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* k12.c
* routines for importing tektronix k12xx *.rf5 files
* Copyright (c) 2005, Luis E. Garia Ontanon <luis@ontanon.org>
* Wiretap Library
* Copyright (c) 1998 by Gilbert Ramirez <gram@alumni.rice.edu>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#include "config.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "wtap-int.h"
#include "file_wrappers.h"
#include "k12.h"
#include <wsutil/str_util.h>
#include <wsutil/glib-compat.h>
* See
* https://www.tek.com/manual/record-file-api-programmer-manual
* for some information about the file format. You may have to fill in
* a form to download the document ("Record File API Programmer Manual").
* Unfortunately, it describes an API that delivers records from an rf5
* file, not the raw format of an rf5 file, so, while it gives the formats
* of the records with various types, it does not indicate how those records
* are stored in the file.
static int k12_file_type_subtype = -1;
void register_k12(void);
/* #define DEBUG_K12 */
#ifdef DEBUG_K12
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <wsutil/file_util.h>
FILE* dbg_out = NULL;
char* env_file = NULL;
static unsigned int debug_level = 0;
void k12_fprintf(const char* fmt, ...) {
va_list ap;
vfprintf(dbg_out, fmt, ap);
#define CAT(a,b) a##b
#define K12_DBG(level,args) do { if (level <= debug_level) { \
fprintf(dbg_out,"%s:%d: ",CAT(__FI,LE__),CAT(__LI,NE__)); \
k12_fprintf args ; \
fprintf(dbg_out,"\n"); \
} } while(0)
void k12_hex_ascii_dump(guint level, gint64 offset, const char* label, const unsigned char* b, unsigned int len) {
static const char* c2t[] = {
unsigned int i, j;
if (debug_level < level) return;
fprintf(dbg_out,"%s(%.8" G_GINT64_MODIFIER "x,%.4x):\n",label,offset,len);
for (i=0 ; i<len ; i += 16) {
for (j=0; j<16; j++) {
if ((j%4)==0)
fprintf(dbg_out," ");
if ((i+j)<len)
fprintf(dbg_out, "%s", c2t[b[i+j]]);
fprintf(dbg_out, " ");
fprintf(dbg_out, " ");
for (j=0; j<16; j++) {
if ((i+j)<len)
fprintf(dbg_out, "%c", g_ascii_isprint(b[i+j]) ? b[i+j] : '.');
#define K12_HEX_ASCII_DUMP(x,a,b,c,d) k12_hex_ascii_dump(x,a,b,c,d)
void k12_ascii_dump(guint level, guint8 *buf, guint32 len, guint32 buf_offset) {
guint32 i;
if (debug_level < level) return;
for (i = buf_offset; i < len; i++) {
if (g_ascii_isprint(buf[i]) || buf[i] == '\n' || buf[i] == '\t')
putc(buf[i], dbg_out);
else if (buf[i] == '\0')
fprintf(dbg_out, "(NUL)\n");
#define K12_ASCII_DUMP(x,a,b,c) k12_ascii_dump(x,a,b,c)
#define K12_DBG(level,args) (void)0
#define K12_HEX_ASCII_DUMP(x,a,b,c,d)
#define K12_ASCII_DUMP(x,a,b,c)
* A 32-bit .rf5 file begins with a 512-byte file header, containing:
* a 32-bit big-endian file header length, in bytes - always 512 in
* the files we've seen;
* 4 unknown bytes, always 0x12 0x05 0x00 0x10;
* a 32-bit big-endian file length, giving the total length of the file,
* in bytes;
* a 32-bit big-endian number giving the "page size" of the file, in
* bytes, which is normally 8192;
* 20 unknown bytes;
* a 32-bit count of the number of records in the file;
* 4 unknown bytes;
* a 32-bit count of the number of records in the file;
* 464 unknown bytes;
* followed by a sequence of records containing:
* a 32-bit big-endian record length;
* a 32-bit big-endian record type;
* a 32-bit big-endian frame length;
* a 32-bit big-endian source ID.
* Every 8192 bytes, starting immediately after the 512-byte header,
* there's a 16-byte blob; it's not part of the record data.
* There's no obvious pattern to the data; it might be junk left
* in memory as the file was being written.
* There's a 16-bit terminator FFFF at the end.
* Older versions of the Wireshark .rf5 writing code incorrectly wrote
* the header - they put 512 in the file length field (counting only the
* header), put a count of records into the "page size" field, and wrote
* out zeroes in the rest of the header. We detect those files by
* checking whether the rest of the header is zero.
* We use the first 8 bytes of the file header as a magic number.
static const guint8 k12_file_magic[] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00 ,0x12, 0x05, 0x00, 0x10 };
#define K12_FILE_HDR_LEN 512
* Offsets in the file header.
