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# ncp2222.py
# Creates C code from a table of NCP type 0x2222 packet types.
# (And 0x3333, which are the replies, but the packets are more commonly
# refered to as type 0x2222; the 0x3333 replies are understood to be
# part of the 0x2222 "family")
# Data comes from "Programmer's Guide to the NetWare Core Protocol"
# by Steve Conner and Dianne Conner.
# $Id: ncp2222.py,v 1.1 2000/07/28 20:03:42 gram Exp $
# Copyright (c) 2000 by Gilbert Ramirez <gram@xiexie.org>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
import sys
# Global containers
# The UniqueCollection class stores objects which can be compared to other
# objects of the same class. If two objects in the collection are equivalent,
# only one is stored.
class UniqueCollection:
# Constructor
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
self.members = []
# Add an object to the members lists, if a comparable object
# doesn't already exist. The object that is in the member list, that is
# either the object that was added or the comparable object that was
# already in the member list, is returned.
def Add(self, object):
# Is 'object' a duplicate of some other member?
for member in self.members:
if member == object:
return member
# Store object in our members list.
return object
# Returns the list of members.
def Members(self):
return self.members
# Does the list of members contain the object?
def HasMember(self, object):
for member in self.members:
if member == object:
return 1
return 0
packets = UniqueCollection('NCP Packet Descriptions')
compcode_lists = UniqueCollection('Completion Code Lists')
ptvc_lists = UniqueCollection('PTVC Lists')
# NamedList's keep track of PTVC's and Completion Codes
class NamedList:
# Constructor
def __init__(self, name, list):
self.name = name
self.list = list
# Compare this NamedList to another
def __cmp__(self, other):
# Python will do a deep comparison of lists within lists.
if self.list < other.list:
return -1
elif self.list > other.list:
return 1
return 0
# String representation
def __repr__(self):
return "NamedList: " + `self.list`
# Get/Set name of list
def Name(self, new_name = None):
if new_name != None:
self.name = new_name
return self.name
# Returns record lists
def Records(self):
return self.list
# Is there no list (different from an empty list)?
def Null(self):
return self.list == None
# It the list empty (different from a null list)?
def Empty(self):
assert(not self.Null())
if self.list:
return 0
return 1
# ProtoTree TVBuff Cursor List ("PTVC List") Class
class PTVC(NamedList):
# Constructor
def __init__(self, name, records):
self.list = []
NamedList.__init__(self, name, self.list)
# Make a PTVCRecord object for each list in 'records'
for record in records:
ptvc_rec = PTVCRecord(record)
# We can't make a PTVC list from a variable-length
# packet. XXX - unless it's FT_NSTRING
# if type(ptvc_rec.Length()) == type(()):
# if ptvc_rec.Field() == nstring8:
# pass
# else:
# self.list = None
# return
class PTVCRecord:
# Constructor
def __init__(self, record):
self.length = record[1]
self.field = record[2]
# Small sanity check
field_length = self.field.Length()
if type(field_length) == type(0) and field_length > 0:
if field_length != self.length:
sys.stderr.write("Length %d does not match field length %d for field %s\n" % (self.length, field_length, self.field.Abbreviation()))
# Check if an endianness override is given
self.endianness = record[3]
# If no endianness was given in the record, then
# use the field's default endianness.
except IndexError:
self.endianness = self.field.Endianness()
# Comparison operator
def __cmp__(self, other):
if self.length < other.length:
return -1
elif self.length > other.length:
return 1
if self.field != other.field:
return 1
elif self.endianness != other.endianness:
return 1
return 0
# String representation
def __repr__(self):
endianness = 'FALSE'
if self.endianness == LE:
endianness = 'TRUE'
if type(self.length) == type(0):
length = self.length
return "{ &%s, %d, %s }" % (self.field.HFName(),
length, endianness)
return "{ &%s, %s, %s }" % (self.field.HFName(),
length, endianness)
def Length(self):
return self.length
def Field(self):
return self.field
# NCP Packet class
class NCP:
# Constructor
def __init__(self, func_code, description, group):
self.func_code = func_code
self.description = description
self.group = group
self.codes = None
self.request_records = None
self.reply_records = None
if not groups.has_key(group):
sys.stderr.write("NCP 0x%x has invalid group '%s'\n" % (self.func_code, group))
if self.HasSubFunction():
# NCP Function with SubFunction
self.start_offset = 10
# Simple NCP Function
self.start_offset = 7
# Returns the function code for this NCP packet.
def FunctionCode(self, part=None):
if part == None:
return self.func_code
elif part == 'high':
if self.HasSubFunction():
return (self.func_code & 0xff00) >> 8
return self.func_code
elif part == 'low':
if self.HasSubFunction():
return self.func_code & 0x00ff
return 0x00
sys.stderr.write("Unknown directive '%s' for function_code()\n" % (part))
