
457 lines
20 KiB

%%% General colour conventions mostly follow the same schema
%%% that git uses:
%%% * cyan: files/lines or locations in general
%%% * bold: important text i.e. the human parts of warnings
%%% this allows quickly 'scanning' over a warning fading
%%% out the cody bits
%%% * red: things that went bad, i.e. the wrong argument in a
%%% call. It allows to quickly catching where in the code
%%% ane error is.
%%% * green: the 'good' stuff, i.e. what was expected as an argument
%%% the 'red vs green' resambles the diff view 'remove vs add'
%%% * blue: argument positions.
%% Formats a list of warnings in a nice per file way. Note that we reverse
%% the list at the end to 'undo' the reversal by foldl
format_warnings(Opts, Warnings) ->
Fold = fun(Warning, Acc) -> format_warning_(Opts, Warning, Acc) end,
{_, Res} = lists:foldl(Fold, {undefined, []}, Warnings),
%% If the last seen file is and the file of this warning are the same
%% `dialyzer_cl` returns _Filename = "", _Line = 0 for `unknown` (prior to OTP 24)
format_warning_(_Opts, Warning = {_Tag, {"" = _SrcFile0, 0 = Line}, Msg}, {_LastFile, Acc}) ->
SrcFile = "<path unknown>",
F = fmt("~!_c~ts", [SrcFile]),
String = message_to_string(Msg),
{SrcFile, [lists:flatten(fmt("~n~ts~n~!c~4w~!!: ~ts", [F, Line, String])) | Acc]}
?WITH_STACKTRACE(Error, Reason, Stacktrace)
?DEBUG("Failed to pretty format warning: ~p:~p~n~p",
[Error, Reason, Stacktrace]),
{SrcFile, [dialyzer:format_warning(Warning, fullpath) | Acc]}
%% we skip the file header
format_warning_(_Opts, Warning = {_Tag, {File, Line}, Msg}, {File, Acc}) ->
String = message_to_string(Msg),
{Fmt, Args} = file_location_warning(no_file, Line, String),
{File, [lists:flatten(fmt(Fmt, Args)) | Acc]}
Error:Reason ->
?DEBUG("Failed to pretty format warning: ~p:~p",
[Error, Reason]),
{File, [dialyzer:format_warning(Warning, fullpath) | Acc]}
%% With a new file detencted we also write a file header.
format_warning_(Opts, Warning = {_Tag, {SrcFile, Line}, Msg}, {_LastFile, Acc}) ->
File = rebar_dir:format_source_file_name(SrcFile, Opts),
Base = filename:basename(File),
Dir = filename:dirname(File),
Root = filename:rootname(Base),
Ext = filename:extension(Base),
Path = re:replace(Dir, "^.*/_build/", "_build/", [{return, list}, unicode]),
Base1 = fmt("~!_c~ts~!!~!__~ts", [Root, Ext]),
F = fmt("~!__~ts", [filename:join(Path, Base1)]),
String = message_to_string(Msg),
{Fmt, Args} = file_location_warning(F, Line, String),
{SrcFile, [lists:flatten(fmt(Fmt, Args)) | Acc]}
?WITH_STACKTRACE(Error, Reason, Stacktrace)
?DEBUG("Failed to pretty format warning: ~p:~p~n~p",
[Error, Reason, Stacktrace]),
{SrcFile, [dialyzer:format_warning(Warning, fullpath) | Acc]}
fmt(Fmt) ->
cf:format(Fmt, []).
fmt(Fmt, Args) ->
cf:format(Fmt, Args).
file_location_warning(no_file, {Line, Col}, String) ->
{"Line ~!c~w~!! Column ~!c~w~!!: ~ts", [Line, Col, String]};
file_location_warning(F, {Line, Col}, String) ->
{"~n~ts~nLine ~!c~w~!! Column ~!c~w~!!: ~ts", [F, Line, Col, String]};
file_location_warning(no_file, Line, String) ->
{"Line ~!c~w~!!: ~ts", [Line, String]};
file_location_warning(F, Line, String) ->
{"~n~ts~nLine ~!c~w~!!: ~ts", [F, Line, String]}.
