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/* mtp3_summary_dialog.cpp
* Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer
* By Gerald Combs <gerald@wireshark.org>
* Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs
* Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer
* By Gerald Combs <gerald@wireshark.org>
* Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
#include "mtp3_summary_dialog.h"
#include <ui_mtp3_summary_dialog.h>
#include "config.h"
#include <glib.h>
#include "globals.h"
#include "summary.h"
#include <epan/tap.h>
#include <epan/dissectors/packet-mtp3.h>
#include "ui/capture_globals.h"
#include "ui/simple_dialog.h"
#include "qt_ui_utils.h"
#include <QTextStream>
typedef struct _mtp3_stat_si_code_t {
int num_msus;
int size;
} mtp3_stat_si_code_t;
typedef struct _mtp3_stat_t {
mtp3_addr_pc_t addr_opc;
mtp3_addr_pc_t addr_dpc;
mtp3_stat_si_code_t mtp3_si_code[MTP3_NUM_SI_CODE];
} mtp3_stat_t;
#define MTP3_MAX_NUM_OPC_DPC 50
static mtp3_stat_t mtp3_stat[MTP3_MAX_NUM_OPC_DPC];
static size_t mtp3_num_used;
Mtp3SummaryDialog::Mtp3SummaryDialog(QWidget &parent, CaptureFile &capture_file) :
WiresharkDialog(parent, capture_file),
ui(new Ui::Mtp3SummaryDialog)
setWindowSubtitle(tr("MTP3 Summary"));
delete ui;
QString Mtp3SummaryDialog::summaryToHtml()
summary_tally summary;
memset(&summary, 0, sizeof(summary_tally));
QString section_tmpl;
QString table_begin, table_end;
QString table_row_begin, table_ul_row_begin, table_row_end;
QString table_vheader_tmpl, table_hheader15_tmpl, table_hheader25_tmpl;
QString table_data_tmpl;
section_tmpl = "<p><strong>%1</strong></p>\n";
table_begin = "<p><table>\n";
table_end = "</table></p>\n";
table_row_begin = "<tr>\n";
table_ul_row_begin = "<tr style=\"border-bottom: 1px solid gray;\">\n";
table_row_end = "</tr>\n";
table_vheader_tmpl = "<td width=\"50%\">%1:</td>"; // <th align="left"> looked odd
table_hheader15_tmpl = "<td width=\"15%\"><u>%1</u></td>";
table_hheader25_tmpl = "<td width=\"25%\"><u>%1</u></td>";
table_data_tmpl = "<td>%1</td>";
if (cap_file_.isValid()) {
/* initial computations */
summary_fill_in(cap_file_.capFile(), &summary);
summary_fill_in_capture(cap_file_.capFile(), &global_capture_opts, &summary);
QString summary_str;
QTextStream out(&summary_str);
// File Section
out << section_tmpl.arg(tr("File"));
out << table_begin;
out << table_row_begin
<< table_vheader_tmpl.arg(tr("Name"))
<< table_data_tmpl.arg(summary.filename)
<< table_row_end;
out << table_row_begin
<< table_vheader_tmpl.arg(tr("Length"))
<< table_data_tmpl.arg(file_size_to_qstring(summary.file_length))
<< table_row_end;
QString format_str = wtap_file_type_subtype_string(summary.file_type);
if (summary.iscompressed) {
format_str.append(tr(" (gzip compressed)"));
out << table_row_begin
<< table_vheader_tmpl.arg(tr("Format"))
<< table_data_tmpl.arg(format_str)
<< table_row_end;
if (summary.has_snap) {
out << table_row_begin
<< table_vheader_tmpl.arg(tr("Snapshot length"))
<< table_data_tmpl.arg(summary.snap)
<< table_row_end;
out << table_end;
// Data Section
out << section_tmpl.arg(tr("Data"));
out << table_begin;
if (summary.packet_count_ts == summary.packet_count &&
summary.packet_count >= 1)
// start time
out << table_row_begin
<< table_vheader_tmpl.arg(tr("First packet"))
<< table_data_tmpl.arg(time_t_to_qstring((time_t)summary.start_time))
<< table_row_end;
// stop time
out << table_row_begin
<< table_vheader_tmpl.arg(tr("Last packet"))
<< table_data_tmpl.arg(time_t_to_qstring((time_t)summary.stop_time))
<< table_row_end;
// elapsed seconds (capture duration)
if (summary.packet_count_ts > 1)
/* elapsed seconds */
QString elapsed_str;
unsigned int elapsed_time = (unsigned int)summary.elapsed_time;
if (elapsed_time/86400)
elapsed_str = QString("%1 days ").arg(elapsed_time / 86400);
elapsed_str += QString("%1:%2:%3")
.arg(elapsed_time % 86400 / 3600, 2, 10, QChar('0'))
.arg(elapsed_time % 3600 / 60, 2, 10, QChar('0'))
.arg(elapsed_time % 60, 2, 10, QChar('0'));
out << table_row_begin
<< table_vheader_tmpl.arg(tr("Elapsed"))
<< table_data_tmpl.arg(elapsed_str)
<< table_row_end;
// count
out << table_row_begin
<< table_vheader_tmpl.arg(tr("Packets"))
<< table_data_tmpl.arg(summary.packet_count)
