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/* protobuf_lang_tree.h
* Routines of building and reading Protocol Buffers Language grammar tree.
* Copyright 2019, Huang Qiangxiong <qiangxiong.huang@qq.com>
* Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer
* By Gerald Combs <gerald@wireshark.org>
* Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#include <glib.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif /* __cplusplus */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
typedef void(*pbl_report_error_cb_t)(const char *msg_format, ...);
/* Node types of protocol buffers language */
typedef enum {
PBL_METHOD, /* contains the rpc and stream node of service */
} pbl_node_type_t;
/* like google::protobuf::descriptor_pool of protobuf cpp library */
typedef struct {
GSList* source_paths; /* the directories in which to search for proto file */
pbl_report_error_cb_t error_cb; /* error call back function */
GHashTable* packages; /* all packages parsed from proto files */
GHashTable* proto_files; /* all proto files that are parsed or to be parsed */
GSList* proto_files_to_be_parsed; /* files is to be parsed */
struct _protobuf_lang_state_t *parser_state; /* current parser state */
} pbl_descriptor_pool_t;
/* file descriptor */
typedef struct {
const char* filename;
int syntax_version;
const char* package_name;
pbl_descriptor_pool_t* pool;
} pbl_file_descriptor_t;
/* Basic information of node */
typedef struct pbl_node_t{
pbl_node_type_t nodetype;
gchar* name;
gchar* full_name; /* constructed during first access */
struct pbl_node_t* parent;
GSList* children; /* child is a pbl_node_t */
GHashTable* children_by_name; /* take children names as keys */
pbl_file_descriptor_t* file;
int lineno;
} pbl_node_t;
/* like google::protobuf::MethodDescriptor of protobuf cpp library */
typedef struct {
pbl_node_t basic_info;
gchar* in_msg_type;
gboolean in_is_stream;
gchar* out_msg_type;
gboolean out_is_stream;
} pbl_method_descriptor_t;
/* like google::protobuf::Descriptor of protobuf cpp library */
typedef struct {
pbl_node_t basic_info;
GSList* fields;
GHashTable* fields_by_number;
} pbl_message_descriptor_t;
/* like google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor of protobuf cpp library */
typedef struct {
pbl_node_t basic_info;
int number;
int type; /* refer to PROTOBUF_TYPE_XXX of protobuf-helper.h */
gchar* type_name;
pbl_node_t* options_node;
gboolean is_repeated;
} pbl_field_descriptor_t;
/* like google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor of protobuf cpp library */
typedef struct {
pbl_node_t basic_info;
GSList* values;
GHashTable* values_by_number;
} pbl_enum_descriptor_t;
/* like google::protobuf::EnumValueDescriptor of protobuf cpp library */
typedef struct {
pbl_node_t basic_info;
int number;
} pbl_enum_value_descriptor_t;
/* Option node. The name of basic_info is optionName.
Now, we only care about fieldOption. */
typedef struct {
pbl_node_t basic_info;
char* value;
} pbl_option_descriptor_t;
/* parser state */
typedef struct _protobuf_lang_state_t {
pbl_descriptor_pool_t* pool; /* pool will keep the parsing result */
pbl_file_descriptor_t* file; /* info of current parsing file */
GSList* lex_string_tokens;
void* scanner;
} protobuf_lang_state_t;
/* Store chars created by strdup or g_strconcat into protobuf_lang_state_t temporarily,
and return back the input chars pointer.
It will be freed when protobuf_lang_state_t is released */
static inline gchar*
pbl_store_string_token(protobuf_lang_state_t* parser_state, char* dupstr)
parser_state->lex_string_tokens = g_slist_append(parser_state->lex_string_tokens, dupstr);
return dupstr;
/* default error_cb */
static inline void
pbl_printf(const char* fmt, ...)
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, fmt);
vprintf(fmt, ap);
Reinitialize the protocol buffers pool according to proto files directories.
@param ppool The output descriptor_pool will be created. If *pool is not NULL, it will free it first.
@param directories The root directories containing proto files. Must end with NULL element.