#define K12_FILE_HDR_MAGIC_NUMBER 0x00
#define K12_FILE_HDR_FILE_SIZE 0x08
#define K12_FILE_HDR_PAGE_SIZE 0x0C
#define K12_FILE_HDR_RECORD_COUNT_1 0x24
#define K12_FILE_HDR_RECORD_COUNT_2 0x2C
#define K12_FILE_BLOB_LEN 16
typedef struct {
guint32 file_len;
guint32 num_of_records; /* XXX: not sure about this */
GHashTable* src_by_id; /* k12_srcdsc_recs by input */
GHashTable* src_by_name; /* k12_srcdsc_recs by stack_name */
guint8 *seq_read_buff; /* read buffer for sequential reading */
guint seq_read_buff_len; /* length of that buffer */
guint8 *rand_read_buff; /* read buffer for random reading */
guint rand_read_buff_len; /* length of that buffer */
Buffer extra_info; /* Buffer to hold per packet extra information */
} k12_t;
typedef struct _k12_src_desc_t {
guint32 input;
guint32 input_type;
gchar* input_name;
gchar* stack_file;
k12_input_info_t input_info;
} k12_src_desc_t;
* According to the Tektronix documentation, this value is a combination of
* a "group" code and a "type" code, with both being 2-byte values and
* with the "group" code followe by the "type" code. The "group" values
* are:
* 0x0001 - "data event"
* 0x0002 - "text or L1 event"
* 0x0007 - "configuration event"
* and the "type" values are:
* data events:
* 0x0020 - "frame" (i.e., "an actual packet")
* 0x0021 - "transparent frame"
* 0x0022 - "bit data (TRAU frame)"
* 0x0024 - "used to mark the frame which is a fragment"
* 0x0026 - "used to mark the frame which is a fragment"
* 0x0028 - "used to mark the frame which is generated by the LSA"
* 0x002A - "used to mark the frame which is generated by the LSA"
* text or L1 events:
* 0x0030 - "text event"
* 0x0031 - "L1 event"
* 0x0032 - "L1 event (BAI)"
* 0x0033 - "L1 event (VX)"
* configuration events:
* 0x0040 - Logical Data Source configuration event
* 0x0041 - Logical Link configuration event
/* so far we've seen these types of records */
#define K12_REC_PACKET 0x00010020 /* an actual packet */
#define K12_REC_D0020 0x000d0020 /* an actual packet, seen in a k18 file */
#define K12_REC_SCENARIO 0x00070040 /* what appears as the window's title */
#define K12_REC_SRCDSC 0x00070041 /* port-stack mapping + more, the key of the whole thing */
#define K12_REC_STK_FILE 0x00070042 /* a dump of an stk file */
#define K12_REC_SRCDSC2 0x00070043 /* another port-stack mapping */
#define K12_REC_TEXT 0x00070044 /* a string containing something with a grammar (conditions/responses?) */
#define K12_REC_START 0x00020030 /* a string containing human readable start time */
#define K12_REC_STOP 0x00020031 /* a string containing human readable stop time */
* According to the Tektronix documentation, packets, i.e. "data events",
* have several different group/type values, which differ in the last
* nibble of the type code. For now, we just mask that nibble off; the
* format of the items are different, so we might have to treat different
* data event types differently.
#define K12_MASK_PACKET 0xfffffff0
/* offsets of elements in the records */
#define K12_RECORD_LEN 0x0 /* uint32, in bytes */
#define K12_RECORD_TYPE 0x4 /* uint32, see above */
#define K12_RECORD_FRAME_LEN 0x8 /* uint32, in bytes */
#define K12_RECORD_SRC_ID 0xc /* uint32 */
* Some records from K15 files have a port ID of an undeclared
* interface which happens to be the only one with the first byte changed.
* It is still unknown how to recognize when this happens.
* If the lookup of the interface record fails we'll mask it
* and retry.
#define K12_RECORD_SRC_ID_MASK 0x00ffffff
/* elements of packet records */
#define K12_PACKET_TIMESTAMP 0x18 /* int64 (8b) representing 1/2us since 01-01-1990 Z00:00:00 */
#define K12_PACKET_FRAME 0x20 /* start of the actual frame in the record */
#define K12_PACKET_FRAME_D0020 0x34 /* start of the actual frame in the record */
#define K12_PACKET_OFFSET_VP 0x08 /* 2 bytes, big endian */
#define K12_PACKET_OFFSET_VC 0x0a /* 2 bytes, big endian */
#define K12_PACKET_OFFSET_CID 0x0c /* 1 byte */
/* elements of the source description records */
#define K12_SRCDESC_COLOR_FOREGROUND 0x12 /* 1 byte */
#define K12_SRCDESC_COLOR_BACKGROUND 0x13 /* 1 byte */
#define K12_SRCDESC_PORT_TYPE 0x1a /* 1 byte */
#define K12_SRCDESC_HWPARTLEN 0x1e /* uint16, big endian */
#define K12_SRCDESC_NAMELEN 0x20 /* uint16, big endian */
#define K12_SRCDESC_STACKLEN 0x22 /* uint16, big endian */
/* Hardware part of the record */
#define K12_SRCDESC_HWPART 0x24 /* offset of the hardware part */
/* Offsets relative to the beginning of the hardware part */
#define K12_SRCDESC_HWPARTTYPE 0 /* uint32, big endian */
#define K12_SRCDESC_DS0_MASK 24 /* variable-length */
#define K12_SRCDESC_ATM_VPI 20 /* uint16, big endian */
#define K12_SRCDESC_ATM_VCI 22 /* uint16, big endian */
#define K12_SRCDESC_ATM_AAL 24 /* 1 byte */
* A "stack file", as appears in a K12_REC_STK_FILE record, is a text
* file (with CR-LF line endings) with a sequence of lines, each of
* which begins with a keyword, and has white-space-separated tokens
* after that.
* They appear to be:
* STKVER, which is followed by a number (presumably a version number
* for the stack file format)
* STACK, which is followed by a quoted string ("ProtocolStack" in one
* file) and two numbers
* PATH, which is followed by a non-quoted string giving the pathname
* of the directory containing the stack file
* HLAYER, which is followed by a quoted string, a path for something
* (protocol module?), a keyword ("LOADED", in one file), and a
* quoted string giving a description - this is probably a protocol
* layer of some sort
* LAYER, which has a similar syntax to HLAYER - the first quoted
* string is a protocol name
* RELATION, which has a quoted string giving a protocol name,
* another quoted string giving a protocol name, and a condition
* specifier of some sort, which probably says the second protocol
* is layered atop the first protocol if the condition is true.
* The first protocol can also be "BASE", which means that the
* second protocol is the lowest-level protocol.
* The conditions are:
* CPLX, which may mean "complex" - it has parenthesized expressions
* including "&", presumably a boolean AND, with the individual
* tests being L:expr, where L is a letter such as "L", "D", or "P",
* and expr is:
* 0x........ for L, where each . is a hex digit or a ?, presumably
* meaning "don't care"
* 0;0{=,!=}0b........ for D, where . is presumably a bit or a ?
