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/* profile_model.cpp
* Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer
* By Gerald Combs <gerald@wireshark.org>
* Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#include "config.h"
#include <errno.h>
#include "glib.h"
#include "ui/profile.h"
#include "ui/recent.h"
#include "wsutil/filesystem.h"
#include "epan/prefs.h"
#include <ui/qt/models/profile_model.h>
#include <ui/qt/utils/color_utils.h>
#include <ui/qt/utils/qt_ui_utils.h>
#include <ui/qt/utils/wireshark_zip_helper.h>
#include <QDir>
#include <QFont>
#include <QTemporaryDir>
#include <QRegularExpression>
Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(profileLogger, "wireshark.profiles")
ProfileSortModel::ProfileSortModel(QObject * parent):
QSortFilterProxyModel (parent),
bool ProfileSortModel::lessThan(const QModelIndex &source_left, const QModelIndex &source_right) const
QModelIndex left = source_left;
if (source_left.column() != ProfileModel::COL_NAME)
left = source_left.sibling(source_left.row(), ProfileModel::COL_NAME);
QModelIndex right = source_right;
if (source_right.column() != ProfileModel::COL_NAME)
right = source_right.sibling(source_right.row(), ProfileModel::COL_NAME);
bool igL = left.data(ProfileModel::DATA_IS_GLOBAL).toBool();
bool igR = right.data(ProfileModel::DATA_IS_GLOBAL).toBool();
if (left.data(ProfileModel::DATA_STATUS).toInt() == PROF_STAT_DEFAULT)
igL = true;
if (right.data(ProfileModel::DATA_STATUS).toInt() == PROF_STAT_DEFAULT)
igR = true;
if (igL && ! igR)
return true;
else if (! igL && igR)
return false;
else if (igL && igR)
if (left.data(ProfileModel::DATA_STATUS) == PROF_STAT_DEFAULT)
return true;
if (left.data().toString().compare(right.data().toString()) <= 0)
return true;
return false;
void ProfileSortModel::setFilterType(FilterType ft)
ft_ = ft;
void ProfileSortModel::setFilterString(QString txt)
ftext_ = ! txt.isEmpty() ? txt : "";
QStringList ProfileSortModel::filterTypes()
QMap<int, QString> filter_types_;
filter_types_.insert(ProfileSortModel::AllProfiles, tr("All profiles"));
filter_types_.insert(ProfileSortModel::PersonalProfiles, tr("Personal profiles"));
filter_types_.insert(ProfileSortModel::GlobalProfiles, tr("Global profiles"));
return filter_types_.values();
bool ProfileSortModel::filterAcceptsRow(int source_row, const QModelIndex &) const
bool accept = true;
QModelIndex idx = sourceModel()->index(source_row, ProfileModel::COL_NAME);
if (ft_ != ProfileSortModel::AllProfiles)
bool gl = idx.data(ProfileModel::DATA_IS_GLOBAL).toBool();
if (ft_ == ProfileSortModel::PersonalProfiles && gl)
accept = false;
else if (ft_ == ProfileSortModel::GlobalProfiles && ! gl)
accept = false;
if (ftext_.length() > 0)
QString name = idx.data().toString();
if (! name.contains(ftext_, Qt::CaseInsensitive))
accept = false;
return accept;
ProfileModel::ProfileModel(QObject * parent) :
/* Store preset profile name */
set_profile_ = get_profile_name();
reset_default_ = false;
profiles_imported_ = false;
last_set_row_ = 0;
/* Set filenames for profiles */
GList *files, *file;
files = g_hash_table_get_keys(const_cast<GHashTable *>(allowed_profile_filenames()));
file = g_list_first(files);
while (file) {
profile_files_ << static_cast<char *>(file->data);
file = gxx_list_next(file);
void ProfileModel::loadProfiles()
bool refresh = profiles_.count() > 0;
if (refresh)
GList *fl_entry = edited_profile_list();
while (fl_entry && fl_entry->data)
profiles_ << reinterpret_cast<profile_def *>(fl_entry->data);
fl_entry = gxx_list_next(fl_entry);
GList * ProfileModel::entry(profile_def *ref) const
GList *fl_entry = edited_profile_list();
while (fl_entry && fl_entry->data)