%% Message classification and pretty-printing below. Messages appear in
%% categories and in more or less alphabetical ordering within each category.
%%----- Warnings for general discrepancies ----------------
message_to_string({apply, [Args, ArgNs, FailReason,
SigArgs, SigRet, Contract]}) ->
fmt("~!^Fun application with arguments ~!!~ts ",
[bad_arg(ArgNs, Args)]) ++
call_or_apply_to_string(ArgNs, FailReason, SigArgs, SigRet, Contract);
message_to_string({app_call, [M, F, Args, Culprit, ExpectedType, FoundType]}) ->
fmt("~!^The call~!! ~ts:~ts~ts ~!^requires that"
"~!! ~ts ~!^is of type ~!g~ts~!^ not ~!r~ts",
[M, F, Args, Culprit, ExpectedType, FoundType]);
message_to_string({bin_construction, [Culprit, Size, Seg, Type]}) ->
fmt("~!^Binary construction will fail since the ~!b~ts~!^ field~!!"
" ~ts~!^ in segment~!! ~ts~!^ has type~!! ~ts",
[Culprit, Size, Seg, Type]);
message_to_string({call, [M, F, Args, ArgNs, FailReason,
SigArgs, SigRet, Contract]}) ->
fmt("~!^The call~!! ~w:~w~ts ", [M, F, bad_arg(ArgNs, Args)]) ++
call_or_apply_to_string(ArgNs, FailReason, SigArgs, SigRet, Contract);
message_to_string({call_to_missing, [M, F, A]}) ->
fmt("~!^Call to missing or unexported function ~!!~w:~w/~w",
[M, F, A]);
message_to_string({exact_eq, [Type1, Op, Type2]}) ->
fmt("~!^The test ~!!~ts ~ts ~ts~!^ can never evaluate to 'true'",
[Type1, Op, Type2]);
message_to_string({fun_app_args, [Args, Type]}) ->
fmt("~!^Fun application with arguments ~!!~ts~!^ will fail"
" since the function has type ~!!~ts", [Args, Type]);
message_to_string({fun_app_no_fun, [Op, Type, Arity]}) ->
fmt("~!^Fun application will fail since ~!!~ts ~!^::~!! ~ts"
" is not a function of arity ~!!~w", [Op, Type, Arity]);
message_to_string({guard_fail, []}) ->
"~!^Clause guard cannot succeed.~!!";
message_to_string({guard_fail, [Arg1, Infix, Arg2]}) ->
fmt("~!^Guard test ~!!~ts ~ts ~ts~!^ can never succeed",
[Arg1, Infix, Arg2]);
message_to_string({neg_guard_fail, [Arg1, Infix, Arg2]}) ->
fmt("~!^Guard test not(~!!~ts ~ts ~ts~!^) can never succeed",
[Arg1, Infix, Arg2]);
message_to_string({guard_fail, [Guard, Args]}) ->
fmt("~!^Guard test ~!!~w~ts~!^ can never succeed",
[Guard, Args]);
message_to_string({neg_guard_fail, [Guard, Args]}) ->
fmt("~!^Guard test not(~!!~w~ts~!^) can never succeed",
[Guard, Args]);
message_to_string({guard_fail_pat, [Pat, Type]}) ->
fmt("~!^Clause guard cannot succeed. The ~!!~ts~!^ was matched"
" against the type ~!!~ts", [Pat, Type]);
message_to_string({improper_list_constr, [TlType]}) ->
fmt("~!^Cons will produce an improper list"
" since its ~!b2~!!nd~!^ argument is~!! ~ts", [TlType]);
message_to_string({no_return, [Type|Name]}) ->
