Test: Add wslua.

Change-Id: I904796d13550c04df1958715d6528548385c3109
Reviewed-on: https://code.wireshark.org/review/27241
Petri-Dish: Gerald Combs <gerald@wireshark.org>
Tested-by: Petri Dish Buildbot
Reviewed-by: Gerald Combs <gerald@wireshark.org>
This commit is contained in:
Gerald Combs 2018-04-30 15:17:39 -07:00
parent 74fd569018
commit 44537199a2
3 changed files with 281 additions and 4 deletions

View File

@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
-- This script runs inside tshark.
-- FIRST run tshark with the "dns_dissector.lua" plugin, with the dns_port.pcap file,
-- and with full tree output (-V switch). Pipe that to a file named testin.txt.
-- This verify script then reads in that testin.txt.
-- This verify script then reads in that testin.txt. The filename can be specified
-- using the "verify_file" argument.
-- tshark -r bogus.cap -X lua_script:<path_to_testdir>/lua/verify_dns_dissector.lua
@ -138,12 +139,17 @@ local numtests = 1 + #lines[1] + #lines[2] + #lines[3] + #lines[4]
local hasHeuristic = true
local verify_file = "testin.txt"
-- grab passed-in arguments
local args = { ... }
if #args > 0 then
for _, arg in ipairs(args) do
local name, value = arg:match("(.+)=(.+)")
if arg == "no_heur" then
numtests = numtests - 1
elseif name == "verify_file" and value then
verify_file = value
@ -151,8 +157,8 @@ end
print("going to run "..numtests.." tests")
-- for an example of what we're reading through to verify, look at end of this file
print("opening file testin.txt")
local file = io.open("testin.txt", "r")
print("opening file "..verify_file)
local file = io.open(verify_file, "r")
local line = file:read()
local pktidx = 1

View File

@ -158,7 +158,9 @@ class SubprocessTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
self.log_fname = self.filename_from_id('log')
# Our command line utilities generate UTF-8. The log file endcoding
# needs to match that.
self.log_fd = io.open(self.log_fname, 'w', encoding='UTF-8')
# XXX newline='\n' works for now, but we might have to do more work
# to handle line endings in the future.
self.log_fd = io.open(self.log_fname, 'w', encoding='UTF-8', newline='\n')
pre_run_problem_count = 0
if result:

