
811 lines
35 KiB

%% @copyright 2015 Hinagiku Soranoba All Rights Reserved.
%% @doc Binary pattern match Based Mustach template engine for Erlang/OTP.
%% Please refer to [the man page]( and [the spec]( of mustache as the need arises.<br />
%% Please see [this](../benchmarks/ for a list of features that bbmustache supports.
%% Exported API
option/0, % deprecated
%% Defines & Records & Types
-define(PARSE_ERROR, incorrect_format).
-define(FILE_ERROR, file_not_found).
-define(CONTEXT_MISSING_ERROR(Msg), {context_missing, Msg}).
-define(IIF(Cond, TValue, FValue),
case Cond of true -> TValue; false -> FValue end).
-define(ADD(X, Y), ?IIF(X =:= <<>>, Y, [X | Y])).
-define(START_TAG, <<"{{">>).
-define(STOP_TAG, <<"}}">>).
proplists:get_bool(raise_on_context_miss, Options)).
proplists:get_bool(raise_on_partial_miss, Options)).
-define(PARSE_OPTIONS, [
-type key() :: binary().
%% Key MUST be a non-whitespace character sequence NOT containing the current closing delimiter. <br />
%% In addition, `.' have a special meaning. <br />
%% (1) `parent.child' ... find the child in the parent. <br />
%% (2) `.' ... It means current context.
-type source() :: binary().
%% If you use lamda expressions, the original text is necessary.
-type tag() :: {n, [key()]}
| {'&', [key()]}
| {'#', [key()], [tag()], source()}
| {'^', [key()], [tag()]}
| {'>', key(), Indent :: source()}
| binary(). % plain text
%% Tag is the internal data structure of the result of parsing the mustache template.
%% ```
%% e.g.
%% template:
%% {{#lamda}}a{{b}}c{{/lamda}}
%% parse result:
%% {'#', [<<"lamda">>], [<<"a">>, {'n', <<"b">>}, <<"c">>], <<"a{{b}}c">>}
%% '''
%% NOTE:
%% Since the binary reference is used internally, it is not a capacitively large waste.
%% However, the greater the number of tags used, it uses the wasted memory.
data :: [tag()],
partials = [] :: [{key(), [tag()]} | key()],
%% The `{key(), [tag()]}` indicates that `key()` already parsed and `[tag()]` is the result of parsing.
%% The `key()` indicates that the file did not exist.
options = [] :: [compile_option()],
indents = [] :: [binary()],
context_stack = [] :: [data()]
-opaque template() :: #?MODULE{}.
%% @see parse_binary/1
%% @see parse_file/1
dirname = <<>> :: file:filename_all(),
start = ?START_TAG :: binary(),
stop = ?STOP_TAG :: binary(),
partials = [] :: [key()],
standalone = true :: boolean()
-type state() :: #state{}.
-type parse_option() :: {partial_file_reader, fun((Dirname :: binary(), key()) -> Data :: binary())}
| raise_on_partial_miss.
%% |key |description |
%% |:-- |:---------- |
%% |partial_file_reader | When you specify this, it delegate reading of file to the function by `partial'.<br/> This can be used when you want to read from files other than local files.|
%% |raise_on_partial_miss| If the template used in partials does not found, it will throw an exception (error). |
-type compile_option() :: {key_type, atom | binary | string}
| raise_on_context_miss
| {escape_fun, fun((binary()) -> binary())}
| {value_serializer, fun((any()) -> iodata())}.
%% |key |description |
%% |:-- |:---------- |
%% |key_type | Specify the type of the key in {@link data/0}. Default value is `string'. |
%% |raise_on_context_miss| If key exists in template does not exist in data, it will throw an exception (error).|
%% |escape_fun | Specify your own escape function. |
%% |value_serializer | specify how terms are converted to iodata when templating. |
-type render_option() :: compile_option() | parse_option().
%% @see compile_option/0
%% @see parse_option/0
-type option() :: compile_option().
%% This type has been deprecated since 1.6.0. It will remove in 2.0.0.
%% @see compile_option/0
-type data() :: term().
%% Beginners should consider {@link data/0} as {@link recursive_data/0}.
%% By specifying options, the type are greatly relaxed and equal to `term/0'.