NameString =
case Name of
[] -> fmt("~!^The created fun ");
[F, A] -> fmt("~!^Function ~!r~w/~w ", [F, A])
case Type of
no_match -> fmt("~ts~!^has no clauses that will ever match",[NameString]);
only_explicit -> fmt("~ts~!^only terminates with explicit exception", [NameString]);
only_normal -> fmt("~ts~!^has no local return", [NameString]);
both -> fmt("~ts~!^has no local return", [NameString])
message_to_string({record_constr, [RecConstr, FieldDiffs]}) ->
fmt("~!^Record construction ~!!~ts~!^ violates the"
" declared type of field ~!!~ts", [RecConstr, FieldDiffs]);
message_to_string({record_constr, [Name, Field, Type]}) ->
fmt("~!^Record construction violates the declared type for ~!!#~w{}~!^"
" since ~!!~ts~!^ cannot be of type ~!!~ts",
[Name, Field, Type]);
message_to_string({record_matching, [String, Name]}) ->
fmt("~!^The ~!!~ts~!^ violates the"
" declared type for ~!!#~w{}", [String, Name]);
message_to_string({record_match, [Pat, Type]}) ->
fmt("~!^Matching of ~!!~ts~!^ tagged with a record name violates the"
" declared type of ~!!~ts", [Pat, Type]);
message_to_string({pattern_match, [Pat, Type]}) ->
fmt("~!^The ~ts~!^ can never match the type ~!g~ts",
[bad_pat(Pat), Type]);
message_to_string({pattern_match_cov, [Pat, Type]}) ->
fmt("~!^The ~ts~!^ can never match since previous"
" clauses completely covered the type ~!g~ts",
[bad_pat(Pat), Type]);
message_to_string({unmatched_return, [Type]}) ->
fmt("~!^Expression produces a value of type ~!!~ts~!^,"
" but this value is unmatched", [Type]);
message_to_string({unused_fun, [F, A]}) ->
fmt("~!^Function ~!r~w/~w~!!~!^ will never be called", [F, A]);
%%----- Warnings for specs and contracts -------------------
message_to_string({contract_diff, [M, F, _A, Contract, Sig]}) ->
fmt("~!^Type specification ~!!~w:~w~ts~!^"
" is not equal to the success typing: ~!!~w:~w~ts",
[M, F, Contract, M, F, Sig]);
message_to_string({contract_subtype, [M, F, _A, Contract, Sig]}) ->
fmt("~!^Type specification ~!!~w:~w~ts~!^"
" is a subtype of the success typing: ~!!~w:~w~ts",
[M, F, Contract, M, F, Sig]);
message_to_string({contract_supertype, [M, F, _A, Contract, Sig]}) ->
fmt("~!^Type specification ~!!~w:~w~ts~!^"
" is a supertype of the success typing: ~!!~w:~w~ts",
[M, F, Contract, M, F, Sig]);
message_to_string({contract_range, [Contract, M, F, ArgStrings, Line, CRet]}) ->
fmt("~!^The contract ~!!~w:~w~ts~!^ cannot be right because the"
" inferred return for ~!!~w~ts~!^ on line ~!!~w~!^ is ~!!~ts",
[M, F, Contract, F, ArgStrings, Line, CRet]);
message_to_string({invalid_contract, [M, F, A, Sig]}) ->
fmt("~!^Invalid type specification for function~!! ~w:~w/~w."
