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/* dfilter-grammar.y
* Parser for display filters
* $Id: dfilter-grammar.y,v 1.7 1999/08/12 15:10:48 gram Exp $
* Ethereal - Network traffic analyzer
* By Gerald Combs <gerald@zing.org>
* Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#define yylex dfilter_lex
#include "config.h"
# include <sys/types.h>
# include <netinet/in.h>
#ifndef __GLIB_H__
#include <glib.h>
#include <string.h> /* during testing */
#ifndef _STDLIB_H
#include <stdlib.h>
#ifndef __PROTO_H__
#include "proto.h"
#ifndef __PACKET_H__
#include "packet.h"
#ifndef __DFILTER_H__
#include "dfilter.h"
#ifndef __RESOLV_H__
#include "resolv.h"
void dfilter_yacc_init(void);
static GNode* dfilter_mknode_join(GNode *n1, enum node_type ntype, int operand, GNode *n2);
static GNode* dfilter_mknode_unary(int operand, GNode *n2);
static GNode* dfilter_mknode_numeric_variable(gint id);
static GNode* dfilter_mknode_numeric_value(guint32 val);
static GNode* dfilter_mknode_ether_value(guint8*);
static GNode* dfilter_mknode_ether_variable(gint id);
static GNode* dfilter_mknode_ipxnet_value(guint32);
static GNode* dfilter_mknode_ipxnet_variable(gint id);
static GNode* dfilter_mknode_ipv4_value(char *host);
static GNode* dfilter_mknode_ipv4_variable(gint id);
static GNode* dfilter_mknode_existence(gint id);
static GNode* dfilter_mknode_bytes_value(GByteArray *barray);
static GNode* dfilter_mknode_bytes_variable(gint id, gint offset, guint length);
static GNode* dfilter_mknode_boolean_value(gint truth_value);
static GNode* dfilter_mknode_boolean_variable(gint id);
static guint32 string_to_value(char *s);
/* space for dfilter_nodes */
GMemChunk *gmc_dfilter_nodes = NULL;
/* this is how we pass display filter tree (dfcode) back to calling routine */
GNode *dfilter_tree = NULL;
/* list of byte arrays we allocate during parse. We can traverse this list
* faster than the tree when we go back and free the byte arrays */
GSList *dfilter_list_byte_arrays = NULL;
/* In dfilter-scanner.l */
GByteArray* byte_str_to_guint8_array(const char *s);
%union {
gint operand; /* logical, relation, alternation */
gint variable;
GNode* node;
gchar* id;
GByteArray* bytes;
guint8 ether[6];
struct {
gint offset;
guint length;
} byte_range;
%type <node> statement expression relation
%type <node> numeric_value numeric_variable
%type <node> ether_value ether_variable
%type <node> ipxnet_value ipxnet_variable
%type <node> ipv4_value ipv4_variable
%type <node> variable_name
%type <node> bytes_value bytes_variable
%type <node> boolean_value boolean_variable
%type <operand> numeric_relation
%type <operand> equality_relation
%type <operand> bytes_relation
%type <variable> any_variable_type
%token <variable> T_FT_UINT8
%token <variable> T_FT_UINT16
%token <variable> T_FT_UINT32
%token <variable> T_FT_ETHER
%token <variable> T_FT_IPv4
%token <variable> T_FT_NONE
%token <variable> T_FT_BYTES
%token <variable> T_FT_BOOLEAN
%token <variable> T_FT_STRING
%token <variable> T_FT_IPXNET
%token <ether> T_VAL_ETHER
%token <bytes> T_VAL_BYTES
%token <byte_range> T_VAL_BYTE_RANGE
%token <operand> TOK_AND TOK_OR TOK_NOT TOK_XOR
%token <operand> TOK_TRUE TOK_FALSE
%left TOK_AND
%left TOK_OR
%left TOK_XOR
%nonassoc TOK_NOT
statement: expression
dfilter_tree = $1;
| /* NULL */ { dfilter_tree = NULL; }
expression: '(' expression ')' { $$ = $2; }