test/suite_wslua.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Wireshark tests
# By Gerald Combs <gerald@wireshark.org>
# Ported from a set of Bash scripts which were copyright 2005 Ulf Lamping
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
'''Wireshark Lua scripting tests'''
import config
import filecmp
import io
import os.path
import subprocesstest
import unittest
dhcp_pcap = 'dhcp.pcap'
dns_port_pcap = 'dns_port.pcap'
empty_pcap = 'empty.pcap'
segmented_fpm_pcap = 'segmented_fpm.pcap'
sip_pcapng = 'sip.pcapng'
sipmsg_log = 'sipmsg.log'
wpa_induction_pcap_gz = 'wpa-Induction.pcap.gz'
def check_lua_script(self, lua_script, cap_file, check_passed, *args):
if not config.have_lua:
self.skipTest('Test requires Lua scripting support.')
tshark_cmd = [config.cmd_tshark,
'-r', os.path.join(config.capture_dir, cap_file),
'-X', 'lua_script:' + os.path.join(config.lua_dir, lua_script)
tshark_cmd += args
tshark_proc = self.assertRun(tshark_cmd)
if check_passed:
self.assertTrue(self.grepOutput(r'All tests passed!'))
return tshark_proc
def check_lua_script_verify(self, lua_script, cap_file, check_stage_1=False, heur_regmode=None):
# First run tshark with the dissector script.
if heur_regmode is None:
tshark_proc = check_lua_script(self, lua_script, dns_port_pcap, check_stage_1,
tshark_proc = check_lua_script(self, lua_script, dns_port_pcap, check_stage_1,
'-X', 'lua_script1:heur_regmode={}'.format(heur_regmode)
# then dump tshark's output to a verification file.
verify_file = self.filename_from_id('testin.txt')
with io.open(verify_file, 'w', newline='\n') as testin_fd:
# finally run tshark again with the verification script and the verification file.
if heur_regmode is None:
check_lua_script(self, 'verify_dissector.lua', empty_pcap, True,
'-X', 'lua_script1:verify_file=' + verify_file,
check_lua_script(self, 'verify_dissector.lua', empty_pcap, True,
'-X', 'lua_script1:verify_file=' + verify_file,
'-X', 'lua_script1:no_heur',
class case_wslua(subprocesstest.SubprocessTestCase):
def test_wslua_dir(self):
'''wslua directory functions'''
check_lua_script(self, 'dir.lua', empty_pcap, True)
# Mode_1, mode_2, and mode_3, and fpm were all under wslua_step_dissector_test
# in the Bash version.
def test_wslua_dissector_mode_1(self):
'''wslua dissector functions, mode 1'''
check_lua_script_verify(self, 'dissector.lua', dns_port_pcap)
def test_wslua_dissector_mode_2(self):
'''wslua dissector functions, mode 2'''
check_lua_script_verify(self, 'dissector.lua', dns_port_pcap, heur_regmode=2)
def test_wslua_dissector_mode_3(self):
'''wslua dissector functions, mode 3'''
check_lua_script_verify(self, 'dissector.lua', dns_port_pcap, heur_regmode=3)
def test_wslua_dissector_fpm(self):
'''wslua dissector functions, fpm'''
tshark_fpm_tcp_proc = check_lua_script(self, 'dissectFPM.lua', segmented_fpm_pcap, False,
'-T', 'fields',
'-e', 'frame.number',
'-e', 'fpm',
'-e', 'fpm.version',
'-e', 'fpm.type',
'-e', 'fpm.length',
'-o', 'fpm.dissect_tcp:true'
tshark_fpm_no_tcp_proc = check_lua_script(self, 'dissectFPM.lua', segmented_fpm_pcap, False,
'-T', 'fields',
'-e', 'frame.number',
'-e', 'fpm',
'-e', 'fpm.version',
'-e', 'fpm.type',
'-e', 'fpm.length',
'-o', 'fpm.dissect_tcp:false'
def test_wslua_field(self):
'''wslua fields'''
check_lua_script(self, 'field.lua', dhcp_pcap, True)
# reader, writer, and acme_reader were all under wslua_step_file_test
# in the Bash version.
def test_wslua_file_reader(self):
'''wslua file reader'''
cap_file_1 = os.path.join(config.capture_dir, dhcp_pcap)
cap_file_2 = os.path.join(config.capture_dir, wpa_induction_pcap_gz)
# First run tshark with the pcap_file_reader script.
lua_proc_1 = check_lua_script(self, 'pcap_file.lua', cap_file_1, False)
lua_proc_2 = check_lua_script(self, 'pcap_file.lua', cap_file_2, False)
lua_out = lua_proc_1.stdout_str + lua_proc_2.stdout_str
# then run tshark again without the script
tshark_proc_1 = self.assertRun((config.cmd_tshark, '-r', cap_file_1))