profile_def *profile = reinterpret_cast<profile_def *>(fl_entry->data);
if (QString(ref->name).compare(profile->name) == 0 &&
QString(ref->reference).compare(profile->reference) == 0 &&
ref->is_global == profile->is_global &&
ref->status == profile->status)
return fl_entry;
fl_entry = gxx_list_next(fl_entry);
return Q_NULLPTR;
GList *ProfileModel::at(int row) const
if (row < 0 || row >= profiles_.count())
return Q_NULLPTR;
profile_def * prof = profiles_.at(row);
return entry(prof);
bool ProfileModel::changesPending() const
if (reset_default_)
return true;
if (g_list_length(edited_profile_list()) != g_list_length(current_profile_list()))
return true;
bool pending = false;
GList *fl_entry = edited_profile_list();
while (fl_entry && fl_entry->data && ! pending) {
profile_def *profile = reinterpret_cast<profile_def *>(fl_entry->data);
pending = (profile->status == PROF_STAT_NEW || profile->status == PROF_STAT_CHANGED || profile->status == PROF_STAT_COPY);
fl_entry = gxx_list_next(fl_entry);
return pending;
bool ProfileModel::importPending() const
return profiles_imported_;
bool ProfileModel::userProfilesExist() const
bool user_exists = false;
for (int cnt = 0; cnt < rowCount() && ! user_exists; cnt++)
QModelIndex idx = index(cnt, ProfileModel::COL_NAME);
if (! idx.data(ProfileModel::DATA_IS_GLOBAL).toBool() && ! idx.data(ProfileModel::DATA_IS_DEFAULT).toBool())
user_exists = true;
return user_exists;
int ProfileModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &) const
2022-03-25 19:22:08 +00:00
return static_cast<int>(profiles_.count());
int ProfileModel::columnCount(const QModelIndex &) const
return static_cast<int>(_LAST_ENTRY);
profile_def * ProfileModel::guard(const QModelIndex &index) const
if (! index.isValid())
return Q_NULLPTR;
return guard(index.row());
profile_def * ProfileModel::guard(int row) const
if (row < 0 || profiles_.count() <= row)
return Q_NULLPTR;
if (! edited_profile_list())
static_cast<QList<profile_def *>>(profiles_).clear();
return Q_NULLPTR;
return profiles_.value(row, Q_NULLPTR);
QVariant ProfileModel::dataDisplay(const QModelIndex &index) const
profile_def * prof = guard(index);
if (! prof)
return QVariant();
switch (index.column())
case COL_NAME:
return QString(prof->name);
case COL_TYPE:
if (prof->status == PROF_STAT_DEFAULT)
return tr("Default");
else if (prof->is_global)
return tr("Global");
return tr("Personal");
return QVariant();
QVariant ProfileModel::dataFontRole(const QModelIndex &index) const
if (! index.isValid() || profiles_.count() <= index.row())
return QVariant();
profile_def * prof = guard(index.row());
if (! prof)
return QVariant();
QFont font;
if (prof->is_global)
if (! prof->is_global && ! checkDuplicate(index))
if ((set_profile_.compare(prof->name) == 0 && prof->status == PROF_STAT_EXISTS) ||
(set_profile_.compare(prof->reference) == 0 && prof->status == PROF_STAT_CHANGED) )
if (prof->status == PROF_STAT_DEFAULT && reset_default_)
return font;
bool ProfileModel::checkIfDeleted(int row) const
QModelIndex idx = index(row, ProfileModel::COL_NAME);
return checkIfDeleted(idx);
bool ProfileModel::checkIfDeleted(const QModelIndex &index) const
profile_def * prof = guard(index);
if (! prof)
return false;
QStringList deletedNames;
GList * current = current_profile_list();
/* search the current list as long as we have not found anything */
while (current)
bool found = false;
GList * edited = edited_profile_list();
profile_def * profcurr = static_cast<profile_def *>(current->data);
if (! profcurr->is_global && profcurr->status != PROF_STAT_DEFAULT)
while (edited && ! found)
profile_def * profed = static_cast<profile_def *>(edited->data);