"~!^ The success typing is~!! ~ts", [M, F, A, Sig]);
message_to_string({extra_range, [M, F, A, ExtraRanges, SigRange]}) ->
fmt("~!^The specification for ~!!~w:~w/~w~!^ states that the function"
" might also return ~!!~ts~!^ but the inferred return is ~!!~ts",
[M, F, A, ExtraRanges, SigRange]);
message_to_string({overlapping_contract, [M, F, A]}) ->
fmt("~!^Overloaded contract for ~!!~w:~w/~w~!^ has overlapping"
" domains; such contracts are currently unsupported and are simply "
"ignored", [M, F, A]);
message_to_string({spec_missing_fun, [M, F, A]}) ->
fmt("~!^Contract for function that does not exist: ~!!~w:~w/~w",
[M, F, A]);
%%----- Warnings for opaque type violations -------------------
message_to_string({call_with_opaque, [M, F, Args, ArgNs, ExpArgs]}) ->
fmt("~!^The call ~!!~w:~w~ts~!^ contains ~!!~ts~!^ when ~!!~ts",
[M, F, bad_arg(ArgNs, Args), form_positions(ArgNs), form_expected(ExpArgs)]);
message_to_string({call_without_opaque, [M, F, Args, [{N,_,_}|_] = ExpectedTriples]}) ->
fmt("~!^The call ~!!~w:~w~ts ~!^does not have~!! ~ts",
[M, F, bad_arg(N, Args), form_expected_without_opaque(ExpectedTriples)]);
message_to_string({opaque_eq, [Type, _Op, OpaqueType]}) ->
fmt("~!^Attempt to test for equality between a term of type ~!!~ts~!^"
" and a term of opaque type ~!!~ts", [Type, OpaqueType]);
message_to_string({opaque_guard, [Arg1, Infix, Arg2, ArgNs]}) ->
fmt("~!^Guard test ~!!~ts ~ts ~ts~!^ contains ~!!~ts",
[Arg1, Infix, Arg2, form_positions(ArgNs)]);
message_to_string({opaque_guard, [Guard, Args]}) ->
fmt("~!^Guard test ~!!~w~ts~!^ breaks the opaqueness of its"
" argument", [Guard, Args]);
message_to_string({opaque_match, [Pat, OpaqueType, OpaqueTerm]}) ->
Term = if OpaqueType =:= OpaqueTerm -> "the term";
true -> OpaqueTerm
fmt("~!^The attempt to match a term of type ~!!~ts~!^ against the"
"~!! ~ts~!^ breaks the opaqueness of ~!!~ts",
[OpaqueType, Pat, Term]);
message_to_string({opaque_neq, [Type, _Op, OpaqueType]}) ->
fmt("~!^Attempt to test for inequality between a term of type ~!!~ts"
"~!^ and a term of opaque type ~!!~ts", [Type, OpaqueType]);
message_to_string({opaque_type_test, [Fun, Args, Arg, ArgType]}) ->
fmt("~!^The type test ~!!~ts~ts~!^ breaks the opaqueness of the term "
"~!!~ts~ts", [Fun, Args, Arg, ArgType]);
message_to_string({opaque_size, [SizeType, Size]}) ->
fmt("~!^The size ~!!~ts~!^ breaks the opaqueness of ~!!~ts",
[SizeType, Size]);
message_to_string({opaque_call, [M, F, Args, Culprit, OpaqueType]}) ->
fmt("~!^The call ~!!~ts:~ts~ts~!^ breaks the opaqueness of the term~!!"
" ~ts :: ~ts", [M, F, Args, Culprit, OpaqueType]);
%%----- Warnings for concurrency errors --------------------
message_to_string({race_condition, [M, F, Args, Reason]}) ->
fmt("~!^The call ~!!~w:~w~ts ~ts", [M, F, Args, Reason]);
%%----- Warnings for behaviour errors --------------------
message_to_string({callback_type_mismatch, [B, F, A, ST, CT]}) ->
fmt("~!^The inferred return type of~!! ~w/~w (~ts) ~!^"
"has nothing in common with~!! ~ts, ~!^which is the expected"
" return type for the callback of~!! ~w ~!^behaviour",
[F, A, ST, CT, B]);
message_to_string({callback_arg_type_mismatch, [B, F, A, N, ST, CT]}) ->
fmt("~!^The inferred type for the~!! ~ts ~!^argument of~!!"
" ~w/~w (~ts) ~!^is not a supertype of~!! ~ts~!^, which is"
"expected type for this argument in the callback of the~!! ~w "
[ordinal(N), F, A, ST, CT, B]);
message_to_string({callback_spec_type_mismatch, [B, F, A, ST, CT]}) ->
fmt("~!^The return type ~!!~ts~!^ in the specification of ~!!"
