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# win-setup - Prepare a Windows development environment for building Wireshark.
# Copyright 2015 Gerald Combs <gerald@wireshark.org>
# Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer
# By Gerald Combs <gerald@wireshark.org>
# Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#requires -version 2
# To do:
# - Use Expand-Archive instead of `cmake -E tar`? That requires PS >= 5.0
Prepare a Windows development environment for building Wireshark.
This script downloads and extracts third-party libraries required to compile
.PARAMETER Destination
Specifies the destination directory for the text files. The path must
contain the pattern "wireshark-*-libs".
Target platform. Must be "win64".
-Destination Destination directory.
-Platform Target platform.
A set of libraries required to compile Wireshark on Windows, along with
their compressed archives.
A manifest file (library-manifest.xml)
C:\PS> .\tools\win-setup.ps1 -Destination C:\wireshark-master-64-libs -Platform win64
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)]
[ValidateScript({$_ -like "*[/\]wireshark-*-libs"})]
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)]
# Variables
# We create and delete files and directories. Bail out at the first sign of
# trouble instead of trying to catch exceptions everywhere.
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
# Archive file / SHA256
$Win64Archives = @{
"AirPcap/AirPcap_Devpack_4_1_0_1622.zip" = "09d637f28a79b1d2ecb09f35436271a90c0f69bd0a1ee82b803abaaf63c18a69";
"bcg729/bcg729-1.0.4-win64ws.zip" = "9a095fda4c39860d96f0c568830faa6651cd17635f68e27aa6de46c689aa0ee2";
"brotli/brotli-1.0.9-1-win64ws.zip" = "3f8d24aec8668201994327ff8d8542fe507d1d468a500a1aec50d0415f695aab";
"c-ares/c-ares-1.17.2-1-win64ws.zip" = "6572a9dac4317b7a84544f3f85b1028a715c73e4f063c0e1f36ca59168d04070";
"gnutls/gnutls-3.6.3-1-win64ws.zip" = "994ac2578e7b4ca01e589ab2598927d53f7370bc3ff679f3006b0e6bb7a06df4";
"krb5/krb5-1.17-1-win64ws.zip" = "1f4a7ab86ae331ea9e58c9776a60def81ae9fe622882b2e8da2ad6ce6f6fb1d8";
"libgcrypt/libgcrypt-1.8.3-win64ws.zip" = "53b1c636cb89de308ca4ea01b4990cf1deca7f6c2446189c7ff6e971137ffd76";
"libilbc/libilbc-2.0.2-3-win64ws.zip" = "d7baeb98627c405bd7c3e41d6b07c4ea4f0f5db88436e566148320afd10cbb66";
"libmaxminddb/libmaxminddb-1.4.3-1-win64ws.zip" = "ee89944a19ab6e1c873bdecb9fc6205d317c41e6da6ec1d30bc892fddfd143da";
"libpcap/libpcap-1.10.1-1-win64ws.zip" = "59f8e0e90a3ab5671df561266ed2b02870a6f8f3a895b80c9db19fea9a12ffb2";
"libsmi/libsmi-svn-40773-win64ws.zip" = "571fcee71d741bf847c3247d4c2e1c42388ca6a9feebe08fc0d4ce053571d15d";
"libssh/libssh-0.9.5-win64ws.zip" = "3226fcb89969a77643bd2bca7a1ff6b5a79261b680a09a6bfedb3d40f7a187e3";
"lua/lua-5.2.4-unicode-win64-vc14.zip" = "e8968d2c7871ce1ea82cbd29ac1b3a2c59d3dec25e483c5e12de85df66f5d928";
"lz4/lz4-1.9.3-1-win64ws.zip" = "7129515893ffdc439f4ffe9673c4bc43f9042e910bb2607e68dde6b99a1ab058";
"minizip/minizip-1.2.11-4-win64ws.zip" = "dd6bf24e2d946465ad19aa4f8c38e0db91da6585887935de68011982cd6fb2cb";
"nghttp2/nghttp2-1.44.0-1-win64ws.zip" = "30e4925d48bbd401b03ce6502e8df01f81f114366f28682206e08423486cf161";
"opus/opus-1.3.1-3-win64ws.zip" = "1f7a55a6d2d7215dffa4a43bca8ca05024bd4ba1ac3d0d0c405fd38b09cc2205";
"pcre2/pcre2-10.39-1-win64ws.zip" = "d8b381515c4bae97a28a6b0a3faf66a4f890e85ef75f8ef9501ffa091db6ff8a";
"sbc/sbc-1.3-1-win64ws.zip" = "08cef6898c421277a6582ef3225d8820f74a037cbd5b6e673a4d8f4593ce80a1";
"snappy/snappy-1.1.9-1-win64ws.zip" = "fa907724be019bcc55d27ebe88257ba8898b5c38b719099b8164ac78600d81cc";
"spandsp/spandsp-0.0.6-2-win64ws.zip" = "2eb8278633037f60f44815ea1606486ab5dcdf3bddc500b20c9fe356856236b2";
"vcpkg-export/vcpkg-export-20210609-1-win64ws.zip" = "2207112ecae2d93e64405cb33e625d37c85f9b9db90b440a4d0f0362346564e4";
"WinSparkle/WinSparkle-0.5.7.zip" = "56d396ef0c4e8b0589ea74134e484376ca6459d972cd1ab1da6b9624d82e6d04";
"zstd/zstd-1.4.0-win64ws.zip" = "154199227bdfdfa608972bcdcea38e20768937085e5a59a8fa06c72d07b00d6b";
# Subdirectory to extract an archive to
$ArchivesSubDirectory = @{
"AirPcap/AirPcap_Devpack_4_1_0_1622.zip" = "AirPcap_Devpack_4_1_0_1622";
# Plain file downloads
$Win64Files = @{
"Npcap/npcap-1.60.exe" = "87d3624772b8272767a3a4ffcceecc3052489cd09e494a6c352dce5e5efa4070";
"USBPcap/USBPcapSetup-" = "87a7edf9bbbcf07b5f4373d9a192a6770d2ff3add7aa1e276e82e38582ccb622";
$Archives = $Win64Archives;
$Files = $Win64Files;
$CurrentManifest = $Archives + $Files
$CleanupItems = @(
2020-12-07 21:14:27 +00:00
2020-12-07 21:14:27 +00:00
2020-12-14 19:01:10 +00:00
2020-12-07 21:14:27 +00:00
# The dev-libs site repository is at
# https://gitlab.com/wireshark/wireshark-development-libraries
[Uri] $DownloadPrefix = "https://dev-libs.wireshark.org/windows/packages"