if (! profed->is_global && profed->status != PROF_STAT_DEFAULT)
if (g_strcmp0(profcurr->name, profed->name) == 0 || g_strcmp0(profcurr->name, profed->reference) == 0)
if (profed->status == profcurr->status && prof->status != PROF_STAT_NEW && prof->status != PROF_STAT_COPY)
found = true;
edited = gxx_list_next(edited);
/* profile has been deleted, check if it has the name we ask for */
if (! found)
deletedNames << profcurr->name;
if (profcurr->is_global && deletedNames.contains(profcurr->name))
current = gxx_list_next(current);
if (deletedNames.contains(prof->name))
return true;
return false;
bool ProfileModel::checkInvalid(const QModelIndex &index) const
profile_def * prof = guard(index);
if (! prof)
return false;
int ref = this->findAsReference(prof->name);
if (ref == index.row())
return false;
profile_def * pg = guard(ref);
if (pg && pg->status == PROF_STAT_CHANGED && g_strcmp0(pg->name, pg->reference) != 0 && ! prof->is_global)
return true;
return false;
bool ProfileModel::checkDuplicate(const QModelIndex &index, bool isOriginalToDuplicate) const
profile_def * prof = guard(index);
if (! prof || (! isOriginalToDuplicate && prof->status == PROF_STAT_EXISTS) )
return false;
QList<int> rows = this->findAllByNameAndVisibility(prof->name, prof->is_global, false);
int found = 0;
profile_def * check = Q_NULLPTR;
for (int cnt = 0; cnt < rows.count(); cnt++)
int row = rows.at(cnt);
if (row == index.row())
check = guard(row);
if (! check || (isOriginalToDuplicate && check->status == PROF_STAT_EXISTS) )
if (found > 0)
return true;
return false;
QVariant ProfileModel::dataBackgroundRole(const QModelIndex &index) const
if (! index.isValid() || profiles_.count() <= index.row())
return QVariant();
profile_def * prof = guard(index.row());
if (! prof)
return QVariant();
if (prof->status == PROF_STAT_DEFAULT && reset_default_)
return ColorUtils::fromColorT(&prefs.gui_text_deprecated);
if (prof->status != PROF_STAT_DEFAULT && ! prof->is_global)
/* Highlights errorneous line */
if (checkInvalid(index) || checkIfDeleted(index) || checkDuplicate(index) || ! checkNameValidity(prof->name))
return ColorUtils::fromColorT(&prefs.gui_text_invalid);
/* Highlights line, which has been duplicated by another index */
if (checkDuplicate(index, true))
return ColorUtils::fromColorT(&prefs.gui_text_valid);
return QVariant();
QVariant ProfileModel::dataToolTipRole(const QModelIndex &idx) const
if (! idx.isValid() || profiles_.count() <= idx.row())
return QVariant();
profile_def * prof = guard(idx.row());
if (! prof)
return QVariant();
if (prof->is_global)
return tr("This is a system provided profile");
return dataPath(idx);
QVariant ProfileModel::dataPath(const QModelIndex &index) const
if (! index.isValid() || profiles_.count() <= index.row())
return QVariant();
profile_def * prof = guard(index.row());
if (! prof)
return QVariant();
if (checkInvalid(index))
int ref = this->findAsReference(prof->name);
if (ref != index.row() && ref >= 0)
profile_def * prof = guard(ref);
QString msg = tr("A profile change for this name is pending");
if (prof)
msg.append(tr(" (See: %1)").arg(prof->name));
return msg;
return tr("This is an invalid profile definition");
if ((prof->status == PROF_STAT_NEW || prof->status == PROF_STAT_CHANGED || prof->status == PROF_STAT_COPY) && checkDuplicate(index))
return tr("A profile already exists with this name");
if (checkIfDeleted(index))
return tr("A profile with this name is being deleted");
if (prof->is_import)
return tr("Imported profile");
switch (prof->status)
if (!reset_default_)
return gchar_free_to_qstring(get_persconffile_path("", FALSE));
return tr("Resetting to default");
QString profile_path;
if (prof->is_global) {