* param=value for P, where param is something such as "src_port"
* and value is a value, presumably to test, for example, TCP or
* UDP ports
* UNCOND, presumably meaning "always"
* PARAM, followed by a parameter name (as with P:) and a value,
* possibly followed by LAYPARAM and a hex value
* DECKRNL, followed by a quoted string protocol name, un-quoted
* "LSBF" or "MSBF" (Least/Most Significant Byte First?), and
* an un-quoted string ending with _DK
* LAYPARAM, followed by a quoted protocol name and a number (-2147221504
* in one file, which is 0x80040000)
* SPC_CONF, folloed by a number, a quoted string with numbers separated
* by hyphens, and another number
* CIC_CONF, with a similar syntax to SPC_CONF
* LAYPOS, followed by a protocol name or "BASE" and 3 numbers.
* Most of this is probably not useful, but the RELATION lines with
* "BASE" could be used to figure out how to start the dissection
* (if we knew what "L" and "D" did), and *some* of the others might
* be useful if they don't match what's already in various dissector
* tables (the ones for IP and a higher-level protocol, for example,
* aren't very useful, as those are standardized, but the ones for
* TCP, UDP, and SCTP ports, and SCTP PPIs, might be useful).
* get_record: Get the next record into a buffer
* Every 8192 bytes 16 bytes are inserted in the file,
* even in the middle of a record.
* This reads the next record without the eventual 16 bytes.
* returns the length of the record + the stuffing (if any)
* Returns number of bytes read on success, 0 on EOF, -1 on error;
* if -1 is returned, *err is set to the error indication and, for
* errors where that's appropriate, *err_info is set to an additional
* error string.
* XXX: works at most with 8191 bytes per record
static gint get_record(k12_t *file_data, FILE_T fh, gint64 file_offset,
gboolean is_random, int *err, gchar **err_info) {
guint8 *buffer = is_random ? file_data->rand_read_buff : file_data->seq_read_buff;
guint buffer_len = is_random ? file_data->rand_read_buff_len : file_data->seq_read_buff_len;
guint total_read = 0;
guint left;
guint8* writep;
#ifdef DEBUG_K12
guint actual_len;
* Where the next unknown 16 bytes are stuffed to the file.
* Following the file header, they appear every 8192 bytes,
* starting right after the file header, so if the file offset
* relative to the file header is a multiple of 8192, the
* 16-byte blob is there.
guint junky_offset = 8192 - (gint) ( (file_offset - K12_FILE_HDR_LEN) % 8192 );
K12_DBG(6,("get_record: ENTER: junky_offset=%" G_GINT64_MODIFIER "d, file_offset=%" G_GINT64_MODIFIER "d",junky_offset,file_offset));
/* no buffer is given, lets create it */
if (buffer == NULL) {
buffer = (guint8*)g_malloc(8192);
buffer_len = 8192;
if (is_random) {
file_data->rand_read_buff = buffer;
file_data->rand_read_buff_len = buffer_len;
} else {
file_data->seq_read_buff = buffer;
file_data->seq_read_buff_len = buffer_len;
if ( junky_offset == 8192 ) {
* We're at the beginning of one of the 16-byte blobs,
* so we first need to skip the blob.
* XXX - what if the blob is in the middle of the record
* length? If the record length is always a multiple of
* 4 bytes, that won't happen.
if ( ! wtap_read_bytes( fh, NULL, K12_FILE_BLOB_LEN, err, err_info ) )
return -1;
total_read += K12_FILE_BLOB_LEN;
* Read the record length.
if ( !wtap_read_bytes( fh, buffer, 4, err, err_info ) )
return -1;
total_read += 4;
left = pntoh32(buffer + K12_RECORD_LEN);
#ifdef DEBUG_K12
actual_len = left;
junky_offset -= 4;
K12_DBG(5,("get_record: GET length=%u",left));
* Record length must be at least large enough for the length
* and type, hence 8 bytes.
* XXX - is WTAP_MAX_PACKET_SIZE_STANDARD the right check for a maximum
* record size? Should we report this error differently?
if (left < 8) {
*err_info = g_strdup_printf("k12: Record length %u is less than 8 bytes long",left);
return -1;
*err_info = g_strdup_printf("k12: Record length %u is greater than the maximum %u",left,WTAP_MAX_PACKET_SIZE_STANDARD);
return -1;
* XXX - calculate the lowest power of 2 >= left, rather than just
* looping.
while (left > buffer_len) {
buffer = (guint8*)g_realloc(buffer,buffer_len*=2);
if (is_random) {
file_data->rand_read_buff = buffer;
file_data->rand_read_buff_len = buffer_len;
} else {
file_data->seq_read_buff = buffer;
file_data->seq_read_buff_len = buffer_len;
writep = buffer + 4;
left -= 4;
/* Read the rest of the record. */
do {
K12_DBG(6,("get_record: looping left=%d junky_offset=%" G_GINT64_MODIFIER "d",left,junky_offset));
if (junky_offset > left) {
* The next 16-byte blob is past the end of this record.
* Just read the rest of the record.
if ( !wtap_read_bytes( fh, writep, left, err, err_info ) )
return -1;
total_read += left;
} else {
* The next 16-byte blob is part of this record.