%% @see render/2
%% @see compile/2
-type data_key() :: atom() | binary() | string().
%% You can choose one from these as the type of key in {@link recursive_data/0}.
%% The default is `string/0'.
%% If you want to change this, you need to specify `key_type' in {@link compile_option/0}.
-type recursive_data() :: #{data_key() => term()} | [{data_key(), term()}].
-type recursive_data() :: [{data_key(), term()}].
%% It is a part of {@link data/0} that can have child elements.
-type endtag() :: {endtag, {state(), [key()], LastTagSize :: non_neg_integer(), Rest :: binary(), Result :: [tag()]}}.
%% Exported Functions
%% @equiv render(Bin, Data, [])
-spec render(binary(), data()) -> binary().
render(Bin, Data) ->
render(Bin, Data, []).
%% @equiv compile(parse_binary(Bin), Data, Options)
-spec render(binary(), data(), [render_option()]) -> binary().
render(Bin, Data, Options) ->
{ParseOptions, CompileOptions}
= lists:partition(fun(X) ->
lists:member(?IIF(is_tuple(X), element(1, X), X), ?PARSE_OPTIONS)
end, Options),
compile(parse_binary(Bin, ParseOptions), Data, CompileOptions).
%% @equiv parse_binary(Bin, [])
-spec parse_binary(binary()) -> template().
parse_binary(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) ->
parse_binary(Bin, []).
%% @doc Create a {@link template/0} from a binary.
-spec parse_binary(binary(), [parse_option()]) -> template().
parse_binary(Bin, Options) ->
{State, Data} = parse(#state{}, Bin),
parse_remaining_partials(State, #?MODULE{data = Data}, Options).
%% @equiv parse_file(Filename, [])
-spec parse_file(file:filename_all()) -> template().
parse_file(Filename) ->
parse_file(Filename, []).
%% @doc Create a {@link template/0} from a file.
-spec parse_file(file:filename_all(), [parse_option()]) -> template().
parse_file(Filename, Options) ->
State = #state{dirname = filename:dirname(Filename)},
case file:read_file(Filename) of
{ok, Bin} ->
{State1, Data} = parse(State, Bin),
Template = case to_binary(filename:extension(Filename)) of
<<".mustache">> = Ext -> #?MODULE{partials = [{filename:basename(Filename, Ext), Data}], data = Data};
_ -> #?MODULE{data = Data}
parse_remaining_partials(State1, Template, Options);
_ ->
error(?FILE_ERROR, [Filename, Options])
%% @equiv compile(Template, Data, [])
-spec compile(template(), data()) -> binary().
compile(Template, Data) ->
compile(Template, Data, []).
%% @doc Embed the data in the template.
%% ```
%% 1> Template = bbmustache:parse_binary(<<"{{name}}">>).
%% 2> bbmustache:compile(Template, #{"name" => "Alice"}).
%% <<"Alice">>
%% '''
%% Data support an associative array or a map. <br />
%% All keys MUST be same type.
-spec compile(template(), data(), [compile_option()]) -> binary().
compile(#?MODULE{data = Tags} = T, Data, Options) ->
Ret = compile_impl(Tags, Data, [], T#?MODULE{options = Options, data = [], context_stack = [Data]}),
%% @doc Default value serializer for templtated values
-spec default_value_serializer(number() | binary() | string() | atom()) -> iodata().
default_value_serializer(Integer) when is_integer(Integer) ->
default_value_serializer(Float) when is_float(Float) ->
%% NOTE: It is the same behaviour as io_lib:format("~p", [Float]), but it is fast than.
default_value_serializer(X) when is_map(X); is_tuple(X) ->
error(unsupported_term, [X]);
default_value_serializer(X) when X =:= null; X =:= nil ->
default_value_serializer(X) when is_atom(X) ->
default_value_serializer(X) ->
%% @doc Default partial file reader
-spec default_partial_file_reader(binary(), binary()) -> {ok, binary()} | {error, Reason :: term()}.
default_partial_file_reader(Dirname, Key) ->
Filename0 = <<Key/binary, ".mustache">>,
Filename = ?IIF(Dirname =:= <<>>, Filename0, filename:join([Dirname, Filename0])),
%% Internal Function
%% @doc {@link compile/2}
%% ATTENTION: The result is a list that is inverted.
