Diameter: Remove dead code for pre Internet Draft 16 protocol

There's some code intended to decode an older Internet Draft version
of Diameter, before December 2002. It's supposed to be set by an
obsolete enum preference, but due to a misunderstanding, it's
been dead code for the last 15 years. No one has complained in that
time, so instead of bringing the preference back and resurrecting
it, remove it and shrink the memory usage of the diameter dissector.

Related to #16833, as it will make adding the command code value
string simpler.
This commit is contained in:
John Thacker 2022-07-18 23:13:28 -04:00
parent 953c6f73aa
commit aa1c6db337
1 changed files with 40 additions and 95 deletions

View File

@ -95,7 +95,6 @@ void proto_reg_handoff_diameter(void);
#define AVP_FLAGS_RESERVED7 0x01
#define AVP_FLAGS_RESERVED 0x1f /* 00011111 -- V M P X X X X X */
#define DIAMETER_V16 16
#define DIAMETER_RFC 1
static gint exported_pdu_tap = -1;
@ -109,7 +108,6 @@ typedef struct _diam_ctx_t {
proto_tree *tree;
packet_info *pinfo;
wmem_tree_t *avps;
gboolean version_rfc;
} diam_ctx_t;
typedef struct _diam_avp_t diam_avp_t;
@ -122,13 +120,11 @@ typedef struct _diam_vnd_t {
guint32 code;
wmem_array_t *vs_avps;
value_string_ext *vs_avps_ext;
wmem_array_t *vs_cmds;
} diam_vnd_t;
struct _diam_avp_t {
guint32 code;
diam_vnd_t *vendor;
diam_avp_dissector_t dissector_v16;
diam_avp_dissector_t dissector_rfc;
gint ett;
@ -138,7 +134,6 @@ struct _diam_avp_t {
#define VND_AVP_VS(v) ((value_string *)(void *)(wmem_array_get_raw((v)->vs_avps)))
#define VND_AVP_VS_LEN(v) (wmem_array_get_count((v)->vs_avps))
#define VND_CMD_VS(v) ((value_string *)(void *)(wmem_array_get_raw((v)->vs_cmds)))
typedef struct _diam_dictionary_t {
wmem_tree_t *avps;
@ -151,7 +146,6 @@ typedef diam_avp_t *(*avp_constructor_t)(const avp_type_t *, guint32, diam_vnd_t
struct _avp_type_t {
const char *name;
diam_avp_dissector_t v16;
diam_avp_dissector_t rfc;
enum ftenum ft;
int base;
@ -189,9 +183,9 @@ typedef struct _proto_avp_t {
static const char *simple_avp(diam_ctx_t *, diam_avp_t *, tvbuff_t *, diam_sub_dis_t *);
static diam_vnd_t unknown_vendor = { 0xffffffff, NULL, NULL, NULL };
static diam_vnd_t no_vnd = { 0, NULL, NULL, NULL };
static diam_avp_t unknown_avp = {0, &unknown_vendor, simple_avp, simple_avp, -1, -1, NULL };
static diam_vnd_t unknown_vendor = { 0xffffffff, NULL, NULL };
static diam_vnd_t no_vnd = { 0, NULL, NULL };
static diam_avp_t unknown_avp = {0, &unknown_vendor, simple_avp, -1, -1, NULL };
static GArray *all_cmds;
static diam_dictionary_t dictionary = { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL };
static struct _build_dict build_dict;
@ -294,7 +288,6 @@ static gint ett_diameter_flags = -1;
static gint ett_diameter_avp_flags = -1;
static gint ett_diameter_avpinfo = -1;
static gint ett_unknown = -1;
static gint ett_err = -1;
static gint ett_diameter_mip6_feature_vector = -1;
static gint ett_diameter_3gpp_mip6_feature_vector = -1;
@ -969,10 +962,8 @@ dissect_diameter_avp(diam_ctx_t *c, tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset, diam_sub_dis_t *d
if (diam_sub_dis_inf->avp_str) {
proto_item_append_text(avp_item," val=%s", diam_sub_dis_inf->avp_str);
} else if (c->version_rfc) {
avp_str = a->dissector_rfc(c,a,subtvb, diam_sub_dis_inf);
} else {
avp_str = a->dissector_v16(c,a,subtvb, diam_sub_dis_inf);
avp_str = a->dissector_rfc(c,a,subtvb, diam_sub_dis_inf);
c->tree = save_tree;
@ -1105,7 +1096,7 @@ time_avp(diam_ctx_t *c, diam_avp_t *a, tvbuff_t *tvb, diam_sub_dis_t *diam_sub_d
static const char *
address_v16_avp(diam_ctx_t *c, diam_avp_t *a, tvbuff_t *tvb, diam_sub_dis_t *diam_sub_dis_inf _U_)
address_radius_avp(diam_ctx_t *c, diam_avp_t *a, tvbuff_t *tvb, diam_sub_dis_t *diam_sub_dis_inf _U_)
char *label = NULL;
@ -1423,6 +1414,9 @@ dissect_diameter_common(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, voi
