/* proto_dlg.c * * $Id: proto_dlg.c,v 1.20 2002/12/01 19:11:54 gerald Exp $ * * Laurent Deniel * * Ethereal - Network traffic analyzer * By Gerald Combs * Copyright 2000 Gerald Combs * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include "prefs.h" #include "globals.h" #include "main.h" #include "util.h" #include "ui_util.h" #include "dlg_utils.h" #include "proto_dlg.h" #include "compat_macros.h" static gboolean proto_delete_cb(GtkWidget *, gpointer); static void proto_ok_cb(GtkWidget *, gpointer); static void proto_apply_cb(GtkWidget *, gpointer); static void proto_cancel_cb(GtkWidget *, gpointer); static void proto_destroy_cb(GtkWidget *, gpointer); #if GTK_MAJOR_VERSION < 2 static void show_proto_selection(GtkCList *proto_list); #else static void show_proto_selection(GtkListStore *proto_store); #endif static gboolean set_proto_selection(GtkWidget *); static gboolean revert_proto_selection(void); static void toggle_all_cb(GtkWidget *button, gpointer parent_w); static void enable_all_cb(GtkWidget *button, gpointer parent_w); static void disable_all_cb(GtkWidget *button, gpointer parent_w); #if GTK_MAJOR_VERSION < 2 static void proto_list_select_cb(GtkCList *proto_list, gint row, gint col, GdkEventButton *ev, gpointer gp); #endif static GtkWidget *proto_w = NULL; /* list of protocols */ static GSList *protocol_list = NULL; typedef struct protocol_data { char *name; char *abbrev; int hfinfo_index; gboolean enabled; #if GTK_MAJOR_VERSION < 2 gint row; #else GtkTreeIter iter; #endif } protocol_data_t; #define DISABLED "Disabled" #define STATUS_TXT(x) ((x) ? "" : DISABLED) void proto_cb(GtkWidget *w _U_, gpointer data _U_) { GtkWidget *main_vb, *bbox, *proto_list, *label, *proto_sw, *proto_frame, *proto_vb, *button; gchar *titles[] = { "Status", "Protocol", "Description" }; gint width; #if GTK_MAJOR_VERSION >= 2 GtkListStore *proto_store; GtkCellRenderer *proto_rend; GtkTreeViewColumn *proto_col; #endif if (proto_w != NULL) { reactivate_window(proto_w); return; } proto_w = dlg_window_new("Ethereal: Enabled Protocols"); SIGNAL_CONNECT(proto_w, "delete_event", proto_delete_cb, NULL); SIGNAL_CONNECT(proto_w, "destroy", proto_destroy_cb, NULL); WIDGET_SET_SIZE(proto_w, DEF_WIDTH * 2/3, DEF_HEIGHT * 2/3); /* Container for each row of widgets */ main_vb = gtk_vbox_new(FALSE, 0); gtk_container_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(main_vb), 1); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(proto_w), main_vb); gtk_widget_show(main_vb); /* Protocol selection list ("enable/disable" protocols) */ proto_frame = gtk_frame_new("Enabled Protocols"); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(main_vb), proto_frame, TRUE, TRUE, 0); gtk_container_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(proto_frame), 5); gtk_widget_show(proto_frame); /* Protocol list */ proto_vb = gtk_vbox_new(FALSE, 0); gtk_container_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(proto_vb), 1); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(proto_frame), proto_vb); gtk_container_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(proto_vb), 5); gtk_widget_show(proto_vb); proto_sw = gtk_scrolled_window_new(NULL, NULL); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(proto_vb), proto_sw, TRUE, TRUE, 0); gtk_widget_show(proto_sw); #if GTK_MAJOR_VERSION < 2 proto_list = gtk_clist_new_with_titles(3, titles); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(proto_sw), proto_list); gtk_clist_set_selection_mode(GTK_CLIST(proto_list), GTK_SELECTION_SINGLE); gtk_clist_column_titles_passive(GTK_CLIST(proto_list)); gtk_clist_column_titles_show(GTK_CLIST(proto_list)); gtk_clist_set_column_auto_resize(GTK_CLIST(proto_list), 0, FALSE); gtk_clist_set_column_auto_resize(GTK_CLIST(proto_list), 1, TRUE); gtk_clist_set_column_auto_resize(GTK_CLIST(proto_list), 2, TRUE); width = gdk_string_width(proto_list->style->font, DISABLED); gtk_clist_set_column_width(GTK_CLIST(proto_list), 0, width); SIGNAL_CONNECT(proto_list, "select-row", proto_list_select_cb, NULL); show_proto_selection(GTK_CLIST(proto_list)); gtk_widget_show(proto_list); #else proto_store = gtk_list_store_new(3, G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_STRING); show_proto_selection(proto_store); proto_list = tree_view_new(GTK_TREE_MODEL(proto_store)); gtk_tree_view_set_search_column(GTK_TREE_VIEW(proto_list), 0); g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(proto_store)); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(proto_sw), proto_list); proto_rend = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new(); proto_col = gtk_tree_view_column_new_with_attributes(titles[0], proto_rend, "status", 0, NULL); gtk_tree_view_column_set_sort_column_id(proto_col, 0); gtk_tree_view_append_column(GTK_TREE_VIEW(proto_list), proto_col); proto_rend = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new(); proto_col = gtk_tree_view_column_new_with_attributes(titles[1], proto_rend, "abbrev", 1, NULL); gtk_tree_view_column_set_sort_column_id(proto_col, 1); gtk_tree_view_append_column(GTK_TREE_VIEW(proto_list), proto_col); proto_rend = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new(); proto_col = gtk_tree_view_column_new_with_attributes(titles[2], proto_rend, "name", 2, NULL); gtk_tree_view_column_set_sort_column_id(proto_col, 2); gtk_tree_view_append_column(GTK_TREE_VIEW(proto_list), proto_col); #endif label = gtk_label_new("Disabling a protocol prevents higher " "layer protocols from being displayed"); gtk_misc_set_alignment(GTK_MISC(label), 0.0, 0.5); gtk_widget_show(label); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(proto_vb), label, FALSE, FALSE, 5); bbox = gtk_hbutton_box_new(); gtk_button_box_set_layout(GTK_BUTTON_BOX(bbox), GTK_BUTTONBOX_END); gtk_button_box_set_spacing(GTK_BUTTON_BOX(bbox), 5); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(proto_vb), bbox, FALSE, FALSE, 0); gtk_widget_show(bbox); /* Enable All */ button = gtk_button_new_with_label("Enable All"); SIGNAL_CONNECT(button, "clicked", enable_all_cb, proto_list); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(bbox), button, TRUE, TRUE, 0); gtk_widget_show(button); /* Disable All */ button = gtk_button_new_with_label("Disable All"); SIGNAL_CONNECT(button, "clicked", disable_all_cb, proto_list); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(bbox), button, TRUE, TRUE, 0); gtk_widget_show(button); /* Invert */ button = gtk_button_new_with_label("Invert"); SIGNAL_CONNECT(button, "clicked", toggle_all_cb, proto_list); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(bbox), button, TRUE, TRUE, 0); gtk_widget_show(button); /* Ok, Apply, Cancel Buttons */ bbox = gtk_hbutton_box_new(); gtk_button_box_set_layout(GTK_BUTTON_BOX(bbox), GTK_BUTTONBOX_END); gtk_button_box_set_spacing(GTK_BUTTON_BOX(bbox), 5); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(main_vb), bbox, FALSE, FALSE, 0); gtk_widget_show(bbox); #if GTK_MAJOR_VERSION < 2 button = gtk_button_new_with_label ("OK"); #else button = gtk_button_new_from_stock(GTK_STOCK_OK); #endif SIGNAL_CONNECT(button, "clicked", proto_ok_cb, proto_w); GTK_WIDGET_SET_FLAGS(button, GTK_CAN_DEFAULT); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX (bbox), button, TRUE, TRUE, 0); gtk_widget_grab_default(button); gtk_widget_show(button); #if GTK_MAJOR_VERSION < 2 button = gtk_button_new_with_label ("Apply"); #else button = gtk_button_new_from_stock(GTK_STOCK_APPLY); #endif SIGNAL_CONNECT(button, "clicked", proto_apply_cb, proto_w); GTK_WIDGET_SET_FLAGS(button, GTK_CAN_DEFAULT); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX (bbox), button, TRUE, TRUE, 0); gtk_widget_show(button); #if GTK_MAJOR_VERSION < 2 button = gtk_button_new_with_label ("Cancel"); #else button = gtk_button_new_from_stock(GTK_STOCK_CANCEL); #endif SIGNAL_CONNECT(button, "clicked", proto_cancel_cb, proto_w); GTK_WIDGET_SET_FLAGS(button, GTK_CAN_DEFAULT); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX (bbox), button, TRUE, TRUE, 0); gtk_widget_show(button); dlg_set_cancel(proto_w, button); gtk_quit_add_destroy(gtk_main_level(), GTK_OBJECT(proto_w)); gtk_widget_show(proto_w); } /* proto_cb */ #if GTK_MAJOR_VERSION < 2 static void proto_list_select_cb(GtkCList *proto_list, gint row, gint col _U_, GdkEventButton *ev, gpointer gp _U_) { protocol_data_t *p = gtk_clist_get_row_data(proto_list, row); if (ev->type == GDK_2BUTTON_PRESS) { /* Double-click */ if (p->enabled) p->enabled = FALSE; else p->enabled = TRUE; gtk_clist_set_text(proto_list, row, 0, STATUS_TXT(p->enabled) ); } } /* proto_list_select_cb */ #endif /* XXX - We need a callback for Gtk2 */ /* Toggle All */ static void toggle_all_cb(GtkWidget *button _U_, gpointer pl) { GSList *entry; #if GTK_MAJOR_VERSION < 2 GtkCList *proto_list = GTK_CLIST(pl); #endif for (entry = protocol_list; entry != NULL; entry = g_slist_next(entry)) { protocol_data_t *p = entry->data; if (p->enabled) p->enabled = FALSE; else p->enabled = TRUE; #if GTK_MAJOR_VERSION < 2 gtk_clist_set_text(proto_list, p->row, 0, STATUS_TXT(p->enabled) ); #endif } } /* Enable/Disable All Helper */ static void set_active_all(GtkWidget *w, gboolean new_state) { #if GTK_MAJOR_VERSION < 2 GtkCList *proto_list = GTK_CLIST(w); #endif GSList *entry; #if GTK_MAJOR_VERSION < 2 gtk_clist_freeze(proto_list); #endif for (entry = protocol_list; entry != NULL; entry = g_slist_next(entry)) { protocol_data_t *p = entry->data; p->enabled = new_state; #if GTK_MAJOR_VERSION < 2 gtk_clist_set_text(proto_list, p->row, 0, STATUS_TXT(new_state) ); #endif } #if GTK_MAJOR_VERSION < 2 gtk_clist_thaw(proto_list); #endif } /* Enable All */ static void enable_all_cb(GtkWidget *button _U_, gpointer pl) { set_active_all(pl, TRUE); } /* Disable All */ static void disable_all_cb(GtkWidget *button _U_, gpointer pl) { set_active_all(pl, FALSE); } static void proto_destroy_cb(GtkWidget *w _U_, gpointer data _U_) { GSList *entry; if (proto_w) gtk_widget_destroy(proto_w); proto_w = NULL; /* remove protocol list */ if (protocol_list) { for (entry = protocol_list; entry != NULL; entry = g_slist_next(entry)) { g_free(entry->data); } g_slist_free(protocol_list); protocol_list = NULL; } } /* Treat this as a cancel, by calling "proto_cancel_cb()". XXX - that'll destroy the Protocols