Explain the GTK+ developers' thinking about detecting fixed-width fonts

and about making some tree view item behaviors settable by applications.

svn path=/trunk/; revision=6227
This commit is contained in:
Guy Harris 2002-09-08 01:20:02 +00:00
parent d3be9940c1
commit c949d23143
1 changed files with 44 additions and 4 deletions

View File

@ -17,11 +17,51 @@ GtkText ==> GtkTextView conversion : done
Remaining problems :
- gtk_font_selection_dialog_set_filter doesn't exist anymore (but hasn't
been removed from the documentation). I don't know how to filter the
font selection dialog to get only fixed width fonts ;
been removed from the documentation). There is no way to filter the
font selection to get only fixed width fonts; in a message at
- we have to remove GUI prefs which are not usefule anymore : tree line
style and tree expander style ;
Owen Taylor explains why Pango (and hence GTK+ 2.0) doesn't know what
fonts are fixed-width and what fonts aren't:
From: Owen Taylor <otaylor redhat com>
To: Allin Cottrell <cottrell wfu edu>
Cc: gtk-devel-list.gnome.org
Subject: Re: fonts in gtk-2.0/pango
Date: Sat, 27 Jul 2002 10:06:52 -0400 (EDT)
> Second observation: Pango has an elaborate classification system for
> fonts, but this system has some serious blind spots. So far as I can
> tell, Pango maintains no record of whether a font is monospaced or
> proportional. (I believe the X11 backend to pango reads this
> information when it queries the X server for available fonts, but then
> throws it away.) I presume this has something to do with its failure
> to provide correct metrics for Lucida Typewriter. I presume, too,
> that it has something to do with the removal of the "filter" mechanism
> on the GTK font selection dialog between 1.2 and 2.0. That is, you
> used to be able to specify that the font selection should show only
> monospaced fonts (rather essential for terminal/console type
> applications) but you can't any more -- I guess, because pango has no
> notion of what's a monospaced font and what's not.
Give us code that can distinguish reliably between monospaced and
not-monospaced fonts for Type1 and TrueType fonts and at that
point it becomes reasonable to think about such an API. It's
not all that easy to do.
Even then, there are still problems - Pango by default will
draw characters not in the main font using fallback fonts --
whose metrics almost certainly don't match your grid. So,
you'd have to be able to turn this off.
- we have to remove GUI prefs which are not useful anymore, such as the
tree line style and tree expander style. Those two items aren't
settable in GTK+ 2.0's new tree view widget, as the GTK+ developers
consider them per-user preferences rather than items that should be
set by individual applications.
- double click on item in protocol tree doesn't expand or collapse its
subtree ;