c->pinfo = pinfo;
version_item = proto_tree_add_item_ret_uint(diam_tree, hf_diameter_version, tvb, 0, 1, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN, &version);
if (version != DIAMETER_RFC) {
expert_add_info(c->pinfo, version_item, &ei_diameter_version);
proto_tree_add_item_ret_uint(diam_tree, hf_diameter_length, tvb, 1, 3, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN, &packet_len);
pi = proto_tree_add_bitmask_ret_uint64(diam_tree, tvb, 4, hf_diameter_flags, ett_diameter_flags, diameter_flags_fields, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN, &flags_bits);
@ -1434,54 +1428,23 @@ dissect_diameter_common(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, voi
diam_sub_dis_inf->cmd_code = cmd;
switch (version) {
case DIAMETER_V16: {
guint32 vendorid;
diam_vnd_t *vendor;
cmd_vs = (value_string *)(void *)all_cmds->data;
proto_tree_add_item_ret_uint(diam_tree, hf_diameter_vendor_id, tvb, 8, 4, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN, &vendorid);
diam_sub_dis_inf->application_id = vendorid;
if (! ( vendor = (diam_vnd_t *)wmem_tree_lookup32(dictionary.vnds,vendorid) ) ) {
vendor = &unknown_vendor;
app_item = proto_tree_add_item_ret_uint(diam_tree, hf_diameter_application_id, tvb, 8, 4,
ENC_BIG_ENDIAN, &diam_sub_dis_inf->application_id);
cmd_vs = VND_CMD_VS(vendor);
c->version_rfc = FALSE;
cmd_vs = (value_string *)(void *)all_cmds->data;
app_item = proto_tree_add_item_ret_uint(diam_tree, hf_diameter_application_id, tvb, 8, 4,
ENC_BIG_ENDIAN, &diam_sub_dis_inf->application_id);
if (try_val_to_str_ext(diam_sub_dis_inf->application_id, dictionary.applications) == NULL) {
proto_tree *tu = proto_item_add_subtree(app_item,ett_unknown);
proto_tree_add_expert_format(tu, c->pinfo, &ei_diameter_application_id, tvb, 8, 4,
"Unknown Application Id (%u), if you know what this is you can add it to dictionary.xml", diam_sub_dis_inf->application_id);
c->version_rfc = TRUE;
proto_tree *pt = proto_item_add_subtree(version_item,ett_err);
proto_tree_add_expert(pt, pinfo, &ei_diameter_version, tvb, 0, 1);
c->version_rfc = TRUE;
cmd_vs = VND_CMD_VS(&no_vnd);
if (try_val_to_str_ext(diam_sub_dis_inf->application_id, dictionary.applications) == NULL) {
proto_tree *tu = proto_item_add_subtree(app_item,ett_unknown);
proto_tree_add_expert_format(tu, c->pinfo, &ei_diameter_application_id, tvb, 8, 4,
"Unknown Application Id (%u), if you know what this is you can add it to dictionary.xml", diam_sub_dis_inf->application_id);
cmd_str = val_to_str_const(cmd, cmd_vs, "Unknown");
/* Append name to command item, warn if unknown */
proto_item_append_text(cmd_item," %s", cmd_str);
if (strcmp(cmd_str, "Unknown") == 0) {
proto_tree *tu = proto_item_add_subtree(cmd_item,ett_unknown);
proto_tree_add_expert(tu, c->pinfo, &ei_diameter_code, tvb, 5, 3);
expert_add_info(c->pinfo, cmd_item, &ei_diameter_code);
@ -1494,9 +1457,8 @@ dissect_diameter_common(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, voi
((flags_bits>>4)&0x08) ? " Request" : " Answer",
c->version_rfc ? "appl" : "vend",
c->version_rfc ? val_to_str_ext_const(diam_sub_dis_inf->application_id, dictionary.applications, "Unknown") :
val_to_str_const(diam_sub_dis_inf->application_id, vnd_short_vs, "Unknown"),
val_to_str_ext_const(diam_sub_dis_inf->application_id, dictionary.applications, "Unknown"),
@ -1753,7 +1715,6 @@ dissect_diameter_avps(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, void
diam_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(pi, ett_diameter);
c->tree = diam_tree;
c->pinfo = pinfo;
c->version_rfc = TRUE;
/* Dissect AVPs until the end of the packet is reached */
while (tvb_reported_length_remaining(tvb, offset)) {
@ -1870,9 +1831,8 @@ build_address_avp(const avp_type_t *type _U_, guint32 code,
* defined in [IANAADFAM]. The AddressType is used to discriminate
* the content and format of the remaining octets.