* Read up to the blob.
if ( !wtap_read_bytes( fh, writep, junky_offset, err, err_info ) )
return -1;
total_read += junky_offset;
writep += junky_offset;
* Skip the blob.
if ( !wtap_read_bytes( fh, NULL, K12_FILE_BLOB_LEN, err, err_info ) )
return -1;
total_read += K12_FILE_BLOB_LEN;
left -= junky_offset;
junky_offset = 8192;
} while(left);
K12_HEX_ASCII_DUMP(5,file_offset, "GOT record", buffer, actual_len);
return total_read;
static gboolean
memiszero(const void *ptr, size_t count)
const guint8 *p = (const guint8 *)ptr;
while (count != 0) {
if (*p != 0)
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
static gboolean
process_packet_data(wtap_rec *rec, Buffer *target, guint8 *buffer,
guint record_len, k12_t *k12, int *err, gchar **err_info)
guint32 type;
guint buffer_offset;
guint64 ts;
guint32 length;
guint32 extra_len;
guint32 src_id;
k12_src_desc_t* src_desc;
type = pntoh32(buffer + K12_RECORD_TYPE);
buffer_offset = (type == K12_REC_D0020) ? K12_PACKET_FRAME_D0020 : K12_PACKET_FRAME;
if (buffer_offset > record_len) {
*err_info = g_strdup_printf("k12: Frame data offset %u > record length %u",
buffer_offset, record_len);
return FALSE;
length = pntoh32(buffer + K12_RECORD_FRAME_LEN) & 0x00001FFF;
if (length > record_len - buffer_offset) {
*err_info = g_strdup_printf("k12: Frame length %u > record frame data %u",
length, record_len - buffer_offset);
return FALSE;
rec->rec_type = REC_TYPE_PACKET;
rec->block = wtap_block_create(WTAP_BLOCK_PACKET);
rec->presence_flags = WTAP_HAS_TS;
ts = pntoh64(buffer + K12_PACKET_TIMESTAMP);
rec->ts.secs = (time_t) ((ts / 2000000) + 631152000);
rec->ts.nsecs = (guint32) ( (ts % 2000000) * 500 );
rec->rec_header.packet_header.len = rec->rec_header.packet_header.caplen = length;
ws_buffer_assure_space(target, length);
memcpy(ws_buffer_start_ptr(target), buffer + buffer_offset, length);
/* extra information need by some protocols */
extra_len = record_len - buffer_offset - length;
ws_buffer_assure_space(&(k12->extra_info), extra_len);
buffer + buffer_offset + length, extra_len);
rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.k12.extra_info = (guint8*)ws_buffer_start_ptr(&(k12->extra_info));
rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.k12.extra_length = extra_len;
src_id = pntoh32(buffer + K12_RECORD_SRC_ID);
K12_DBG(5,("process_packet_data: src_id=%.8x",src_id));
rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.k12.input = src_id;
if ( ! (src_desc = (k12_src_desc_t*)g_hash_table_lookup(k12->src_by_id,GUINT_TO_POINTER(src_id))) ) {
* Some records from K15 files have a port ID of an undeclared
* interface which happens to be the only one with the first byte changed.
* It is still unknown how to recognize when this happens.
* If the lookup of the interface record fails we'll mask it
* and retry.
src_desc = (k12_src_desc_t*)g_hash_table_lookup(k12->src_by_id,GUINT_TO_POINTER(src_id&K12_RECORD_SRC_ID_MASK));
if (src_desc) {
K12_DBG(5,("process_packet_data: input_name='%s' stack_file='%s' type=%x",src_desc->input_name,src_desc->stack_file,src_desc->input_type));
rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.k12.input_name = src_desc->input_name;
rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.k12.stack_file = src_desc->stack_file;
rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.k12.input_type = src_desc->input_type;
switch(src_desc->input_type) {
if (buffer_offset + length + K12_PACKET_OFFSET_CID < record_len) {
rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.k12.input_info.atm.vp = pntoh16(buffer + buffer_offset + length + K12_PACKET_OFFSET_VP);
rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.k12.input_info.atm.vc = pntoh16(buffer + buffer_offset + length + K12_PACKET_OFFSET_VC);
rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.k12.input_info.atm.cid = *((unsigned char*)(buffer + buffer_offset + length + K12_PACKET_OFFSET_CID));
/* Fall through */
} else {
K12_DBG(5,("process_packet_data: NO SRC_RECORD FOUND"));
rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.k12.input_name = "unknown port";
rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.k12.stack_file = "unknown stack file";
rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.k12.input = src_id;
rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.k12.stuff = k12;
return TRUE;
static gboolean k12_read(wtap *wth, wtap_rec *rec, Buffer *buf, int *err, gchar **err_info, gint64 *data_offset) {
k12_t *k12 = (k12_t *)wth->priv;
k12_src_desc_t* src_desc;
guint8* buffer;
gint64 offset;
gint len;
guint32 type;
guint32 src_id;
offset = file_tell(wth->fh);
/* ignore the record if it isn't a packet */
do {
if ( k12->num_of_records == 0 ) {
/* No more records */
*err = 0;
return FALSE;
K12_DBG(5,("k12_read: offset=%i",offset));
*data_offset = offset;
len = get_record(k12, wth->fh, offset, FALSE, err, err_info);
if (len < 0) {
/* read error */
return FALSE;
} else if (len == 0) {
/* EOF */
return FALSE;
} else if (len < K12_RECORD_SRC_ID + 4) {
/* Record not large enough to contain a src ID */
*err_info = g_strdup_printf("k12: Data record length %d too short", len);
return FALSE;
buffer = k12->seq_read_buff;
type = pntoh32(buffer + K12_RECORD_TYPE);
src_id = pntoh32(buffer + K12_RECORD_SRC_ID);
if ( ! (src_desc = (k12_src_desc_t*)g_hash_table_lookup(k12->src_by_id,GUINT_TO_POINTER(src_id))) ) {
* Some records from K15 files have a port ID of an undeclared
* interface which happens to be the only one with the first byte changed.
* It is still unknown how to recognize when this happens.
