
148 lines
4.7 KiB
Raw Normal View History

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import biplist
import os.path
# Example settings file for dmgbuild
# Adapted from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/al45tair/dmgbuild/master/examples/settings.py
# Use like this: dmgbuild -s settings.py "Test Volume" test.dmg
# You can actually use this file for your own application (not just TextEdit)
# by doing e.g.
# dmgbuild -s settings.py -D app=/path/to/My.app "My Application" MyApp.dmg
# .. Useful stuff ..............................................................
ws_version = '@VERSION@'
ws_volname = 'Wireshark ' + ws_version
ws_srcdir = '@CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR@'
ws_bindir = '@CMAKE_BINARY_DIR@'
ws_app = 'Wireshark.app'
ws_readme = 'Read me first.html'
ws_install_chmodbpf = 'Install ChmodBPF.pkg'
ws_uninstall_chmodbpf = 'Uninstall ChmodBPF.pkg'
ws_install_path_helper = 'Add Wireshark to the system path.pkg'
ws_uninstall_path_helper = 'Remove Wireshark from the system path.pkg'
# .. Basics ....................................................................
# Uncomment to override the output filename
# filename = ws_volname + ' Intel 64.dmg'
# Uncomment to override the output volume name
# volume_name = 'Wireshark ' + ws_version
# From the hdiutil man page:
# UDZO - UDIF zlib-compressed image
# UDBZ - UDIF bzip2-compressed image (Mac OS X 10.4+ only)
# ULFO - UDIF lzfse-compressed image (OS X 10.11+ only)
# Volume format (see hdiutil create -help)
format = defines.get('format', 'UDBZ')
# Compression level (if relevant)
compression_level = 9
# Volume size
size = None
# Files to include
files = [
os.path.join(ws_bindir, 'run', ws_app),
os.path.join(ws_bindir, 'packaging', 'macosx', ws_readme),
# Symlinks to create
symlinks = {
'Applications': '/Applications',
ws_install_chmodbpf: os.path.join(ws_app, 'Contents', 'Resources', 'Extras', ws_install_chmodbpf),
ws_uninstall_chmodbpf: os.path.join(ws_app, 'Contents', 'Resources', 'Extras', ws_uninstall_chmodbpf),
ws_install_path_helper: os.path.join(ws_app, 'Contents', 'Resources', 'Extras', ws_install_path_helper),
ws_uninstall_path_helper: os.path.join(ws_app, 'Contents', 'Resources', 'Extras', ws_uninstall_path_helper),
# Volume icon
# You can either define icon, in which case that icon file will be copied to the
# image, *or* you can define badge_icon, in which case the icon file you specify
# will be used to badge the system's Removable Disk icon
badge_icon = os.path.join(ws_srcdir, 'packaging', 'macosx', 'wsiconvol.icns')
#badge_icon = icon_from_app(application)
# Where to put the icons
icon_locations = {
ws_app: ( 80, 64),
'Applications': (240, 64),
ws_readme: (160, 170),
ws_install_chmodbpf: ( 80, 276),
ws_uninstall_chmodbpf: (250, 276),
ws_install_path_helper: ( 80, 382),
ws_uninstall_path_helper: (250, 382),
# .. Window configuration ......................................................
# Background
# This is a STRING containing any of the following:
# #3344ff - web-style RGB color
# #34f - web-style RGB color, short form (#34f == #3344ff)
# rgb(1,0,0) - RGB color, each value is between 0 and 1
# hsl(120,1,.5) - HSL (hue saturation lightness) color
# hwb(300,0,0) - HWB (hue whiteness blackness) color
# cmyk(0,1,0,0) - CMYK color
# goldenrod - X11/SVG named color
# builtin-arrow - A simple built-in background with a blue arrow
# /foo/bar/baz.png - The path to an image file
# The hue component in hsl() and hwb() may include a unit; it defaults to
# degrees ('deg'), but also supports radians ('rad') and gradians ('grad'
# or 'gon').
# Other color components may be expressed either in the range 0 to 1, or
# as percentages (e.g. 60% is equivalent to 0.6).
background = os.path.join(ws_srcdir, 'packaging', 'macosx', 'dmg_background.png')
show_status_bar = False
show_tab_view = False
show_toolbar = False
show_pathbar = False
show_sidebar = False
sidebar_width = 180
# Window position in ((x, y), (w, h)) format
window_rect = ((600, 200), (350, 525))
# Select the default view; must be one of
# 'icon-view'
# 'list-view'
# 'column-view'
# 'coverflow'
default_view = 'icon-view'
# General view configuration
show_icon_preview = False
# Set these to True to force inclusion of icon/list view settings (otherwise
# we only include settings for the default view)
include_icon_view_settings = 'auto'
include_list_view_settings = 'auto'
# .. Icon view configuration ...................................................
arrange_by = None
grid_offset = (0, 0)
#grid_spacing = 100
scroll_position = (0, 0)
#label_pos = 'bottom' # or 'right'
text_size = 12
icon_size = 72