@param error_cb The error reporter callback function. */
pbl_reinit_descriptor_pool(pbl_descriptor_pool_t** ppool, const char** directories, pbl_report_error_cb_t error_cb);
/* free all memory used by this protocol buffers languange pool */
pbl_free_pool(pbl_descriptor_pool_t* pool);
/* add a proto file to pool. this file will not be parsed until run_pbl_parser function is invoked. */
pbl_add_proto_file_to_be_parsed(pbl_descriptor_pool_t* pool, const char* filepath);
/* run C protocol buffers languange parser, return 0 if successed */
int run_pbl_parser(pbl_descriptor_pool_t* pool);
/* like descriptor_pool::FindMethodByName */
const pbl_method_descriptor_t*
pbl_message_descriptor_pool_FindMethodByName(const pbl_descriptor_pool_t* pool, const char* name);
/* like MethodDescriptor::name() */
const char*
pbl_method_descriptor_name(const pbl_method_descriptor_t* method);
/* like MethodDescriptor::full_name() */
const char*
pbl_method_descriptor_full_name(const pbl_method_descriptor_t* method);
/* like MethodDescriptor::input_type() */
const pbl_message_descriptor_t*
pbl_method_descriptor_input_type(const pbl_method_descriptor_t* method);
/* like MethodDescriptor::output_type() */
const pbl_message_descriptor_t*
pbl_method_descriptor_output_type(const pbl_method_descriptor_t* method);
/* like descriptor_pool::FindMessageTypeByName() */
const pbl_message_descriptor_t*
pbl_message_descriptor_pool_FindMessageTypeByName(const pbl_descriptor_pool_t* pool, const char* name);
/* like Descriptor::name() */
const char*
pbl_message_descriptor_name(const pbl_message_descriptor_t* message);
/* like Descriptor::full_name() */
const char*
pbl_message_descriptor_full_name(const pbl_message_descriptor_t* message);
/* like Descriptor::field_count() */
pbl_message_descriptor_field_count(const pbl_message_descriptor_t* message);
/* like Descriptor::field() */
const pbl_field_descriptor_t*
pbl_message_descriptor_field(const pbl_message_descriptor_t* message, int field_index);
/* like Descriptor::FindFieldByNumber() */
const pbl_field_descriptor_t*
pbl_message_descriptor_FindFieldByNumber(const pbl_message_descriptor_t* message, int number);
/* like Descriptor::FindFieldByName() */
const pbl_field_descriptor_t*
pbl_message_descriptor_FindFieldByName(const pbl_message_descriptor_t* message, const char* name);
/* like FieldDescriptor::full_name() */
const char*
pbl_field_descriptor_full_name(const pbl_field_descriptor_t* field);
/* like FieldDescriptor::name() */
const char*
pbl_field_descriptor_name(const pbl_field_descriptor_t* field);
/* like FieldDescriptor::number() */
pbl_field_descriptor_number(const pbl_field_descriptor_t* field);
/* like FieldDescriptor::type() */
pbl_field_descriptor_type(const pbl_field_descriptor_t* field);
/* like FieldDescriptor::is_repeated() */
pbl_field_descriptor_is_repeated(const pbl_field_descriptor_t* field);
/* like FieldDescriptor::is_packed() */
pbl_field_descriptor_is_packed(const pbl_field_descriptor_t* field);
/* like FieldDescriptor::TypeName() */
const char*
pbl_field_descriptor_TypeName(int field_type);
/* like FieldDescriptor::message_type() */
const pbl_message_descriptor_t*
pbl_field_descriptor_message_type(const pbl_field_descriptor_t* field);
/* like FieldDescriptor::enum_type() */
const pbl_enum_descriptor_t*
pbl_field_descriptor_enum_type(const pbl_field_descriptor_t* field);
/* like EnumDescriptor::name() */
const char*
pbl_enum_descriptor_name(const pbl_enum_descriptor_t* anEnum);
/* like EnumDescriptor::full_name() */
const char*
pbl_enum_descriptor_full_name(const pbl_enum_descriptor_t* anEnum);
/* like EnumDescriptor::value_count() */
pbl_enum_descriptor_value_count(const pbl_enum_descriptor_t* anEnum);
/* like EnumDescriptor::value() */
const pbl_enum_value_descriptor_t*
pbl_enum_descriptor_value(const pbl_enum_descriptor_t* anEnum, int value_index);
/* like EnumDescriptor::FindValueByNumber() */
const pbl_enum_value_descriptor_t*
pbl_enum_descriptor_FindValueByNumber(const pbl_enum_descriptor_t* anEnum, int number);
/* like EnumValueDescriptor::name() */
const char*
pbl_enum_value_descriptor_name(const pbl_enum_value_descriptor_t* enumValue);
/* like EnumValueDescriptor::full_name() */
const char*
pbl_enum_value_descriptor_full_name(const pbl_enum_value_descriptor_t* enumValue);
/* like EnumValueDescriptor::number() */
pbl_enum_value_descriptor_number(const pbl_enum_value_descriptor_t* enumValue);
/* visit all message in this pool */
pbl_foreach_message(const pbl_descriptor_pool_t* pool, void (*cb)(const pbl_message_descriptor_t*, void*), void* userdata);
* Following are tree building functions.
/* create a normal node */
pbl_create_node(pbl_file_descriptor_t* file, pbl_node_type_t nodetype, const char* name);
/* change the name of node */
pbl_set_node_name(pbl_node_t* node, const char* newname);
/* get the name of node */
static inline const char*
pbl_get_node_name(pbl_node_t* node)
return node->name;
/* get the full name of node. if it is NULL, it will be built. */
const char*
pbl_get_node_full_name(pbl_node_t* node);
/* append a node as a child of the parent node, and return the parent pointer */
pbl_add_child(pbl_node_t* parent, pbl_node_t* child);
/* create an enumeration field node */
pbl_create_enum_value_node(pbl_file_descriptor_t* file, const char* name, int number);
/* merge one('from') node's children to another('to') node, and return the 'to' pointer */
pbl_merge_children(pbl_node_t* to, pbl_node_t* from);
/* create a field node */
pbl_create_field_node(pbl_file_descriptor_t* file, const char* label, const char* type_name, const char* name, int number, pbl_node_t* options);
/* create a map field node */
pbl_create_map_field_node(pbl_file_descriptor_t* file, const char* name, int number, pbl_node_t* options);
/* create a method (rpc or stream of service) node */
pbl_create_method_node(pbl_file_descriptor_t* file, const char* name, const char* in_msg_type, gboolean in_is_stream, const char* out_msg_type, gboolean out_is_stream);
/* create an option node */
pbl_create_option_node(pbl_file_descriptor_t* file, const char* name, const char* value);
/* free a pbl_node_t and its children. */
pbl_free_node(gpointer anode);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __cplusplus */
#endif /* __PROTOBUF_LANG_TREE_H__ */
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