profile_path = gchar_free_to_qstring(get_global_profiles_dir());
} else {
profile_path = gchar_free_to_qstring(get_profiles_dir());
return profile_path;
QString errMsg;
if (! checkNameValidity(prof->name, &errMsg))
return errMsg;
return tr("Created from default settings");
QString msg;
if (! ProfileModel::checkNameValidity(QString(prof->name), &msg))
return msg;
if (prof->reference)
return tr("Renamed from: %1").arg(prof->reference);
return QVariant();
QString msg;
/* this should always be the case, but just as a precaution it is checked */
if (prof->reference)
msg = tr("Copied from: %1").arg(prof->reference);
QString appendix;
/* A global profile is neither deleted or removed, only system provided is allowed as appendix */
if (profile_exists(prof->reference, TRUE) && prof->from_global)
appendix = tr("system provided");
/* A default model as reference can neither be deleted or renamed, so skip if the reference was one */
else if (! index.data(ProfileModel::DATA_IS_DEFAULT).toBool())
/* find a non-global, non-default profile which could be referenced by this one. Those are the only
* ones which could be renamed or deleted */
int row = this->findByNameAndVisibility(prof->reference, false, true);
profile_def * ref = guard(row);
/* The reference is itself a copy of the original, therefore it is not accepted */
if (ref && (ref->status == PROF_STAT_COPY || ref->status == PROF_STAT_NEW) && QString(ref->name).compare(prof->reference) != 0)
ref = Q_NULLPTR;
/* found no other profile, original one had to be deleted */
if (! ref || row == index.row() || checkIfDeleted(row))
appendix = tr("deleted");
/* found another profile, so the reference had been renamed, it the status is changed */
else if (ref && ref->status == PROF_STAT_CHANGED)
appendix = tr("renamed to %1").arg(ref->name);
if (appendix.length() > 0)
msg.append(QString(" (%1)").arg(appendix));
return msg;
return QVariant();
QVariant ProfileModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const
profile_def * prof = guard(index);
if (! prof)
return QVariant();
switch (role)
case Qt::DisplayRole:
return dataDisplay(index);
case Qt::FontRole:
return dataFontRole(index);
case Qt::BackgroundRole:
return dataBackgroundRole(index);
case Qt::ToolTipRole:
return dataToolTipRole(index);
case ProfileModel::DATA_STATUS:
return QVariant::fromValue(prof->status);
case ProfileModel::DATA_IS_DEFAULT:
return QVariant::fromValue(prof->status == PROF_STAT_DEFAULT);
case ProfileModel::DATA_IS_GLOBAL:
return QVariant::fromValue(prof->is_global);
case ProfileModel::DATA_IS_SELECTED:
QModelIndex selected = activeProfile();
profile_def * selprof = guard(selected);
if (selprof)
if (selprof && selprof->is_global != prof->is_global)
return QVariant::fromValue(false);
if (selprof && strcmp(selprof->name, prof->name) == 0)
return QVariant::fromValue(true);
return QVariant::fromValue(false);
case ProfileModel::DATA_PATH:
return dataPath(index);
case ProfileModel::DATA_INDEX_VALUE_IS_URL:
if (index.column() <= ProfileModel::COL_TYPE)
return QVariant::fromValue(false);
return QVariant::fromValue(true);
if (prof->status == PROF_STAT_NEW || prof->status == PROF_STAT_COPY
|| (prof->status == PROF_STAT_DEFAULT && reset_default_)
|| prof->status == PROF_STAT_CHANGED || prof->is_import)
return QVariant::fromValue(false);
return QVariant::fromValue(true);
return QVariant();
QVariant ProfileModel::headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const
if (orientation == Qt::Horizontal && role == Qt::DisplayRole)
switch (section)
case COL_NAME:
return tr("Profile");
case COL_TYPE:
return tr("Type");
return QVariant();
Qt::ItemFlags ProfileModel::flags(const QModelIndex &index) const
