ ! -r "$dmg_file" ] ; then echo "Can't find file: ${dmg_file:-No file specified}" exit 1 fi # XXX Set account to $username instead? generic_pw_service="WS_DMG_NOTARIZE" if ! security find-generic-password -a "$username" -s "$generic_pw_service" > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then echo -e "No keychain credentials found. You can add them by running\\n" echo -e " security add-generic-password -a $username -s $generic_pw_service -T altool -w\\n" exit 2 fi echo -e "Notarizing $dmg_file\\n" echo -e "SHA256 pre: $(shasum -a 256 "$dmg_file" | awk '{print $1}' )\\n" if ! altool_out=$( mktemp /tmp/notarize-dmg.out.XXXXX ) ; then echo "Unable to create temp file" exit 1 fi # trap 'rm -f "$altool_out"' EXIT xcrun altool \ --notarize-app \ --type osx \ --username "$username" \ --password "@keychain:${generic_pw_service}" \ --primary-bundle-id "$bundle_id" \ --file "$dmg_file" \ 2>&1 | tee "$altool_out" request_uuid=$( awk '/^RequestUUID/ { print $3 }' < "$altool_out") if [[ "$request_uuid" != *-*-*-*-* ]] ; then echo "Unable to fetch request UUID" exit 1 fi notarization_info_cmd=(xcrun altool \ --notarization-info "$request_uuid" \ --user "$username" \ --password "@keychain:${generic_pw_service}" \ ) start=$SECONDS max_status_wait=$(( 20 * 60)) start=$SECONDS while true ; do printf "\\nWaiting 15s \xe2\x80\xa6 " sleep 15 elapsed=$(( SECONDS - start )) echo "done. Checking status after ${elapsed}s" "${notarization_info_cmd[@]}" 2>&1 | tee "$altool_out" grep "Status: in progress" "$altool_out" > /dev/null 2>&1 || break if [[ $elapsed -gt $max_status_wait ]] ; then break ; fi done staple_cmd=(xcrun stapler staple "$dmg_file") if ! grep "Status: success" "$altool_out" > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then echo "Notarization failed or timed out:" cat "$altool_out" echo -e "\\nInfo command:" echo "${notarization_info_cmd[@]}" echo -e "\\nStaple command:" echo "${staple_cmd[@]}" echo "You can check the status of the Notary Service at https://developer.apple.com/system-status/." exit 1 fi echo -e "\\nStapling $dmg_file" "${staple_cmd[@]}" echo -e "\\nSHA256 post: $(shasum -a 256 "$dmg_file" | awk '{print $1}' )" # macOS 10.14.5+ requires notarization in order for this to pass? # https://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/Notarization_for_macOS_10.14.5%2B spctl --assess --type open --context context:primary-signature --verbose=2 "$dmg_file" || exit 1