# Does this NPC packet require a subfunction field?
def HasSubFunction(self):
if self.func_code <= 0xff:
return 0
return 1
def Description(self):
return self.description
def Group(self):
return self.group
def PTVCRequest(self):
return self.ptvc_request
def PTVCReply(self):
return self.ptvc_reply
def Request(self, size, records=[]):
self.request_size = size
self.request_records = records
if self.HasSubFunction():
self.CheckRecords(size, records, "Request", 10)
self.CheckRecords(size, records, "Request", 7)
self.ptvc_request = self.MakePTVC(records, "request")
def Reply(self, size, records=[]):
self.reply_size = size
self.reply_records = records
self.CheckRecords(size, records, "Reply", 8)
self.ptvc_reply = self.MakePTVC(records, "reply")
# Simple sanity check
def CheckRecords(self, size, records, descr, min_hdr_length):
min = size
max = size
if type(size) == type(()):
min = size[0]
max = size[1]
lower = min_hdr_length
upper = min_hdr_length
for record in records:
rec_size = record[1]
rec_lower = rec_size
rec_upper = rec_size
if type(rec_size) == type(()):
rec_lower = rec_size[0]
rec_upper = rec_size[1]
lower = lower + rec_lower
upper = upper + rec_upper
error = 0
if min != lower:
sys.stderr.write("%s records for 2222/0x%x sum to %d bytes minimum, but param1 shows %d\n" \
% (descr, self.FunctionCode(), lower, min))
error = 1
if max != upper:
sys.stderr.write("%s records for 2222/0x%x sum to %d bytes maximum, but param1 shows %d\n" \
% (descr, self.FunctionCode(), upper, max))
error = 1
if error == 1:
# Makes a PTVC out of a request or reply record list. Possibly adds
# it to the global list of PTVCs (the global list is a UniqueCollection,
# so an equivalent PTVC may already be in the global list).
def MakePTVC(self, records, name_suffix):
name = "%s_%s" % (self.CName(), name_suffix)
ptvc = PTVC(name, records)
return ptvc_lists.Add(ptvc)
# Returns a C symbol based on the NCP function code
def CName(self):
return "ncp_0x%x" % (self.func_code)
# Returns a list of variables used in the request and reply records.
# A variable is listed only once, even if it is used twice (once in
# the request, once in the reply).
def Variables(self):
variables = {}
if self.request_records:
for record in self.request_records:
var = record[2]
variables[var] = 1
if self.reply_records:
for record in self.reply_records:
var = record[2]
variables[var] = 1
return variables.keys()
# Sets or returns the list of completion codes. Internally, a NamedList
# is used to store the completion codes, but the caller of this function
# never realizes that because Python lists are the input and output.
def CompletionCodes(self, codes=None):
if codes == None:
return self.codes
# Sanity check
okay = 1
for code in codes:
if not errors.has_key(code):
sys.stderr.write("Errors table does not have key 0x%04x for NCP=0x%x\n" % (code,
okay = 0
# Delay the exit until here so that the programmer can get the complete
# list of missing error codes
if not okay:
# Create CompletionCode (NamedList) object and possible add it to
# the global list of completion code lists.
name = "%s_errors" % (self.CName())
codes_list = NamedList(name, codes)
self.codes = compcode_lists.Add(codes_list)
# Adds the NCP object to the global collection of NCP objects. This
# is done automatically after setting the CompletionCode list. Yes, this
# is a shortcut, but it makes our list of NCP packet definitions look
# neater, since an explicit "add to global list of packets" is not needed.
def Finalize(self):
# Add packet to global collection of packets
if packets.HasMember(self):
sys.stderr.write("Already have NCP Function Code 0x%x\n" % \
# Classes for NCP field types
LE = 1 # Little-Endian
BE = 0 # Big-Endian
NA = -1 # Not Applicable
class Type:
type = "Type"
ftype = None
disp = "BASE_DEC"
endianness = NA
values = []
def __init__(self, abbrev, descr, bytes, endianness = NA):
self.abbrev = abbrev
self.descr = descr
self.bytes = bytes
def Length(self):
return self.bytes
def Abbreviation(self):
return self.abbrev
def Description(self):
return self.descr
def HFName(self):
return "hf_ncp_" + self.abbrev
def DFilter(self):
return "ncp." + self.abbrev
def EtherealFType(self):
return self.ftype
def Display(self, newval=None):
if newval != None:
self.disp = newval
return self.disp
def ValuesName(self):
return "NULL"
def Mask(self):
return 0
def Endianness(self):
return self.endianness
class byte(Type):
type = "byte"
ftype = "FT_UINT8"
def __init__(self, abbrev, descr):
Type.__init__(self, abbrev, descr, 1)
# Same as above. Both are provided for convenience
class uint8(Type):
type = "uint8"
ftype = "FT_UINT8"
def __init__(self, abbrev, descr):
Type.__init__(self, abbrev, descr, 1)
class uint16(Type):
type = "uint16"
ftype = "FT_UINT16"
def __init__(self, abbrev, descr, endianness = BE):
Type.__init__(self, abbrev, descr, 2, endianness)
class uint32(Type):
type = "uint32"
ftype = "FT_UINT32"
def __init__(self, abbrev, descr, endianness = BE):
Type.__init__(self, abbrev, descr, 4, endianness)
# A string of up to 255 characters. The first byte
# gives the string length. Thus, the total length of
# this data structure is from 1 to 256 bytes, including
# the first byte.
class nstring8(Type):
type = "nstring8"
ftype = "FT_NSTRING_UINT8"
def __init__(self, abbrev, descr):
Type.__init__(self, abbrev, descr, -1)