* If the lookup of the interface record fails we'll mask it
* and retry.
src_desc = (k12_src_desc_t*)g_hash_table_lookup(k12->src_by_id,GUINT_TO_POINTER(src_id&K12_RECORD_SRC_ID_MASK));
K12_DBG(5,("k12_read: record type=%x src_id=%x",type,src_id));
offset += len;
} while ( ((type & K12_MASK_PACKET) != K12_REC_PACKET && (type & K12_MASK_PACKET) != K12_REC_D0020) || !src_id || !src_desc );
return process_packet_data(rec, buf, buffer, (guint)len, k12, err, err_info);
static gboolean k12_seek_read(wtap *wth, gint64 seek_off, wtap_rec *rec, Buffer *buf, int *err, gchar **err_info) {
k12_t *k12 = (k12_t *)wth->priv;
guint8* buffer;
gint len;
gboolean status;
K12_DBG(5,("k12_seek_read: ENTER"));
if ( file_seek(wth->random_fh, seek_off, SEEK_SET, err) == -1) {
K12_DBG(5,("k12_seek_read: SEEK ERROR"));
return FALSE;
len = get_record(k12, wth->random_fh, seek_off, TRUE, err, err_info);
if (len < 0) {
K12_DBG(5,("k12_seek_read: READ ERROR"));
return FALSE;
} else if (len < K12_RECORD_SRC_ID + 4) {
/* Record not large enough to contain a src ID */
K12_DBG(5,("k12_seek_read: SHORT READ"));
return FALSE;
buffer = k12->rand_read_buff;
status = process_packet_data(rec, buf, buffer, (guint)len, k12, err, err_info);
K12_DBG(5,("k12_seek_read: DONE OK"));
return status;
static k12_t* new_k12_file_data(void) {
k12_t* fd = g_new(k12_t,1);
fd->file_len = 0;
fd->num_of_records = 0;
fd->src_by_name = g_hash_table_new(g_str_hash,g_str_equal);
fd->src_by_id = g_hash_table_new(g_direct_hash,g_direct_equal);
fd->seq_read_buff = NULL;
fd->seq_read_buff_len = 0;
fd->rand_read_buff = NULL;
fd->rand_read_buff_len = 0;
ws_buffer_init(&(fd->extra_info), 100);
return fd;
static gboolean destroy_srcdsc(gpointer k _U_, gpointer v, gpointer p _U_) {
k12_src_desc_t* rec = (k12_src_desc_t*)v;
return TRUE;
static void destroy_k12_file_data(k12_t* fd) {
static void k12_close(wtap *wth) {
k12_t *k12 = (k12_t *)wth->priv;
wth->priv = NULL; /* destroy_k12_file_data freed it */
#ifdef DEBUG_K12
K12_DBG(5,("k12_close: CLOSED"));
if (env_file) fclose(dbg_out);
wtap_open_return_val k12_open(wtap *wth, int *err, gchar **err_info) {
k12_src_desc_t* rec;
guint8 header_buffer[K12_FILE_HDR_LEN];
guint8* read_buffer;
guint32 type;
long offset;
long len;
guint port_type;
guint32 rec_len;
guint32 hwpart_len;
guint32 name_len;
guint32 stack_len;
guint i;
k12_t* file_data;
#ifdef DEBUG_K12
gchar* env_level = getenv("K12_DEBUG_LEVEL");
env_file = getenv("K12_DEBUG_FILENAME");
if ( env_file ) {
dbg_out = ws_fopen(env_file,"w");
if (dbg_out == NULL) {
dbg_out = stderr;
K12_DBG(1,("unable to open K12 DEBUG FILENAME for writing! Logging to standard error"));
dbg_out = stderr;
if ( env_level ) debug_level = (unsigned int)strtoul(env_level,NULL,10);
K12_DBG(1,("k12_open: ENTER debug_level=%u",debug_level));
if ( !wtap_read_bytes(wth->fh,header_buffer,K12_FILE_HDR_LEN,err,err_info) ) {
if (*err != WTAP_ERR_SHORT_READ) {
if ( memcmp(header_buffer,k12_file_magic,8) != 0 ) {
K12_DBG(1,("k12_open: BAD MAGIC"));
offset = K12_FILE_HDR_LEN;
file_data = new_k12_file_data();
file_data->file_len = pntoh32( header_buffer + 0x8);
if (memiszero(header_buffer + 0x10, K12_FILE_HDR_LEN - 0x10)) {
* The rest of the file header is all zeroes. That means
* this is a file written by the old Wireshark code, and
* a count of records in the file is at an offset of 0x0C.
file_data->num_of_records = pntoh32( header_buffer + 0x0C );
} else {
* There's at least one non-zero byte in the rest of the
* header. The value 8192 is at 0xC (page size?), and
* what appears to be the number of records in the file
* is at an offset of 0x24 and at an offset of 0x2c.
* If the two values are not the same, we fail; if that's
* the case, we need to see the file to figure out which
* of those two values, if any, is the count.
file_data->num_of_records = pntoh32( header_buffer + K12_FILE_HDR_RECORD_COUNT_1 );
if ( file_data->num_of_records != pntoh32( header_buffer + K12_FILE_HDR_RECORD_COUNT_2 ) ) {
*err_info = g_strdup_printf("k12: two different record counts, %u at 0x%02x and %u at 0x%02x",
pntoh32( header_buffer + K12_FILE_HDR_RECORD_COUNT_2 ),
K12_DBG(5,("k12_open: FILE_HEADER OK: offset=%x file_len=%i records=%i",
file_data->num_of_records ));
do {
if ( file_data->num_of_records == 0 ) {
len = get_record(file_data, wth->fh, offset, FALSE, err, err_info);
if ( len < 0 ) {
K12_DBG(1,("k12_open: BAD HEADER RECORD",len));
if ( len == 0 ) {
K12_DBG(1,("k12_open: BAD HEADER RECORD",len));
read_buffer = file_data->seq_read_buff;
rec_len = pntoh32( read_buffer + K12_RECORD_LEN );
if (rec_len < K12_RECORD_TYPE + 4) {
/* Record isn't long enough to have a type field */
*err_info = g_strdup_printf("k12: record length %u < %u",
rec_len, K12_RECORD_TYPE + 4);
type = pntoh32( read_buffer + K12_RECORD_TYPE );
if ( (type & K12_MASK_PACKET) == K12_REC_PACKET ||
(type & K12_MASK_PACKET) == K12_REC_D0020) {
* we are at the first packet record, rewind and leave.
if (file_seek(wth->fh, offset, SEEK_SET, err) == -1) {
K12_DBG(5,("k12_open: FIRST PACKET offset=%x",offset));
switch (type) {
case K12_REC_SRCDSC:
case K12_REC_SRCDSC2:
rec = g_new0(k12_src_desc_t,1);
if (rec_len < K12_SRCDESC_HWPART) {
* Record isn't long enough to have the fixed-length portion
* of the source descriptor field.