-spec compile_impl(Template :: [tag()], data(), Result :: iodata(), template()) -> iodata().
compile_impl([], _, Result, _) ->
compile_impl([{n, Keys} | T], Data, Result, State) ->
ValueSerializer = proplists:get_value(value_serializer, State#?MODULE.options, fun default_value_serializer/1),
Value = unicode:characters_to_binary(ValueSerializer(get_data_recursive(Keys, Data, <<>>, State))),
EscapeFun = proplists:get_value(escape_fun, State#?MODULE.options, fun escape/1),
compile_impl(T, Data, ?ADD(EscapeFun(Value), Result), State);
compile_impl([{'&', Keys} | T], Data, Result, State) ->
ValueSerializer = proplists:get_value(value_serializer, State#?MODULE.options, fun default_value_serializer/1),
compile_impl(T, Data, ?ADD(ValueSerializer(get_data_recursive(Keys, Data, <<>>, State)), Result), State);
compile_impl([{'#', Keys, Tags, Source} | T], Data, Result, State) ->
Value = get_data_recursive(Keys, Data, false, State),
NestedState = State#?MODULE{context_stack = [Value | State#?MODULE.context_stack]},
case {is_falsy(Value), is_recursive_data(Value)} of
{true, _} -> compile_impl(T, Data, Result, State);
{_, true} ->
compile_impl(T, Data, compile_impl(Tags, Value, Result, NestedState), State);
_ when is_list(Value) ->
NextResult = lists:foldl(fun(X, Acc) ->
%% It doesn't need to add Value to context_stack because List is not context.
LoopState = State#?MODULE{context_stack = [X | State#?MODULE.context_stack]},
compile_impl(Tags, X, Acc, LoopState)
end, Result, Value),
compile_impl(T, Data, NextResult, State);
_ when is_function(Value, 2) ->
Ret = Value(Source, fun(Text) -> render(Text, Data, State#?MODULE.options) end),
compile_impl(T, Data, ?ADD(Ret, Result), State);
_ ->
compile_impl(T, Data, compile_impl(Tags, Value, Result, NestedState), State)
compile_impl([{'^', Keys, Tags} | T], Data, Result, State) ->
Value = get_data_recursive(Keys, Data, false, State),
case is_falsy(Value) of
true -> compile_impl(T, Data, compile_impl(Tags, Data, Result, State), State);
false -> compile_impl(T, Data, Result, State)
compile_impl([{'>', Key, Indent} | T], Data, Result0, #?MODULE{partials = Partials} = State) ->
case proplists:get_value(Key, Partials) of
undefined ->
true -> error(?CONTEXT_MISSING_ERROR({?FILE_ERROR, Key}));
false -> compile_impl(T, Data, Result0, State)
PartialT ->
Indents = State#?MODULE.indents ++ [Indent],
Result1 = compile_impl(PartialT, Data, [Indent | Result0], State#?MODULE{indents = Indents}),
compile_impl(T, Data, Result1, State)
compile_impl([B1 | [_|_] = T], Data, Result, #?MODULE{indents = Indents} = State) when Indents =/= [] ->
%% NOTE: indent of partials
case byte_size(B1) > 0 andalso binary:last(B1) of
$\n -> compile_impl(T, Data, [Indents, B1 | Result], State);
_ -> compile_impl(T, Data, [B1 | Result], State)
compile_impl([Bin | T], Data, Result, State) ->
compile_impl(T, Data, [Bin | Result], State).
%% @doc Parse remaining partials in State. It returns {@link template/0}.
-spec parse_remaining_partials(state(), template(), [parse_option()]) -> template().
parse_remaining_partials(#state{partials = []}, Template = #?MODULE{}, _Options) ->
parse_remaining_partials(State = #state{partials = [P | PartialKeys]}, Template = #?MODULE{partials = Partials}, Options) ->
case proplists:is_defined(P, Partials) of
true -> parse_remaining_partials(State#state{partials = PartialKeys}, Template, Options);
false ->
FileReader = proplists:get_value(partial_file_reader, Options, fun default_partial_file_reader/2),
Dirname = State#state.dirname,
case FileReader(Dirname, P) of
{ok, Input} ->
{State1, Data} = parse(State, Input),
parse_remaining_partials(State1, Template#?MODULE{partials = [{P, Data} | Partials]}, Options);
{error, Reason} ->
true -> error({?FILE_ERROR, P, Reason});
false -> parse_remaining_partials(State#state{partials = PartialKeys},
Template#?MODULE{partials = [P | Partials]}, Options)
%% @doc Analyze the syntax of the mustache.