a->dissector_v16 = address_v16_avp;
if (code<256) {
a->dissector_rfc = address_v16_avp;
a->dissector_rfc = address_radius_avp;
} else {
a->dissector_rfc = address_rfc_avp;
@ -1925,7 +1885,6 @@ build_proto_avp(const avp_type_t *type _U_, guint32 code,
a->code = code;
a->vendor = vendor;
a->dissector_v16 = proto_avp;
a->dissector_rfc = proto_avp;
a->ett = -1;
a->hf_value = -2;
@ -1979,7 +1938,6 @@ build_simple_avp(const avp_type_t *type, guint32 code, diam_vnd_t *vendor,
a = wmem_new0(wmem_epan_scope(), diam_avp_t);
a->code = code;
a->vendor = vendor;
a->dissector_v16 = type->v16;
a->dissector_rfc = type->rfc;
a->ett = -1;
a->hf_value = -1;
@ -1999,7 +1957,6 @@ build_appid_avp(const avp_type_t *type, guint32 code, diam_vnd_t *vendor,
a = wmem_new0(wmem_epan_scope(), diam_avp_t);
a->code = code;
a->vendor = vendor;
a->dissector_v16 = type->v16;
a->dissector_rfc = type->rfc;
a->ett = -1;
a->hf_value = -1;
@ -2016,24 +1973,24 @@ build_appid_avp(const avp_type_t *type, guint32 code, diam_vnd_t *vendor,
static const avp_type_t basic_types[] = {
{"octetstring" , simple_avp , simple_avp , FT_BYTES , BASE_NONE , build_simple_avp },
{"octetstringorutf8" , simple_avp , simple_avp , FT_BYTES , BASE_SHOW_ASCII_PRINTABLE , build_simple_avp },
{"utf8string" , utf8_avp , utf8_avp , FT_STRING , BASE_NONE , build_simple_avp },
{"grouped" , grouped_avp , grouped_avp , FT_BYTES , BASE_NONE , build_simple_avp },
{"integer32" , integer32_avp , integer32_avp , FT_INT32 , BASE_DEC , build_simple_avp },
{"unsigned32" , unsigned32_avp , unsigned32_avp, FT_UINT32 , BASE_DEC , build_simple_avp },
{"integer64" , integer64_avp , integer64_avp , FT_INT64 , BASE_DEC , build_simple_avp },
{"unsigned64" , unsigned64_avp , unsigned64_avp, FT_UINT64 , BASE_DEC , build_simple_avp },
{"float32" , float32_avp , float32_avp , FT_FLOAT , BASE_NONE , build_simple_avp },
{"float64" , float64_avp , float64_avp , FT_DOUBLE , BASE_NONE , build_simple_avp },
{"ipaddress" , NULL , NULL , FT_NONE , BASE_NONE , build_address_avp },
{"diameteruri" , utf8_avp , utf8_avp , FT_STRING , BASE_NONE , build_simple_avp },
{"diameteridentity" , utf8_avp , utf8_avp , FT_STRING , BASE_NONE , build_simple_avp },
{"ipfilterrule" , utf8_avp , utf8_avp , FT_STRING , BASE_NONE , build_simple_avp },
{"qosfilterrule" , utf8_avp , utf8_avp , FT_STRING , BASE_NONE , build_simple_avp },
{"time" , time_avp , time_avp , FT_ABSOLUTE_TIME , ABSOLUTE_TIME_UTC , build_simple_avp },
{"AppId" , simple_avp , simple_avp , FT_UINT32 , BASE_DEC , build_appid_avp },
{"octetstring" , simple_avp , FT_BYTES , BASE_NONE , build_simple_avp },
{"octetstringorutf8" , simple_avp , FT_BYTES , BASE_SHOW_ASCII_PRINTABLE , build_simple_avp },
{"utf8string" , utf8_avp , FT_STRING , BASE_NONE , build_simple_avp },
{"grouped" , grouped_avp , FT_BYTES , BASE_NONE , build_simple_avp },