"~w/~w~!^ is not a subtype of ~!!~ts~!^, which is the expected"
" return type for the callback of ~!!~w~!^ behaviour",
[ST, F, A, CT, B]);
message_to_string({callback_spec_arg_type_mismatch, [B, F, A, N, ST, CT]}) ->
fmt("~!^The specified type for the ~!!~ts~!^ argument of ~!!"
"~w/~w (~ts)~!^ is not a supertype of ~!!~ts~!^, which is"
" expected type for this argument in the callback of the ~!!~w"
"~!^ behaviour", [ordinal(N), F, A, ST, CT, B]);
message_to_string({callback_missing, [B, F, A]}) ->
fmt("~!^Undefined callback function ~!!~w/~w~!^ (behaviour ~!!"
"'~w'~!^)",[F, A, B]);
message_to_string({callback_info_missing, [B]}) ->
fmt("~!^Callback info about the ~!r~w~!!~!^"
" behaviour is not available", [B]);
%%----- Warnings for unknown functions, types, and behaviours -------------
message_to_string({unknown_type, {M, F, A}}) ->
fmt("~!^Unknown type ~!r~w:~w/~w", [M, F, A]);
message_to_string({unknown_function, {M, F, A}}) ->
fmt("~!^Unknown function ~!r~w:~w/~w", [M, F, A]);
message_to_string({unknown_behaviour, B}) ->
fmt("~!^Unknown behaviour ~!r~w", [B]).
%% Auxiliary functions below
call_or_apply_to_string(ArgNs, FailReason, SigArgs, SigRet,
{IsOverloaded, Contract}) ->
PositionString = form_position_string(ArgNs),
case FailReason of
only_sig ->
case ArgNs =:= [] of
true ->
%% We do not know which argument(s) caused the failure
fmt("~!^will never return since the success typing arguments"
" are ~!!~ts", [SigArgs]);
false ->
fmt("~!^will never return since it differs in the~!!"
" ~ts ~!^argument from the success typing"
" arguments:~!! ~ts",
[PositionString, good_arg(ArgNs, SigArgs)])
only_contract ->
case (ArgNs =:= []) orelse IsOverloaded of
true ->
%% We do not know which arguments caused the failure
fmt("~!^breaks the contract~!! ~ts", [good_arg(ArgNs, Contract)]);
false ->
fmt("~!^breaks the contract~!! ~ts ~!^in the~!!"
" ~ts ~!^argument",
[good_arg(ArgNs, Contract), PositionString])
both ->
fmt("~!^will never return since the success typing is "
"~!!~ts ~!^->~!! ~ts ~!^and the contract is ~!!~ts",
[good_arg(ArgNs, SigArgs), SigRet,
good_arg(ArgNs, Contract)])
form_positions(ArgNs) ->
ArgS = form_position_string(ArgNs),
case ArgNs of
[_] -> fmt("~!^an opaque term as ~!!~ts~!^ argument", [ArgS]);
[_,_|_] -> fmt("~!^opaque terms as ~!!~ts~!^ arguments", [ArgS])
%% We know which positions N are to blame;
%% the list of triples will never be empty.
form_expected_without_opaque([{N, T, TStr}]) ->
FStr = case erl_types:t_is_opaque(T) of
true ->
"~!^an opaque term of type~!g ~ts ~!^as ";
false ->
"~!^a term of type ~!g~ts ~!^(with opaque subterms) as "
end ++ form_position_string([N]) ++ "~!^ argument",
fmt(FStr, [TStr]);
form_expected_without_opaque(ExpectedTriples) -> %% TODO: can do much better here
{ArgNs, _Ts, _TStrs} = lists:unzip3(ExpectedTriples),
"opaque terms as " ++ form_position_string(ArgNs) ++ " arguments".