-spec parse(state(), binary()) -> {#state{}, [tag()]}.
parse(State0, Bin) ->
case parse1(State0, Bin, []) of
{endtag, {_, Keys, _, _, _}} ->
error({?PARSE_ERROR, {section_is_incorrect, binary_join(Keys, <<".">>)}});
{#state{partials = Partials} = State, Tags} ->
{State#state{partials = lists:usort(Partials), start = ?START_TAG, stop = ?STOP_TAG},
%% @doc Part of the `parse/1'
%% ATTENTION: The result is a list that is inverted.
-spec parse1(state(), Input :: binary(), Result :: [tag()]) -> {state(), [tag()]} | endtag().
parse1(#state{start = Start} = State, Bin, Result) ->
case binary:match(Bin, [Start, <<"\n">>]) of
nomatch -> {State, ?ADD(Bin, Result)};
{S, L} ->
Pos = S + L,
B2 = binary:part(Bin, Pos, byte_size(Bin) - Pos),
case binary:at(Bin, S) of
$\n -> parse1(State#state{standalone = true}, B2, ?ADD(binary:part(Bin, 0, Pos), Result)); % \n
_ -> parse2(State, split_tag(State, Bin), Result)
%% @doc Part of the `parse/1'
%% ATTENTION: The result is a list that is inverted.
-spec parse2(state(), iolist(), Result :: [tag()]) -> {state(), [tag()]} | endtag().
parse2(State, [B1, B2, B3], Result) ->
case remove_space_from_head(B2) of
<<T, Tag/binary>> when T =:= $&; T =:= ${ ->
parse1(State#state{standalone = false}, B3, [{'&', keys(Tag)} | ?ADD(B1, Result)]);
<<T, Tag/binary>> when T =:= $#; T =:= $^ ->
parse_loop(State, ?IIF(T =:= $#, '#', '^'), keys(Tag), B3, [B1 | Result]);
<<"=", Tag0/binary>> ->
Tag1 = remove_space_from_tail(Tag0),
Size = byte_size(Tag1) - 1,
case Size >= 0 andalso Tag1 of
<<Tag2:Size/binary, "=">> -> parse_delimiter(State, Tag2, B3, [B1 | Result]);
_ -> error({?PARSE_ERROR, {unsupported_tag, <<"=", Tag0/binary>>}})
<<"!", _/binary>> ->
parse3(State, B3, [B1 | Result]);
<<"/", Tag/binary>> ->
EndTagSize = byte_size(B2) + byte_size(State#state.start) + byte_size(State#state.stop),
{endtag, {State, keys(Tag), EndTagSize, B3, [B1 | Result]}};
<<">", Tag/binary>> ->
parse_jump(State, filename_key(Tag), B3, [B1 | Result]);
Tag ->
parse1(State#state{standalone = false}, B3, [{n, keys(Tag)} | ?ADD(B1, Result)])
parse2(_, _, _) ->
error({?PARSE_ERROR, unclosed_tag}).
%% @doc Part of the `parse/1'
%% it is end processing of tag that need to be considered the standalone.
-spec parse3(#state{}, binary(), [tag()]) -> {state(), [tag()]} | endtag().
parse3(State0, Post0, [Tag | Result0]) when is_tuple(Tag) ->
{State1, _, Post1, Result1} = standalone(State0, Post0, Result0),
parse1(State1, Post1, [Tag | Result1]);
parse3(State0, Post0, Result0) ->
{State1, _, Post1, Result1} = standalone(State0, Post0, Result0),
parse1(State1, Post1, Result1).
%% @doc Loop processing part of the `parse/1'
%% `{{# Tag}}' or `{{^ Tag}}' corresponds to this.