dialog; will that upset a higher-level handler that says "OK, we've been asked to delete this, so destroy it"? */ static gboolean proto_delete_cb(GtkWidget *proto_w, gpointer dummy _U_) { proto_cancel_cb(NULL, proto_w); return FALSE; } static void proto_ok_cb(GtkWidget *ok_bt _U_, gpointer parent_w) { gboolean redissect; redissect = set_proto_selection(GTK_WIDGET(parent_w)); gtk_widget_destroy(GTK_WIDGET(parent_w)); if (redissect) redissect_packets(&cfile); } static void proto_apply_cb(GtkWidget *apply_bt _U_, gpointer parent_w) { if (set_proto_selection(GTK_WIDGET(parent_w))) redissect_packets(&cfile); } static void proto_cancel_cb(GtkWidget *cancel_bt _U_, gpointer parent_w) { gboolean redissect; redissect = revert_proto_selection(); gtk_widget_destroy(GTK_WIDGET(parent_w)); if (redissect) redissect_packets(&cfile); } static gboolean set_proto_selection(GtkWidget *parent_w _U_) { GSList *entry; gboolean need_redissect = FALSE; for (entry = protocol_list; entry != NULL; entry = g_slist_next(entry)) { protocol_data_t *p = entry->data; if (proto_is_protocol_enabled(p->hfinfo_index) != p->enabled) { proto_set_decoding(p->hfinfo_index, p->enabled); need_redissect = TRUE; } } return need_redissect; } /* set_proto_selection */ static gboolean revert_proto_selection(void) { GSList *entry; gboolean need_redissect = FALSE; /* * Undo all the changes we've made to protocol enable flags. */ for (entry = protocol_list; entry != NULL; entry = g_slist_next(entry)) { protocol_data_t *p = entry->data; if (proto_is_protocol_enabled(p->hfinfo_index) != p->enabled) { proto_set_decoding(p->hfinfo_index, p->enabled); need_redissect = TRUE; } } return need_redissect; } /* revert_proto_selection */ gint protocol_data_compare(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) { const protocol_data_t *ap = (const protocol_data_t *)a; const protocol_data_t *bp = (const protocol_data_t *)b; return strcmp(ap->abbrev, bp->abbrev); } static void #if GTK_MAJOR_VERSION < 2 show_proto_selection(GtkCList *proto_list) #else show_proto_selection(GtkListStore *proto_store) #endif { GSList *entry; gint i; void *cookie; protocol_data_t *p; #if GTK_MAJOR_VERSION < 2 gchar *proto_text[3]; #else GtkTreeIter proto_iter; #endif /* Iterate over all the protocols */ for (i = proto_get_first_protocol(&cookie); i != -1; i = proto_get_next_protocol(&cookie)) { if (proto_can_disable_protocol(i)) { p = g_malloc(sizeof(protocol_data_t)); p->name = proto_get_protocol_name(i); p->abbrev = proto_get_protocol_short_name(i); p->hfinfo_index = i; p->enabled = proto_is_protocol_enabled(i); protocol_list = g_slist_insert_sorted(protocol_list, p, protocol_data_compare); } } for (entry = protocol_list; entry != NULL; entry = g_slist_next(entry)) { p = entry->data; #if GTK_MAJOR_VERSION < 2 /* XXX - The preferred way to do this would be to have a check box * in the first column. GtkClists don't let us put arbitrary widgets * in a cell, so we use the word "Disabled" instead. We should be * able to use check boxes in Gtk2, however. */ proto_text[0] = STATUS_TXT (p->enabled); proto_text[1] = p->abbrev; proto_text[2] = p->name; p->row = gtk_clist_append(proto_list, proto_text); gtk_clist_set_row_data(proto_list, p->row, p); #else gtk_list_store_append(proto_store, &proto_iter); gtk_list_store_set(proto_store, &proto_iter, 0, STATUS_TXT (p->enabled), 1, p->abbrev, 2, p->name, -1); #endif } } /* show_proto_selection */