| expression TOK_AND expression { $$ = dfilter_mknode_join($1, logical, $2, $3); }
| expression TOK_OR expression { $$ = dfilter_mknode_join($1, logical, $2, $3); }
| expression TOK_XOR expression { $$ = dfilter_mknode_join($1, logical, $2, $3); }
| TOK_NOT expression { $$ = dfilter_mknode_unary(TOK_NOT, $2); }
| relation { $$ = $1; }
| variable_name { $$ = $1; }
relation: numeric_variable numeric_relation numeric_value
$$ = dfilter_mknode_join($1, relation, $2, $3);
| numeric_variable numeric_relation numeric_variable
$$ = dfilter_mknode_join($1, relation, $2, $3);
| ether_variable equality_relation ether_value
$$ = dfilter_mknode_join($1, relation, $2, $3);
| ether_variable equality_relation ether_variable
$$ = dfilter_mknode_join($1, relation, $2, $3);
| ipxnet_variable equality_relation ipxnet_value
$$ = dfilter_mknode_join($1, relation, $2, $3);
| ipxnet_variable equality_relation ipxnet_variable
$$ = dfilter_mknode_join($1, relation, $2, $3);
| ipv4_variable numeric_relation ipv4_value
$$ = dfilter_mknode_join($1, relation, $2, $3);
| ipv4_variable numeric_relation ipv4_variable
$$ = dfilter_mknode_join($1, relation, $2, $3);
| bytes_variable bytes_relation bytes_value
$$ = dfilter_mknode_join($1, relation, $2, $3);
| bytes_variable bytes_relation bytes_variable
$$ = dfilter_mknode_join($1, relation, $2, $3);
| boolean_variable equality_relation boolean_value
$$ = dfilter_mknode_join($1, relation, $2, $3);
| boolean_variable equality_relation boolean_variable
$$ = dfilter_mknode_join($1, relation, $2, $3);
numeric_value: T_VAL_UNQUOTED_STRING
$$ = dfilter_mknode_numeric_value(string_to_value($1));
ether_value: T_VAL_ETHER
$$ = dfilter_mknode_ether_value($1);
$$ = dfilter_mknode_ipxnet_value(string_to_value($1));
$$ = dfilter_mknode_ipv4_value($1);
bytes_value: T_VAL_BYTES
{ /* 2 - 5, or > 6 bytes */
$$ = dfilter_mknode_bytes_value($1);
{ /* one or 4 bytes */
GByteArray *barray;
/* the next function appends to dfilter_list_byte_arrays for me */
barray = byte_str_to_guint8_array($1);
$$ = dfilter_mknode_bytes_value(barray);
{ /* 6 bytes */
GByteArray *barray = g_byte_array_new();
dfilter_list_byte_arrays = g_slist_append(dfilter_list_byte_arrays, barray);
g_byte_array_append(barray, $1, 6);
$$ = dfilter_mknode_bytes_value(barray);
boolean_value: TOK_TRUE { $$ = dfilter_mknode_boolean_value($1); }
| TOK_FALSE { $$ = dfilter_mknode_boolean_value($1); }
numeric_variable: T_FT_UINT8 { $$ = dfilter_mknode_numeric_variable($1); }
| T_FT_UINT16 { $$ = dfilter_mknode_numeric_variable($1); }
| T_FT_UINT32 { $$ = dfilter_mknode_numeric_variable($1); }
ether_variable: T_FT_ETHER { $$ = dfilter_mknode_ether_variable($1); }
ipxnet_variable: T_FT_IPXNET { $$ = dfilter_mknode_ipxnet_variable($1); }
ipv4_variable: T_FT_IPv4 { $$ = dfilter_mknode_ipv4_variable($1); }
variable_name: any_variable_type { $$ = dfilter_mknode_existence($1); }
bytes_variable: any_variable_type T_VAL_BYTE_RANGE
$$ = dfilter_mknode_bytes_variable($1, $2.offset, $2.length);
boolean_variable: T_FT_BOOLEAN { $$ = dfilter_mknode_boolean_variable($1); }
any_variable_type: T_FT_UINT8 { $$ = $1; }
| T_FT_UINT16 { $$ = $1; }
| T_FT_UINT32 { $$ = $1; }
| T_FT_ETHER { $$ = $1; }
| T_FT_IPv4 { $$ = $1; }
| T_FT_NONE { $$ = $1; }
| T_FT_BYTES { $$ = $1; }
| T_FT_BOOLEAN { $$ = $1; }
| T_FT_STRING { $$ = $1; }
numeric_relation: TOK_EQ { $$ = TOK_EQ; }
| TOK_NE { $$ = TOK_NE; }