tshark_proc_2 = self.assertRun((config.cmd_tshark, '-r', cap_file_2))
tshark_out = tshark_proc_1.stdout_str + tshark_proc_2.stdout_str
self.diffOutput(lua_out, tshark_out, 'tshark + lua script', 'tshark only')
def test_wslua_file_writer(self):
'''wslua file writer'''
cap_file_1 = os.path.join(config.capture_dir, dhcp_pcap)
cap_file_2 = self.filename_from_id('lua_writer.pcap')
# Generate a new capture file using the Lua writer.
check_lua_script(self, 'pcap_file.lua', cap_file_1, False,
'-w', cap_file_2,
'-F', 'lua_pcap2',
self.assertTrue(filecmp.cmp(cap_file_1, cap_file_2), cap_file_1 + ' differs from ' + cap_file_2)
def test_wslua_file_acme_reader(self):
'''wslua acme file reader'''
cap_file = self.filename_from_id('lua_acme_reader.pcap')
# Read an acme sipmsg.log using the acme Lua reader, writing it out as pcapng.
check_lua_script(self, 'acme_file.lua', sipmsg_log, False,
'-w', cap_file,
'-F', 'pcapng',
# Read lua_acme_reader.pcap and sip.pcapng and compare their verbose outputs.
tshark_proc_1 = self.assertRun((config.cmd_tshark,
'-r', cap_file,
tshark_proc_2 = self.assertRun((config.cmd_tshark,
'-r', os.path.join(config.capture_dir, sip_pcapng),
self.diffOutput(tshark_proc_1.stdout_str, tshark_proc_2.stdout_str, 'sipmsg.log', 'sip.pcapng')
def test_wslua_listener(self):
'''wslua listener'''
check_lua_script(self, 'listener.lua', dhcp_pcap, True)
def test_wslua_nstime(self):
'''wslua nstime'''
check_lua_script(self, 'nstime.lua', dhcp_pcap, True)
def test_wslua_pinfo(self):
'''wslua pinfo'''
check_lua_script(self, 'pinfo.lua', dhcp_pcap, True)
def test_wslua_proto(self):
'''wslua proto'''
check_lua_script_verify(self, 'proto.lua', dns_port_pcap, check_stage_1=True)
def test_wslua_protofield_tree(self):
'''wslua protofield with a tree'''
check_lua_script(self, 'protofield.lua', dns_port_pcap, True,
'-Y', 'test.filtered==1',
def test_wslua_protofield_no_tree(self):
'''wslua protofield without a tree'''
check_lua_script(self, 'protofield.lua', dns_port_pcap, True,
'-Y', 'test.filtered==1',
def test_wslua_int64(self):
'''wslua int64'''
check_lua_script(self, 'int64.lua', empty_pcap, True)
def test_wslua_args_1(self):
'''wslua args 1'''
check_lua_script(self, 'script_args.lua', empty_pcap, True,
'-X', 'lua_script1:1',
def test_wslua_args_2(self):
'''wslua args 2'''
check_lua_script(self, 'script_args.lua', empty_pcap, True,
'-X', 'lua_script1:3',
'-X', 'lua_script1:foo',
'-X', 'lua_script1:bar',
def test_wslua_args_3(self):
'''wslua args 3'''
check_lua_script(self, 'script_args.lua', empty_pcap, True,
'-X', 'lua_script:' + os.path.join(config.lua_dir, 'script_args.lua'),
'-X', 'lua_script1:3',
'-X', 'lua_script2:1',
'-X', 'lua_script1:foo',
'-X', 'lua_script1:bar',
def test_wslua_args_4(self):
'''wslua args 4'''
check_lua_script(self, 'script_args.lua', empty_pcap, False)
self.assertFalse(self.grepOutput(r'All tests passed!'))
def test_wslua_args_5(self):
'''wslua args 5'''
check_lua_script(self, 'script_args.lua', empty_pcap, False,
'-X', 'lua_script1:3',
self.assertFalse(self.grepOutput(r'All tests passed!'))
def test_wslua_globals(self):
'''wslua globals'''
check_lua_script(self, 'verify_globals.lua', empty_pcap, True,
'-X', 'lua_script1:' + os.path.join(config.lua_dir, ''),
'-X', 'lua_script1:' + os.path.join(config.lua_dir, 'globals_2.2.txt'),
@unittest.skip('GRegex tests are broken since PCRE 8.34, see bug 12997.')
def test_wslua_gregex(self):
'''wslua GRegex'''
check_lua_script(self, 'gregex.lua', empty_pcap, True,
'-X', 'lua_script1:' + os.path.join(config.lua_dir, ''),
'-X', 'lua_script1:glib',
'-X', 'lua_script1:-V',
def test_wslua_struct(self):
'''wslua struct'''
check_lua_script(self, 'struct.lua', empty_pcap, True)
def test_wslua_tvb_tree(self):
'''wslua tvb with a tree'''
check_lua_script(self, 'tvb.lua', dns_port_pcap, True, '-V')
def test_wslua_tvb_no_tree(self):
'''wslua tvb without a tree'''
check_lua_script(self, 'tvb.lua', dns_port_pcap, True)