-spec parse_loop(state(), '#' | '^', [key()], Input :: binary(), Result :: [tag()]) -> {state(), [tag()]} | endtag().
parse_loop(State0, Mark, Keys, Input0, Result0) ->
{State1, _, Input1, Result1} = standalone(State0, Input0, Result0),
case parse1(State1, Input1, []) of
{endtag, {State2, Keys, LastTagSize, Rest0, LoopResult0}} ->
{State3, _, Rest1, LoopResult1} = standalone(State2, Rest0, LoopResult0),
case Mark of
'#' -> Source = binary:part(Input1, 0, byte_size(Input1) - byte_size(Rest0) - LastTagSize),
parse1(State3, Rest1, [{'#', Keys, lists:reverse(LoopResult1), Source} | Result1]);
'^' -> parse1(State3, Rest1, [{'^', Keys, lists:reverse(LoopResult1)} | Result1])
{endtag, {_, OtherKeys, _, _, _}} ->
error({?PARSE_ERROR, {section_is_incorrect, binary_join(OtherKeys, <<".">>)}});
_ ->
error({?PARSE_ERROR, {section_end_tag_not_found, <<"/", (binary_join(Keys, <<".">>))/binary>>}})
%% @doc Endtag part of the `parse/1'
-spec parse_jump(state(), Tag :: binary(), NextBin :: binary(), Result :: [tag()]) -> {state(), [tag()]} | endtag().
parse_jump(State0, Tag, NextBin0, Result0) ->
{State1, Indent, NextBin1, Result1} = standalone(State0, NextBin0, Result0),
State2 = State1#state{partials = [Tag | State1#state.partials]},
parse1(State2, NextBin1, [{'>', Tag, Indent} | Result1]).
%% @doc Update delimiter part of the `parse/1'
%% ParseDelimiterBin :: e.g. `{{=%% %%=}}' -> `%% %%'
-spec parse_delimiter(state(), ParseDelimiterBin :: binary(), NextBin :: binary(), Result :: [tag()]) -> {state(), [tag()]} | endtag().
parse_delimiter(State0, ParseDelimiterBin, NextBin, Result) ->
case binary:match(ParseDelimiterBin, <<"=">>) of
nomatch ->
case [X || X <- binary:split(ParseDelimiterBin, <<" ">>, [global]), X =/= <<>>] of
[Start, Stop] -> parse3(State0#state{start = Start, stop = Stop}, NextBin, Result);
_ -> error({?PARSE_ERROR, delimiters_may_not_contain_whitespaces})
_ ->
error({?PARSE_ERROR, delimiters_may_not_contain_equals})
%% @doc Split by the tag, it returns a list of the split binary.
%% e.g.
%% ```
%% 1> split_tag(State, <<"...{{hoge}}...">>).
%% [<<"...">>, <<"hoge">>, <<"...">>]
%% 2> split_tag(State, <<"...{{hoge ...">>).
%% [<<"...">>, <<"hoge ...">>]
%% 3> split_tag(State, <<"...">>)
%% [<<"...">>]
%% '''
-spec split_tag(state(), binary()) -> [binary(), ...].
split_tag(#state{start = StartDelimiter, stop = StopDelimiter}, Bin) ->
case binary:match(Bin, StartDelimiter) of
nomatch ->
{StartPos, StartDelimiterLen} ->
PosLimit = byte_size(Bin) - StartDelimiterLen,
ShiftNum = while({true, StartPos + 1},
fun(Pos) ->
?IIF(Pos =< PosLimit
andalso binary:part(Bin, Pos, StartDelimiterLen) =:= StartDelimiter,
{true, Pos + 1}, {false, Pos})
end) - StartPos - 1,
{PreTag, X} = split_binary(Bin, StartPos + ShiftNum),
Tag0 = part(X, StartDelimiterLen, 0),
case binary:split(Tag0, StopDelimiter) of
[_] -> [PreTag, Tag0]; % not found.