Qt::ItemFlags fl = QAbstractTableModel::flags(index);
profile_def * prof = guard(index);
if (! prof)
return fl;
if (index.column() == ProfileModel::COL_NAME && prof->status != PROF_STAT_DEFAULT && ! prof->is_global)
fl |= Qt::ItemIsEditable;
return fl;
int ProfileModel::findByName(QString name)
int row = findByNameAndVisibility(name, false);
if (row < 0)
row = findByNameAndVisibility(name, true);
return row;
int ProfileModel::findAsReference(QString reference) const
int found = -1;
if (reference.length() <= 0)
return found;
for (int cnt = 0; cnt < profiles_.count() && found < 0; cnt++)
profile_def * prof = guard(cnt);
if (prof && reference.compare(prof->reference) == 0)
found = cnt;
return found;
int ProfileModel::findByNameAndVisibility(QString name, bool isGlobal, bool searchReference) const
QList<int> result = findAllByNameAndVisibility(name, isGlobal, searchReference);
return result.count() == 0 ? -1 : result.at(0);
QList<int> ProfileModel::findAllByNameAndVisibility(QString name, bool isGlobal, bool searchReference) const
QList<int> result;
for (int cnt = 0; cnt < profiles_.count(); cnt++)
profile_def * prof = guard(cnt);
if (prof && static_cast<bool>(prof->is_global) == isGlobal)
if (name.compare(prof->name) == 0 || (searchReference && name.compare(prof->reference) == 0) )
result << cnt;
return result;
QModelIndex ProfileModel::addNewProfile(QString name)
int cnt = 1;
QString newName = name;
while (findByNameAndVisibility(newName) >= 0)
newName = QString("%1 %2").arg(name).arg(QString::number(cnt));
add_to_profile_list(newName.toUtf8().constData(), newName.toUtf8().constData(), PROF_STAT_NEW, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE);
return index(findByName(newName), COL_NAME);
QModelIndex ProfileModel::duplicateEntry(QModelIndex idx, int new_status)
profile_def * prof = guard(idx);
if (! prof)
return QModelIndex();
/* only new and copied stati can be set */
if (new_status != PROF_STAT_NEW && new_status != PROF_STAT_COPY)
new_status = PROF_STAT_COPY;
/* this is a copy from a personal profile, check if the original has been a
* new profile or a preexisting one. In the case of a new profile, restart
* with the state PROF_STAT_NEW */
if (prof->status == PROF_STAT_COPY && ! prof->from_global)
int row = findByNameAndVisibility(prof->reference, false);
profile_def * copyParent = guard(row);
if (copyParent && copyParent->status == PROF_STAT_NEW)
return duplicateEntry(index(row, ProfileModel::COL_NAME), PROF_STAT_NEW);
/* Rules for figuring out the name to copy from:
* General, use copy name
* If status of copy is new or changed => use copy reference
* If copy is non global and status of copy is != changed, use original parent name
QString parent = prof->name;
if (prof->status == PROF_STAT_CHANGED)
parent = prof->reference;
else if (! prof->is_global && prof->status != PROF_STAT_NEW && prof->status != PROF_STAT_CHANGED)
parent = get_profile_parent (prof->name);
if (parent.length() == 0)
return QModelIndex();
/* parent references the parent profile to be used, parentName is the base for the new name */
QString parentName = parent;
/* the user has changed the profile name, therefore this is also the name to be used */
if (prof->status != PROF_STAT_EXISTS)
parentName = prof->name;
/* check to ensure we do not end up with (copy) (copy) (copy) ... */
QRegularExpression rx("\\s+(\\(\\s*" + tr("copy", "noun") + "\\s*\\d*\\))");
parentName.replace(rx, "");
QString new_name;
/* if copy is global and name has not been used before, use that, else create first copy */
if (prof->is_global && findByNameAndVisibility(parentName) < 0)
new_name = QString(prof->name);
new_name = QString("%1 (%2)").arg(parentName).arg(tr("copy", "noun"));