# NUL-terminated string.
class stringz(Type):
type = "stringz"
ftype = "FT_STRING"
def __init__(self, abbrev, descr):
Type.__init__(self, abbrev, descr, -1)
# Abstract class for val_stringN, where N is number
# of bits that key takes up
class val_string(Type):
type = "val_string"
disp = 'BASE_HEX'
def __init__(self, abbrev, descr, val_string_array, endianness = BE):
Type.__init__(self, abbrev, descr, self.bytes, endianness)
self.values = val_string_array
def __repr__(self):
result = "static const value_string %s[] = {\n" \
% (self.ValuesCName())
for val_record in self.values:
value = val_record[0]
text = val_record[1]
value_repr = self.value_format % value
result = result + '\t{ %s,\t"%s" },\n' \
% (value_repr, text)
value_repr = self.value_format % 0
result = result + "\t{ %s,\tNULL },\n" % (value_repr)
result = result + "};\n"
return result
def ValuesCName(self):
return "ncp_%s_vals" % (self.abbrev)
def ValuesName(self):
return "VALS(%s)" % (self.ValuesCName())
class val_string8(val_string):
type = "val_string8"
ftype = "FT_UINT8"
bytes = 1
value_format = "0x%02x"
class val_string16(val_string):
type = "val_string16"
ftype = "FT_UINT16"
bytes = 2
value_format = "0x%04x"
class bytes(Type):
type = 'bytes'
ftype = 'FT_BYTES'
def __init__(self, abbrev, descr, bytes):
Type.__init__(self, abbrev, descr, bytes, NA)
#class data(Type):
# type = "data"
# ftype = "FT_BYTES"
# def __init__(self, abbrev, descr):
# Type.__init__(self, abbrev, descr, -1)
# def length_var(self, length_var):
# self.length_var = length_var
# NCP Field Types. Defined in Appendix A of "Programmer's Guide..."
BufferSize = uint16("buffer_size", "Buffer Size")
ConnectionNumber = uint32("connection_number", "Connection Number")
DirHandle = byte("dir_handle", "Directory Handle")
FileHandle = bytes("file_handle", "File Handle", 6)
FileLock = val_string8("file_lock", "File Lock", [
[ 0x00, "Not Locked" ],
[ 0xfe, "Locked by file lock" ],
[ 0xff, "Unknown" ],
FileOffset = uint32("file_offset", "File Offset")
FilePath = nstring8("file_path", "File Path")
FileSize = uint32("file_size", "File Size")
JobType = uint16("job_type", "Job Type")
LogicalLockType = val_string8("logical_lock_type", "Logical Lock Type", [
[ 0x00, "Log file" ],
[ 0x01, "Log and lock file for exclusive read/write use" ],
[ 0x03, "Log and lock with shareable read-only use" ],
LogicalRecordName = nstring8("logical_record_name", "Logical Record Name")
LogLockType = byte("log_lock_type", "Log Lock Type")
MaxBytes = uint16("max_bytes", "Maximum Number of Bytes")
NumBytes = uint16("num_bytes", "Number of Bytes")
ObjectFlags = val_string8("object_flags", "Object Flags", [
[ 0x00, "Dynamic object" ],
[ 0x01, "Static object" ],
ObjectHasProperties = val_string8("object_has_properites", "Object Has Properties", [
[ 0x00, "No properties" ],
[ 0xff, "One or more properties" ],
ObjectID = uint32("object_id", "Object ID")
ObjectName = nstring8("object_name", "Object Name")
ObjectNameZ = stringz("object_nameZ", "Object Name")
ObjectSecurity = val_string8("object_security", "Object Security", [
[ 0x00, "Anyone can read or modify the object" ],
[ 0x01, "Client logged into the file server can read the object" ],
[ 0x02, "Client logged into the file server with the object's name, type and password can read the object" ],
[ 0x03, "Client with supervisor equivalence can read the object" ],
[ 0x04, "Only the operating system can read the object" ],
[ 0x10, "Client logged into the file server can modify the object" ],
[ 0x20, "Client logged into the file server with the object's name, type and password can modify the object" ],
[ 0x30, "Client with supervisor equivalence can modify the object" ],
[ 0x40, "Only the operating system can modify the object" ],
ObjectType = val_string16("object_type", "Object Type", [
[ 0x0000, "Unknown" ],
[ 0x0001, "User" ],
[ 0x0002, "User group" ],
[ 0x0003, "Print queue" ],
[ 0x0004, "NetWare file server" ],
[ 0x0005, "Job server" ],
[ 0x0006, "Gateway" ],
[ 0x0007, "Print server" ],
[ 0x0008, "Archive queue" ],
[ 0x0009, "Archive server" ],
[ 0x000a, "Job queue" ],
[ 0x000b, "Administration" ],
[ 0x0021, "NAS SNA gateway" ],
[ 0x0026, "Remote bridge server" ],
[ 0x0027, "TCP/IP gateway" ],
PropertyHasMoreSegments = val_string8("property_has_more_segments",
"Property Has More Segments", [
[ 0x00, "Is last segment" ],
[ 0xff, "More segments are available" ],
PropertyName = nstring8("property_name", "Property Name")
PropertyData = bytes("property_data", "Property Data", 128)