{"integer32" , integer32_avp , FT_INT32 , BASE_DEC , build_simple_avp },
{"unsigned32" , unsigned32_avp , FT_UINT32 , BASE_DEC , build_simple_avp },
{"integer64" , integer64_avp , FT_INT64 , BASE_DEC , build_simple_avp },
{"unsigned64" , unsigned64_avp , FT_UINT64 , BASE_DEC , build_simple_avp },
{"float32" , float32_avp , FT_FLOAT , BASE_NONE , build_simple_avp },
{"float64" , float64_avp , FT_DOUBLE , BASE_NONE , build_simple_avp },
{"ipaddress" , NULL , FT_NONE , BASE_NONE , build_address_avp },
{"diameteruri" , utf8_avp , FT_STRING , BASE_NONE , build_simple_avp },
{"diameteridentity" , utf8_avp , FT_STRING , BASE_NONE , build_simple_avp },
{"ipfilterrule" , utf8_avp , FT_STRING , BASE_NONE , build_simple_avp },
{"qosfilterrule" , utf8_avp , FT_STRING , BASE_NONE , build_simple_avp },
{"time" , time_avp , FT_ABSOLUTE_TIME , ABSOLUTE_TIME_UTC , build_simple_avp },
{"AppId" , simple_avp , FT_UINT32 , BASE_DEC , build_appid_avp },
@ -2090,7 +2047,7 @@ ddict_cleanup_cb(wmem_allocator_t* allocator _U_, wmem_cb_event_t event _U_, voi
/* Note: Dynamic "value string arrays" (e.g., vs_cmds, vs_avps, ...) are constructed using */
/* Note: Dynamic "value string arrays" (e.g., vs_avps, ...) are constructed using */
/* "zero-terminated" GArrays so that they will have the same form as standard */
/* value_string arrays created at compile time. Since the last entry in a */
/* value_string array must be {0, NULL}, we are assuming that NULL == 0 (hackish). */
@ -2123,15 +2080,9 @@ dictionary_load(void)
dictionary.vnds = wmem_tree_new(wmem_epan_scope());
dictionary.avps = wmem_tree_new(wmem_epan_scope());
unknown_vendor.vs_cmds = wmem_array_new(wmem_epan_scope(), sizeof(value_string));
unknown_vendor.vs_avps = wmem_array_new(wmem_epan_scope(), sizeof(value_string));
no_vnd.vs_cmds = wmem_array_new(wmem_epan_scope(), sizeof(value_string));
no_vnd.vs_avps = wmem_array_new(wmem_epan_scope(), sizeof(value_string));
@ -2234,9 +2185,6 @@ dictionary_load(void)
vnd = wmem_new(wmem_epan_scope(), diam_vnd_t);
vnd->code = v->code;
vnd->vs_cmds = wmem_array_new(wmem_epan_scope(), sizeof(value_string));
vnd->vs_avps = wmem_array_new(wmem_epan_scope(), sizeof(value_string));
@ -2262,8 +2210,6 @@ dictionary_load(void)
item[0].value = c->code;
item[0].strptr = c->name;
/* Also add to all_cmds as used by RFC version */
} else {
report_failure("Diameter Dictionary: No Vendor: %s\n",c->vendor);
@ -2322,7 +2268,7 @@ dictionary_load(void)
if ( (strcase_equal(x->name,"avp-proto") && strcase_equal(x->key,a->name))
|| (a->type && strcase_equal(x->name,"type-proto") && strcase_equal(x->key,a->type))
) {
static avp_type_t proto_type = {"proto", proto_avp, proto_avp, FT_UINT32, BASE_HEX, build_proto_avp};
static avp_type_t proto_type = {"proto", proto_avp, FT_UINT32, BASE_HEX, build_proto_avp};
type = &proto_type;
avp_data = x->value;
@ -2538,7 +2484,6 @@ real_register_diameter_fields(void)