| TOK_GT { $$ = TOK_GT; }
| TOK_GE { $$ = TOK_GE; }
| TOK_LT { $$ = TOK_LT; }
| TOK_LE { $$ = TOK_LE; }
equality_relation: TOK_EQ { $$ = TOK_EQ; }
| TOK_NE { $$ = TOK_NE; }
bytes_relation: TOK_EQ { $$ = TOK_EQ; }
| TOK_NE { $$ = TOK_NE; }
| TOK_GT { $$ = TOK_GT; }
| TOK_LT { $$ = TOK_LT; }
if (gmc_dfilter_nodes)
gmc_dfilter_nodes = g_mem_chunk_new("gmc_dfilter_nodes",
sizeof(dfilter_node), 50 * sizeof(dfilter_node),
if (dfilter_list_byte_arrays) {
/* clear the byte arrays */
if (gmc_dfilter_nodes)
static GNode*
dfilter_mknode_join(GNode *n1, enum node_type ntype, int operand, GNode *n2)
dfilter_node *node_root;
GNode *gnode_root;
node_root = g_mem_chunk_alloc(gmc_dfilter_nodes);
node_root->ntype = ntype;
node_root->elem_size = 0;
node_root->fill_array_func = NULL;
node_root->check_relation_func = NULL;
if (ntype == relation) {
node_root->value.relation = operand;
else if (ntype == logical) {
node_root->value.logical = operand;
else {
gnode_root = g_node_new(node_root);
g_node_append(gnode_root, n1);
g_node_append(gnode_root, n2);
return gnode_root;
static GNode*
dfilter_mknode_unary(int operand, GNode *n2)
dfilter_node *node_root;
GNode *gnode_root;
node_root = g_mem_chunk_alloc(gmc_dfilter_nodes);
node_root->ntype = logical;
node_root->value.logical = operand;
node_root->elem_size = 0;
node_root->fill_array_func = NULL;
node_root->check_relation_func = NULL;
gnode_root = g_node_new(node_root);
g_node_append(gnode_root, n2);
return gnode_root;
static GNode*
dfilter_mknode_numeric_variable(gint id)
dfilter_node *node;
GNode *gnode;
node = g_mem_chunk_alloc(gmc_dfilter_nodes);
node->ntype = variable;
node->elem_size = sizeof(guint32);
node->fill_array_func = fill_array_numeric_variable;
node->check_relation_func = check_relation_numeric;
node->value.variable = id;
gnode = g_node_new(node);
return gnode;
static GNode*
dfilter_mknode_ether_variable(gint id)
dfilter_node *node;
GNode *gnode;
node = g_mem_chunk_alloc(gmc_dfilter_nodes);
node->ntype = variable;
node->elem_size = sizeof(guint8) * 6;
node->fill_array_func = fill_array_ether_variable;
node->check_relation_func = check_relation_ether;
node->value.variable = id;
gnode = g_node_new(node);
return gnode;
static GNode*
dfilter_mknode_ipxnet_variable(gint id)
dfilter_node *node;
GNode *gnode;
node = g_mem_chunk_alloc(gmc_dfilter_nodes);
node->ntype = variable;
node->elem_size = sizeof(guint8) * 4;
node->fill_array_func = fill_array_numeric_variable; /* cheating ! */
node->check_relation_func = check_relation_numeric; /* cheating ! */
node->value.variable = id;
gnode = g_node_new(node);
return gnode;
static GNode*
dfilter_mknode_ipv4_variable(gint id)
dfilter_node *node;
GNode *gnode;
node = g_mem_chunk_alloc(gmc_dfilter_nodes);
node->ntype = variable;
node->elem_size = sizeof(guint32);
node->fill_array_func = fill_array_numeric_variable; /* cheating ! */
node->check_relation_func = check_relation_numeric; /* cheating ! */
node->value.variable = id;
gnode = g_node_new(node);
return gnode;
static GNode*
dfilter_mknode_bytes_variable(gint id, gint offset, guint length)
dfilter_node *node;
GNode *gnode;
node = g_mem_chunk_alloc(gmc_dfilter_nodes);
node->ntype = variable;
node->elem_size = sizeof(GByteArray*);
node->fill_array_func = fill_array_bytes_variable;
node->check_relation_func = check_relation_bytes;
node->value.variable = id;
node->offset = offset;