PropertySegment = uint8("property_segment", "Property Segment")
PropertyType = val_string8("property_type", "Property Type", [
[ 0x00, "Static item" ],
[ 0x01, "Dynamic item" ],
[ 0x02, "Static set" ],
[ 0x03, "Dynamic set" ],
TaskNumber = uint32("task_number", "Task Number")
TimeoutLimit = uint16("timeout_limit", "Timeout Limit")
UnknownByte = byte("unknown_byte", "Unknown Byte")
# NCP Groups
groups = {}
groups['accounting'] = "Accounting"
groups['afp'] = "AFP"
groups['auditing'] = "Auditing"
groups['bindery'] = "Bindery"
groups['connection'] = "Connection"
groups['directory'] = "Directory"
groups['extended'] = "Extended Attribute"
groups['file'] = "File"
groups['fileserver'] = "File Server"
groups['message'] = "Message"
groups['migration'] = "Data Migration"
groups['misc'] = "Miscellaneous"
groups['name'] = "Name Space"
groups['nds'] = "NetWare Directory"
groups['print'] = "Print"
groups['queue'] = "Queue"
groups['sync'] = "Synchronization"
groups['tss'] = "Transaction Tracking"
# NCP Errors
errors = {}
errors[0x0000] = "Ok"
errors[0x0001] = "Transaction tracking is available"
errors[0x0002] = "Ok. The data has been written"
errors[0x0100] = "One or more of the ConnectionNumbers in the send list are invalid"
errors[0x0101] = "Invalid space limit"
errors[0x0102] = "Insufficient disk space"
errors[0x0103] = "Queue server cannot add jobs"
errors[0x0104] = "Out of disk space"
errors[0x0105] = "Semaphore overflow"
errors[0x0200] = "One or more clients in the send list are not logged in"
errors[0x0201] = "Queue server cannot attach"
errors[0x0300] = "One or more clients in the send list are not accepting messages"
errors[0x0400] = "Client already has message"
errors[0x0401] = "Queue server cannot service job"
errors[0x7e00] = "NCP failed boundary check"
errors[0x8000] = "Lock fail"
errors[0x8100] = "A file handle could not be allocated by the file server"
errors[0x8200] = "Unauthorized to open the file"
errors[0x8300] = "Unable to read/write the volume. Possible bad sector on the file server"
errors[0x8400] = "Unauthorized to create the directory"
errors[0x8401] = "Unauthorized to create the file"
errors[0x8500] = "Unauthorized to delete the specified file"
errors[0x8501] = "Unauthorized to overwrite an existing file in this directory"
errors[0x8700] = "An unexpected character was encountered in the filename"
errors[0x8800] = "Invalid file handle"
errors[0x8900] = "Unauthorized to search this directory"
errors[0x8a00] = "Unauthorized to delete this directory"
errors[0x8b00] = "Unauthorized to rename a file in this directory"
errors[0x8c00] = "No set privileges"
errors[0x8c01] = "Unauthorized to modify a file in this directory"
errors[0x8c02] = "Unauthorized to change the restriction on this volume"
errors[0x8d00] = "Some of the affected files are in use by another client"
errors[0x8d01] = "The affected file is in use"
errors[0x8e00] = "All of the affected files are in use by another client"
errors[0x8f00] = "Some of the affected files are read-only"
errors[0x9000] = "An attempt to modify a read-only volume occurred"
errors[0x9001] = "All of the affected files are read-only"
errors[0x9100] = "Some of the affected files already exist"
errors[0x9200] = "Directory with the new name already exists"
errors[0x9201] = "All of the affected files already exist"
errors[0x9300] = "Unauthorized to read from this file"
errors[0x9400] = "Unauthorized to write to this file"
errors[0x9500] = "The affected file is detached"
errors[0x9600] = "The file server has run out of memory to service this request"
errors[0x9601] = "No alloc space for message"
errors[0x9800] = "The affected volume is not mounted"
errors[0x9801] = "The volume associated with VolumeNumber is not mounted"
errors[0x9802] = "The resulting voume does not exist"
errors[0x9803] = "The destination volume is not mounted"
errors[0x9900] = "The file server has run out of directory space on the affected volume"
errors[0x9a00] = "The request attempted to rename the affected file to another volume"
errors[0x9b00] = "DirHandle is not associated with a valid directory path"
errors[0x9b01] = "A resulting directory handle is not associated with a valid directory path"
errors[0x9b02] = "The directory associated with DirHandle does not exist"
errors[0x9b03] = "Bad directory handle"
errors[0x9c00] = "The resulting path is not valid"
errors[0x9c01] = "The resulting file path is not valid"
errors[0x9c02] = "The resulting directory path is not valid"
errors[0x9c03] = "Invalid path"