/* check if copy already exists and iterate, until an unused version is found */
int cnt = 1;
while (findByNameAndVisibility(new_name) >= 0)
new_name = QString("%1 (%2 %3)").arg(parentName).arg(tr("copy", "noun")).arg(QString::number(cnt));
/* if this would be a copy, but the original is already a new one, this is a copy as well */
if (new_status == PROF_STAT_COPY && prof->status == PROF_STAT_NEW)
new_status = PROF_STAT_NEW;
/* add element */
add_to_profile_list(new_name.toUtf8().constData(), parent.toUtf8().constData(), new_status, FALSE, prof->from_global ? prof->from_global : prof->is_global, FALSE);
/* reload profile list in model */
int row = findByNameAndVisibility(new_name, false);
/* sanity check, if adding the profile went correctly */
if (row < 0 || row == idx.row())
return QModelIndex();
/* return the index of the profile */
return index(row, COL_NAME);
void ProfileModel::deleteEntry(QModelIndex idx)
if (! idx.isValid())
QModelIndexList temp;
temp << idx;
void ProfileModel::deleteEntries(QModelIndexList idcs)
bool changes = false;
QList<int> indeces;
foreach (QModelIndex idx, idcs)
if (! indeces.contains(idx.row()) && ! idx.data(ProfileModel::DATA_IS_GLOBAL).toBool())
indeces << idx.row();
/* Security blanket. This ensures, that we start deleting from the end and do not get any issues iterating the list */
std::sort(indeces.begin(), indeces.end(), std::less<int>());
foreach (int row, indeces)
profile_def * prof = guard(row);
if (! prof)
if (prof->is_global)
if (prof->status == PROF_STAT_DEFAULT)
reset_default_ = ! reset_default_;
GList * fl_entry = entry(prof);
if (fl_entry)
changes = true;
if (changes)
if (reset_default_)
emit layoutAboutToBeChanged();
emit dataChanged(index(0, 0), index(rowCount(), columnCount()));
emit layoutChanged();
bool ProfileModel::resetDefault() const
return reset_default_;
void ProfileModel::doResetModel(bool reset_import)
reset_default_ = false;
if (reset_import)
profiles_imported_ = false;
QModelIndex ProfileModel::activeProfile() const
QList<int> rows = this->findAllByNameAndVisibility(set_profile_, false, true);
foreach (int row, rows)
profile_def * prof = profiles_.at(row);
if (prof->is_global || checkDuplicate(index(row, ProfileModel::COL_NAME)) )
return QModelIndex();
if ((set_profile_.compare(prof->name) == 0 && (prof->status == PROF_STAT_EXISTS || prof->status == PROF_STAT_DEFAULT) ) ||
(set_profile_.compare(prof->reference) == 0 && prof->status == PROF_STAT_CHANGED) )
return index(row, ProfileModel::COL_NAME);
return QModelIndex();
bool ProfileModel::setData(const QModelIndex &idx, const QVariant &value, int role)
last_set_row_ = -1;
if (role != Qt::EditRole || ! value.isValid() || value.toString().isEmpty())
return false;
QString newValue = value.toString();
profile_def * prof = guard(idx);
if (! prof || prof->status == PROF_STAT_DEFAULT)
return false;
last_set_row_ = idx.row();
QString current(prof->name);
if (current.compare(newValue) != 0)
prof->name = qstring_strdup(newValue);
if (prof->reference && g_strcmp0(prof->name, prof->reference) == 0 && ! (prof->status == PROF_STAT_NEW || prof->status == PROF_STAT_COPY)) {
prof->status = PROF_STAT_EXISTS;
} else if (prof->status == PROF_STAT_EXISTS) {
prof->status = PROF_STAT_CHANGED;
emit itemChanged(idx);
return true;
int ProfileModel::lastSetRow() const
return last_set_row_;
bool ProfileModel::copyTempToProfile(QString tempPath, QString profilePath, bool * wasEmpty)
bool was_empty = true;
QDir profileDir(profilePath);
if (! profileDir.mkpath(profilePath) || ! QFile::exists(tempPath))
return false;
QDir tempProfile(tempPath);
tempProfile.setFilter(QDir::Files | QDir::Hidden | QDir::NoSymLinks);