[Tag, Rest] ->
IncludeStartDelimiterTag = binary:part(X, 0, byte_size(Tag) + StartDelimiterLen),
E = ?IIF(repeatedly_binary(StopDelimiter, $}),
?IIF(byte_size(Rest) > 0 andalso binary:first(Rest) =:= $}, 1, 0),
?IIF(byte_size(Tag) > 0 andalso binary:last(Tag) =:= $}, -1, 0)),
S = ?IIF(repeatedly_binary(StartDelimiter, ${),
?IIF(ShiftNum > 0, -1, 0),
?IIF(byte_size(Tag) > 0 andalso binary:first(Tag) =:= ${, 1, 0)),
case E =:= 0 orelse S =:= 0 of
true -> % {{ ... }}
[PreTag, Tag, Rest];
false -> % {{{ ... }}}
[part(PreTag, 0, min(0, S)),
part(IncludeStartDelimiterTag, max(0, S) + StartDelimiterLen - 1, min(0, E)),
part(Rest, max(0, E), 0)]
%% @doc Returns true if treated as false. Otherwise it returns false.
-spec is_falsy(term()) -> boolean().
is_falsy(Value) ->
Value =:= [] orelse Value =:= false orelse Value =:= nil orelse Value =:= null orelse Value =:= <<"">>.
%% @doc if it is standalone line, remove spaces from edge.
-spec standalone(#state{}, binary(), [tag()]) -> {#state{}, StashPre :: binary(), Post :: binary(), [tag()]}.
standalone(#state{standalone = false} = State, Post, [Pre | Result]) ->
{State, <<>>, Post, ?ADD(Pre, Result)};
standalone(#state{standalone = false} = State, Post, Result) ->
{State, <<>>, Post, Result};
standalone(State, Post0, Result0) ->
{Pre, Result1} = case Result0 =/= [] andalso hd(Result0) of
Pre0 when is_binary(Pre0) -> {Pre0, tl(Result0)};
_ -> {<<>>, Result0}
case remove_indent_from_head(Pre) =:= <<>> andalso remove_indent_from_head(Post0) of
<<"\r\n", Post1/binary>> ->
{State, Pre, Post1, Result1};
<<"\n", Post1/binary>> ->
{State, Pre, Post1, Result1};
<<>> ->
{State, Pre, <<>>, Result1};
_ ->
{State#state{standalone = false}, <<>>, Post0, ?ADD(Pre, Result1)}
%% @doc If the binary is repeatedly the character, return true. Otherwise, return false.
-spec repeatedly_binary(binary(), byte()) -> boolean().
repeatedly_binary(<<X, Rest/binary>>, X) ->
repeatedly_binary(Rest, X);
repeatedly_binary(<<>>, _) ->
repeatedly_binary(_, _) ->
%% @doc During the first element of the tuple is true, to perform the function repeatedly.
-spec while({boolean(), term()}, fun((term()) -> {boolean(), term()})) -> term().
while({true, Value}, Fun) ->
while(Fun(Value), Fun);
while({false, Value}, _Fun) ->
%% @equiv binary:part(X, Start, byte_size(X) - Start + End)
-spec part(binary(), non_neg_integer(), 0 | neg_integer()) -> binary().
part(X, Start, End) when End =< 0 ->
binary:part(X, Start, byte_size(X) - Start + End).
%% @doc binary to keys
-spec keys(binary()) -> [key()].
keys(Bin0) ->
Bin1 = << <<X:8>> || <<X:8>> <= Bin0, X =/= $ >>,
case Bin1 =:= <<>> orelse Bin1 =:= <<".">> of
true -> [Bin1];
false -> [X || X <- binary:split(Bin1, <<".">>, [global]), X =/= <<>>]
%% @doc binary to filename key
-spec filename_key(binary()) -> key().
filename_key(Bin) ->
%% @doc Function for binary like the `string:join/2'.
-spec binary_join(BinaryList :: [binary()], Separator :: binary()) -> binary().
binary_join([], _) ->
binary_join(Bins, Sep) ->
[Hd | Tl] = [ [Sep, B] || B <- Bins ],
iolist_to_binary([tl(Hd) | Tl]).
%% @doc Remove the space from the head.
-spec remove_space_from_head(binary()) -> binary().
remove_space_from_head(<<" ", Rest/binary>>) -> remove_space_from_head(Rest);
remove_space_from_head(Bin) -> Bin.
%% @doc Remove the indent from the head.
-spec remove_indent_from_head(binary()) -> binary().
remove_indent_from_head(<<X:8, Rest/binary>>) when X =:= $\t; X =:= $ ->
remove_indent_from_head(Bin) ->
%% @doc Remove the space from the tail.