*err_info = g_strdup_printf("k12: source descriptor record length %u < %u",
rec_len, K12_SRCDESC_HWPART);
port_type = read_buffer[K12_SRCDESC_PORT_TYPE];
hwpart_len = pntoh16( read_buffer + K12_SRCDESC_HWPARTLEN );
name_len = pntoh16( read_buffer + K12_SRCDESC_NAMELEN );
stack_len = pntoh16( read_buffer + K12_SRCDESC_STACKLEN );
rec->input = pntoh32( read_buffer + K12_RECORD_SRC_ID );
K12_DBG(5,("k12_open: INTERFACE RECORD offset=%x interface=%x",offset,rec->input));
if (name_len == 0) {
K12_DBG(5,("k12_open: failed (name_len == 0 in source description"));
if (stack_len == 0) {
K12_DBG(5,("k12_open: failed (stack_len == 0 in source description"));
if (rec_len < K12_SRCDESC_HWPART + hwpart_len + name_len + stack_len) {
* Record isn't long enough to have the full source descriptor
* field, including the variable-length parts.
*err_info = g_strdup_printf("k12: source descriptor record length %u < %u (%u + %u + %u + %u)",
K12_SRCDESC_HWPART + hwpart_len + name_len + stack_len,
K12_SRCDESC_HWPART, hwpart_len, name_len, stack_len);
if (hwpart_len) {
if (hwpart_len < 4) {
/* Hardware part isn't long enough to have a type field */
*err_info = g_strdup_printf("k12: source descriptor hardware part length %u < 4",
switch(( rec->input_type = pntoh32( read_buffer + K12_SRCDESC_HWPART + K12_SRCDESC_HWPARTTYPE ) )) {
case K12_PORT_DS0S:
/* This appears to be variable-length */
rec->input_info.ds0mask = 0x00000000;
if (hwpart_len > K12_SRCDESC_DS0_MASK) {
for (i = 0; i < hwpart_len - K12_SRCDESC_DS0_MASK; i++) {
rec->input_info.ds0mask |= ( *(read_buffer + K12_SRCDESC_HWPART + K12_SRCDESC_DS0_MASK + i) == 0xff ) ? 1U<<(31-i) : 0x0;
if (hwpart_len < K12_SRCDESC_ATM_VCI + 2) {
/* Hardware part isn't long enough to have ATM information */
*err_info = g_strdup_printf("k12: source descriptor hardware part length %u < %u",
rec->input_info.atm.vp = pntoh16( read_buffer + K12_SRCDESC_HWPART + K12_SRCDESC_ATM_VPI );
rec->input_info.atm.vc = pntoh16( read_buffer + K12_SRCDESC_HWPART + K12_SRCDESC_ATM_VCI );
} else {
/* Record viewer generated files don't have this information */
if (port_type >= 0x14
&& port_type <= 0x17) {
/* For ATM2_E1DS1, ATM2_E3DS3,
rec->input_type = K12_PORT_ATMPVC;
rec->input_info.atm.vp = 0;
rec->input_info.atm.vc = 0;
if (read_buffer[K12_SRCDESC_HWPART + hwpart_len + name_len - 1] != '\0') {
*err_info = g_strdup("k12_open: source descriptor record contains non-null-terminated link-layer name");
if (read_buffer[K12_SRCDESC_HWPART + hwpart_len + name_len + stack_len - 1] != '\0') {
*err_info = g_strdup("k12_open: source descriptor record contains non-null-terminated stack path");
rec->input_name = (gchar *)g_memdup2(read_buffer + K12_SRCDESC_HWPART + hwpart_len, name_len);
rec->stack_file = (gchar *)g_memdup2(read_buffer + K12_SRCDESC_HWPART + hwpart_len + name_len, stack_len);
ascii_strdown_inplace (rec->stack_file);
case K12_REC_STK_FILE:
K12_DBG(1,("k12_open: K12_REC_STK_FILE"));
K12_DBG(1,("Field 1: 0x%08x",pntoh32( read_buffer + 0x08 )));
K12_DBG(1,("Field 2: 0x%08x",pntoh32( read_buffer + 0x0c )));
K12_ASCII_DUMP(1, read_buffer, rec_len, 16);
K12_DBG(1,("k12_open: RECORD TYPE 0x%08x",type));
offset += len;
} while(1);
wth->file_type_subtype = k12_file_type_subtype;
wth->file_encap = WTAP_ENCAP_K12;
wth->snapshot_length = 0;
wth->subtype_read = k12_read;
wth->subtype_seek_read = k12_seek_read;
wth->subtype_close = k12_close;
wth->priv = (void *)file_data;
wth->file_tsprec = WTAP_TSPREC_NSEC;
* Add an IDB; we don't know how many interfaces were
* involved, so we just say one interface, about which
* we only know the link-layer type, snapshot length,
* and time stamp resolution.