<< table_row_end;
out << table_end;
// TRANSLATOR Abbreviation for "not applicable"
QString n_a = tr("N/A");
int total_msus = 0;
int total_bytes = 0;
double seconds = summary.stop_time - summary.start_time;
// SI Section
out << section_tmpl.arg(tr("Service Indicator (SI) Totals"));
out << table_begin;
out << table_row_begin
<< table_hheader25_tmpl.arg(tr("SI"))
<< table_hheader15_tmpl.arg(tr("MSUs"))
<< table_hheader15_tmpl.arg(tr("MSUs/s"))
<< table_hheader15_tmpl.arg(tr("Bytes"))
<< table_hheader15_tmpl.arg(tr("Bytes/MSU"))
<< table_hheader15_tmpl.arg(tr("Bytes/s"))
<< table_row_end;
for (size_t ws_si_code = 0; ws_si_code < MTP3_NUM_SI_CODE; ws_si_code++) {
int si_msus = 0;
int si_bytes = 0;
QString msus_s_str = n_a;
QString bytes_msu_str = n_a;
QString bytes_s_str = n_a;
for (size_t stat_idx = 0; stat_idx < mtp3_num_used; stat_idx++) {
si_msus += mtp3_stat[stat_idx].mtp3_si_code[ws_si_code].num_msus;
si_bytes += mtp3_stat[stat_idx].mtp3_si_code[ws_si_code].size;
total_msus += si_msus;
total_bytes += si_bytes;
if (seconds > 0) {
msus_s_str = QString("%1").arg(si_msus / seconds, 1, 'f', 1);
bytes_s_str = QString("%1").arg(si_bytes / seconds, 1, 'f', 1);
if (si_msus > 0) {
bytes_msu_str = QString("%1").arg((double) si_bytes / si_msus, 1, 'f', 1);
out << table_row_begin
<< table_data_tmpl.arg(mtp3_service_indicator_code_short_vals[ws_si_code].strptr)
<< table_data_tmpl.arg(si_msus)
<< table_data_tmpl.arg(msus_s_str)
<< table_data_tmpl.arg(si_bytes)
<< table_data_tmpl.arg(bytes_msu_str)
<< table_data_tmpl.arg(bytes_s_str)
<< table_row_end;
out << table_end;
// Totals Section
QString total_msus_s_str = n_a;
QString total_bytes_msu_str = n_a;
QString total_bytes_s_str = n_a;
if (seconds > 0) {
total_msus_s_str = QString("%1").arg(total_msus / seconds, 1, 'f', 1);
total_bytes_s_str = QString("%1").arg(total_bytes / seconds, 1, 'f', 1);
if (total_msus > 0) {
total_bytes_msu_str = QString("%1").arg((double) total_bytes / total_msus, 1, 'f', 1);
out << section_tmpl.arg(tr("Totals"));
out << table_begin;
out << table_row_begin
<< table_vheader_tmpl.arg(tr("Total MSUs"))
<< table_data_tmpl.arg(total_msus)
<< table_row_end;
out << table_row_begin
<< table_vheader_tmpl.arg(tr("MSUs/s"))
<< table_data_tmpl.arg(total_msus_s_str)
<< table_row_end;
out << table_row_begin
<< table_vheader_tmpl.arg(tr("Total Bytes"))
<< table_data_tmpl.arg(total_bytes)
<< table_row_end;
out << table_row_begin
<< table_vheader_tmpl.arg(tr("Average Bytes/MSU"))
<< table_data_tmpl.arg(total_bytes_msu_str)
<< table_row_end;
out << table_row_begin
<< table_vheader_tmpl.arg(tr("Average Bytes/s"))
<< table_data_tmpl.arg(total_bytes_s_str)
<< table_row_end;
out << table_end;
return summary_str;
void Mtp3SummaryDialog::updateWidgets()
extern "C" {
static void
void *tapdata)
mtp3_stat_t (*stat_p)[MTP3_MAX_NUM_OPC_DPC] = (mtp3_stat_t(*)[MTP3_MAX_NUM_OPC_DPC])tapdata;
mtp3_num_used = 0;
memset(stat_p, 0, MTP3_MAX_NUM_OPC_DPC * sizeof(mtp3_stat_t));
static gboolean
void *tapdata,
packet_info *,
epan_dissect_t *,
const void *data)
mtp3_stat_t (*stat_p)[MTP3_MAX_NUM_OPC_DPC] = (mtp3_stat_t(*)[MTP3_MAX_NUM_OPC_DPC])tapdata;
const mtp3_tap_rec_t *data_p = (const mtp3_tap_rec_t *)data;
size_t i;
if (data_p->mtp3_si_code >= MTP3_NUM_SI_CODE)
* we thought this si_code was not used ?
* is MTP3_NUM_SI_CODE out of date ?
* look for opc/dpc pair
i = 0;
while (i < mtp3_num_used)
if (memcmp(&data_p->addr_opc, &(*stat_p)[i].addr_opc, sizeof(mtp3_addr_pc_t)) == 0)
if (memcmp(&data_p->addr_dpc, &(*stat_p)[i].addr_dpc, sizeof(mtp3_addr_pc_t)) == 0)
if (i == mtp3_num_used)
if (mtp3_num_used == MTP3_MAX_NUM_OPC_DPC)
* too many
(*stat_p)[i].addr_opc = data_p->addr_opc;
(*stat_p)[i].addr_dpc = data_p->addr_dpc;
(*stat_p)[i].mtp3_si_code[data_p->mtp3_si_code].size += data_p->size;
GString *err_p;
memset((void *) &mtp3_stat, 0, sizeof(mtp3_stat));
err_p =
register_tap_listener("mtp3", &mtp3_stat, NULL, 0,
if (err_p != NULL)
simple_dialog(ESD_TYPE_ERROR, ESD_BTN_OK, "%s", err_p->str);
g_string_free(err_p, TRUE);
} // extern "C"
* Editor modelines
* Local Variables:
* c-basic-offset: 4
* tab-width: 8
* indent-tabs-mode: nil
* End:
* ex: set shiftwidth=4 tabstop=8 expandtab:
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