QFileInfoList files = tempProfile.entryInfoList();
if (files.count() <= 0)
return false;
int created = 0;
foreach (QFileInfo finfo, files)
QString tempFile = finfo.absoluteFilePath();
QString profileFile = profilePath + "/" + finfo.fileName();
if (! profile_files_.contains(finfo.fileName()))
was_empty = false;
if (! QFile::exists(tempFile) || QFile::exists(profileFile))
if (QFile::copy(tempFile, profileFile))
if (wasEmpty)
*wasEmpty = was_empty;
if (created > 0)
return true;
return false;
QFileInfoList ProfileModel::uniquePaths(QFileInfoList lst)
QStringList files;
QFileInfoList newLst;
foreach (QFileInfo entry, lst)
if (! files.contains(entry.absoluteFilePath()))
if (entry.exists() && entry.isDir())
newLst << QFileInfo(entry.absoluteFilePath());
files << entry.absoluteFilePath();
return newLst;
QFileInfoList ProfileModel::filterProfilePath(QString path, QFileInfoList ent, bool fromZip)
QFileInfoList result = ent;
QDir temp(path);
temp.setFilter(QDir::Dirs | QDir::NoSymLinks | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot);
QFileInfoList entries = temp.entryInfoList();
if (! fromZip)
entries << QFileInfo(path);
foreach (QFileInfo entry, entries)
QDir fPath(entry.absoluteFilePath());
fPath.setFilter(QDir::Files | QDir::NoSymLinks);
QFileInfoList fEntries = fPath.entryInfoList();
bool found = false;
for (int cnt = 0; cnt < fEntries.count() && ! found; cnt++)
if (config_file_exists_with_entries(fEntries[cnt].absoluteFilePath().toUtf8().constData(), '#'))
found = true;
if (found)
if (path.compare(entry.absoluteFilePath()) != 0)
result.append(filterProfilePath(entry.absoluteFilePath(), result, fromZip));
return result;
QStringList ProfileModel::exportFileList(QModelIndexList items)
QStringList result;
foreach(QModelIndex idx, items)
profile_def * prof = guard(idx);
if (! prof || prof->is_global || QString(prof->name).compare(DEFAULT_PROFILE) == 0)
if (! idx.data(ProfileModel::DATA_PATH_IS_NOT_DESCRIPTION).toBool())
QString path = idx.data(ProfileModel::DATA_PATH).toString();
QDir temp(path);
temp.setFilter(QDir::Files | QDir::NoSymLinks | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot);
QFileInfoList entries = temp.entryInfoList();
foreach (QFileInfo fi, entries)
result << fi.absoluteFilePath();
return result;
bool ProfileModel::exportProfiles(QString filename, QModelIndexList items, QString *err)
if (changesPending())
if (err)
err->append(tr("Exporting profiles while changes are pending is not allowed"));
return false;
/* Write recent file for current profile before exporting */
QStringList files = exportFileList(items);
if (files.count() == 0)
if (err)
err->append((tr("No profiles found to export")));
return false;
if (WiresharkZipHelper::zip(filename, files, gchar_free_to_qstring(get_profiles_dir()) + "/") )
return true;
return false;
/* This check runs BEFORE the file has been unzipped! */
bool ProfileModel::acceptFile(QString fileName, int fileSize)
if (fileName.toLower().endsWith(".zip"))
return false;
/* Arbitrary maximum config file size accepted: 256MB */
if (fileSize > 1024 * 1024 * 256)
return false;
return true;
QString ProfileModel::cleanName(QString fileName)
QStringList parts = fileName.split("/");
QString temp = parts[parts.count() - 1].replace(QRegularExpression("[" + QRegularExpression::escape(illegalCharacters()) + "]"), QString("_") );
temp = parts.join("/");
return temp;
int ProfileModel::importProfilesFromZip(QString filename, int * skippedCnt, QStringList *result)
QTemporaryDir dir;
#if 0
g_printerr("Temp dir for unzip: %s\n", dir.path().toUtf8().constData());
int cnt = 0;
if (dir.isValid())
WiresharkZipHelper::unzip(filename, dir.path(), &ProfileModel::acceptFile, &ProfileModel::cleanName);