node->length = length;
gnode = g_node_new(node);
return gnode;
static GNode*
dfilter_mknode_boolean_variable(gint id)
dfilter_node *node;
GNode *gnode;
node = g_mem_chunk_alloc(gmc_dfilter_nodes);
node->ntype = variable;
node->elem_size = sizeof(guint32);
node->fill_array_func = fill_array_boolean_variable; /* cheating ! */
node->check_relation_func = check_relation_boolean; /* cheating ! */
node->value.variable = id;
gnode = g_node_new(node);
return gnode;
static GNode*
dfilter_mknode_numeric_value(guint32 val)
dfilter_node *node;
GNode *gnode;
node = g_mem_chunk_alloc(gmc_dfilter_nodes);
node->ntype = numeric;
node->elem_size = sizeof(guint32);
node->fill_array_func = fill_array_numeric_value;
node->check_relation_func = check_relation_numeric;
node->value.numeric = val;
gnode = g_node_new(node);
return gnode;
static GNode*
dfilter_mknode_ether_value(guint8 *ether_bytes)
dfilter_node *node;
GNode *gnode;
node = g_mem_chunk_alloc(gmc_dfilter_nodes);
node->ntype = ether;
node->elem_size = sizeof(guint8) * 6;
node->fill_array_func = fill_array_ether_value;
node->check_relation_func = check_relation_ether;
memcpy(&node->value.ether, ether_bytes, 6);
gnode = g_node_new(node);
return gnode;
static GNode*
dfilter_mknode_ipxnet_value(guint32 ipx_net_val)
dfilter_node *node;
GNode *gnode;
node = g_mem_chunk_alloc(gmc_dfilter_nodes);
node->ntype = ipxnet;
node->elem_size = sizeof(guint8) * 4;
node->fill_array_func = fill_array_numeric_value; /* cheating ! */
node->check_relation_func = check_relation_numeric; /* cheating ! */
node->value.numeric = ipx_net_val;
gnode = g_node_new(node);
return gnode;
static GNode*
dfilter_mknode_ipv4_value(char *host)
dfilter_node *node;
GNode *gnode;
node = g_mem_chunk_alloc(gmc_dfilter_nodes);
node->ntype = numeric;
node->elem_size = sizeof(guint32);
node->fill_array_func = fill_array_numeric_value; /* cheating ! */
node->check_relation_func = check_relation_numeric; /* cheating ! */
node->value.numeric = get_host_ipaddr(host);
node->value.numeric = htonl(node->value.numeric);
gnode = g_node_new(node);
return gnode;
static GNode*
dfilter_mknode_bytes_value(GByteArray *barray)
dfilter_node *node;
GNode *gnode;
node = g_mem_chunk_alloc(gmc_dfilter_nodes);
node->ntype = bytes;
node->elem_size = sizeof(GByteArray*);
node->fill_array_func = fill_array_bytes_value;
node->check_relation_func = check_relation_bytes;
node->value.bytes = barray;
node->offset = G_MAXINT;
node->length = barray->len;
gnode = g_node_new(node);
return gnode;
static GNode*
dfilter_mknode_boolean_value(gint truth_value)
dfilter_node *node;
GNode *gnode;
node = g_mem_chunk_alloc(gmc_dfilter_nodes);
node->ntype = numeric;
node->elem_size = sizeof(guint32);
node->fill_array_func = fill_array_boolean_value;
node->check_relation_func = check_relation_boolean;
node->value.boolean = truth_value == TOK_TRUE ? TRUE : FALSE;
gnode = g_node_new(node);
return gnode;
static guint32
string_to_value(char *s)
char *endptr;
guint32 val;
val = strtoul(s, &endptr, 0);
/* I should probably check errno here */
return (guint32)val;
static GNode*
dfilter_mknode_existence(gint id)
dfilter_node *node;
GNode *gnode;
node = g_mem_chunk_alloc(gmc_dfilter_nodes);
node->ntype = existence;
node->elem_size = sizeof(guint32);
node->fill_array_func = NULL;
node->check_relation_func = NULL;
node->value.variable = id;
gnode = g_node_new(node);
return gnode;