errors[0x9d00] = "A directory handle was not available for allocation"
errors[0x9e00] = "The name of the directory does not conform to a legal name for this name space"
errors[0x9e01] = "The new directory name does not conform to a legal name for this name space"
errors[0x9f00] = "The request attempted to delete a directory that is in use by another client"
errors[0xa000] = "The request attempted to delete a directory that is not empty"
errors[0xa100] = "An unrecoverable error occured on the affected directory"
errors[0xa200] = "The request attempted to read from a file region that is physically locked"
errors[0xa400] = "Invalid directory rename attempted"
errors[0xbf00] = "Requests for this name space are not valid on this volume"
errors[0xc000] = "Unauthorized to retrieve accounting data"
errors[0xc100] = "The ACCOUNT_BALANCE property does not exist"
errors[0xc200] = "The object has exceeded its credit limit"
errors[0xc300] = "Too many holds have been placed against this account"
errors[0xc400] = "The client account has been disabled"
errors[0xc500] = "Access to the account has been denied because of intruder detection"
errors[0xc501] = "Login lockout"
errors[0xc600] = "The caller does not have operator priviliges"
errors[0xc601] = "The client does not have operator priviliges"
errors[0xd000] = "Queue error"
errors[0xd100] = "The queue does not exist"
errors[0xd200] = "A queue server is not associated with this queue"
errors[0xd201] = "A queue server is not associated with the selected queue"
errors[0xd202] = "No queue server"
errors[0xd300] = "No queue rights"
errors[0xd400] = "The queue is full and cannot accept another request"
errors[0xd401] = "The queue associated with ObjectId is full and cannot accept another request"
errors[0xd500] = "A job does not exist in this queue"
errors[0xd501] = "No queue job"
errors[0xd502] = "The job associated with JobNumber does not exist in this queue"
errors[0xd600] = "The file server does not allow unencrypted passwords"
errors[0xd601] = "No job right"
errors[0xd700] = "Bad account"
errors[0xd701] = "The old and new password strings are identical"
errors[0xd702] = "The job is currently being serviced"
errors[0xd703] = "The queue is currently servicing a job"
errors[0xd704] = "Queue servicing"
errors[0xd800] = "Queue not active"
errors[0xd900] = "The file server cannot accept another connection as it has reached its limit"
errors[0xd901] = "The client is not security equivalent to one of the objects in the Q_SERVERS group property of the target queue"
errors[0xd902] = "Station is not a server"
errors[0xda00] = "Attempted to login to the file server during a restricted time period"
errors[0xda01] = "Queue halted"
errors[0xdb00] = "Attempted to login to the file server from an unauthorized workstation or network"
errors[0xdb01] = "The queue cannot attach another queue server"
errors[0xdb02] = "Maximum queue servers"
errors[0xde00] = "Attempted to login to the file server with an incorrect password"
errors[0xdf00] = "Attempted to login to the file server with a password that has expired"
errors[0xe700] = "No disk track"
errors[0xe800] = "Write to group"
errors[0xe900] = "The object is already a member of the group property"
errors[0xea00] = "No such member"
errors[0xea01] = "The bindery object is not a member of the set"
errors[0xea02] = "Non-existent member"
errors[0xeb00] = "The property is not a set property"
errors[0xec00] = "No such set"
errors[0xec01] = "The set property does not exist"
errors[0xed00] = "Property exists"
errors[0xed01] = "The property already exists"
errors[0xed02] = "An attempt was made to create a bindery object property that already exists"
errors[0xee00] = "The object already exists"
errors[0xee01] = "The bindery object already exists"
errors[0xef00] = "Illegal name"
errors[0xef01] = "Illegal characters in ObjectName field"
errors[0xef02] = "Invalid name"
errors[0xf000] = "A wildcard was detected in a field that does not support wildcards"
errors[0xf001] = "An illegal wildcard was detected in ObjectName"
errors[0xf100] = "The client does not have the rights to access this bindery object"
errors[0xf101] = "Bindery security"
errors[0xf102] = "Invalid bindery security"
errors[0xf200] = "Unauthorized to read from this object"
errors[0xf300] = "Unauthorized to rename this object"
errors[0xf400] = "Unauthorized to delete this object"
errors[0xf401] = "No object delete privileges"
errors[0xf402] = "Unauthorized to delete this queue"