cnt = importProfilesFromDir(dir.path(), skippedCnt, true, result);
return cnt;
int ProfileModel::importProfilesFromDir(QString dirname, int * skippedCnt, bool fromZip, QStringList *result)
int count = 0;
int skipped = 0;
QDir profileDir(gchar_free_to_qstring(get_profiles_dir()));
QDir dir(dirname);
if (skippedCnt)
*skippedCnt = 0;
if (dir.exists())
QFileInfoList entries = uniquePaths(filterProfilePath(dirname, QFileInfoList(), fromZip));
int entryCount = 0;
foreach (QFileInfo fentry, entries)
if (fentry.fileName().length() <= 0)
bool wasEmpty = true;
bool success = false;
QString profilePath = profileDir.absolutePath() + "/" + fentry.fileName();
QString tempPath = fentry.absoluteFilePath();
if (fentry.fileName().compare(DEFAULT_PROFILE, Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0 || QFile::exists(profilePath))
if (result)
*result << fentry.fileName();
success = copyTempToProfile(tempPath, profilePath, &wasEmpty);
if (success)
add_to_profile_list(fentry.fileName().toUtf8().constData(), fentry.fileName().toUtf8().constData(), PROF_STAT_NEW, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE);
else if (! wasEmpty && QFile::exists(profilePath))
QDir dh(profilePath);
if (count > 0)
profiles_imported_ = true;
if (skippedCnt)
*skippedCnt = skipped;
return count;
void ProfileModel::markAsImported(QStringList importedItems)
if (importedItems.count() <= 0)
profiles_imported_ = true;
foreach (QString item, importedItems)
int row = findByNameAndVisibility(item, false);
profile_def * prof = guard(row);
if (! prof)
prof->is_import = true;
bool ProfileModel::clearImported(QString *msg)
QList<int> rows;
bool result = true;
for (int cnt = 0; cnt < rowCount(); cnt++)
profile_def * prof = guard(cnt);
if (prof && prof->is_import && ! rows.contains(cnt))
rows << cnt;
/* Security blanket. This ensures, that we start deleting from the end and do not get any issues iterating the list */
std::sort(rows.begin(), rows.end(), std::less<int>());
char * ret_path = Q_NULLPTR;
for (int cnt = 0; cnt < rows.count() && result; cnt++)
int row = rows.at(cnt);
if (delete_persconffile_profile (index(row, ProfileModel::COL_NAME).data().toString().toUtf8().constData(), &ret_path) != 0)
if (msg)
QString errmsg = QString("%1\n\"%2\":\n%3").arg(tr("Can't delete profile directory")).arg(ret_path).arg(g_strerror(errno));
result = false;
return result;
QString ProfileModel::illegalCharacters()
#ifdef _WIN32
/* According to https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/fileio/naming-a-file#naming-conventions */
return QString("<>:\"/\\|?*");
return QDir::separator();
bool ProfileModel::checkNameValidity(QString name, QString *msg)
QString message;
bool invalid = false;
QString msgChars;
QString invalid_dir_chars = illegalCharacters();
for (int cnt = 0; cnt < invalid_dir_chars.length() && ! invalid; cnt++)
msgChars += invalid_dir_chars[cnt];
msgChars += ' ';
if (name.contains(invalid_dir_chars[cnt]))
invalid = true;
#ifdef _WIN32
if (invalid)
message = tr("A profile name cannot contain the following characters: %1").arg(msgChars);
if (message.isEmpty() && (name.startsWith('.') || name.endsWith('.')) )
message = tr("A profile cannot start or end with a period (.)");
if (invalid)
message = tr("A profile name cannot contain the '/' character");
if (! message.isEmpty()) {
if (msg)
return false;
return true;
QString ProfileModel::activeProfileName()
ProfileModel model;
QModelIndex idx = model.activeProfile();
return idx.data(ProfileModel::COL_NAME).toString();
QString ProfileModel::activeProfilePath()
ProfileModel model;
QModelIndex idx = model.activeProfile();
return idx.data(ProfileModel::DATA_PATH).toString();