typedef struct {
guint32 file_len;
guint32 num_of_records;
guint32 file_offset;
} k12_dump_t;
static int k12_dump_can_write_encap(int encap) {
if (encap != WTAP_ENCAP_K12)
return 0;
static const gchar dumpy_junk[] = { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 };
static gboolean k12_dump_record(wtap_dumper *wdh, guint32 len, guint8* buffer, int *err_p) {
k12_dump_t *k12 = (k12_dump_t *)wdh->priv;
guint32 junky_offset = (8192 - ( (k12->file_offset - K12_FILE_HDR_LEN) % 8192 )) % 8192;
if (len > junky_offset) {
if (junky_offset) {
if (! wtap_dump_file_write(wdh, buffer, junky_offset, err_p))
return FALSE;
if (! wtap_dump_file_write(wdh, dumpy_junk, K12_FILE_BLOB_LEN, err_p))
return FALSE;
if (! wtap_dump_file_write(wdh, buffer+junky_offset, len - junky_offset, err_p))
return FALSE;
k12->file_offset += len + K12_FILE_BLOB_LEN;
k12->file_len += len + K12_FILE_BLOB_LEN;
} else {
if (! wtap_dump_file_write(wdh, buffer, len, err_p))
return FALSE;
k12->file_offset += len;
k12->file_len += len;
return TRUE;
static void k12_dump_src_setting(gpointer k _U_, gpointer v, gpointer p) {
k12_src_desc_t* src_desc = (k12_src_desc_t*)v;
wtap_dumper *wdh = (wtap_dumper *)p;
guint32 len;
guint offset;
guint i;
int errxxx; /* dummy */
union {
guint8 buffer[8192];
struct {
guint32 len;
guint32 type;
guint32 unk32_1;
guint32 input;
guint16 unk32_2;
guint16 color;
guint32 unk32_3;
guint32 unk32_4;
guint16 unk16_1;
guint16 hwpart_len;
guint16 name_len;
guint16 stack_len;
struct {
guint32 type;
union {
struct {
guint32 unk32;
guint8 mask[32];
} ds0mask;
struct {
guint8 unk_data[16];
guint16 vp;
guint16 vc;
} atm;
guint32 unk;
} desc;
} extra;
} record;
} obj;
obj.record.type = g_htonl(K12_REC_SRCDSC);
obj.record.unk32_1 = g_htonl(0x00000001);
obj.record.input = g_htonl(src_desc->input);
obj.record.unk32_2 = g_htons(0x0000);
obj.record.color = g_htons(0x060f);
obj.record.unk32_3 = g_htonl(0x00000003);
switch (src_desc->input_type) {
obj.record.unk32_4 = g_htonl(0x01001400);
obj.record.unk32_4 = g_htonl(0x01000100);
obj.record.unk16_1 = g_htons(0x0000);
obj.record.name_len = (guint16) strlen(src_desc->input_name) + 1;
obj.record.stack_len = (guint16) strlen(src_desc->stack_file) + 1;
obj.record.extra.type = g_htonl(src_desc->input_type);
switch (src_desc->input_type) {
obj.record.hwpart_len = g_htons(0x18);
obj.record.extra.desc.atm.vp = g_htons(src_desc->input_info.atm.vp);
obj.record.extra.desc.atm.vc = g_htons(src_desc->input_info.atm.vc);
offset = 0x3c;
case K12_PORT_DS0S:
obj.record.hwpart_len = g_htons(0x18);
for( i=0; i<32; i++ ) {
obj.record.extra.desc.ds0mask.mask[i] =
(src_desc->input_info.ds0mask & (1UL << i)) ? 0xff : 0x00;
offset = 0x3c;
obj.record.hwpart_len = g_htons(0x08);
offset = 0x2c;
memcpy(obj.buffer + offset,
memcpy(obj.buffer + offset + obj.record.name_len,
len = offset + obj.record.name_len + obj.record.stack_len;
len += (len % 4) ? 4 - (len % 4) : 0;
obj.record.len = g_htonl(len);
obj.record.name_len = g_htons(obj.record.name_len);
obj.record.stack_len = g_htons(obj.record.stack_len);
k12_dump_record(wdh,len,obj.buffer, &errxxx); /* fwrite errs ignored: see k12_dump below */
static gboolean k12_dump(wtap_dumper *wdh, const wtap_rec *rec,
const guint8 *pd, int *err, gchar **err_info _U_) {
const union wtap_pseudo_header *pseudo_header = &rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header;
k12_dump_t *k12 = (k12_dump_t *)wdh->priv;
guint32 len;
union {
guint8 buffer[8192];
struct {
guint32 len;
guint32 type;
guint32 frame_len;
guint32 input;
guint32 datum_1;
guint32 datum_2;
guint64 ts;
guint8 frame[0x1fc0];
} record;
} obj;
/* We can only write packet records. */
if (rec->rec_type != REC_TYPE_PACKET) {
return FALSE;
* Make sure this packet doesn't have a link-layer type that
* differs from the one for the file.
