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%%% vi:ts=4 sw=4 et
%%% @author Eric Merritt <>
%%% @copyright 2014 Erlware, LLC.
%%% @doc
%%% Provides a signature to manage returning semver formatted versions
%%% from various version control repositories.
%%% This interface is a member of the Erlware Commons Library.
%%% @end
%% API
%%% Types
-record(t, {callback, data}).
%% This should be opaque, but that kills dialyzer so for now we export it
%% however you should not rely on the internal representation here
-type t() :: #t{}.
-callback new() -> any().
-callback vsn(any()) -> {ok, string()} | {error, Reason::any()}.
%% In the case where R14 or lower is being used to compile the system
%% we need to export a behaviour info
-spec behaviour_info(atom()) -> [{atom(), arity()}] | undefined.
behaviour_info(callbacks) ->
[{new, 0},
{vsn, 1}];
behaviour_info(_Other) ->
%%% API
%% @doc create a new dictionary object from the specified module. The
%% module should implement the dictionary behaviour.
%% @param ModuleName The module name.
-spec new(module()) -> t().
new(ModuleName) when erlang:is_atom(ModuleName) ->
#t{callback = ModuleName, data = ModuleName:new()}.
%% @doc Return the semver or an error depending on what is possible
%% with this implementation in this directory.
%% @param The dictionary object
-spec vsn(t()) -> {ok, string()} | {error, Reason::any()}.
vsn(#t{callback = Mod, data = Data}) ->