-spec remove_space_from_tail(binary()) -> binary().
remove_space_from_tail(<<>>) -> <<>>;
remove_space_from_tail(Bin) ->
PosList = binary:matches(Bin, <<" ">>),
LastPos = remove_space_from_tail_impl(lists:reverse(PosList), byte_size(Bin)),
binary:part(Bin, 0, LastPos).
%% @see remove_space_from_tail/1
-spec remove_space_from_tail_impl([{non_neg_integer(), pos_integer()}], non_neg_integer()) -> non_neg_integer().
remove_space_from_tail_impl([{X, Y} | T], Size) when Size =:= X + Y ->
remove_space_from_tail_impl(T, X);
remove_space_from_tail_impl(_, Size) ->
%% @doc string or binary to binary
-spec to_binary(binary() | [byte()]) -> binary().
to_binary(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) ->
to_binary(Bytes) when is_list(Bytes) ->
%% @doc HTML Escape
-spec escape(binary()) -> binary().
escape(Bin) ->
<< <<(escape_char(X))/binary>> || <<X:8>> <= Bin >>.
%% @doc escape a character if needed.
-spec escape_char(byte()) -> <<_:8, _:_*8>>.
escape_char($<) -> <<"&lt;">>;
escape_char($>) -> <<"&gt;">>;
escape_char($&) -> <<"&amp;">>;
escape_char($") -> <<"&quot;">>;
escape_char(C) -> <<C:8>>.
%% @doc convert to {@link data_key/0} from binary.
-spec convert_keytype(key(), template()) -> data_key().
convert_keytype(KeyBin, #?MODULE{options = Options}) ->
case proplists:get_value(key_type, Options, string) of
atom ->
try binary_to_existing_atom(KeyBin, utf8) of
Atom -> Atom
_:_ -> <<" ">> % It is not always present in data/0
string -> binary_to_list(KeyBin);
binary -> KeyBin
%% @doc fetch the value of the specified `Keys' from {@link data/0}
%% - If `Keys' is `[<<".">>]', it returns current context.
%% - If raise_on_context_miss enabled, it raise an exception when missing `Keys'. Otherwise, it returns `Default'.
-spec get_data_recursive([key()], data(), Default :: term(), template()) -> term().
get_data_recursive(Keys, Data, Default, Template) ->
case get_data_recursive_impl(Keys, Data, Template) of
{ok, Term} -> Term;
error ->
case ?RAISE_ON_CONTEXT_MISS_ENABLED(Template#?MODULE.options) of
true -> error(?CONTEXT_MISSING_ERROR({key, binary_join(Keys, <<".">>)}));
false -> Default
%% @see get_data_recursive/4
-spec get_data_recursive_impl([key()], data(), template()) -> {ok, term()} | error.
get_data_recursive_impl([], Data, _) ->
{ok, Data};
get_data_recursive_impl([<<".">>], _, #?MODULE{context_stack = [Context | _]}) ->
{ok, Context};
get_data_recursive_impl([Key | RestKey] = Keys, Data, #?MODULE{context_stack = Stack} = State) ->
case is_recursive_data(Data) andalso find_data(convert_keytype(Key, State), Data) of
{ok, ChildData} ->
get_data_recursive_impl(RestKey, ChildData, State#?MODULE{context_stack = []});
_ when Stack =:= [] ->
_ ->
get_data_recursive_impl(Keys, hd(Stack), State#?MODULE{context_stack = tl(Stack)})
%% @doc find the value of the specified key from {@link recursive_data/0}
-spec find_data(data_key(), recursive_data() | term()) -> {ok, Value :: term()} | error.
find_data(Key, Map) when is_map(Map) ->
maps:find(Key, Map);
find_data(Key, AssocList) when is_list(AssocList) ->
case proplists:lookup(Key, AssocList) of
none -> error;
{_, V} -> {ok, V}
find_data(_, _) ->
find_data(Key, AssocList) ->
case proplists:lookup(Key, AssocList) of
none -> error;
{_, V} -> {ok, V}
find_data(_, _) ->
%% @doc When the value is {@link recursive_data/0}, it returns true. Otherwise it returns false.