errors[0xf500] = "Unauthorized to create this object"
errors[0xf501] = "No object create"
errors[0xf600] = "No property delete"
errors[0xf601] = "Unauthorized to delete the property of this object"
errors[0xf602] = "Unauthorized to delete this property"
errors[0xf700] = "Unauthorized to create this property"
errors[0xf701] = "No property create privilege"
errors[0xf800] = "Unauthorized to write to this property"
errors[0xf900] = "Unauthorized to read this property"
errors[0xfa00] = "Temporary remap error"
errors[0xfb00] = "No such property"
errors[0xfb01] = "The file server does not support this request"
errors[0xfb02] = "The specified property does not exist"
errors[0xfb03] = "The PASSWORD property does not exist for this bindery object"
errors[0xfc00] = "The message queue cannot accept another message"
errors[0xfc01] = "The trustee associated with ObjectId does not exist"
errors[0xfc02] = "The specified bindery object does not exist"
errors[0xfc03] = "The bindery object associated with ObjectID does not exist"
errors[0xfc04] = "A bindery object does not exist that matches"
errors[0xfc05] = "The specified queue does not exist"
errors[0xfc06] = "No such object"
errors[0xfc07] = "The queue associated with ObjectID does not exist"
errors[0xfd00] = "Bad station number"
errors[0xfd01] = "The connection associated with ConnectionNumber is not active"
errors[0xfd02] = "Lock collision"
errors[0xfd03] = "Transacktion tracking is disabled"
errors[0xfe00] = "I/O failure"
errors[0xfe01] = "The files containing the bindery on the file server are locked"
errors[0xfe02] = "A file with the specified name already exists in this directory"
errors[0xfe03] = "No more restrictions were found"
errors[0xfe04] = "The file server was unable to lock the file within the specified time limit"
errors[0xfe05] = "The file server was unable to lock all files within the specified time limit"
errors[0xfe06] = "The bindery object associated with ObjectID is not a valid trustee"
errors[0xfe07] = "Directory locked"
errors[0xfe08] = "Bindery locked"
errors[0xfe09] = "Invalid semaphore name length"
errors[0xfe0a] = "The file server was unable to complete the operation within the specified time limit"
errors[0xfe0b] = "Transaction restart"
errors[0xff00] = "Failure"
errors[0xff01] = "Lock error"
errors[0xff02] = "File not found"
errors[0xff03] = "The file not found or cannot be unlocked"
errors[0xff04] = "Record not found"
errors[0xff05] = "The logical record was not found"
errors[0xff06] = "The printer associated with PrinterNumber does not exist"
errors[0xff07] = "No such printer"
errors[0xff08] = "Unable to complete the request"
errors[0xff09] = "Unauthorized to change privileges of this trustee"
errors[0xff0a] = "No files matching the search criteria were found"
errors[0xff0b] = "A file matching the search criteria was not found"
errors[0xff0c] = "Verification failed"
errors[0xff0d] = "Object associated with ObjectID is not a manager"
errors[0xff0e] = "Invalid initial semaphore value"
errors[0xff0f] = "The semaphore handle is not valid"
errors[0xff10] = "SemaphoreHandle is not associated with a valid sempahore"
errors[0xff11] = "Invalid semaphore handle"
errors[0xff12] = "Transaction tracking is not available"
errors[0xff13] = "The transaction has not yet been written to disk"
errors[0xff14] = "Directory already exists"
errors[0xff15] = "The file already exists and the deletion flag was not set"
errors[0xff16] = "No matching files or directories were found"
errors[0xff17] = "A file or directory matching the search criteria was not found"
errors[0xff18] = "The file already exists"
errors[0xff19] = "No files found"
# NCP Packets
# 2222/02
pkt = NCP(0x02, "File Release Lock", 'sync')
pkt.CompletionCodes([0x0000, 0xff00])
# Untested
# 2222/03
#pkt = NCP(0x03, "Log File", 'sync')
#pkt.request( (12, 267), [
# [ 7, 1, DirHandle ],
# [ 8, 1, LogLockType ],
# [ 9, 2, TimeoutLimit, LE ],
# [ 11, (1, 256), FilePath ],
# ])
#pkt.completion_codes([0x0000, 0x8200, 0x9600, 0xfe00, 0xff01])
## 2222/04
#pkt = NCP(0x04, "Lock File Set", 'sync')
# [ 7, TimeoutLimit ],
# ])
#pkt.completion_codes([0xfe, 0xff01])
## 2222/05
#pkt = NCP(0x05, "Release File", 'sync')
# [ 7, DirHandle ],
# [ 8, FilePath ],
# ])
#pkt.completion_codes([0x7e, 0x98, 0x9b, 0x9c, 0xff02])
## 2222/06
#pkt = NCP(0x06, "Release File Set", 'sync')
# [ 7, UnknownByte ],
# ])
## 2222/07
#pkt = NCP(0x07, "Clear File", 'sync')
# [ 7, DirHandle ],
# [ 8, FilePath ],
# ])
#pkt.completion_codes([0x7e, 0x96, 0x98, 0x9b, 0x9c,