if (wdh->encap != rec->rec_header.packet_header.pkt_encap) {
return FALSE;
if (k12->num_of_records == 0) {
k12_t* file_data = (k12_t*)pseudo_header->k12.stuff;
/* XXX: We'll assume that any fwrite errors in k12_dump_src_setting will */
/* repeat during the final k12_dump_record at the end of k12_dump */
/* (and thus cause an error return from k12_dump). */
/* (I don't see a reasonably clean way to handle any fwrite errors */
/* encountered in k12_dump_src_setting). */
obj.record.len = 0x20 + rec->rec_header.packet_header.caplen;
obj.record.len += (obj.record.len % 4) ? 4 - obj.record.len % 4 : 0;
len = obj.record.len;
obj.record.len = g_htonl(obj.record.len);
obj.record.type = g_htonl(K12_REC_PACKET);
obj.record.frame_len = g_htonl(rec->rec_header.packet_header.caplen);
obj.record.input = g_htonl(pseudo_header->k12.input);
obj.record.ts = GUINT64_TO_BE((((guint64)rec->ts.secs - 631152000) * 2000000) + (rec->ts.nsecs / 1000 * 2));
return k12_dump_record(wdh,len,obj.buffer, err);
static const guint8 k12_eof[] = {0xff,0xff};
static gboolean k12_dump_finish(wtap_dumper *wdh, int *err, gchar **err_info _U_) {
k12_dump_t *k12 = (k12_dump_t *)wdh->priv;
union {
guint8 b[sizeof(guint32)];
guint32 u;
} d;
if (! wtap_dump_file_write(wdh, k12_eof, 2, err))
return FALSE;
k12->file_len += 2;
if (wtap_dump_file_seek(wdh, K12_FILE_HDR_FILE_SIZE, SEEK_SET, err) == -1)
return FALSE;
d.u = g_htonl(k12->file_len);
if (! wtap_dump_file_write(wdh, d.b, 4, err))
return FALSE;
if (wtap_dump_file_seek(wdh, K12_FILE_HDR_PAGE_SIZE, SEEK_SET, err) == -1)
return FALSE;
d.u = g_htonl(8192);
if (! wtap_dump_file_write(wdh, d.b, 4, err))
return FALSE;
if (wtap_dump_file_seek(wdh, K12_FILE_HDR_RECORD_COUNT_1, SEEK_SET, err) == -1)
return FALSE;
d.u = g_htonl(k12->num_of_records);
if (! wtap_dump_file_write(wdh, d.b, 4, err))
return FALSE;
if (wtap_dump_file_seek(wdh, K12_FILE_HDR_RECORD_COUNT_2, SEEK_SET, err) == -1)
return FALSE;
d.u = g_htonl(k12->num_of_records);
if (! wtap_dump_file_write(wdh, d.b, 4, err))
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
static gboolean k12_dump_open(wtap_dumper *wdh, int *err, gchar **err_info _U_) {
k12_dump_t *k12;
if ( ! wtap_dump_file_write(wdh, k12_file_magic, 8, err)) {
return FALSE;
if (wtap_dump_file_seek(wdh, K12_FILE_HDR_LEN, SEEK_SET, err) == -1)
return FALSE;
wdh->subtype_write = k12_dump;
wdh->subtype_finish = k12_dump_finish;
k12 = g_new(k12_dump_t, 1);
wdh->priv = (void *)k12;
k12->file_len = K12_FILE_HDR_LEN;
k12->num_of_records = 0;
k12->file_offset = K12_FILE_HDR_LEN;
return TRUE;
static const struct supported_block_type k12_blocks_supported[] = {
* We support packet blocks, with no comments or other options.
static const struct file_type_subtype_info k12_info = {
"Tektronix K12xx 32-bit .rf5 format", "rf5", "rf5", NULL,
TRUE, BLOCKS_SUPPORTED(k12_blocks_supported),
k12_dump_can_write_encap, k12_dump_open, NULL
void register_k12(void)
k12_file_type_subtype = wtap_register_file_type_subtype(&k12_info);
wiretap: more work on file type/subtypes. Provide a wiretap routine to get an array of all savable file type/subtypes, sorted with pcap and pcapng at the top, followed by the other types, sorted either by the name or the description. Use that routine to list options for the -F flag for various commands Rename wtap_get_savable_file_types_subtypes() to wtap_get_savable_file_types_subtypes_for_file(), to indicate that it provides an array of all file type/subtypes in which a given file can be saved. Have it sort all types, other than the default type/subtype and, if there is one, the "other" type (both of which are put at the top), by the name or the description. Don't allow wtap_register_file_type_subtypes() to override any existing registrations; have them always register a new type. In that routine, if there are any emply slots in the table, due to an entry being unregistered, use it rather than allocating a new slot. Don't allow unregistration of built-in types. Rename the "dump open table" to the "file type/subtype table", as it has entries for all types/subtypes, even if we can't write them. Initialize that table in a routine that pre-allocates the GArray before filling it with built-in types/subtypes, so it doesn't keep getting reallocated. Get rid of wtap_num_file_types_subtypes - it's just a copy of the size of the GArray. Don't have wtap_file_type_subtype_description() crash if handed an file type/subtype that isn't a valid array index - just return NULL, as we do with wtap_file_type_subtype_name(). In wtap_name_to_file_type_subtype(), don't use WTAP_FILE_TYPE_SUBTYPE_ names for the backwards-compatibility names - map those names to the current names, and then look them up. This reduces the number of uses of hardwired WTAP_FILE_TYPE_SUBTYPE_ values. Clean up the type of wtap_module_count - it has no need to be a gulong. Have built-in wiretap file handlers register names to be used for their file type/subtypes, rather than building the table in init.lua. Add a new Lua C function get_wtap_filetypes() to construct the wtap_filetypes table, based on the registered names, and use it in init.lua. Add a #define WSLUA_INTERNAL_FUNCTION to register functions intended only for internal use in init.lua, so they can be made available from Lua without being documented. Get rid of WTAP_NUM_FILE_TYPES_SUBTYPES - most code has no need to use it, as it can just request arrays of types, and the space of type/subtype codes can be sparse due to registration in any case, so code has to be careful using it. wtap_get_num_file_types_subtypes() is no longer used, so remove it. It returns the number of elements in the file type/subtype array, which is not necessarily the name of known file type/subtypes, as there may have been some deregistered types, and those types do *not* get removed from the array, they just get cleared so that they're available for future allocation (we don't want the indices of any registered types to changes if another type is deregistered, as those indicates are the type/subtype values, so we can't shrink the array). Clean up white space and remove some comments that shouldn't have been added.
2021-02-17 06:24:47 +00:00
* Register name for backwards compatibility with the
* wtap_filetypes table in Lua.
* Editor modelines - https://www.wireshark.org/tools/modelines.html
* Local variables:
* c-basic-offset: 4
* tab-width: 8
* indent-tabs-mode: nil
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