form_expected(ExpectedArgs) ->
case ExpectedArgs of
[T] ->
TS = erl_types:t_to_string(T),
case erl_types:t_is_opaque(T) of
true -> fmt("~!^an opaque term of type ~!!~ts~!^ is"
" expected", [TS]);
false -> fmt("~!^a structured term of type ~!!~ts~!^ is"
" expected", [TS])
[_,_|_] -> fmt("~!^terms of different types are expected in these"
" positions", [])
form_position_string(ArgNs) ->
case ArgNs of
[] -> "";
[N1] -> ordinal(N1);
[_,_|_] ->
[Last|Prevs] = lists:reverse(ArgNs),
", " ++ Head = lists:flatten([fmt(", ~ts",[ordinal(N)]) ||
N <- lists:reverse(Prevs)]),
Head ++ " and " ++ ordinal(Last)
ordinal(1) -> fmt("~!B1~!!st");
ordinal(2) -> fmt("~!B2~!!nd");
ordinal(3) -> fmt("~!B3~!!rd");
ordinal(N) when is_integer(N) -> fmt("~!B~w~!!th", [N]).
%% Format a pattern ad highlight errorous part in red.
bad_pat("pattern " ++ P) ->
fmt("pattern ~!r~ts",[P]);
bad_pat("variable " ++ P) ->
fmt("variable ~!r~ts",[P]);
bad_pat(P) ->
bad_arg(N, Args) ->
colour_arg(N, r, Args).
good_arg(N, Args) ->
colour_arg(N, g, Args).
%% colour one or more arg of an argument list, this unparses the args
%% highlights one or more of them and puts them back together.
colour_arg(N, C, Args) when is_integer(N) ->
colour_arg([N], C, Args);
colour_arg(Ns, C, Args) ->
{Args1, Rest} =separate_args(Args),
Args2 = highlight(Ns, 1, C, Args1),
join_args(Args2) ++ Rest.
highlight([], _N, _C, Rest) ->
highlight([N | Nr], N, g, [Arg | Rest]) ->
[fmt("~!g~ts", [Arg]) | highlight(Nr, N+1, g, Rest)];
highlight([N | Nr], N, r, [Arg | Rest]) ->
[fmt("~!r~ts", [Arg]) | highlight(Nr, N+1, r, Rest)];
highlight(Ns, N, C, [Arg | Rest]) ->
[Arg | highlight(Ns, N + 1, C, Rest)].
%% Arugments to functions and constraints are passed as
%% strings not as data, this function pulls them apart
%% to allow interacting with them separately and not
%% as one bug chunk of data.
separate_args([$( | S]) ->
separate_args([], S, "", []).
%% We strip this space since dialyzer is inconsistant in adding or not adding
%% it ....
separate_args([], [$,, $\s | R], Arg, Args) ->
separate_args([], R, [], [lists:reverse(Arg) | Args]);
separate_args([], [$, | R], Arg, Args) ->
separate_args([], R, [], [lists:reverse(Arg) | Args]);
separate_args([], [$) | Rest], Arg, Args) ->
{lists:reverse([lists:reverse(Arg) | Args]), Rest};
separate_args([C | D], [C | R], Arg, Args) ->
separate_args(D, R, [C | Arg], Args);
%% Brackets
separate_args(D, [${ | R], Arg, Args) ->
separate_args([$}|D], R, [${ | Arg], Args);
separate_args(D, [$( | R], Arg, Args) ->
separate_args([$)|D], R, [$( | Arg], Args);
separate_args(D, [$[ | R], Arg, Args) ->
separate_args([$]|D], R, [$[ | Arg], Args);
separate_args(D, [$< | R], Arg, Args) ->
separate_args([$>|D], R, [$< | Arg], Args);
%% 'strings'
separate_args(D, [$' | R], Arg, Args) ->
separate_args([$'|D], R, [$' | Arg], Args);
separate_args(D, [$" | R], Arg, Args) ->
separate_args([$"|D], R, [$" | Arg], Args);
separate_args(D, [C | R], Arg, Args) ->
separate_args(D, R, [C | Arg], Args).
join_args(Args) ->
[$(, rebar_string:join(Args, ", "), $)].