-spec is_recursive_data(recursive_data() | term()) -> boolean().
is_recursive_data([Tuple | _]) when is_tuple(Tuple) -> true;
is_recursive_data(V) when is_map(V) -> true;
is_recursive_data(_) -> false.
is_recursive_data([Tuple | _]) when is_tuple(Tuple) -> true;
is_recursive_data(_) -> false.
%% Escriptize
%% escript entry point
-spec main([string()]) -> ok.
main(Args) ->
%% Load the application to be able to access its information
%% (e.g. --version option)
_ = application:load(bbmustache),
try case getopt:parse(option_spec_list(), Args) of
{ok, {Options, Commands}} -> process_commands(Options, Commands);
{error, Reason} -> throw(getopt:format_error(option_spec_list(), Reason))
end catch
throw:ThrowReason ->
ok = io:format(standard_error, "ERROR: ~s~n", [ThrowReason]),
%% Processes command-line commands
-spec process_commands([getopt:option()], [string()]) -> ok.
process_commands(Opts, Cmds) ->
HasHelp = proplists:is_defined(help, Opts),
HasVersion = proplists:is_defined(version, Opts),
HasHelp -> print_help(standard_io);
HasVersion -> print_version();
Opts =:= [], Cmds =:= [] -> print_help(standard_error);
true -> process_render(Opts, Cmds)
%% Returns command-line options.
-spec option_spec_list() -> [getopt:option_spec()].
option_spec_list() ->
%% {Name, ShortOpt, LongOpt, ArgSpec, HelpMsg}
{help, $h, "help", undefined, "Show this help information."},
{version, $v, "version", undefined, "Output the current bbmustache version."},
{key_type, $k, "key-type", atom, "Key type (atom | binary | string)."},
{data_file, $d, "data-file", string, "Erlang terms file."}
%% Processes render
-spec process_render([getopt:option()], [string()]) -> ok.
process_render(Opts, TemplateFileNames) ->
DataFileNames = proplists:get_all_values(data_file, Opts),
Data = lists:foldl(fun(Filename, Acc) -> read_data_files(Filename) ++ Acc end, [], DataFileNames),
KeyType = proplists:get_value(key_type, Opts, string),
RenderOpts = [{key_type, KeyType}],
lists:foreach(fun(TemplateFileName) ->
try parse_file(TemplateFileName) of
Template -> io:format(compile(Template, Data, RenderOpts))
error:?FILE_ERROR ->
throw(io_lib:format("~s is unable to read.", [TemplateFileName]))
end, TemplateFileNames).
%% Prints usage/help.
-spec print_help(getopt:output_stream()) -> ok.
print_help(OutputStream) ->
getopt:usage(option_spec_list(), escript:script_name(), "template_files ...", OutputStream).
%% Prints version.
-spec print_version() -> ok.
print_version() ->
Vsn = case application:get_key(bbmustache, vsn) of
undefined -> throw("vsn can not read from");
{ok, Vsn0} -> Vsn0
AdditionalVsn = case application:get_env(bbmustache, git_vsn) of
{ok, {_Tag, Count, [$g | GitHash]}} -> "+build." ++ Count ++ ".ref" ++ GitHash;
_ -> ""
%% e.g. bbmustache v1.9.0+build.5.ref90a0afd4f2
io:format("bbmustache v~s~s~n", [Vsn, AdditionalVsn]).
%% Read the data-file and return terms.
-spec read_data_files(file:filename_all()) -> [term()].
read_data_files(Filename) ->
case file:consult(Filename) of
{ok, [Map]} when is_map(Map) ->
{ok, Terms0} when is_list(Terms0) ->
Terms = case Terms0 of
[Term] when is_list(Term) -> Term;
_ -> Terms0
lists:foldl(fun(Term, Acc) when is_tuple(Term) ->
[Term | Acc];
(InclusionFilename, Acc) when is_list(InclusionFilename) ->
Path = filename:join(filename:dirname(Filename), InclusionFilename),
read_data_files(Path) ++ Acc;
(Term, _Acc) ->
throw(io_lib:format("~s have unsupported format terms. (~p)", [Filename, Term]))
end, [], Terms);
{error, Reason} ->
throw(io_lib:format("~s is unable to read. (~p)", [Filename, Reason]))