$proxy = $null
# Functions
# Verifies the contents of a file against a SHA256 hash.
# Returns success (0) if the file exists and verifies.
# Returns error (1) if the file does not exist.
# Returns error (2) if the integrity check fails (an error is also printed).
function VerifyIntegrity($filename, $hash) {
# Use absolute path because PS and .NET may have different working directories.
$filepath = Convert-Path -Path $filename -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if (-not ($filepath)) {
return 1
# may throw due to permission error, I/O error, etc.
try { $stream = [IO.File]::OpenRead($filepath) } catch { throw }
try {
$sha256 = New-Object Security.Cryptography.SHA256Managed
$binaryHash = $sha256.ComputeHash([IO.Stream]$stream)
$hexHash = ([System.BitConverter]::ToString($binaryHash) -Replace "-").ToLower()
$hash = $hash.ToLower()
if ($hexHash -ne $hash) {
Write-Warning "$($filename): computed file hash $hexHash did NOT match $hash"
return 2
return 0
} finally {
# Downloads a file and checks its integrity. If a corrupt file already exists,
# it is removed and re-downloaded. Succeeds only if the SHA256 hash matches.
function DownloadFile($fileName, $fileHash, [Uri] $fileUrl = $null) {
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($fileUrl)) {
$fileUrl = "$DownloadPrefix/$fileName"
$destinationFile = "$Destination\" + [string](Split-Path -Leaf $fileName)
if (Test-Path $destinationFile -PathType 'Leaf') {
if ((VerifyIntegrity $destinationFile $fileHash) -ne 0) {
Write-Output "$fileName is corrupt, removing and retrying download."
Remove-Item $destinationFile
} else {
Write-Output "$fileName already there; not retrieving."
if (-not ($Script:proxy)) {
$Script:proxy = [System.Net.WebRequest]::GetSystemWebProxy()
$Script:proxy.Credentials = [System.Net.CredentialCache]::DefaultCredentials
Write-Output "Downloading $fileUrl into $Destination"
$webClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
$webClient.proxy = $Script:proxy
$webClient.DownloadFile($fileUrl, "$destinationFile")
Write-Output "Verifying $destinationFile"
if ((VerifyIntegrity $destinationFile $fileHash) -ne 0) {
Write-Output "Download is corrupted, aborting!"
exit 1
function DownloadArchive($fileName, $fileHash, $subDir) {
DownloadFile $fileName $fileHash
$archiveFile = "$Destination\" + [string](Split-Path -Leaf $fileName)
$archiveDir = "$Destination\$subDir"
if ($subDir -and -not (Test-Path $archiveDir -PathType 'Container')) {
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $archiveDir > $null
$activity = "Extracting into $($archiveDir)"
Write-Progress -Activity "$activity" -Status "Extracting $archiveFile using CMake ..."
Push-Location "$archiveDir"
& cmake -E tar xf "$archiveFile" 2>&1 | Set-Variable -Name CMakeOut
Write-Progress -Activity "$activity" -Status "Done" -Completed
if ($cmStatus -gt 0) {
Write-Output $CMakeOut
exit 1
# On with the show
# Make sure $Destination exists and do our work there.
if ( -not (Test-Path $Destination -PathType 'Container') ) {
New-Item -ItemType 'Container' "$Destination" > $null
# CMake's file TO_NATIVE_PATH passive-aggressively omits the drive letter.
Set-Location "$Destination"
$Destination = $(Get-Item -Path ".\")
Write-Output "Working in $Destination"
# Check our last known state
$destinationManifest = @{ "INVALID" = "INVALID" }
$manifestFile = "library-manifest.xml"
if ((Test-Path $manifestFile -PathType 'Leaf') -and -not ($Force)) {
$destinationManifest = Import-Clixml $manifestFile
function ManifestList($manifestHash) {
$manifestHash.keys | Sort | ForEach-Object { "$_ : $($manifestHash[$_])" }
if (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject (ManifestList($destinationManifest)) -DifferenceObject (ManifestList($CurrentManifest))) {
Write-Output "Current library manifest not found. Refreshing."
$activity = "Removing directories"
foreach ($oldItem in $CleanupItems) {
if (Test-Path $oldItem) {
Write-Progress -Activity "$activity" -Status "Removing $oldItem"
Remove-Item -force -recurse $oldItem
Write-Progress -Activity "$activity" -Status "Done" -Completed
} else {
Write-Output "Current library manifest found. Skipping download."
exit 0
# Download files
foreach ($item in $Files.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object -property key) {
DownloadFile $item.Name $item.Value
# Download and extract archives
foreach ($item in $Archives.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object -property key) {
$subDir = $ArchivesSubDirectory[$item.Name]
DownloadArchive $item.Name $item.Value $subDir
# Save our last known state
$CurrentManifest | Export-Clixml -Path $manifestFile -Encoding utf8