# 0xa1, 0xfd, 0xff])
## 2222/08
#pkt = NCP(0x08, "Clear File Set", 'sync')
# [ 7, FileLock ],
# ])
## 2222/09
#pkt = NCP(0x09, "Log Logical Record", 'sync')
# [ 7, LogicalLockType ],
# [ 8, TimeoutLimit_be ],
# [ 10, LogicalRecordName ],
# ])
#pkt.completion_codes([0x96, 0xfe, 0xff])
## 2222/0a
#pkt = NCP(0x0a, "Lock Logical Record Set", 'sync')
# [ 7, LogicalLockType ],
# [ 8, TimeoutLimit_le ],
# ])
#pkt.completion_codes([0xfe, 0xff])
## 2222/0b
#pkt = NCP(0x0b, "Clear Logical Record", 'sync')
# [7, LogicalRecordName ],
# ])
## 2222/0c
## 2222/0d
## 2222/0e
## 2222/0f
## 2222/11
## 2222/1100
#pkt = NCP(0x1100, "Lock Logical Record Set", 'sync')
# [ 10, var_length_data("data").length_var("packetlength") ]
# ])
# 2222/1735
pkt = NCP(0x1735, "Get Bindery Object ID", 'bindery')
pkt.Request((13,60), [
[ 10, 2, ObjectType ],
[ 12, (1,48), ObjectName ],
pkt.Reply(62, [
[ 8, 4, ObjectID ],
[ 12, 2, ObjectType ],
[ 14, 48, ObjectName ], # XXX
pkt.CompletionCodes([0x0000, 0x9600, 0xef01, 0xf000, 0xfc02,
0xfe01, 0xff00])
# 2222/1737
pkt = NCP(0x1737, "Scan Bindery Object", 'bindery')
pkt.Request((17,64), [
[ 10, 4, ObjectID ],
[ 14, 2, ObjectType ],
[ 12, (1,48), ObjectName ],
pkt.Reply(65, [
[ 8, 4, ObjectID ],
[ 12, 2, ObjectType ],
[ 14, 48, ObjectNameZ ], # XXX
[ 62, 1, ObjectFlags ],
[ 63, 1, ObjectSecurity ],
[ 64, 1, ObjectHasProperties ],
pkt.CompletionCodes([0x0000, 0x9600, 0xef01, 0xfc02,
0xfe01, 0xff00])
# 2222/173D
pkt = NCP(0x173D, "Read Property Value", 'bindery')
pkt.Request((15,77), [
[ 10, 2, ObjectType ],
[ 12, (1,48), ObjectName ],
[ -1, 1, PropertySegment ],
[ -1, (1,16), PropertyName ],
pkt.Reply(138, [
[ 8, 128, PropertyData ],
[ 136, 1, PropertyHasMoreSegments ],
[ 137, 1, PropertyType ],
pkt.CompletionCodes([0x0000, 0x8800, 0x9300, 0x9600, 0xec01,
0xf000, 0xf100, 0xf900, 0xfb02, 0xfc02, 0xfe01, 0xff00 ])
# 2222/177C
pkt = NCP(0x177C, "Service Queue Job", 'queue')
pkt.Request(16, [
[ 10, 4, ObjectID ],
[ 14, 2, JobType ],
pkt.Reply(24, [ # XXX - 76, [
[ 8, 4, ConnectionNumber ],
[ 12, 4, TaskNumber ],
[ 16, 4, ObjectID ],
[ 20, 4, ObjectID ],
# XXX - DateTime
# These completion codes are not documented, but guessed.
pkt.CompletionCodes([0x0000, 0x9900, 0xd000, 0xd100, 0xd201, 0xd300,
0xd401, 0xd502, 0xd601, 0xd704, 0xd800, 0xd901, 0xda01, 0xdb01,
0xff00 ])
# 2222/18
pkt = NCP(0x18, "End of Job", 'connection')
# 2222/19
pkt = NCP(0x19, "Logout", 'connection')
# 2222/21
pkt = NCP(0x21, "Negotiate Buffer Size", 'connection')
pkt.Request(9, [
[ 7, 2, BufferSize ],
pkt.Reply(10, [
[ 8, 2, BufferSize ],
# 2222/42
pkt = NCP(0x42, "Close File", 'file')
pkt.Request(13, [
[ 7, 6, FileHandle ],
pkt.CompletionCodes([0x0000, 0xff00])
# 2222/47
pkt = NCP(0x47, "Get Current Size of File", 'file')
pkt.Request(13, [
[ 7, 6, FileHandle ],
pkt.Reply(12, [
[ 8, 4, FileSize ],
pkt.CompletionCodes([0x0000, 0x8800])
# 2222/48
pkt = NCP(0x48, "Read From A File", 'file')
pkt.Request(20, [
[ 7, 1, UnknownByte ],
[ 8, 6, FileHandle ],
[ 14, 4, FileOffset ], # my nomenclature
[ 18, 2, MaxBytes ], # my nomenclature
pkt.Reply(10, [ # XXX - (10,-1), [
[ 8, 2, NumBytes ], # my nomenclature
pkt.CompletionCodes([0x0000, 0x8800, 0x9300, 0xff00])
# 2222/5701 - no info
# 2222/5702 - no info
# 2222/5706 - no info
# 2222/5714 - no info
# 2222/68 - no info
# 2222/72 - no info
# Produce C code
print "/*"
print " * Generated automatically from %s" % (sys.argv[0])
print " * Do not edit this file manually, as all changes will be lost."
print " */\n"
print """
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# include "config.h"
#include <glib.h>
#include "packet.h"
#include "conversation.h"
#include "ptvcursor.h"
#include "packet-ncp-int.h"
static int hf_ncp_func = -1;
static int hf_ncp_length = -1;
static int hf_ncp_subfunc = -1;
static int hf_ncp_completion_code = -1;
static int hf_ncp_connection_status = -1;
# Look at all packet types in the packets collection, and cull information
# from them.
packet_keys = []
for packet in packets.Members():
errors_used_list = []
errors_used_hash = {}
groups_used_list = []
groups_used_hash = {}
variables_used_hash = {}
for pkt in packets.Members():
# Determine which error codes are used.
codes = pkt.CompletionCodes()
for code in codes.Records():
if not errors_used_hash.has_key(code):
errors_used_hash[code] = len(errors_used_list)
# Determine which groups are used.
group = pkt.Group()
if not groups_used_hash.has_key(group):
groups_used_hash[group] = len(groups_used_list)
# Determine which variables are used.
vars = pkt.Variables()
for var in vars:
variables_used_hash[var] = 1
# Print the hf variable declarations
for var in variables_used_hash.keys():
print "static int " + var.HFName() + " = -1;"
# Print the value_string's
for var in variables_used_hash.keys():
if var.type == "val_string8" or var.type == "val_string16":
print ""
print `var`
print """
static hf_register_info hf[] = {
{ &hf_ncp_func,
{ "Function", "ncp.func", FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0x0, "" }},
{ &hf_ncp_length,
{ "Packet Length", "ncp.length", FT_UINT16, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x0, "" }},
{ &hf_ncp_subfunc,
{ "SubFunction", "ncp.subfunc", FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0x0, "" }},
{ &hf_ncp_completion_code,
{ "Completion Code", "ncp.completion_code", FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0x0, "" }},
{ &hf_ncp_connection_status,
{ "Connection Status", "ncp.connection_status", FT_UINT8, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x0, "" }},
# Print the registration code for the hf variables
for var in variables_used_hash.keys():
print "\t{ &%s," % (var.HFName())
print "\t{ \"%s\", \"%s\", %s, %s, %s, 0x%x, \"\" }},\n" % \
(var.Description(), var.DFilter(),
var.EtherealFType(), var.Display(), var.ValuesName(),
print """\t};
proto_register_field_array(proto_ncp, hf, array_length(hf));
# Determine which error codes are not used
errors_not_used = {}
# Copy the keys from the error list...
for code in errors.keys():
errors_not_used[code] = 1
# ... and remove the ones that *were* used.
for code in errors_used_list:
del errors_not_used[code]
# Print a remark showing errors not used
list_errors_not_used = errors_not_used.keys()
for code in list_errors_not_used:
print "/* Error 0x%04x not used: %s */" % (code, errors[code])
print "\n"
# Print the errors table
print "/* Error strings. */"
print "static const char *ncp_errors[] = {"
for code in errors_used_list:
print '\t/* %02d (0x%04x) */ "%s",' % (errors_used_hash[code], code, errors[code])
print "};\n"
# Determine which groups are not used
groups_not_used = {}
# Copy the keys from the group list...
for group in groups.keys():
groups_not_used[group] = 1
# ... and remove the ones that *were* used.
for group in groups_used_list:
del groups_not_used[group]
# Print a remark showing groups not used
list_groups_not_used = groups_not_used.keys()
for group in list_groups_not_used:
print "/* Group not used: %s = %s */" % (group, groups[group])
print "\n"
# Print the groups table
print "/* Group strings. */"
print "static const char *ncp_groups[] = {"
for group in groups_used_list:
print '\t/* %02d (%s) */ "%s",' % (groups_used_hash[group], group, groups[group])
print "};\n"
# Print PTVC's
print "/* PTVC records. These are re-used to save space. */"
for ptvc in ptvc_lists.Members():
if not ptvc.Null() and not ptvc.Empty():
print "static const ptvc_record %s[] = {" % (ptvc.Name())
records = ptvc.Records()
for ptvc_rec in records:
print "\t%s," % (ptvc_rec)
print "\t{ NULL, 0, 0 }"
print "};\n"
# Print error_equivalency tables
print "/* Error-Equivalency Tables. These are re-used to save space. */"
for compcodes in compcode_lists.Members():
errors = compcodes.Records()
# Make sure the record for error = 0x00 comes last.
print "static const error_equivalency %s[] = {" % (compcodes.Name())
for error in errors:
error_in_packet = error >> 8;
ncp_error_index = errors_used_hash[error]
print "\t{ 0x%02x, %d }, /* 0x%04x */" % (error_in_packet,
ncp_error_index, error)
print "\t{ 0x00, -1 }\n};\n"
# Print ncp_record packet records
print "#define SUBFUNC 0xff"
print "#define NOSUB 0x00"
print "/* ncp_record structs for packets */"
print "static const ncp_record ncp_packets[] = {"
for pkt in packets.Members():
if pkt.HasSubFunction():
subfunc_string = "SUBFUNC"
subfunc_string = "NOSUB"
print '\t{ 0x%02x, 0x%02x, %s, "%s",' % (pkt.FunctionCode('high'),
pkt.FunctionCode('low'), subfunc_string, pkt.Description()),
print '\t%d /* %s */,' % (groups_used_hash[pkt.Group()], pkt.Group())
ptvc = pkt.PTVCRequest()
if not ptvc.Null() and not ptvc.Empty():
ptvc_request = ptvc.Name()
ptvc_request = 'NULL'
ptvc = pkt.PTVCReply()
if not ptvc.Null() and not ptvc.Empty():
ptvc_reply = ptvc.Name()
ptvc_reply = 'NULL'
errors = pkt.CompletionCodes()
print '\t\t%s, NULL, %s, NULL,' % (ptvc_request, ptvc_reply)
print '\t\t%s },\n' % (errors.Name())
print '\t{ 0, 0, 0, NULL }'
print "};\n"
print "/* ncp funcs that require a subfunc */"
print "static const guint8 ncp_func_requires_subfunc[] = {"
hi_seen = {}
for pkt in packets.Members():
if pkt.HasSubFunction():
hi_func = pkt.FunctionCode('high')
if not hi_seen.has_key(hi_func):
print "\t0x%02x," % (hi_func)
hi_seen[hi_func] = 1
print "\t0"
print "};\n"
print '#include "ncp2222.h"'